Nice try
The failed Nojeh coup
July 12, 2004
On July 11, 1980 and months after the ruthless
Khomeini regime invaded our beloved country, approximately a thousand
including some of the world's best fighter pilots, paratroopers
and officers planned a secret coup that could potentially take
back the country. Their plan was to bomb Khomeini's
residence in Jamaran as well as Mehrabad Airport
and a few other key strategic locations. Soon after
the air operations, ground forces would enter Iran from the west
and join the campaign. It was projected that in 48 hours, Iran
have a new government.
The operation would be initiated by two F-4
phantoms taking off from the Shahrokie Airbase near
Hamedan. The
Phantoms would first target Jamaran and obliterate Khomeini's
residence using 750 pound and cluster bombs. This was a crucial
stage in the plan and had the fighters taken off from the airbase
and successfully completed the mission, the plan was given a high
success rate. As one of the top officers had said "Give
me Shahrokhie Airbase and I will give you back Iran."
In the afternoon
on July 11, 1980 (18 Tir, 1359) as the pilots are driving towards
the airbase, they soon find out
their plan
has been leaked. Many are arrested at lightening speed including
Brigadier General Ayat Mohaghegi, the officer in charge of the
air operations. Some manage to escape and some still
remain in Iran.
It seems like only yesterday when I saw for the
first time General Mohagheghi's face on Iranian state TV. At
a young age of 12, I remember seeing the tribunal of an articulate
who answered all the questions asked of him with a calm reassuring
A few days ago, I saw that very interview again. The
general's account of their plan could easily be a Hollywood
movie script only that this was no movie. As I am watching
the tape I ask myself what would have happened if the coup had
succeeded and we would have got ridden of the cancers that have
invaded our country for the past 26 years. How different life would
have been for the five million Iranians who now live outside
of Iran.
Watching the tribunal is also depressing. At a glance one
sees a well educated man who adored his country and knows that
in hours he will be walking to his own execution. Knowing
that one of the best fighter pilots in the world is about
to be executed by his own countrymen while an enemy from the west
is invading that very country feels like never wanting to be Iranian.
The illiterate imbecile who is asking him the questions
is symbolic of how a group of mullahs hijacked our country and
executed and
continue to execute some of the bravest, smartest and most patriotic
Iranians. In that interview, General Mohagheghi never
gave the names of other officers who were involved in the coup
(except those already arrested or executed) and his bravery saved
the lives of many officers who still live in Iran.
Shame on us all Iranians who are only good in bragging about
how superior we are to other nationalities when in reality socially
and culturally we are light years behind everybody else. For
the past 25 years Iranians have been executing their brothers,
friends and cousins simply for having different opinions. To
us Iranians life is worthless.
This article is dedicated to those who lost their life for their
country. Their names may be found in the sarbazan.com.