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December 22, 2004

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Dear Community,

I hope everyone had a chance to celebrate Yalda in one way or another. In an poll it was shown that 44% of Iranians celebrate Yalda every year and 40% celebrate it if there is a party somewhere [stats], so I hope you all found a place for your festivities.

For a fortunate group of us who live in the San Francisco Bay Area we were able to attend the celebrations at Persian Center in Berkeley. "Jaatoon kheily khalee bood"... We had aash, anaar, noono-panir, shirini, aajeel, etc. There was awesome music performed by various artists. Thanks to Niosha Nafei and her volunteers it was an unforgettable night and a good time was had by all!

Also as an extra treat we were witnesses to the debut of the first Iranian comic book written by Bruce Bahmani. Rostam - Tales from the Shahnameh is an incredible work of art in writing and graphics; you must see it with your own eyes and definately buy a copy, for it will definately be a collector's item. Bruce was there to sign the first edition of his book.

Here are the pictures from December 20th, 2004 in Berkeley in case you want to celebrate Yalda through pictures.

Best wishes,
Talieh Shahrokhi

For further information:
Persian Center:
Niosha Dance Academy:
Bruce Bahmani:
* Rostam - Tales from the Shahnameh
* First Iranian Comic Book!

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