Foulad man
Who is he and can he save Iran?
March 15, 2005
Hossein hocus pocus
In an era when the world is making quantum leaps in science
and technology, we Iranians still spend a lot of our lives in
the past
February 21, 2005
Every time I see Rumsefeld shaking Saddam's hand, memories
rush back
October 29, 2004
Has Iran found a new savior?
August 30, 2004
Proud of what?
We had Hafez thousands of years ago, what do we have now? Certainly
not respect
August 16, 2004
Nice try
The failed Nojeh coup
July 12, 2004 Plastic advice
Medical talk shows on Iranian satellite TV
June 29, 2004
Fit to kill
I came across an Iraqi soldier who was sleeping
October 31, 2003
Shock and awe Iranian style
Braveness is taking one's rifle and wanting to go back to the battlefield
to defend one inch of your land
April 15, 2003
Body full of blisters
As the Jeep is leaving, I see him for the last time
January 27, 2003