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Kucheh immediately outside the Tabatabaei House. Kashan's
old city fabric is composed of narrow winding streets called koocheh
with high walls of adobe and brick, often roofed at various intervals.
This form of urban design, which was commonplace in Iran, is an
optimal form of desert architecture that minimizes desert expansion
and the effects of dust storms. It also maximizes daytime shades,
and insulates the "fabric" from severe winter temperatures.
Article | 5th | 10th | 15th | 20th | 25th |
30th | 35th | 40th | 45th | 50th | 55th | 59th |
Humble earth
"Kashani architects were the greatest alchemists
of history. They could make gold out of dust"
Nima Kasraie
November 3, 2004