Ticking clock
Should Iranians be glad they're in the "Axis of Evil"?
By Craig Lawrence
June 25, 2002
The Iranian
Shortly after entering office, George Bush stated that "America would defend
Taiwan if attacked and the Chinese needed to understand that". You could almost
hear the collective intake of breath. He'd broken an unwritten rule in U.S. - Chinese
relations: never tell the full-frontal truth about Taiwan. Were these the words of
an arrogant belligerent or a sincere Texan raised to speak his mind?
U.S. President's rarely use careless words in public speeches anymore. In this age,
every word is instantly transmitted around the world, received by specialists working
for foreign governments. Their job is to translate, analyze and interpret the meaning
of each word and how it relates to them. The Shah was said to have paid keen attention
to all of Jimmy Carter's speeches, agonizing over phrases like "we no longer
have to deal with unsavory dictators in our fight against communism".
Conscious of the microscope, a foreign policy speech attracts a lot of eyeballs in
the White House and State Department, as bureaucrats manipulate every word and phrase
to clarify and diminish any chance of offense or misinterpretation. This intense
scrutiny is designed to excise potential gaffs and convey meaning without creating
So, with all these brilliant minds reviewing his State
of the Union speech, how did we arrive at the "Axis of Evil"? There are
two agendas being advanced here. The first has to do with George Bush's character.
It's clear from his campaign and his first months in office, W was far more influenced
by Ronald Reagan than his father.
Reagan over-ruled strong State Department protests on two occasions, calling the
Soviet Union an "Evil Empire", then delivering his famous "tear down
this wall" declaration at the Brandenburg gate. He had strong convictions about
communism and it's effects on those governed by it. In the face of criticism, his
instincts told him to speak the truth as God had given him the grace to see it.The
result was a victory credited exclusively to Reagan: the collapse of communism.
Mikael Gorbachev denies that Reagan's words had any effect on their policies, but
other diplomats revealed the remarks created great consternation over how they should
respond. The East German people heard the message and became ever bolder, eventually
taking to the streets by the thousands to demand reform.
This history lesson has not been lost on W, who almost certainly faced strong protests
over the "Axis of Evil". One can imagine a pale-faced Colin Powell. But
W is a Reaganite and a Texan, which means his heart supercedes his brain for control
of his tongue. Post Sept. 11, his convictions were that terrorism was an evil scourge,
a fact few Americans would dispute, but he went further by stating that those who
sponsored terrorism were evil also.
The State Department lists seven countries as state sponsors of terror, and what
better place to denounce them publicly than the State of the Union? However, when
you peruse the list, there are several countries that are not good candidates for
a public Presidential spanking. Three of them possess weapons of mass destruction.
North Korea has missiles and exports the technology, Iraq has chemical/bio, and Iran
has a little of both.
Libya and Sudan were getting out of the terror business, Syria was a vital ally in
the war on terror, and Cuba was well, Cuba. That left three -- the perfect number
for an axis and a good cross-sampling. The rest would get the message. It also conjured
images of another axis that threatened the whole world, and that's the imagery he
wanted to create.
"Our goal is to prevent regimes that sponsor terror from threatening America
and our friends with weapons of mass destruction." Here W made the link to highlight
the short distance a nuclear bomb could travel from state control to outlaw hands,
a frightening scenario that neutralized the policy that had always protected us:
mutually assured destruction.
It's clear from his message he was focusing exclusively on the determination of these
regimes to acquire the weapons and the potential catastrophic consequences, which
leads us to the second agenda for the "Axis of Evil": to isolate them in
the international community, and possibly create a gulf between them and their people.
"North Korea is a regime arming itself with missiles, while starving it's citizens.
Iran aggressively pursues these weapons and exports terror, while an unelected few
repress the Iranian people's hope for freedom." Many Iranians have ignored this
part of the speech, but it's the most important for them, because of the three axis
members, Iran has the best chance of throwing off the totalitarian yoke.
So, Bush accomplished his objectives: denounce state
sponsors of terror, and isolate them from their people and the global community with
a sound-byte that has resonated around the world, "Axis of Evil".
Did it work?
In Iran's case there was predictable outrage in parliament, but as Thomas Friedman
pointed out in his New York Times article: "Reformers are now saying, look where
your policies have lead us." Khameini was so worried he made it a crime to even
talk about relations with America. A staunch reformer has just been elected speaker.
Emissaries were sent to Beirut to muzzle Hezbollah, and the rabidly anti-American
Afghan warlord, Hekmatyar, was booted out of the country.
While reforms have been under way in Iran for years now, September 11 and it's aftermath
unquestionably have accelerated the pace, and these events suggest the same kind
of soul-searching that occurred in the Soviet Union under the glare of Reagan's criticism.
30 months after he said, "tear down this wall", it came crashing down.
George Bush placed Iran in the "Axis of Evil" on January 29, 2001. Will
history repeat itself with an East German-style revolution in Iran? The clock is