Reza Fazeli
was an amazing personality. He started his acting career in the early 1960's, playing
in many Iranian films.
He was one of the first actors who went abroad to play in foreign films, starting
with an Italian Western called "Joe, Find Somewhere to Die" (1968) along
with Jeffry Hunter, Pascal Petit and Miss Italy 1968 Daniella Jurdano.
He later moved to Vienna to play in a film called "Sexy Suzanna". One of
his co-stars and girlfriends was Hollywood star Nancy Kovak.
Fazeli was known as an Iranian Casanova. The title of one of his interviews with
an Italian magazine was "A heart like a hotel for all the beautiful women of
the world!"
He made some movies in Turkey and Pakistan, and returning home, he started his own
film production company and acted / directed with his new look in Jaaheli
films. He was one of those good actors who never got a chance to be taken seriously.
His last movie happened to become a farewell to Iranian super stars before the revolution
-- a film called Safar-e sang, starring himself, Saeed Rad and Hossein Gil.
It was directed by Kimiai who probably discovered the talent in some filmfarsi
By Mahmoud
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