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September 24, 2004Top

* Left out Islamic Banana Republic

Ali Ashraf Khan, [Target Islam]

I read your piece on the "Russo-American" game plan to undermine the long list of truly democratic Islamic nations with a great deal of interest. I am both amused and surprised at your list of so-called "countries" that includes those bastions of moderation and tolerance, Chechnya Palestine, and Afghanistan!

You left out the Islamic Republic of Banana (previously known as Iran) and Pakistan, where religious fundamentalism and Xenophobia are alien concepts on par with a bath and a shave.

Mr. Ali Ashraf Khan, the alleged list of countries you have chosen to list here are well known for the cruelty of their ways and beliefs dating back about fourteen centuries or so to when a group of nomad genocidal maniacs got lucky doing what they have been doing well ever since -that is bully, murder, rape, and cause mayhem wherever and whoever they can do it to.

The vastness of your hypocrisy astounds me. You claim that the Russian Army and the Americans are killing the innocents when no matter where I look it is the Moslem hands tightening the noose, wrapping the dynamite, sharpening the sword or picking up the rock to kill another. By "Allah" how many infidels can have god created to keep your kind so busy? Be honest, do you think non-moslemsare evil tomatoes that happen to grow out of garden of eden for your sick enjoyment?

The part of the world you lovingly refer to as the "Islamic World" is in reality not a world at all. I prefer to refer to at as the "Planet of the Apes" that's what it truly is! A place filled with hairy, scary, bullying, and cruel gorillas or guerrillas bent on killing in the name of a false prophet who promises assimilation or death to the rest of us.

And for your claim that Russia, Israel, and America are bent on dividing the world among themselves I have only one thing to say. Only a "British" agent would make such a claim for it is the British alone who rule the Planet of the Apes! [Ali Ashraf Khan's reply: "Bring bin Laden to negotiating table"]

With many ill wishes,

Shojaa Irani


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September 24, 2004


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