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>>> Saman's new index



* Banana Republic of Iran


* Women and eye sight
* Women unplugged
* Bush refuses to withdraw
* Reza Pahlavi: Credibility
* Good to be British in Iran
* Paying with British sailors
* FBI agent missing in Iran


* Persian drama over "300"
* Feature: Happy *O#%!@ Norooz! (8 cartoons)
* Brilliant move, George


* Blog: I can fix the crisis
* Grim reaper over-booked
* Iraq taking orders from Iran
* Stupid Cupid
* Ready for another war?
* Keeping America's attention after Anna Nicole Smith's death
* Most asked Iranian question
* Cause for going to war
* Hisraeli Clinton


* Reza pops the question about anal sex
* Save our children
* Saving public Nazanin
* Smile... The government is watching
* U.S. & terrorism
* The Iraq Plan is Iran
* Bush's new way forward
* BadApple Inc. shows off I-Ran
* Complete retards for president
* Jewish state of denial and...
* Eating shit vs. Serving shit
* Climax of American democracy
* Oh boy... whatta party!
* Edited scene from Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ"
* Shahnaz converts from Islam to Christianity
* Mojahedin Khalgh in Extreme Olympics
* 2500 years retarded in southern California



* Imam Mahdi goes back into his hole
* Screwy politics: Bush & Ahmadinejad
* America's war priority
* Two kinds of Christians
* Orphan Jesus
* Iran and Israel communicating
* Iran election candidates
* Rumsfeld will work for food
* Time magazine's moment of genius


* UCLA's proud men in uniform
* Bush's to do list
* Iran hiding plutonium


* Iran producing nuclear electricity
* Immaculate conception


* Khatami gets U.S. visa
* Democratic strategy to impeach Bush
* "Islam" & "anti-Semitism"
* Support Our Sadism


* Dealing in religious stocks
* Arab employee
* Greeting Iranian Americans at airports
* Give me a Martini: Ramadan
* Allah Akbar at Danish Pub

* Feature: Laughing at war (8 cartoons)
* New Middle East
* The root of religious terrorism


* Israel: Special treatment by U.S. Press
* Damn Mohammad, did you fart?


* Bush reacts to Ahmadinejad letter


* Bush & Ahmadinejad: Make love, not war


* Always fond of working with animals
* Nigga Feerouz
* President Bush's Middle East strategy
* L.A. Iranians in 1385
* 2500 years of tradition: Women


* Iran going down the toilet
* Cheney lucked out
* Feature: Funnier than hell (16 cartoons)


* Shahab meets Shahab 3
* Nuclear umbrella
* Denying uranium to Iranians
* Nuclear club
* Yasser Arafat expecting old foe Sharon
* Evolution
* Equal respect: Ahmadinejad



* Ahmadinejad ruins Islamic Republic's image
* He's just our president
* Mrs Ahmadinejad


* Ahmadinejad evolution
* Serial killer or intelligent design?


* Ahmadinejad huffing & puffing at Israel
* Saddam: Cover up
* Bush meets Intelligent Designer
* Republicans under....
* Iran nuclear bomb


* Jesus & Imam Mahdi
* Positive news
* Katrina vs Monica affairs
* Ahmadinejad's U.N. stamtement
* Pledge of Allegiance: American flag


* Iraqi constituion
* Help: Katrina loses to Iraq
* Bush, Iraq, Katrina
* Katrina: Blacks


* Pahlavi & Ganji hunger strikes
* Tony Blair & terrorism
* Karl Rove's leak
* That's my captor (8 toons)


* Blowing smoke: Vatican and IRI
* New pope and his flock
* Bush moon sighting
* JAWS returns
* Khatami-Israeli handshake
* Bush without written speech
* Photo essay: Divided under god
* Welcome to Evin prison
* Pope: No God
* Pope: Child molestation


* American attack? Ridiculous!
* Mojahedin & Monarchists
* Googoosh is ill?!
* Likud lobby


* Bush: Ridiculous
* Watermelon: Nuclear bomb?
* Bush on Putin
* Bush & Europe
* Pope: Kick bucket
* U.S. diplomacy: Open door
* Bush wants to invade Italy
* Two wrongs don't make right
* Bush hears voices
* Thank U Bush
* What scares Israel


* Outsourcing America's war
* U.S. threats: Bluffing
* Dear Ariel Sharon
* Bush solemnly swears



* Rumsfeld: The arm you have
* Iraqi elections: Free t-shirt
* Bush: Forcing democracy
* Iraqis prepare for elections
* Humvees? Shoes!
* No nukes for YOU!
* Ali Karimi's mullet
* Post-National Geographic name
* al-Persians protest


* Ann Claire: Pahlavi reality show
* Condi Rice: Missile gap
* Ukrine: Freedom
* Fanatic nut
* Nuclear power: Independence
* Mojahedin Khalgh: Nukes
* Undisclosed nuclear facility
* Iraq: Pockets of resistence
* Axis of evil
* On Khamenei's mind
* Sharon & Arafat
* Religion for Dummies
* Moral values
* Mother's womb
* Iraq: 4 more years
* Bush: Monarchists
* Voters: left & right
* New terrorist weapon
* Found god?
* Conservative/Liberal lingo
* Hooked on Phonics
* Photos: Trip to Afghanistan (33 pix)
* Bush's clean up job
* Bin Laden's double victory
* Time: Washington, London, Baghdad
* Afghanistan elections

September 2004

* Legalizing semi-automatic guns
* Bush-Cheney Mullahcray
* Conservatism 101
* What's a flip flopper?
* Absent from Republican Convention
* Feeding fear
* Religion on earth

August 2004

* Nuclear power for civilian purposes
* Bush: like a rock

July 2004

* Wedding invitation

July 2004

* 18 Tir, 2024

June 2004

* Iran nukes
* Saudi-Al Qaeda beheading
* Religion 101
* Kerry or Bush
* Terror hype

May 2004

* Killing OK, photos not OK
* Sheep vs. Mollas
* Best Dick around

April 2004

* Iraq: June 30th
* Voting for Ameri
* Iraq occupation first anniversary

March 2004

* Describing the leader

February 2004

* Gay: Reformists/Conservatives
* Religious monarchy
* Sitting duck: Khamenei
* Conservatives and Reformists


* Bam: Pahlavi
* Bam: NIAC
* Bam: Heart
* Iraq: Washingtonian Democracy
* Saddam: What Iranians would do
* Saddam: Shock & awe
* e-bay
* Word of God
* Preventing suicide attacks
* Russian technology
* Wasting money: war
* Khatami's award
* Ebadi's weapon
* Ebadi's Nobel: IRI
* Ebadi's Nobel: Rajavi
* Ebadi's Nobel: Pahlavi
* Ebadi: Leader
* Shahab 3 missile
* Need head exam: Nukes
* British embassy in Tehran
* Weapons of mass destruction? Iran
* End of the world
* Bush: Leader
* Liberty >>> Oppression
* Survival of the fittest
* Hanging on
* Payback time: Journalists
* The hump: Molla
* Get out and do some evil
* Bush: Pahlevoon!
* O' wise man...
* Ayatollah falls
* Journalism in Iran
* IRI: Unemployment
* Non-Islamic dream
* Waiting for Khatami
* Ladan & Laleh forever
* American foreign policy
* July 4 Independence Day
* Maryam Rajavi: Pink Panther
* Super Aftabeh
* Khamenei on weed
* Unexpected spam
* Protests & satellite TV
* Handling protesters
* Bush: Iraqi people
* Where's Khatami?
* Mojahedin set on fire (1)
* Mojahedin set on fire (2)
* This is our fight for freedom
* Payback's a bitch
* Screwed: USA
* Operation Covertly Screw Iran
* Pahlavi: Azaadi
* Pahlavi: Post-Revolution
* Spiritual dump
* Time to go
* IRI's principle
* Satellite TV: Cheap talk
* I'm a journalist
* Bush: I'm not a dork
* Nuke plant or Kabobi?
* Nuclear energy: Electricity
* Searching for WMDs in Iraq
* 18 Tir, 9 July: Time bomb
* Men's beach area
* Pahlavi: Never say never?
* Marry me: I can know you better
* New Iraq: Shiites
* White House: SARS
* Iraq policy: Short-sighted
* Khamenei: In other words
* Mojahedin Khar Iran
* American Republican Guard
* Is Iran next?
* Pahlavi: Yankee at work
* Operatrion Iraqi freedom
* :Bush: Mad Cow
* Weapons of mass...
* Nothing comes easy
* Peace protest?
* Iraq weather
* CIA: Iran
* Bush way
* Bush: Not the sharpest tool
* Shock and awe
* United Nations of America
* Saddam of the week
* Don't blow up oil fields
* Offer Saddam must refuse
* France: No war
* Ground Zero: Bush
* United...?
* Iraq no Vietnam
* Saddam & Bin Laden
* Iran strip tease
* US & France
* America's gift to Iraq
* Why Iran needs nuclear energy
* Bush Senior: It's a Saddam
* Bush: Saving Iraq
* You're either with us, or...
* Khamenei: Freedom
* Bush: World is mine
* Thanks to Russian planes
* Bush: Straight
* Bush: Childhood
* Typical Eye-rainian
* Big bad worlf: Democracy
* Deficit: Clinton's fault
* War against terrorism
* War with Iraq: Reasons
* Revolution gone wrong
* Gladiator Bush
* INS registration
* Oil Bush
* Bush: Is it only me, or...?
* Showdown Iraq
* Grrek suicide bombing
* Sharon re-elected
* Bush's speech
* Warmonger therapy
* Fate: Har chee khodaa bekhaad
* Empty warheads
* Problem solved: Democracy
* Reformist conspiracy
* Bush: Chill Pill
* Elect no evil
* Pastime activities
* Missile defense
* Muuuuuu...
* Iranians in US detention
* US Gulf
* Saddam: War drum
* Republican Party


* You asked for it: Cover story
* American Nightmare
* Memorizing "Satanic Verses"
* God willing: sex
* Insulting Islam
* Public execution
* Students' message
* Lame: Destruction
* Reform? How's never?
* Weapons of Ass Destruction
* Going nowhere
* Hope beyond evil
* Enter 21st Century
* God's command
* Mullah: Turkey
* Pahlavi: Talk is cheap
* Their way
* Bust 1 out
* Questioning
* Students: Balls
* Death sentence
* Power eftar
* Interpretations
* Experiment
* Common things
* Bush policy
* Bush & Saddam
* Mullah vacation
* Heaven or hell?
* Freedom & Justice: Iran
* Bush: war
* Don't blame me: Saddam
* Regime change
* Peers
* Reform
* Monarchy?
* Fool
* Iran-U.S. poll
* Bush: Retarded
* Something special about you
* Sohrab Rob Sobhani
* Ten years from now
* What if?
* Saddam's closet
* Fat lady can't sing
* Sports fans
* Media: 9/11
* Santa's beard
* United
* September 11
* Evolution
* Crash test dummy: Pahlavi
* Removing the problem
* Weapons: Israel
* Bush: Golf
* U.S. diplomacy
* Al Qaedans in Iran
* Hypnotized by dad
* LA Iroonis
* Government change
* Iraqi weapons
* Elvis: The King
* Scale: 1-10
* From: Man of peace
* Insecure Eye-ranians
* God: He/She
* Bush Economic Forum
* Iranian satellite TV
* Hands-free!
* Green Cardwife
* Iraq poll
* Question
* Talk is cheap: (1) (2) (3)
* Khatami
* No room in hell
* Bomb Saddam
* Sprint PCS
* Prison: Khordadian
* 01k
* Miracle
* IHOD: Decency
* Heaven: virgins
* Thank the Lord
* God bless democracy
* Saman: Early signs
* Bush: Bottoms up
* Dating Iranian men
* Myth: God
* 9/11 victim
* God's a cartoonist
* I see dead people
* Won't die
* Turkey 3, Brazil 1
* Clergy
* Darthnullah
* To kids in Iran
* Won't fly
* Axis of Evil
* Summer
* Facts about mullahs
* WorldCom crash
* Bright idea: 1979
* The news
* The truth
* Do something
* Passenger size
* Pollution
* Big W
* Mirror of Evil
* Show me a sign
* Neighbor's cock
* Baby martyr
* Rafsanjani's hair growth
* Big Bad Wolf
* Two mollas
* Parents' mistakes
* Iran prostitution
* Different approach
* Monarchy: Queen Elizabeth
* Dirty bomb
* U.S. nose
* Spider-Man & Arafat
* FBI chase
* Accept hostages?
* Found waldo
* The American dream
* Dumb & dumber
* Never give up
* Every month
* Bush screwed
* Human rights scale
* Conservative art
* All about money
* Wasted youth
* Khatami stepping down
* MTV molla
* Unity
* What time is it?
* Islam & Christianity
* God bless America
* Reinventing the republic
* Arafat condemns terrorism
* We support Palestinians because...
* Iranian of the day
* Pull... without delay!
* Ashoura
* Kaakoo Jaan
* U.S. economy
* Sharon's proposal
* Weapons for peace
* Virgins in heaven
* Sharon & Arafat
* Is it ever enough?
* Thank heaven for...
* Mideast: shame
* To my critics
* If women had their way
* Monarchy Haft Seen
* "S" in Haft Seen
* Girls: Big noses
* Miniature
* Eyd Mobarak
* LA and DC
* Irooni car
* Parents & marriage
* Maryam's message
* Long distance phone
* Haji Feerooz
* Haft Seen issues
* US foreign policy
* Do marde baa shakhsiyat
* Sharon is a saint
* Evil Axis PCS
* Rightwing, leftwing
* Model
* Those eyes: Cover story
* Ground Zero
* Greek invasion
* Iran Air
* Feeding ignorance
* Evil Axis
* Olympic skating: Iran-Iraq
* Good news, bad news
* Jesus!
* Molla's wife
* I hate journalists
* Afghan power-sharing
* Teachers vs. Hamas
* 2500-year celebrations
* @!#*!
* Bush stimulus
* Where are the virgins?
* Bin Laden caught on camera
* Message in a bottle
* God on our side?
* E-Ron
* Wise guy
* Brilliant plan
* Classy Iranian
* How Bush injured himself
* Secular democracy
* Peacock legacy
* Married my cousin
* Geraldo discovers...
* Q-tip
* Must believe in God
* Nukes: Pakistan & India
* ABM treaty


* Tora Bora cave
* Airport security
* Allies
* Hang in there
* Moderates gone too far
* Cheap terrorists - expensive terrorists
* I feel like...
* Breaking news: Anthrax
* Military tribunal?
* Ramadan fasting
* This is about my beard
* Arafat & Sharon
* Cell research
* Find Mullah Omar
* Hairy Potter
* Holy Potter
* Kunduz captured
* Ayatollah's message
* 2,500 years of ...
* Al-Qaeda or Al...?
* Superman!
* Spring break in Afghanistan
* Son of God: Child abuse
* Yoo Es Ey
* Holiday Inn Express
* Run!
* Cave molla
* In God's hands
* Osama in heaven
* Afghan/U.S. chador
* Yomama
* One step for...
* Brave Osama
* Anthrax source
* Infidel
* What happened to Reza Junior?
* You must be...
* U.S. foreign policy
* Secret code message
* U.S. humanitarian aid
* Holy...
* Iran, UN, terrorism
* Reza Pahlavi's dream
* Take away
* Most powerful man
* Do I look good?
* Taliban's Earth
* Do you hear something?
* Profiling
* Where is Bin Laden?
* Prevent terrorism
* Helping hand
* At the gates of heaven
* Flight to heaven
* Reality checkup
* Uh oh...
* Osama bin Laden
* Free speech
* Hypocrisy
* Flogging
* Shark!
* Oops! I did it again
* Perfect odd couple
* Journallists
* Religion, not by choice
* Reform
* Only a brother
* Democracy
* The end
* Thinking about your future
* Iranian "graduates"
* Religion brings out the best
* Political evolution
* Religion & human rights
* CNN reporter in Iran
* Zahra Levy: Missing intern
* What corruption?
* Gothic Hezbollahi
* Solid truth
* Gender & religion
* Iranian wedding
* Why I became a dentist
* Two million years ago
* Shopping for a wife
* Divine justice
* Majles: Open
* How to become popular
* Little Red Riding Hood
* Approaching the U.S.
* Are you blind?
* Killing for country
* Now you're free
* Milking reform
* Snow White & Khatami
* Swiss Army Ayatollah
* How do you spell "reform"?
* Mideast in pieces
* Trust a molla?
* Ayatollah Abraham
* Loving & IN love
* Enemy of the press
* People & reform
* Iran aint no Florida
* Palestinians & Indians
* Fallahian for president
* Cheating husband
* Reform & progress
* Election 2001 promises
* Election survivor
* Crystal ball: Elections
* U.S. right to have guns
* Lunch
* Marrying your hand
* Black, White, Yellow...
* Crash!
* Buying a car?
* Mideast Peace
* Jesus saves... others
* Typical Iranian
* Mideast: Eye for an eye
* Time to die?
* America Online message
* Jesus saves (the economy)
* Iranian dating
* Casual Friday
* Special clock
* U.S. - China
* OPEC: Too greedy?
* Seeing aliens
* Happy Noruz!
* At the gates of Heaven
* Death knocking
* God is great
* Eye-ran and Iran
* Good morning, Dick
* Jacuzi chat
* When I become a molla...
* Flap your wings
* Wet chador contest
* Ayatollah talks with shrink
* Don't piss off Maryam Rajavi
* Ask not what your country...
* You won't believe the weather
* Problem: Those who disagree
* Chador: All in the family
* Pahlavi: Father's legacy
* Freedom: Show me a sign
* Reza Pahlavi's makeover
* Hungry for power
* Mad Cow Disease
* Bigots
* Honeymoon
* Reformist v. conservative
* Ayatollah Bush
* Dear God...
* Good boy
* Guess who
* The Islamic Republic bunny
* Relationships: Rollercoaster
* Ban on Western activities
* Sheman
* Could you give me a hand?
* It's cuz I'm Persian, right?
* Gorbeh Nareh online
* Prayer: Anyone up there?
* Sorry son... gotta let you go


* Security agents on trial
* Mary, Joseph... & Jesus
* Same head, different hats
* Revolutionary court
* Singing the same old song
* What people are made of
* Before falling in love...
* No Prince Charming
* Objecting to the UN
* Five decades later...
* Season's greetings from KHEINEKEN
* Suicide or wait for reform?
* Florida IQ test
* Choseh feel
* BMW: As Iranian as tahdeeg
* Khatami's power
* Khatami: sitting duck
* Press: Candle in the wind
* Social explosion
* Invention of the millennium
* Suppressing freedoms
* Nailed to the ground
* Iran-Iraq rapprochement
* Middle East Peace
* Mideast Peace broker
* Iranian Intellectual Soceity
* The Sheikh Jerry Show
* Mini chador by DKIR
* ChadAir!
* Pressure group: Gang sign
* Reformist
* Bush & Cheney
* Reform's long season
* Award for satirist
* Derailing peaceful reform
* Girls school brats
* Iran the cat
* Marriage age
* Chopped freedom
* Miss Universe 2000
* Suspects: Whodunit?
* Pencil & pencilsharpner
* What next?
* Courtship, IRI style
* Women at the beach
* Maryam Rajavi
* Clericas & reformers


Cartoons, articles & ...

* Cartoonists
* Feature articles

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