December 12, 2000
Guess who's coming for dinner
In response to a letter by Mrs. Ynaky,"Bunch
of Hypocrites". Back in the 60's there was a famous and controversial
movie called "Guess who's coming to dinner?" In that movie a
White girl from an upper class family falls in love and decides to marry
a highly-educated Black surgeon from a hard working Black family.
Both the parents of the boy and the girl had concerns about their marriage.
Their concern was not because the parents were racist but because the young
couple had to face all the ignorance and hostility of the society they
had to live in.
The parents finally gave their blessings because the love the young
couple had for each other was very strong. They knew they would overcome
all problems.
This is what Maryam
and Daryl are facing but they have been brave enough to go through
with it anyway. Your comments as well as those by Iraani ["Married
a Black man?!!"] are examples of this ignorance and hostility.
Most objections to Iraani's note seems to be reactions to racism. We
are talking about the evils of racism so please do not generalize and stop
accusing all those who objected as being hypocrites.
Finally, I strongly suggest to you to rent and see that movie. It stars
Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy. You will definitely learn something.
Max R.