Ready & able
Iranians have paid their dues for admittance into the
Democratic club many times over
September 5, 2003
The Iranian
Barring a last minute deal in one of the many
not so secrete meetings between Islamic Republic and various intermediaries
and emissaries, the regime in Tehran is about to harvest what
it has been sowing for the past quarter of a century. The confluence
of past deeds, most if not all, criminal, is about to catch-up
with it and become a powerful torrent that has the potential to
sweep away the "first government of God on earth" --
closing this dark chapter of Iranian history.
The question now, as before, is what is to be done. Should the
Islamic Republic be allowed to exist as is, somewhat restrained,
in spite of the overwhelming dissatisfactions at home and grumblings
abroad? Should it be somehow modified just enough to meet the minimum
civilized standard for a viable, begrudgingly acceptable by the
Iranians, governing scheme, as the regime's internal "reformist" faction
advocates? Should a pinprick "surgical" military strike
be employed to postpone the eventual acquisition of nuclear capability
at the service of the mad mullahs, or the slate needs to be wiped
clean a la Iraq and Afghanistan?
The first policy option should be a non starter, as it has been
tried ad nauseam bringing us to where we are. The IRI is specious
with preferential oil, or for that matter; any deals, till it is
equipped to effectuate its declared maniacal designs. The
hapless Iranians and a host of other innocent victims have bore
the brunt of IRI venom until now. Is the world community willing
to gamble on the judicious use of the trigger by the likes of Mullah
Ali and his alter ego Rafsanjani?
The latter, not long ago, publicly
displayed his imbecilic understanding of the awesome destructive
power of nuclear warfare in addition to his humanistic principles.
According to him, damages arising from a nuclear exchange between
Israel and the "Moslem world" are inconsequential
due to the numerical superiority of Muslim to Jew ratio; hence,
there will be more Moslems left standing after Jews have been annihilated.
As the Persian proverb aptly puts it, a scorpion's sting
is not a matter of behavior but an existential reality.
The kinder gentler Islamic Republic option as advocated by the
former hostage takers, intelligence ministry functionaries and
alike, who have turned reformer, has had the backing of the desperate
populace in two stage managed "elections" to no avail.
First it was that if only they had the Presidency, having had
that it was time to ask to have the majority of what goes for a
in the Islamic Republic. They got that too and a second bite
of the apple with a second presidential term on top of almost all
of the municipality posts, all for naught. What they got to show
for it is a warehouse full of alluring slogans, too many broken
bones and spirits of those who put their body and soul on the line,
dungeons filled to the brim with the brightest, sprinkled with
a few of their own should the need arise to employ them as the
alternatives with national acclaim ñ and many who were literally
butchered on their watch. To try the tried is folly.
The "surgical" or otherwise military action would
be akin to handing the IRI what it desperately wants and needs.
They are banking on it as they did during their first year in power
to arise the ever present nationalistic sentiments to come to their
rescue by default. It is no accident that Mullah Ali is coating
the acquisition of the nuclear capability in a nationalistic garb,
or the defense of the "beloved homeland" has entered
into their Islamic lexicon.
Not long ago one was hard pressed to
hear or read any reference to Iran's name without the mandatory
Islamic preface. By all accounts Iranians are mostly pro-West,
Alienating the nation would be an almost certain consequence of
any military action. That would be throwing out the baby with
the bath water.
The problem with all these policy options is and has always been
the erroneous take on the nature of the IRI. Rather than being
a regime with some wayward policies, IRI is a criminal enterprise,
therefore, it does not respond to political maneuvering.
needs to be utilized is RICO (Racketeering Influence and Corrupt
Organization Act) on a global scale. Dry up their overseas booty,
and see the various well known Dons and Capos turn on one another
in search of funds to keep their gangs of thuggish Enforcers
happy in order to keep on protecting them from the suffering nation. Iranians have paid their dues for admittance into the Democratic
club many times over. The solution to the Islamic Republic menace
is within Iran; the people of Iran are ready, able and have demonstrated
their willingness to do what it takes >>> News & politics
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