Poetry |

My dear sister
May 21, 2005
It was just like yesterday,
I remember very well
You surprised our mother and father
With your glorious birth.
It was just like yesterday,
Running around everywhere
Like a princess with curly hair
Having a smile on your face.
It was just like yesterday,
You set yourself straight
Among your nine brothers
You showed them strength.
Everybody loved you so much
Cared for you in every kind
Your brothers bothered you sometimes
Though never hurt your heart or mind.
You have been helpful to all, expecting no thanks
To your relatives and friends
You never complained, never nagged
Like an angel, free of crank.
You carried this character into your marriage
Raised three children with courage
Often alone with hardship and loneliness
You didn't receive the appreciation you deserve.
Your birthday comes and goes every year
So sad it does not stay in our minds very well
Surprisingly, it does not diminish your cheer
Your family is proud of you so sincere.
I salute your birthday, my only dear sister
For all the good work you have done
May God bless you for your way of life
You are a beloved sister, a committed mother and a great wife.
Akbar Showkatian
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