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Bra in Despair
Bra in Despair
Copyright 2002 Marjaneh Zahed - Khorassani - Kindersley
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Sizes and Prices
17.8 x 24cm (7 x 9 1/2inches) at
200 USDollars
Pay here
24 x 30.5cm (9 1/2 x 12inches) at
350 USDollars
Pay here
30,5 x 40.6 cm (12 x 16 inches) at
500 USDollars
Pay here
Prices include postage and handling
All photos are
* Original
* Individual
* Hand-printed
* On double-weight, fibre-based paper
* Signed
Please allow up to three weeks for delivery. Just in time for Christmas.
I sincerely hope that you will enjoy them. Thank you.
PS: Only purchasers of prints shall know the cup size.
Questions? Email
Marjaneh Zahed-Khorassani-Kindersley
Photo exhibition: Bras
By Marjaneh Zahed - Khorassani - Kindersley
Paris, November 29, 2002
The Iranian
Bra in flowerpot with salad
Auto-Motive Bra
Bra on motorcycle
Bastille Bra
Bra hanging on hotel door
Bra in the Bath on watertaps
Bra in Despair
Bra lying on jug
Happy Hermaphrodite
Bra on jug +cactus
Clingy Bra
Bra holding onto cactus
De Gaulle
Bra and the corkscrew
Eve's Bra
Bra hanging with negative clips on tree
Healthy Bra
Bra hanging on tree with a pair of oranges