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Letters: Updated one by one today

September 24, 2004
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* Bring bin Laden to negotiating table

Dear Mr. Shojaa Irani,

I must thank you for your comments [Left out Islamic Banana Republic] on my article, "Target Islam". I have also received two more email with much filthy language used therein and that makes me understand who you are.

Instead of flying into tempers and using the language you did in your email, I would advise you to read dispassionately what I have written. Internet and email are not meant to show flying tempers.

After killing the innocent middle school children in Beslan to lay the blame on Chechens, the Russian President has himself advised the Western press that why stage horror drama of 9/11 and War against Terrorism bring Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar to a negotiating table in a conference room at Brussels to sign a deal on peace in oil rich countries instead of resorting to terrorism and putting the existence of world at stake.

Dear Shojaa, world problems are not settled by short temper and abuses or calling names, so please have a heart and use your brain and have some fear of the wrath of Allah Almighty. Be truthful at least.

With regards,

Ali Ashraf Khan


* Khomeini's Big Lie

John Mohammadi rambles on about the 'Big Lie' theory, but in fact he wants to subtly influence the readers with several of his own warped beliefs. [Bigger and better lies]

He brings up the Pahlavi name, albeit writing about a Pahlavi impostor who conned several people out of tons of money and a hotel. Then he diligently sermonizes about Goebel who was the author of the 'Big Lie' theory and the PR for Hitler.

John Mohammadi then explains in detail what this 'Big Lie' theory is, its influence on people, and how the majority are duped by it, in whichever way it is implemented.

Then he leads us to Saddam Hussein, George W. Bush and WMD in Iraq, Shiites, terrorism, and Iran and its nuclear weapons program, which is unproven (in his opinion), and so on and so forth.

However, if Mr. Mohammadi believes himself to be correct in all the above, may I dare speak out, as he suggests we should, and ask him: Sir, where is your 'Big Lie' theory in regard to Khomeini and 25 years of blatant lies by the Islamic Republic of Iran regime to its people?

Mr. Mohammadi very conveniently maligned those he himself disagrees with and abhors, and with conniving left out those the majority of Iranians have come to reject.

S. Samii


* Left out Islamic Banana Republic

Ali Ashraf Khan, [Target Islam]

I read your piece on the "Russo-American" game plan to undermine the long list of truly democratic Islamic nations with a great deal of interest. I am both amused and surprised at your list of so-called "countries" that includes those bastions of moderation and tolerance, Chechnya Palestine, and Afghanistan!

You left out the Islamic Republic of Banana (previously known as Iran) and Pakistan, where religious fundamentalism and Xenophobia are alien concepts on par with a bath and a shave >>> Full text

Shojaa Irani


* Do we look like Americans?

No we don't look like Iraqis, but we don't look like Americans either "Do we look like Iraqis?". Instead of looking to see who we look like to relate ourselves with, why not looking into our own soul and perhaps see who is just and unjust. Target Islam

When Iraq attached Iran, do you know who was supplying them all those arms and instigating them to continue? When Iran was on path of democracy, do you know who organized a coup d'etat and forced a dictator down our throat?

I care about what is happening to the Iraqis, because they are like any body else are human, furthermore if these warmongers are not confronted, your family and mine in Iran could be next. You may not care what happens to the innocent Iranians in Iran, but some of us do.



* Blind to the real threat

In response to Soute Delan's "Do we look like Iraqis?",

I have been increasingly perplexed by the recent anti-Iraj comments. One correspondant wrote that Iraj is endorsing "the very dictatorship that's suffocating our populace." I looked at Iraj's archive, and found in the last few months NOT A SINGLE cartoon which is even vaguely pro-Islamist. Iraj has been consistently critical of the Bush regime, and has not once criticised the American people. How this makes him an enemy of democracy, and anti-Iranian, is beyond me.

Soute Delan seems to blame the entire Arab world for what happened between 1980 and 1988, and does not even seem concerned that the same brand of contempt for Arab lives, as seen in Iraq, may one day become a contempt for Iranian lives when the vile Bush regime decides to help his oil friends and attack Iran.

Anyone who is blind to this real threat to our country is the actual anti-Iranian. Iraj is not one of them.



* Wrong ghormeh

As I emailed you earlier about the ghormeh and gheymeh, ghormeh means frying and it comes from the turkish word "gowormakh" shortened to ghormeh, which refers to frying of sabzi. the source of the translation ( is wrong.

Ali Dabiri


* Can't compare Bush and Khatami

Dear Saman,

Your cartoons are truly creative, productive and thought provoking, expect i think, perhaps your view on the Bush administration is based on propaganda rather then on truth. 

For instance in your recent cartoon you compared President Bush with the reigning Ayatollahs in Iran. President Bush, although personally religious deeply respects the secular nature of the US government, this is something not even President Khatami shares, [Let alone Khamenei who strongly discriminates againt other faiths] because he wants an "Islamic Democracy", in other words one cannot even run for office if not a Muslim.

Whereas President Bush had appointed various other religions in high-ranking positions within the administration.  Therefore, the comparison of President Bush with anyone even remotely related to the Islamic Republic is absurd to say the least.

Nevertheless keep up the good work.

I really enjoy your work.

A fan


* Music makes me happy and relaxed


I am so happy because of finding this such a great site! Every day I find another songs which cause to make me happy and relaxed. So I have introduced this site to whole of my family in Iran! They enjoy listening it too.

I am far from my parents so these songs are so fabulous for me! I wanted to thank you again specially because of kurdish songs. I HOPE YOU ACHIEVE ALL OF YOUR WISHES. TAKE CARE!

Your friend:

Sargol Anahid


* Stop patronizing the good people of Iran

Dear Editor,

For information of some  misguided Iranians living outside of this country majority of Iranian Students are trying to find a way to fund their education , just simple money to dress themselves up if they are lucky to have enrolled in state universities or to finance " Azad " university.

I know of a family that both their daughter and son were admitted to state university and the girl had to withdraw because there simply was not enough money for both of them >>> Full text

Nazila Noebashari


* You proved my point!

In response to Kyle Kourosh Saghafi's "Cynicism justified",

What frustrates me is not what you wrote, but the fact that I was meticulous enough in my last piece as to answer the concerns and criticisms which you listed. 

I never said to support Yazdi, hoping he will succeed, nor do I believe that he will succeed. I am saying to support him, because he can perpetuate other extreme measures of activism. I think you either misread what I wrote or did not read closely enough, because reading your opinions, we actually agree on most issues >>> Full text



* Male tyranny not Nafisi's fault

This is in response to Azadeh Azad's piece "Poignant surprise" regarding Azar Nafisi's "Reading Lolita in Tehran":

Dear Lady,

Although I agree with you that the Iranian society suffers from male despotism, I do not understand why you have turned your anger towards Dr. Nafisi.

It sounds as if you have put her on trial. She has written her memoirs and she has done a mighty good job at that. I think we can be proud of her. If you wanted to write about the problem of male tyranny in Iran, you could have done that without blaming Dr. Nafisi!

The problem is that we Iranians love to criticize and condemn each other rather than accept each other's efforts with all their imperfections (no one can do a perfect job, at least no one can satisfy everybody) and be supportive of each other.

Until we can be more tolerant, supportive, and understanding towards each other, we cannot progress. And we can only become more supportive, if we build ourselves up first. On a positive note, I think you express yourself beautifully, but I wish you had a more positive approach.

Homa Assar


* Lessons from Little Prince and Marmulak

There were many massages in the film "Marmulak" but one scene that was missed by some: The Akhond on the bed next to Marmulak (in the hospital). What book was the Akhond reading? You could hardly see the writing and the sketch of Little Prince.

The book is : The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery In the book  The Little Prince describes his journey from planet to planet, each tiny world populated by a single adult. There's the king, for example, who commands the Little Prince to function as a one-man (or one-boy) judiciary:

I have good reason to believe that there is an old rat living somewhere on my planet. I hear him at night. You could judge that old rat. From time to time you will condemn him to death. That way his life will depend on your justice. But you'll pardon him each time for economy's sake. There's only one rat.

There is a parallel between the story above and the Iranian Regime. What do you think?



* "Disposable razor" attitude

In reply to John Mohammadi [Serious lack of self-worth] and Ramin [Missed the obituary];

I have no idea why re-ran my article [A new language?] so please take your complaints to the editor not me. As for your comments while I understand your frustrations about people who indulge in history so much unfortunately you missed the whole point which I was trying to make which was for a culture (Iran, Persian whatever you want to call it) it needs certain foundations and continuity.

It is the reason why the Anglo-Saxon culture is the dominant cutlure of the 20th century and likely to remain for some time (even though you may deny it, America is governed by that elite). You find the reason for their success is that they have a more subtle approach to cultural issues with respect for its institutions (which we lack) and less of your "disposable razor" attitude to such issues.

As for Farsi, it is the height of conceit that you expect the English world to change the English term Persian to Farsi. It is like the Germans insisting you use "Deutsch" - a german word - instead of German.

Anyway relax, both of you. You never know, you may learn something. Or even learn to utilise English as it was meant to be.

Rostam Begli Beigie


* Salam va taskor az Mashhad

salam khanom nemati,

omidvaram ke khoob va khosh va salamat bashin.

man hosein hastam 21 salame va az mashhad hastam. vaghean az shoma va groohe hamkaretoon babate raahandazieh in site [Music section] besiar besiar alii moteshakeram. inshalla ke az daste manam khedmati bar biad va betoonam kari anjaam bedam.

khob baraye shoma zendegie por shoori ra arezoo mikonam .. az ghole man az  tamamieh hamkaranetoon ham tashakor konid.

khob ba arezooye salamati ...


Hosein Khosravi


* Such a shame

I have been looking to see if you have anything else aside from one single article about Delkash [Denying Delkash]. We have lost a great lady and I don‚t see a single word about her funeral or memories!! nothing!! Nothing!!

Is it because you have no news from home or you think  one single article is enough? Is this our way of remembering a woman who entertained us and lived with us for more than half a century? Such a shame!!!

Kamran Seyed Moussavi


* Glimpses of a happy period

I found the this photo essay exquisite [Amir Khan's family album], it reminded me of my childhood in Shiraz in the 60's and 70's. These pictures are like glimpses of a Happy Period. What is curious is that life in those days truly seemed fun and easy. I'm sure there was alot of difficulties too but people seemed to breath and build dreams for their future and for their children, Iran was taking staunch steps in modernizing itself and oppurtunities were full.

I get the same feeling when I look at magazines in the western press from the swinging 60's and there is this sheer optimism that emanates especially when it comes to family and education. Yet we had Vietnam, the world was in the Cold War and so many things were put to question.

I sometimes wonder is Happiness so easy going and how unjust it is to think that only a few truly find happiness in a lifetime. I had tears watching these pictures, something I rarely do. But they were tears of Joy for remembering my own very young youth, when I used to go fishing or camping in Yassoug with my father photographing the scenery, smelling the bloomed roses in spring and lazying under a tree close to our swimming pool in the blazing sun eating our hendavaneh or tasting a paloudeh ice cream.

Well that is it, its funny how these pictures brought me to talk about paloudeh Shirazi. Anyway thanks for sharing your moments of happiness with us.



* Textbook propaganda

Dear NPR,

I have a comment regarding your "Morning Edition" of Aug 30 regarding Iran's nuclear program: Are NPR commentaries nowadays the new benchmark for "evenhandedness"; a standard of "fair play" that even exceeds those at rival Fox News?

Has NPR reached a new low for slanted journalism by now making the Bush Administration's case for war with Iran? Is that not what Vicki O'Hara's report is; a textbook example of propaganda dressed up to look like unbiased reporting? >>> Full text

Nima Kasraie


* Add Farsi

I am an Iranian that see your site every day and I have an offer to you: if possile for you plz add Farsi languge to your site that I can use it more, more Iranian in Iran can not read Englsih.



* It has verything

Amir Khan's family album had everything. That was great. I enjoyed a lot. Agha damet garm. end-e marami.

Nader Davoodi


* Intriguing romance

Zoreh-jaan, [Without borders]

I was recently in a Books-A-Million and was looking through a heap of sale items and just so happened to pick up this book on tape that was on sale for $2 the title and box design grabbed my attention.

I flipped it over and read the back to see what this was about I felt the same way "I don't want to read about some Arabs much less of Iraqi nationality", But I thought, what the heck, it's $2 and I had a long ride ahead of me. I tell you what, I was hooked!!

I didn't want to get out of my car when I had reached my destination. I dug through boxes of dusty junk in the attic looking for my old Walkman and headphones from the 80's just to continue listening to this intriguing romance unfold. I was a little disappointed by the ending I wanted it to go on and on

Mellissa Esfahani


* An Islamic Europe?

Ardavan, I think your conclusion is incorrect based on your facts [An Islamic Europe]. You claimed that Europe is becoming majority Muslim soon (in the next 40 years). This is very true.

However, if you want Iran to influence the direction these countries take in 40 years then taking a secular route for Iran is an incorrect measure. We will be shooting ourselves in the foot if we make that mistake >>> Full text

Dariush Abadi


* Growing up in three cultures

Dear Zohreh,

Salam. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this beautiful book [Without borders]. I am also grateful to you for speaking about the sensitive issue of the Iranians versus Arabs thing that has been dominating most of the recent articles on this great web site. No I am not an Arab, I am an Iranian and I am proud of it. I am actually a Kurd, an Iranian Kurd from the beautiful Kermanshah. I was, however, raised in Kuwait >>> Full text



* Beautiful, despite scarves

Your photos of the beautiful Iranian women were great [Maylee nah Melli]. Their beauty is not obliterated by their scarves. Thank you for sharing.

Mary Ann


* How about American Americans?

Regarding "Iranian men: Mama's Boys?", how about American Americans? Not only have got more divorce, in some circumstances even they murder each other.

What do you say to this?



* Our dear maamaan

I am a proud Iranian on the East-coast and don't know why you keep picking on us men who want to get their drained emotional energy from a unconditional source of love and warmth [Iranian men: Mama's Boys?]. Your mum will always look out for you under any circumstance and you don't even have to impress her to be respcted or be highly looked upon (they make you LOOS under any condition) .

We can easily hide our insecurities while drinking tea with our dear maamaan and blame all the world for all the troubles we (as men) have and why the rest do ot realize our position and issues. Now do wives do that no!!! And even if they did somebody has to protect you from the wife and blame stuff on know a mental-partner. She will also be the one that never ever sees our isn't that great???!!!

So as you see us men Iranian-men are Sheeps-dressed as wolves (!) .. we look independent and going to wrestle the world to death but at the end of the day have to run to our mummies and comfort our soul at their company.

So please for heavens sake give us a break and let us run to our mummies in peace (don't you watch Everybody Loves Raymond for gods sake?)



* Ahura's fantasies

Although, I do not get a chance to see the cable TV on a daily routine, I watched this man on few occasions, including his “so-called” the press conference. Thus, with all fairness to Ahura Yazdi [Ahura who?], my evaluation of him would solely be upon watching him on TV for a few occasions.

1. He must present a memo from the U.N. approving his journey to Iran as he claims he has the blessings of the U.N. (Needless to say that I am well familiar with the structure of U.N. as I am one of those few Professors who sit on UNESCO Committee for Ethics in Medicine) >>> Full text

Prof. Dr. R. Nassiri


* Men: Pawn for women

In reply to Abjeez "Iranian men: Mama's Boys?", the mothers of mama's boys of today, all used to be the brides of 30 years ago. It's generally the women (aroos va maadar shohar) who cannot get along with each other because they are one in the same.

The boy/man is just a pawn in the game of chess between the females; his mom, his wife, the mother-in-law and in some cases even the sisters and the sister-n-laws. No matter what the man does, women will always find a fault or problem to complain about. Its in a woman's nature.

But, with all that, men are mostly useless without a woman.



* Meddling in Iraqi affairs

Thank you for a very informative article about the current situation in Iraq [Najaf 1 - Qom 0]. What has not been mentioned though is the extent of Irainan meddling in Iraqi affairs.

I hear a lot about this subject from mostly Iranians, but I haven't seen anything in writing. Now this may just be hearsay and not have any substance but given that an Iranian diplomat has been assasinated and one has recently been abducted there must be some truth in it.

Does anyone know the extent of iranian involvement in Iraq. Who is bank rolling Moghtader alSadr? If Qom is backing Moghtad Sadr, the funds must come from Iranian coffers as well. What else are they upto?


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All past letters

By subject
September 2004

September 24, 2004

* Gooya blocked
U.S. policy
* Khomeini's Big Lie
* Our right to access
* Stop the BS
* Imperial domination
* Iranians will write future
* Nuclear encirclement
* Textbook propaganda

* American wants to learn
Iran-Iraq war/Jimmy Carter
* History, dictators & people
* America's proxy war
* Getting the "facts" out?

TV personality
* I prefer revolting
Sudan crisis
* Arrogance in perspective
* Such a shame
* Male tyranny: Nafisi
* Intriguing romance
* Growing up in cultures

Ahura Yazdi
* Sincere >>> delusional?
* Yazdi dude is cracked
* Fantasies
Execution of 16-yera old
* What is this madness?
* Nuke Mecca
Iran's guerrillas
* Hired criminals and killers
* Peak of treachery
* Armed opposition
* Disguising ethnic origin
Islam & Marxism

* Gucci Marxists
Target Islam
* I'll drink to that!
* Negotiate with bin Laden
* Islamic Banana Republic

* I prefer revolting
* Beautiful, despite scarves
* How about Americans?
* Our dear maamaan
* Men: Pawn for women
* Israeli evil tricks
* He was ORDERED
* Bla bla bla
* Isreal is not our enemy
* Athelete, not a slave
* Go and compete
* Hypocrisy at its best
* Following state policy
* The "no religion" part
* Household name
Roya Hakakian: Land of No
* As for SAVAK
Women photos
* Cultural sensitivity

* Aylar & ayatollah
Iraj's cartoons
* Do we look like Americans?
* Blind to the real threat
* Let talent flourish
* Black and white glasses
* Hard-line Republicans
* Not surprising
* Long way to go

San Francisco
* I feel my home is here
* Featuring my beautiful city

Solano Stroll: Berkeley
* Immense timaarestaan
Saman's cartoon
* Bush and Khatami
* Meddling in Iraqi affairs
* Barbarian-defined
* An Islamic Europe?
* Little Prince and Marmulak
Old photos
* Happy period
* It has verything


* The Fartalogist

Adult satire
* Censor adult comics
* Menalah tofigh
* "Mossadegh" rocks
Central Asia
* in all aspects
* "Disposable razor" attitude
* Wrong ghormeh
* Great gheymeh, with pork
* Leila's wedding?!
* Happy and relaxed
* Salam az Mashhad
* Prophet's hiding place
* Shit you have no clew about
* Add Farsi
Jahanshah Javid

* Done better
* Part-time father thing
* Haircut

>>> More letters in September
>>> All past letters

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