September 18, 2001
* Nazi threat ring a bell?
Your article titled "Fucking
for virginity" is as eloquent and sensible as its title. In the
future, spare us your imaginative analogies.
The USS Vincennes incident was a tragic accident which was fully investigated
in our open society. No one could undo the tragedy but as far as I know
reparation were made to the victims. It was not, however, a much celebrated
massive, bloody, and deliberate attack against humanity and modern civilization.
Your comparison suffers from lack of IQ.
And as for the Arab/Israeli conflict, you should remember that the Hezbollah,
Islamic Jihad and Hamas are NOT fighting for a Palestinian state. They are
fighting for their dream caricature world where they can eliminate all
the "infidels" and rule the entire world as the Taliban do to
With "freedom-fighters" as such, the Plaestinian cause is not
served much legitimacy or credibility. It is hard to shed any tears for
suicidal fanatics who were given a free ride to their beloved "heaven"
before they could send any civilized people to "hell". If you
had the luxury to experience life under the Hezbollah rule in Iran, you
should want to see their "holy" power only extend as far as their
wretched borders, something that we have to "fight" to guarantee.
And if you think that one cannot fight for peace there are a few shining
examples of greater scope and importance than the one-off accident that
you are dying to redress as a crime . Does Nazi threat ring a bell? How
about the Cold War? Does the word communism sound familiar. And who saved
you and your ancestors booties from that? You should be as modest as you
are ignorant and you should think about history and the greater world from
time to time to gain some perspective.
If you think the USA did something to deserve this attack why don't you
just say so? This is still officially an open society and you don't have
to be morally or politically correct expressing condolences about lives
lost to the actions of barbaric hypocites functioning as free citizens of
our free and open society.
The USA as emodiment of modern civilization, freedom and capitalism has
made the world a greater place than it has ever been, where you are afforded
the luxury to complain.
Omid Parsi
New York
* Vincennes: Thorough investigation
The writer of ["Fucking
for virginity"] asked rhetorically if anyone on the West shed
a tear for the passengers whom perished by the missile fired from the USS
Vincennes. Many did, figuratively and literally. There was also a thorough
investigation of the accident.
In view of the events of last Tuesday, one should ask if the gunner
behind the missile control panel on the Vincennes did not wish to defend
the vessel against a perceived kamikaze attack such as the one committed
by the terrorists against World Tarde Center and the Pentagon?
All the best,
Guive Mirfendereski
* Explain it to me
I am a 44 year old American. I was born in this country as was my grandfather
and great-grandfather. (And of course, they came from another land) My heart
went out to you as I read your journal. While I feel we live in a great
nation with freedoms that other countries only dream about, I am saddened
when I see that so many lump everyone together to be hated equally.
I don't know the answers. I think at times our country thinks of itself
as a "Big Brother" who wants to jump in and "Help" other
nations. The fact is that, yes, I believe at times we should just stay out
of various matters. I really don't see any other nation (Germany, England,
Canada, etc.) doing any of this.
I don't want a war with the Middle East. I think the only thing it would
accomplish is the death of our fathers, sons, nephews, and grandsons.
But I would pose this question to you: What is the United States supposed
to do in a case like this? Apologize and say "We are sorry... we interfered
when we shouldn't have." I am not trying to be cold or facetious.
I truly would like someone of your caliber to truly explain it to me. You
sound like a very intelligent, feeling and morally upright person.
Does it all stem from the U.S. helping Israel to establish their "holy
land?" Is it all about the oil that is imported into this country?
Is what the U.S. has done totally unforgivable? What do we do to stop this?
Yes, I am afraid. I am afraid of what is happening now even inside our
country with the hate and the violence. But I think what scares me even
more, is what is going to happen in the future. The unkown. And yet at
the same time we all know, and right now, knowing is very frightening.
* Demand being searched
This is regarding your anti-discrimination announcement in The Iranian
Times email. As an Iranian born U.S. citizen I`d like to know how we
can have the gull to shout about discrimination. This is for our own safety
and the security of this nation(and the world). Tomorrow I am going to be
travelling via air.
I am going to demand being searched and harrassed by the airport authorities.
Just by virtue of the fact that my name is Middle Eastern . If any Middle
Easterners feel otherwise, then in effect they are helping the terrorists.
It sorrows me to find Middle Eastern people talking about their feelings
being hurt as a result of discrimination. These people are gonna feel a
lot more hurt when their LIVES are taken away by the scum of the earth.
Our feelings don`t matter right now. Lives are at stake !
The Iranian Times should try and educate the people as opposed
to showing them ways to complain about this. The goverment has enough problems
of its own already. Please don`t make the matter worse. As a news source
The Iranian Times should feel more responsibility than to publish
thoughtless articles in such cavalier fashion.
And please.... I beg of you, no matter what you say do not talk to me
about the First Ammendment. The First Ammendment is putting a noose around
our necks. It is time to forget about being politically correct and help
this nation and subsequently the world get back on its feet.
And if in the course of this whole ordeal our feelings get hurt or our
freedom takes a punch in the nose, then so be it. Such a small price to
pay for all the lives that were lost. I thank you in advance hoping for
more productive and educated articles in the future.
* Annihiliating those who want to annihiliate us
Your article likened the "war" on terrorism to "war"
on drugs and concluded that it is a "A
tall order" to rid the civilization of blood thirsty murderous
fanatics just as the war on drugs has yielded no results. There are however
fundamental differences between war on drugs and war on terrorists.
There is a persistent demand for drugs from within our civilization.
Many civilized people regard their right to consume drugs as part of their
civil liberties which are under attack from a paternalistic government and
moral majority. Our war on drugs is hypocritical because we would be at
war with our innocent selves.
I cannot fathom a persistent demand for terrorism. Drug dealers are businessmen
within the underground black market capitalism. Islamic extremists are adversaries
of modern civilzation. They have no commodity, nothing to offer but sociopathic
ideas and expression of hunger for power to destroy civilization.
Nowhere in the civilized world is there a demand for their services.
With enough force and determination, civilization will eliminate the
terrorist threat. There is no hypocrisy in annihiliating those who clearly,
in words and action, want to annihiliate us.
Omid Parsi
* Cannot fight evils with guns
I just read Moji Agha's article "I
am tired" and wanted to express my sympathy as an American of European
descent and Christian background.
After the terrible events of the 11th, it was all the more saddening
to read of hate attacks against Muslims and of the precautions that many
American Muslims are taking for their own safety (for example,
Unfortunately intolerance and hatred are all too prevalent throughout
the world. We cannot fight these evils with guns and bombs, but only with
words and deeds.
Keep writing!
John Velonis
* Spoke my heart
You spoke my heart out! "I
am tired"
Dias Irisab
* We can see ourselves in their place
Is it the loss of innocent lives? If so then why don't we mourn everyday
for thousand and thousand of children that die all over the world. Is it
the fact that America was attacked? Then why don't we mourn the attack on
other countries and other people.
I think we are mourning "our own" peace of mind. That is why
the world has united. That is why people all over the world cried, and found
the Tuesday's disaster too much to watch over a cup of coffee and then forget
about it.
If it could happen in the US, it can happen in our own backyard. Our
idea of saying goodbye in the morning has changed. Now there is a little
voice that whisperes what if we won't make it back home. We have lost our
peace of mind.
That is what has been attacked. And we all feel under attack because
of that. We no longer are people of different nations in different countries
with different lives. We no longer are separate enteties that can look at
other people's lives with a passing glance. Now we are all one, because
in one day, with one incident we all lost our sense of safety.
Though US's enemies might not be ours. Though we might not be a target
of the same group, or the same people, for the same reasons. We all know
our governements have enemies. And the tragedy of Tuesday made it crystal
clear for all of us that they can get to our governments, if they have the
desire to, no matter where we might live.
Yes, it was taragice that innocent people died. It was tragic that they
didn't get a chance to say goodbye. It was tragic how their lives changed
in the blink of an eye. But, lets face it... that is not what we are mourning
everytime we look at the TV imagines, or listen to reports. We look at them
and we know that could have been / can be us.
We don't mourn people that die of hunger -- we might feel bad for them
-- but we don't mourn them, because we don't imagine it happening to us.
We don't mourn people that die in other countries and in civil wars because,
we don't imagine that happening in our country. But we are all mourning
the people that died last Tuesday, because we can see ourselves in their
Yes, the world changed. As the reports keep telling us over and over
again. But we didn't change because 5,000 people died. More have died, in
US even, of natural disasters, and most of us didn't shed a tear. We changed
because we lost our blind faith in our safety in "first world"
countries of this world.
For me that realization has ensured that I will cherish every moment
I have on this world with the people I love. Time is precious and I won't
let it pass me by again, without having lived it.
* Humanity attacked
I enjoyed reading your article ["Taking
a stand"], which seems very sincere and understandably emotional.
Whilst as a member of the human race I agree with your sentiments about
the terrible events of last tuesday, where thousands of innocent people
were murdered, I think it is not only helpful, but crucial for all of us
as human beings to examine our own response to these events.
I can tell you that I have wept uncontrollably at looking at the images
and hearing about the details of this enormous tragedy as I am sure millions
of others have. I feel that humanity has been attacked yet again.
I feel proud to see the shared grief of people from all races and creeds
and yet I feel ashamed for not feeling this grief all the time, because
innocent people are being murdered on a very large scale all the time.
Am I, are we simply used to seeing people from the third world dying
in equally violent circumstances? You briefly mention the American foreign
policy as having some "imperfections". I think regarding dictatorial
regimes, who massacre their own people backed by America and its allies,
as a mere imperfection is hardly acknowledging the enormity of the atrocities
that the majority of our fellow human beings in the third word (or developing
countries if you prefer) are suffering all the time.
In the interest of balance and in order to rid the world of terror,
we in the west (I am an Iranian living in England) need to face some very
difficult facts. Learning from this experience is all we can do. We need
to condemn terror and terrorists and injustice.
Cyrus Khajavi
* A violent few
Just wanted to say "good work and thank you" on your site,
which I visited for the first few times this week. I especially liked the
article "Taking
a stand", and the one about how to evaluate your spiritual leader
("Next time they send you on a suicide mission, invite them along....")
Thank you for a well-rounded, balanced view into your world. I hope
there *ill* be a day when everyone doesn't have to apologize for the actions
of a violent few -- my people, your people, all the people of the world.
Best wishes,
* German newspaper
Dear Mr. Makhmalbaf, ["Limbs
of no body"]
I'm the film editor of the German national newspaper "Die Tageszeitung".
I've read your article about Afghanistan with great interest an I've seen
your last film in Cannes.
I'd like to invite you to pubish an article about your experiences in
Afghanistan in our newspaper -- a shorter version and, of course with some
words about the actual situation. The length could be between 10,000 an
12,000 characters.
We'd be very honoured and we are convinced that articles of this kind
are the most reasonable way for us to react in this situation. Best regards
and with all my admiration for your oeuvre
Katja Nicodemus
Die Tageszeitung
* Timely and insightful
I greatly appreciated the viewpoint of this article ["Limbs
of no body"]. It is long and in some places repetitive, and required
patience to read. However, it is timely and insightful. The following
paragraph resounded with me:
"And even now that I've finished making Kandahar, I feel vain about
my profession. I don't believe that the little flame of knowledge kindled
by a report or a film can part the deep ocean of human ignorance. And I
don't believe that a country whose people in the next 50 years will loose
their hands and legs to anti-personnel devices will be saved by a 19-year
old British girl. Why does she go to Afghanistan? Why does Dr. Kamal Hossein
with all his despair, still report to the UN? Why did I make that film
or write this note? I don't know, but as Pascal put it: 'The heart has
reasons that the mind is unaware of'."
I would like to encourage the author -- every little assault on the mountain
of human ignorance is essential. Ignorance is overcome as each individual
is enlightened, one by one.
My only strong criticism is where, near the end, the author states:
"It is September 23rd of 2001 the 2:00 o'clock Iranian news is on.
It makes me cry to hear that two million Iranian kids have gone to first
grade today." The date today is 2001 September 17 and the date on
the article is 2001 June 21. This may be a typographical error, but if
it is a literary device intentionally used, it should be made more clear.
The apparent inaccuracy takes away from the credibility of the rest of
the article.
Otherwise, this is a very moving essay.
* Coalition of nations
World's indifference to the Afghan tragedy ... very poignant article
of no body"]. Especially now that Afghanistan has received so much
attention by those hell-bent on bombing the hell out of it.
I know there are no easy solutions to this predicament, but I'd like
to see a coalition of nations bring peace and prosperity to the region.
Andy Glover
* Raise money for Afghan refugees
My name is Morvarid Moini-Yekta, and I live in Seattle Washington. I
am a 24-years old Muslim, and an Iranian-American. I've been deeply concerned
about the tragedy in the United States, and the outcomes of this tragedy
soon to come.
There have been many foundations set up for people here in the states
who have been personally affected by the attack. However, I feel that some
funding should also be set up for the Afghani refugees who are crowding
the borders of Pakistan and Iran fearing retaliation. Many organizations
have left both Afghanistan and Pakistan, leaving the Pakistani government
to care for the refugees. Last I heard, many of the widows and children
were being left to starve for many different reasons that would take me
more than just a page to explain.
I fear for the lives of those innocent refugees who don't have the same
advantages as Americans do. I myself have been a victim of the Iranian-Iraqi
war, and have spent the past 13-years of my life in this country dealing
with the psychological effects of war. As a result, I've decided to raise
money for the refugees of Afghanistan. I am reaching out to Muslim, and
non-Muslim communities for help. I would like to raise enough money to
help with many different needs of these camps, or as much as possible.
If you would like to help me with any amount of donations it would be
appreciate it. Please email me back, if you are interested. Again, any
amount will do, and I will do my best to find ways of reaching the people
of Afghanistan.
* EVERYTHING to do with Islam
What the civilized world must do is NOT to go around bombing people and
take revenge. The Arabs and Israelis have been doing that all along, and
look where it has gotten them. What the civilized world must do is to fight
the sick ideologies of these people, which tell them to "cause great
slaughter among them" and "seek them wherever you find them and
kill them".
It is Islam and its megalomaniac mass-murdering "Allah" that
leads this people to kill in his name, so that they may go to "heaven"
and eat and drink all they want, and have sex with "houries" and
"pearly boys".
But the US and Europe are too cowardly! They know that the Arab/Moslem
world is sitting on top of their oil, and they DON'T DARE attack the root
cause of this problem ! They are TOO SCARED to piss off the Arabs by attacking
their barbaric ideology, because their oil and multinational corporations
and military-industrial complex are too important to them! More important
than the lives of 5000+ people in NY or millions of people in the middle
So the world is suffering at the hands of two groups of people: greedy
bastards, and self-rightous barbaric ass-holes!!! The greed for oil, money,
and power will destroy Western civlization, just like it destroyed the Roman
Empire. The intelligent and educated people of the world should have the
intellecutal honesty and courage to stand up to the sick ideology of these
people (Islam) and stop sucking up to the "Moslem leaders" who
feed the lies that "it has nothing to do with Islam"!
It has EVERYTHING to do with Islam!!! "Smite them in the neck and
cause great slaughter among them." And what happened? Hijackers used
knives to cut the throats of stewardesses and pilots, and caused great slaughter
in NY.
Instead of throwing bombs on their heads, fill the bookstores and radio
and TV shows with facts and truths about the history of Islam. Get Ibn
Warraq's books into the hands of every American and European. Get Ali Sina to
talk on the radio. Get Arab and Iranian freethinkers to come on TV and talk
about the barbarity and cruelty of Islam.
Rid the world of this sick ideology or they will "destroy your towns,
and there will be no one to help you." (Qoran 47-13: "We destroyed
their towns, and there was no one to help them.")
HamMihan Irani
* Victims of Iranian decedent
Every one I talked to during the last several days, is in shock and sadden
over the horrific events in New York and Virginia. The Iranian community
needs to convey their message of condemnation and sympathy much stronger
than before.
We also need to identify if there has been any victim(s) of Iranian decedent
in the four crashes or on the ground.
Reza Rofougaran
* Village of Peace
I wanted to share with you information I learned in church yesterday
regarding a unique and special village in Israel/Palestine, called Neve
Shalom/Wahat al-Salam, or Village of Peace.
This village consists of 20 Jewish families and 20 Arab families who
have made a concious decision to live together in their village in peace
and cooperation. This village was founded by a Catholic preist. The school
is taught by both Arab and Jewish teachers in their respective languages.
There is cooperation on all matters, including administration, village
government, etc. Among other things, it is a strong center for the arts
- music, dance, visual arts, etc. There is a visitors center with beautiful
accommodations and conference facilities available.
If you are interested in viewing their website, it can be found here.
Lisa Mehdipour
* Middle Eastern writers
I'm looking to invite some Middle Eastern writers to speak at Chapman
University and would like to get more information about contemporary Iranian-American
writers. Might you have that information?
Mark Axelrod
* My father: Hossein Haddadi
My name is Tracy Bullard, I am a 35 year old male. I am looking for a
man by the name of Hossein Haddadi (not sure of spelling). Mr. Haddadi is
my biological father. I was born 10-28-65, in Redding California, USA. He
was attending Shasta Community College in the early 60's and was working
at a hotel called the Thunderbird Lodge possibly as a cook.
I understand that he worked there until I was approximately one year
old, which would be to the end of 1966 approximately. He lived with an older
couple in Redding and was actually in Switzerland when I was born. At one
point he told my mother that he wanted to take me with him and send me to
school in Switzerland. So, I think he may have had some family or some kind
of ties there.
I am also under the impression he lived or was from Tehran and his family
had something to do with sheep, again I am not certain about this. I am
truly interested in meeting my father or any member of his family, if anyone
could help, I would be very grateful.
Thank you for you time.
Tracy Bullard
* Iranian musicians in New York?
Hello, I am a teenager of partial Iranian descent who lives in New York.
I have been playing the zarb or tombac (drum) for ten years, and I really
love percussion and Mideastern music. However I have not been able to find
many other young Iranian musicians in New York. I don't know if this is
the right place to try, but I do know that iranian.com is a huge link to
other Iranians throughout the nation. If you can please tell me where to
place an "ad" or "classified" (or just post this letter)
I would be grateful.
I am a very competent drum player, and I am looking to find other musicians
capable of performing. I know that we can talk about the WTC tragedy as
much as we like, but good music can really touch others when it carries
a message of peace and promotes understanding of other cultures. If we as
Iranians (or mid-easterners) can show how Innovative and beautiful our art
can be, then we can show other Americans--from the average, middle class
office worker to the prejudiced, violent man who chants "Death to all
Arabs"--that we, too, are people and citizens worthy of respect.
Through music we can convey a message much more convincingly.....especially
if good artists out there email me at dywtehrani@hotmail or call me at (212)
569- 2115! Let's stop talking and play one of those unbearably sad Iranian
songs so people can cry and understand!
I welcome any serious artist--vocalist, tar, sitar, DAF, kamancheh.
I am very competent and I speak farsi fluently. If you are not Iranian
or you do not play one of these specific instruments CONTACT ANYWAY if you
are interested. Music can heal. Let's do our music justice.
Ruth E Wangerin
* Cut-out-and-keep cards
Does anyone remember a series of cut-out-and-keep cards of Iranian stories
and legends, including the Shahnameh, produced by detergent manufacturers
(Barf, I think) in the 1960s? if so does anyone have any of them/know where
I can get hold of them? Your help would be much appreciated.
Many thanks,