The war with Iraq was not Khomeini's fault
By Nima Kasraie
January 17, 2002
The Iranian
I'm writing this comment as a response to Mehrdad Pishehgar's "I
feel better now". I feel there is one issue he shouldn't be
feeling so better about, and that is his efforts in trying to wash the gonaah
(sin) off of Saddam's shoulders. I am hoping that you will post my reply
on your website. Here is my reply.
1. If Saddam's invasion of Iran was merely a response to Khomeini's threat
of exporting the revolution, Saddam would not declare the annexation of
Khuzestan Province to Iraq as Iraq's objective. There was much more to Iraq's
claim over Khuzestan than what books claim about the Shatt-ul-Arab waterway,
the 3 islands, and previous "border skirmishes".
Exporting the revolution may have given Saddam a pretext, but the devil
had dreamed up his plans before the revolution. One can still remember Saddam
congratulating Khorramshahr for "taking off its mourning clothes and
putting on it's Arabic dress". And they are still at it: trying to
separate "Arabistan" from Iran (see //
2. About why we did not stop the war after we regained lost territory
from Iraq: Accepting a ceasefire or making peace with Iraq after liberation
of our territory in 82 was not in the interest of the Iranian nation due
to the fact that after the liberation of Khorramshahr, the Iranian forces
did not have a stabilized position on the war fronts. Basically ceasefire
is accepted only when the military commanders establish a secure line on
the war fronts so that they can confront the enemy if the cease fire is
However, the liberation of Khorramshahr could not fulfill this condition.
Secondly, before the liberation of Khorramshahr, the Security Council had
not issued a resolution on the conflict between Iran and Iraq. Therefore,
after the liberation of Khorramshahr, there was no resolution to be used
as the basis for settling the conflict between Iran and Iraq. Hence, accepting
a ceasefire after the liberation of Khorramshahr would only have disheartened
the Iranian forces and given relief to the Iraqi aggressors.
Furthermore, military decisions should be studied only within the framework
of conditions in which they were taken. Therefore, given the course of the
military operations, the decisions made by the Iranian military commanders
at that time (and not "the mollas") were the best decisions that
were APPROVED by senior officials of the country.
And finally, when Hitler was pushed back to his original borderlines
late in WW2, did the allies stop there and say:"Okay, we've liberated
our lands. Lets not spill more blood?" What makes you think Saddam
was any better of an evil creature than Hitler, deserving anything better?
3. And finally, what made me agitated was Mr Pishehgar's statement: "Most
of those who served in the war, especially after regaining control of Iranian
territories, went there against their will". That is a flagrant erroneous
claim that has been disseminating on the web lately.
I strongly claim that such claims are outrageously untrue. And I can
tell you this from my personal experience. That war didn't have anything
to do with Khomeini. It was a simple matter of gheirat (no translation
for this one, a truly unique word). Many of those volunteers were my colleagues,
fellow university students, Baseeji comrades, gol koochik pals, family
friends, cousins and nephews, and bacheh mahals (next door neighbors).
And if we were unknowingly firing Israeli weapons, I am sure that
Israel did not sell those weapons to us because of "delsoozi"
(sympathy). Furthermore, many of those weapons sold to us from Israel (as
they claim), never actually worked. The Hawk missiles, for example, turned
out to be defective and were never used.
One should NEVER downplay the braveries during that war. That war was
an epic of astronomical and magnanimous proportions that begs someone like
Ferdowsi to come and immortalize. I always feel sorrow for those who do
not comprehend the meaning of shahaadat (martyrdom).
I will immensely appreciate it if our hosts will attach this
picture (which I'm sure many of you have seen before) to my letter.
May those who served in that war be remembered. They were the true Iranians.
Those volunteers who died to protect the namoos (chastity) of Iranzameen.
