September 24, 2004 * Gooya blocked, who's next? I don't know when you'll read this message, but tonight IR of Iran has blocked access to news on Please as a member of free media do something about it, after all this was the only site where we could read all news. * The myth: Disguising ethnic origin In reply to "Looking ahead", The underlying premise of your argument would seem to intentionally, or maybe inadvertantly be based on promotion of this unproven and yet oft-expressed idea that there somehow is a distinct lack of a true and definite cultural identity amongst the iranians in the western world, particularly on this side of the atlantic ocean. It is a myth that even in this day and age and with all the negativity seen in the media towards muslims as "bad guys", anyone would want to disguise his or her ethnic origin. You have appropriately pointed to the number of success stories among iranians in various professional and societal respects, some occuring in the past and some still in the makings, yet at the same time you are completely ignoring the role that the media, though not quite giving the well-deserved attention, has played in bringing those acheivements into life and to the surface for the entire public to see and be informed. Unlike what you claimed, culture and cultural values ought not to be subject to change and evolution. this is such a great misstatement and defeats the entire purpose of it, since their very exsitence and very sense of vitality and significance and credibility, essentially depends on it being a set of unalterable and invincible norms and values to serve as a moral compass, to guide an individual through the unpredictable and ever-changing patterns in life and help them adapt. * Our right to access nuclear technology In reply to "Against a nuclear Iran", It seems like the Mujahedin are very concerned about Iran having nuclear weapons. It seems like Mr. Rajavi has forgotten how he has begged the West for attacking Iran and the Iranian people. So, I think it is in the full rights of Iranian people to have access to the Nuclear technology. When Mujahedin start getting involved in this affairs, it creeps me out, they are the ones who fought side by side with the Iraqi army to kill Iranian soldiers. They are the ones who promised thousands of young Iranian man and woman the paradise ruled by Rajavi, but then let the die and get tortured and raped by the Mullahs in the notorious Evin prison Mr. Rajavi is the same man who left his wife and children behind let them get trotured and executed by the Mullahs and then some years later married an evil woman name Maryam. No, no, and no to evil people like Mujahedin who have similar goals or may be worst than the Mullahs. We Iranian people will not fall for such liars and killers like Rajavi. The nuclear technology is for the Iranian nation and the Iranian people. Billions of dollars of our money has spent until we obtain it. It is our right to have access to this technology, so we can further advance in technology and research programs. Of course the West is against it and of course has taken the Mullahs for so long to accomplish it, because neither of them is interested in the gain and prosperity of the Iranian people and the Iranian nation. Zendeh Bad Iran va Irani * Immense timaarestaan Vah'shat naak...!!! [26 years and 4 hours] Not your pictures of course, which I liked a lot. But the whole atmosphere in that country!! It look as the immense "Timaarestaan" to me...!! Thank you my dear friend, D.R. * Hired criminals and killers If were to give awards to the most foolish blunders committed by its feature writers, Maziar Behrooz would be an instant winner of the much deserving title: "Fool of the Year." In his article, "Iran's guerrillas", Behrooz, an assistant professor of history at SFSU, in an attempt to sensationalise his essay, begins by recalling a TV series aired on the Iranian national TV in the early seventies (it was actually shown in 1969 but this is nothing compared to what is to follow). Behrooz, himself a sympathiser of the militant left, writes: >>> Full text * I prefer revolting Referring to Iranian of the day, Behrooz Pakshir, Dear Lulu, when it comes to talk about guys like behrooz pakshir (whose shows i can only tolerate for a few minutes) the word "disgusting" is such a weak expression to use. he is an animal who sees a woman as a hole to penetrate not a human being to live and share your life with. in his dark and ignorant mind if a woman has had sexual experience before her marriage she should be treated as "left-over food" >>> Full text * American wants to learn I would be very interested in having conversations with Iranians of every type. I just want to get a better understanding of your country than my president does. I figure that the best way to do that is to talk. I am a 54 year old owner of a small direct mail business in New Bedford Massachusetts and I am very curious to learn other cultures. I believe that most Americans (including myself) have a misconception about Iran (and most of the countries of the world) and it's people. If there is anyway you can direct me to a communicative source(s) of data, I would be very appreciative. * Censor adult comics I've been a constant reader of your website since its early days. To me it has always been a site which Iranians of all age can enjoy. However lately it has come to my attention that some of the comics in the Satire section are not appropriate for younger viewers (such as this). This has been the case for quite a bit now. Could you please censor these comics or mention that they contain adult themes or matter. * The barbarian has defined Islam Thank you, Mr.Latif, for such a well thought out and well crafted essay [The weakest link] on our present misfortune at the hands of the so called "Islamists". It seems that Islam was to refine the barbarian but that the barbarian has defined Islam. These are the same savages, only now instead of swords they weild Kalashnikovs and perhaps soon nuclear bombs. * Falling for the Israeli evil tricks In reply to "Progressive unity", How naive of Kamal believing that the alliance is the right one and good for the Kurds! Israel with her evil desires is once again trying to exploit the Kurds in order to spy and destroy her arch enemy Iran! Remember the MOSAD (the Israeli SAVAK)? They are very busy with the Kurds! >>> Full text * Stop the BS In reply to "Against a nuclear Iran", History has shown that the weak is always defenseless and vulnerable and susceptible to invasion if they don't dance to their invader's tone. Particularly in case of Iran who throughout the history was raped by different enemies repeatedly. The recent war was imposed simply due to stupid act of regime by destroying the fabric of Iranian military after the revolution. If they had a deterant means, Sadam the moron would have not dared to do what he did. So, stop this bullshit and open your eyes. In my opinion every nation in this world should poses as many NWH as they can, so we would not have any war at last. * History, dictators & people In reply to "Jimmy Carter, hide your head in shame", Those who sacrificed their live for the protection and honor of Iran may God bless them and their family. I was young at that time to be in Iran and defend my country, but one thing I am positive if again someone dares to attack my homeland I will not hesitate to defend it, despite my biggest objections to the current government >>> Full text * Sincere means delusional? A group of people who participated in the online survey on Ahura Yazdi voted that he's delusional. Some voted that he is brave because he is taking concrete actions. Either way, shame on us for not having tried what he is attempting. Shame on all Iranians for letting things become so bad in their homeland that a man's sincere actions may make him appear delusional. Shame on
the Iranian nation for inaction, complicity, and impotence. * The Fartalogist Wow! That's what we all were impatiently waiting for [Farting
in Farsi]:
a perverted Persian to write a stinking treatise on the many variations
of flatulation. As
if there are no other pressing issues to concern us, we are treated to
the ever-pressing nuances of linguistic gaseousness by an individual
who must have spent years educating himself on the subject. * This Yazdi dude is cracked Hey Iranians and Iranianets, This Ahura Yazdi [Ahura who?] dude is nuts. Either the Mullahs created him or he is a CIA "ham-mal". I say "ham-mal" because the CIA would never employ such a charlatan. You people are crazy if you believe that the Iranian government or Iranian society will change. Iran is a country where 90% of the people worship a God called ALLAH. ALLAH is the God of Saudi Arabia. No disrespect to the Mohammedans in the world. Iran is filled with Voodo worshipers who believe that people can give the evil eye! Beggars in Tehran burn some crap called "esfand" to ward off evil. Iran is a country that by a majority is made up of villages, in farsi called "dahats". According to the Iranian Constitution of today, the spiritual Leader, "the Rahbar" of the revolution is the temporary head of state. When the Muslims Messiah comes back, he will become the sole leader of Iran. The Messiah will then take all the Muslims on A UFO space ship and take us all to Eden. Eden is where Adam and Eve lived. And then we will live happily ever after. The End. So if you people are waiting for change. Change is impossible. Are future is in Eden hanging out with a Muslim Messiah. To all the suckers who believe some old fart who immigrated to the west can save Iran I say, "Dude you can suck on my nut sack.". * America's proxy war Thank you for a very well researched and well-written article. [Jimmy Carter, hide your head in shame] Although I agree with your assessment of American people as decent and loving. Unfortunately, government’s foreign policies seldom reflect their people sentiments. US government has interests in different regions and employs all means available to it to achieve its objectives and to protect its interests. Your own article clearly indicated this as both Carter and Reagan supported the war. To put it coldly, US government protected its economic interest in the Middle East by starting a proxy war. Unfortunately, history shows governments do not hesitate to use any means to achieve their objectives. Examples, US support of Contra in Nicaragua, Iran’s creation of Hezbollah in Lebanon, US creation of Mujahedin in Afghanistan... Regrettably, governments are blind to the human costs of these adventures. Although, we all must expose these adventures and their human costs, my experience shows, there are more powerful forces in play when governments protected their interest. Not a single country objected to Saddam use of WMD in Iran-Iraq war. Even worse, Western media completely ignored it. It was not in their best interest to report it at the time. * Leila's wedding?! Does Samad Agha know about this? * Are you getting the "facts" out? Dear Bamdad, [Jimmy Carter, hide your head in shame ] I must admit that i have turned into one of your die-hard fans, and i like reading your essays, particularly because i find it rather interesting when you put together some factual and some non-factual statements and somehow attempt to portray a realistic picture of american and international politics and how it would or should affect the political opinions of iranians in US >>> Full text * Putting "arrogance" in perspective In reply to "Thank you God", I have no doubt that reading your essay on being grateful for what we have in our lives, strikes a deep emotional cord within everyone who may have according to you, been busy asking for too many personal favors in a very "arrogant" manner. It even may send some on a path of atonement and have them repent for all the sins they have committed so far (the same impact that the passion of christ movie had on some people) >>> Full text * The "no religion" part Hey, you probably meant well, but it's more than a little offensive to provide a link for Moe's Rosh Hashanah greetings that connects to lyrics of John Lennon's imagine (specifically the "no religion too" part.) if you want to be anti-religion, please don't link it to a religous holiday. Also Lennon's last name is spelled wrong on the site. But that's not * I feel my home is here I should say I could not agree with you more [The end of the tunnel]. We are truly blessed to live here. Though I have fond memories of Shiraz ( my birth place), I feel my home is here. Yet, I often think about the event (tragic or not so tragic) that brought us here. How our life would have been totaly different if revolution had not happened. I hope people(our people) realize what we have. This place is truly the best place to live. * Haircut Bye the way, get a haircut nigga! P * Peak of treachery Mr. Behrooz, After reading your "guerrillas" ascension to the peak of treachery in Iranian history, I wanted to drop you a line in order to lodge my comments/criticisms. First off, I was rather disgusted with the tone of your article which admires these blood-thirsty traitors who were blindly following a bankrupt ideology. The left movement in Iran gave rise to the modern terrorist sponsoring state we see today 'occupying' the land of my birth. In your own words, 'it challenged the Imperial Regime', but in what way? >>> Full text * Featuring my beautiful city I just wanted to thank you for today's beautiful photo essay "The end of the tunnel": Walking to Ocean Beach, San Francisco. I read every day and needless to say I was more than pleased to see my beautiful city's beach featured today! As a matter of fact I just came back from a visit to Ocean Beach and the sun is still shining. :) Mariam Hosseini * Armed opposition Maziar Behrooz's "Iran's guerrillas" is historically significant. It shows that there were masses of Iranians who were opposed to the dictatorial barbaric government of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. The Iranian Revolution was not only an Islamic Revolution, at the beginning it was an Iranian Revolution. The majority of Iranians wanted the end of the horrible system called monarchy. Unfortunately, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi's family the Mullahs took over >>> Full text * Irresponsible for Iran not to defend itself I am not a political scientist or a supporter of the current regime
in Iran and I understand that this is only your opinion, but like to
point out a number of flaws in it. [Vital
to our future] * Imperial attempt to dominate Good argument Nima [Vital to our future], Often some of us Iranians confuse the support for our country with support for the government that is in power. Whatever one thinks of the current Iranian political structure (which I think it leaves much to be desired) and its functionaries, it is imperative to consider the reality of heavy industry development in Iran and in certain areas such as the nuclear field which Iran has made substantial progress as Iranian achievements and not government achievement >>> Full text * Iranians will write their nuclear future Regarding "Vital to our future", I have one question. Pakistan is the dear neighbor of Iran. Pakistan has an atom bomb. Has their having nuclear technology made the world any more dangerous? The answer is no. If Iran, Syria, Iraq, and Turkey, Lebanon, and Egypt had nuclear weapons the world and the middle east would be a safer place. The world, EU, UN, Nato, G-8 and everybody else should stop interfering in Iran's internal affairs. Iranians in Iran will write their future. Whether Iran is in search of obtaining nuclear weapons or nuclear energy is the internal affairs of the Iranian people. If someone in Tehran came out and said why are police beating Negroes in Los Angeles what would Americans say? The LAPD and civil rights are an internal affair for the people of Los Angeles to solve and if it isn't solved the federal government of the United States of America will get involved. In the end, it is not an international affair. So it is my belief and the majority of Iranians that America and the whole filthy world who don't wash their anus's with bidets or hoses, "sheelang", and worse comes to worse ewers, "aftabeh" should stop interfering in our dear countries matters. They should tend to their hygiene. Rahbary * Prophet's hiding place The painting indeed portrays the Prophet Mohammad. You will note the cave in the background with the spider web, which depicts the Prophet's hiding place as he was fleeing the Meccans. Moreover, when Muslims say rasulullah, they mean Mohammad unless specified otherwise. Of course, neither this portrait nor any other portrait of early Muslim saints/Imams can lay any claim to accuracy. * Shit you have no clue about Who the hell is are you, certainly you do not sound like a Muslim, and beside who gave you the authority to talk about Prophet Muhammad? You sound like a either a Bahai or a Jew. Either way decision makers at should not just let any non-Muslim talk about shit they have no clue about. * Target Islam? I'll drink to that! If the Western plan is to wipe out Islam, then how can I help? [Target Islam] Islam spread by force, prospered by force and rules by force. Let it die by force. Islam has hurt our Persian civilization more than Greeks and Mongols. It destroyed our heritage on purpose and ruined our future. It brought such a sad, dark, violent ugliness into the refined, elegant Persian culture that confused our identity and depressed us for centuries. Let's hope it will be uprooted from Persia once and for all. Target Islam? I'll drink to that! * Nuclear encirclement I read with interest Nima Kasraie's opinion "Vital to our future". Iran needs to access to nuclear technology for several reasons, mainly Iran is surrounded by many nuclear and potentially nuclear neighbors, including Israel to the west, Russia to the north, and Pakistan, India, and China to the east. At present, with the exception of Israel, Iran maintains economic and political relations with all of these countries. Should relations deteriorate with any of these countries in the future, Iran would want the ability to deter their potential use of nuclear weapons against it. This feeling of nuclear
encirclement prompted the decision to go nuclear no matter who
is currently governing the country. |
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