Axis of stability
America will have no better friend than a Democratic Iran
June 13, 2003
The Iranian
Iran is "churning", the fate of the region and, by extension,
the world, is inextricably tied to the outcome. In
addition to the cultural influence dating back to
antiquity, Iran has also been a political trendsetter for the entire
In the past one hundred years alone, from the Constitutional Revolution,
to the oil nationalization and the 1979 Revolution, for better
or worse, reverberations of the oscillating political
events in Iran, have left their lasting mark far beyond her borders.
silent majority, in whose name national treasure, blood, prestige
and for the past quarter of a century, religion, has been spent
on dubious enterprises and disastrous policies are
once again agitating for a change of course.
What sets
this latest national desire aside from all other times
is in what they are asking for. Unlike the previous occasions when
the goal was limited to a single issue as in establishment
of a judiciary, nationalization of oil or the ouster
of the absolute monarchy, this time around it is all encompassing,
Ever since the mass murder of September 11th, the consequential
swift and resolute response by America has begun to
break the logjam of the uninterrupted oppression in
the region.
The dislodging of the Taliban and their
honored guest, Osama and company, from power in Afghanistan, followed
by the quick capitulation of the battle hardened Iraqi armed forces
a brilliant three week campaign by the sons and daughters of America
the road to a brighter, peaceful future in the region is paved.
It is no longer ideology that powers the Islamic Regime in Tehran;
rather, it is the realization that any change in general policy
is tantamount to collapse
of the entire system. The parallel institutions that drain the national budget,
rampant corruption, cronyism, vested interest in status quoi and reliance on
brute force to suppress the Democracy advocates is the glue that holds it together
With Saddam, the opportunistic serial invader's exit from the political arena
of the Mideast, the stage is set for change in the most influential power of
the region which is arguably the most pro-American as well. The ruinous Palestine-centric
policies of the Islamic Republic have so alienated the nation that they are primed
to oust it on their own.
The ongoing Democracy demonstration, led by university students and increasingly
joined by the general populace, is gathering storm. The declared "merciless"
suppression by Ayatollah Khamenei, which his machete and chain wielding thugs
have been dutifully
implementing for the past three days, seems to have lost it's once submission-inducing
The repeated declaration of unambiguous support for the Democracy advocates and
a total ban on any legitimacy bestowing contacts with the regime, which has long
lost the right to represent the Iranian nation, will further turn the screw on
the regime.
America will have no better friend than a Democratic Iran.The
time is fast approaching to think outside the box and plan for
an axis of stability in the region. Turkey, Israel and Iran.
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