The tragic adventures of the American giant
By Akbar Kochini
September 10, 2003
The Iranian
to on September 18, 2001, a week after the 9/11
tragedy. It is being published for the first time.
"My little Pinocchio! How did you manage to burn your feet?"
don't know,
papa, but believe me it has been an infernal night that I shall
remember as
long as I live. It thundered and lightened, and I was very hungry,
and then
the Talking Cricket said to me: 'It serves you right; you have
been wicked
and you deserve it,' and I said to him: 'Take care, Cricket!'...
and he
said: 'You are a puppet and you have a wooden head,' and I threw
the handle
of a hammer at him, and he died, but the fault was his, for I didn't
wish to
kill him, and the proof of it is..."
I hope my American friends forgive me for the analogy but to
me last week's
tragic events were just waiting to happen and the parallels with
Pinocchio story are just too many.
I came over to US back in November
2000. In the 10 months or so that I have been living over here
with my family, we
have had nothing but praise for this country and its people. Well
in almost every respect, kind and really genuine people.Circling
around California's Iranian community, our positive American
experience seems to have been predominantly shared by almost every
we have met so far.
Going outside the Iranian community, over the past few months
I have spoken
to immigrants of almost every creed and color you can imagine and
they all
seem to love this country and its people and want to stay on.
Outside America, people of almost every country in the world
watch the
Hollywood movies, drink Coca Cola, love their Big Macs and given
a nice
enough design would not shy away from wearing their USA T-shirts
(when was
the last time you saw someone wearing a I love Poland or China
And no terrorist ever bothers to attack these countries!)
So what makes a good country like America and its truly cosmopolitan
population a target for such ghastly and barbaric attacks as we
have been
witnessing recently?
Why target America when this country spends upwards of $13 billion
year on its foreign aid programs with 40% of that going to the
Middle East?
The sad truth of it all is that America is a country which has
been totally
seized and deviated from what it use to represent to the rest of
the world
by its Jewish minority!
Despite Israel's reputation around the entire world for racism,
for stealing
its neighbor's territories, for ruthless suppression of defenseless
Palestinians and its complete disregards for various
United Nations resolutions
(not too different from similar resolutions which allowed America
to fight Korea and Iraq), a good portion of America's
foreign aid /
tax-payer's money is being squandered on Israel and since
1948, America has
more often used its veto to bail out Israel from situation after
than for any other reason.
Up until now, Israel's relationship
with America was all about taking its
money, using its veto power, making it paranoid about the rest
of Middle
East every time it felt the puppet was gaining consciousness
and putting the
American population through a permanent guilt trip about what
the Germans
did to the Jews 60 years ago (just watch some of Spielberg's
movies which
are apparently almost compulsory watch for American high school
Today, this anomalous relationship has gone a step to far....
The enemies
Israel has created in the region have brought the war into the
backyard. This is a war which America need not have entered and
it has
resulted in casualties it need not have suffered.
My message for the American people is a simple one: For god
sake get out of
there! Save the money you are spending on "aiding" Middle Eastern
countries and spend it on the further development of your own
economy or
health care, or if it is really burning a hole in your pocket
then spend it
on a joint space program with Angola or even feeding the hungry
around the
That lot have been at it for thousands of years and they
have never
stopped. Guess what: Both Jews and Palestinians are from
the same
race, they are Semites! All you will do by helping Israel, Egypt
and PLO is
to make even more unnecessary enemies for yourselves.
Following the Camp David Accord, America agreed to pay $5
billion a year
to Israel and Egypt. Following the Wye River peace agreement
reached between
Israel, Jordan and the Palestinians in October 1998, America
agreed to pay
an additional $1.9 billion.
At the same time, Israel asked
for more than
$3 billion for purposes ranging from improving water supplies
to development of a
missile defense capability (but the US only agreed to provide
$1.2 billion). Last
year, as a peace deal between Israel and Syria began to look
Israeli treasury officials were looking to the US to help cover
a bill they
estimated at $18 billion for withdrawing from the Golan Heights.
Hey, I say it's crazy when American college kids have to borrow
money in
order to complete their college degrees, or when unlike European
or even Canada next door, US citizens have to pay for
their health care.
Spend the American tax-payer money on American causes. God
Bless America -- and I really mean it from the bottom of
my heart.
PS: In case you were wondering, I have nothing whatsoever
against Jews or
Arabs but I think it is high time they made their own shooter
money or made
peace. It just bothers me that Americans are being
taken for a ride and
at the same time getting all of the blame and the heat
for it as well! >>> News
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