Entre nous
March 6, 2005
our shadows cast on the pavement
always in step
Hip Hop
ever ready to move
the gulf between does not widen
and for this i long for you
despite the distance we swallow
despite my hands that now beat hollow
despite the ever present
farewells and adieu's
I long for you companion
at every occasion
in my morning stupor
and evening slumber
in the afternoon sun
and mid-day thunder
You are my North
my South
my East and West
my reading week
and my Sunday rest
my laconic love
you have always been with me
and i know
that i have known you
Marry me
not because i want to institutionalize us
not because i want us to be stated
but because i want you
beside me on trams and trains
metro's, undergrounds, shuttles, and planes
because i want to continue
our dance
and because english is limited to marriage
partner, union, and bond
and because you are my mother tongue
and because as you played your santour
i played with myself
this is my ahistorical proposal:
oh what a privilege to marry one's oracle
Samira Mohyeddin is an Iranian / Canadian and has a degree
in Religion and Middle Eastern Studies from the Uni'ersity of Toronto,
and is currently pursuing graduate studies in Women's Studies and
Middle Eastern Studies there. See her weblog: SmiraMohyeddin.blogspot.com