Iran's Galileo
Readers choose Iranians of the year
April 3, 2000
The Iranian
Abdollah Nouri received the most votes in the Iranian of the year
survey. Nearly 21 percent of the readers of The Iranian who took
part in the survey chose the former interior minister as the most significant
Iranian personality of the past year. See comments
below from readers. For news and features on Nouri, click
President Khatami and the student movement received the second and
third highest votes. In the next few days ALL others who received votes
will be introduced here, along with comments from readers.
of the year 1379/1999 main index
* Defining moment
There comes a time in every influential person's life, a "defining
moment," when they can choose either of two entirely different paths,
and by choosing to be on the side of Right and Truth, they ensure for eternity
their name's glory and honor.
I believe Mr. Nouri has done so in his now world-famous clerical court
defense, the entire transcript of which is now a bestseller, called "Shokaraan-e
eslaah" ("A Reformer's Hemlock"). He has started a movement
of tectonic proportions in Iran, Islam, and Shi'ism.
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* Harf-e del-e mardom
masaa'eli ro dar yek daadgaah-e alani matrah kard keh harf-e del-e bishtar-e
mardom bood. defaa'yiaat-e nouri dar daadgaah dar tarikh-e Iran bi-nazir
bood. hichkas ta haalaa natooneste bood intori dar daadgaahe alani az yek
nezaam enteghaad koneh. tanhaa chizi keh baraaye abdollah-e nouri matrah
nabood raftan beh zendaan bood.
Sohrab S.T.
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* Questioning the past
I would nominate Abdoulah Nouri as the Iranian of the year. His
defense in the court was the most brilliant manifestation of the force
of the reformers in Iran. He initiated a trend that followed after
his trial, that is, to be able to question the past, the leader, the faith,
and the nation's foreign and domestic policies at large.
Hossein Hosseini
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* Galileo of Iran
Nouri is the Galileo of Iran. He was taken to the inquisition court,
but said it all instead of "repenting" and "confessing"
to his "sins".
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* Paved way for Iran-U.S.
I think the Iranian of the year should be Abdollah Nouri. I believe
he had the courage to put the Iranian government on trial on national TV.
He discussed topics that were considered taboo for many years. He most
likely paved the way for the improvement of U.S.-Iran relations.
Sam Kiasatpour
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* Dared to address issues
I think the Iranian of the year is Abdollah Nouri, because he dared
to address certain issues, and expressed his sincere beliefs. Previously,
no one dared to speak about these sensitive subjects in the Islamic Republic.
He was jailed for his beliefs, yet he still stood by them, not backing
Yashar Mameghan
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* Courageous defense
Nouri: Because, his background as a respected religious leader known
among the hierarchy, gave special vigor and credence to his courageous
defense in a kangaroo court set up by the ruling hardliners. Questioning
the authority and the very position of The Supreme Leader was done so skillfully
that to my knowledge no one before has done it with his clarity.
F. Matin
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* Martin Luther
I think Abdollah Nouri should be recognized as the Iranian of the year.
His remarks in the court which was very revealing, and his approach and
understanding of Islam as a tenet reminds me and many others as Martin
Luther. Other people who are among your list are certainly important as
well, namely: Khatami, Elahian, Nabavi, Jalaii-pour and Akbar Ganji.
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* Put regime on trial
The most significant Iranian figure of the past year is Abdollah Nouri.
He practically put the regime on trial and educated Iranian people on what
had happened in the country and caused the students movement.
Shaw Erfani
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* Outspokenness
I vote for Abdollah Nouri for his courage and outspokenness
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* Bravest
He gave up his power and supported Iranian people movement toward freedom.
He is definitely one of the bravest in Iran's history
Shahram Rahimi
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* Openly defended democracy
No one has ever defended democracy and freedom so openly and blatantly.
His name will be inscribed in Iran's history for ever.
Ehsan Jalilian
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* Challenged Velayate Fagih
He has publicly challenged the legitimacy of "Velayate Fagih."
Babak M.
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* Broke imaginary glass
He broke the glass of imaginary things, treated as holy matters covered
by religion. He provided a good base for going away far from that area,
which was understood as "permissible". He found a revision view
concerning all "rules", accepted before. He is a real modernist.
M. H. Ghaemi
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* Integrity
Nouri: Because of his courage and integrity
Ahmad Saba
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* Brave defense
I Choose Mr. Abdollah Nouri because of his brave appearance and defense
in court.
Alireza Azarbad
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* Admitted being wrong
Abdollah Nouri has expressed that his own faction was wrong 10-20 years
back and now they have realized that people are not sheep. I hope he remains
true to what he has said in court.
Habib Khosroshahi
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* Defied regime
Nouri: For defying the regime and "Velayate-e faqih" head
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* Nation's message
Nouri: because in the court he announced the Iranian nation's message,
something that nobody has dared to utter publicly. Also he preferred to
go to jail instead of dealing with conservatives.
Eaman Noorbakhsh
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* Insisting on freedom
Nouri: For insisting for the rights of freedom and defending himself
against the hardline judge.
K Forouzan
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