ACTION ALERT: Iranian Film Festival in Canada to Push Islamic Iranian Regime Propaganda


The festival was supposed to originally happen in June and then in August, 2009, at the Richmond Hill Centre for Performing Arts, in Richmond Hill, (the hub of Iranian community) Ontario. The festival in June was postponed to August as a result of demonstrations in Iran; later in August, the organizer Persia Film Inc. (located at 319 16th Avenue, Richmond Hill), directed by Seyed Shohrokh Barololumi) cancelled the festival due to lack of positive response by the community influenced by the atmosphere in Iran, and the exposure and pressure from activists. There were attempts to bring back the festival to Richmond Hill which failed, meanwhile the date and location of future presentation became a secret until last week which was printed in the Islamic regime’s friendly Farsi- papers and shops in North York.

The following links will take you to the official site of the festival,  its organizers and sponsors. Almost all of the sponsors are the Islamic government agencies and instruments which deal with the Islamic regime’s propaganda

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