
Running out of time
Iran's potential Y2K problems
By Ali Parandeh
August 3, 1999
The Iranian
The Y2K bug in Iran is no different than in other countries, except
that it has an extra twist. All existing technology and equipment in Iran
have been purchased from abroad, and all are built and programmed with
a Gregorian calendar. In some cases a software has been written for converting
the dates into the solar calendar, causing additional concerns ... GO TO
Judiciary takes aim at Khatami reforms
By Jonathan Lyons

TEHRAN, Aug 3 (Reuters) - Iran's hardline judiciary has taken aim at
the reformist policies of President Mohammad Khatami, proposing a restrictive
law on ``political crimes'' and defending its tough new line against journalists.
A draft bill presented to the cabinet late on Monday in the waning days
of judiciary chief Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi, a leading conservative, defines
a political crime as any action ``against the sovereignty of the Islamic
republic, the political system or the political and social rights of the
people.'' ... FULL
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Thanks to Payman Arabshahi
More Letters
* Shah & Farah are to blame
F. Rafat wrires : It is very interresting
to see Farah
Pahlavi's comments about mistakes made by her late husband, the Shah
of Iran, mistakes that eventually ended his dynasty and caused milions
of Iranians to lose their lives or become refugees in other countries and
face insults. Last but not least, our wonderful country has ended up in
a bankrupt and ruined state with no immediate hope for a better the future.
She admitted that if her husband had realized the need for freedom,
we wouldn't be where we are today. During the Shah's rule, she was very
much involved in many of the decisions or if she was not involved, she
definitely was aware of what was going on. Can she really claim that she
knew all this and didn't do anything about it? If so, she betrayed everybody
and she is a traitor.
It is very easy to make these comments after twenty years, now that
her poor husband is dead and unable to defend himself against allegations
about the way the country was run... But I think most Iranians blame Mrs.
Pahlavi's husband for what has been brought upon them. At least I do ...
* Something really wrong
Farnaz D. wrires : I would not discuss
the different parts in the article regarding the 13 Jews arrested in Iran
favoritism"], but I would like to say that it is the most stupid
thing for a judiciary system to make decisions based on what other governments
say about the people brought to its judgment. It only shows there is something
really wrong with the law in the country.
Maybe Khatami and everyone else, who have been discussed favorably in
the foreign media, should also be judeged as spies, or against the Islamic
* Sports: Appreciation of Iranian athletes
in Irvine
On August 5, 1999, the Network of Iranian Professionals of Orange County
(NIPOC) commemorates the life and achievements of Iranian athletes and
sports veterans. This will be a memorable event in the history of Iranian
sportsmanship, and a great opportunity to document their lifetime achievements...
Books of the Week

* Zemzemeh-haaye
azali: Avesta va ketaab-e moqadas
Zoroastrian texts
By Ali Salehi
* Veys
va Ramin
A love story written in verse 1000 years ago
By Fakhreddin Asa'd-e Gorgani
* Doshmanaan-e
jaameh-ye saalem
On the civil society
By satirist Ebrahim Nabavi
* Sotun-e
The Fifth Column
By satirist Ebrahim Nabavi
See more Iranian
books for sale
Video of the Week
the Friend's Home
(Khaaneh-ye dust kojaast)

Abbas Kiarostami's lyrical tale about a traveler searching for his friend's
home who finds himself on an excursion through places and moments of great
beauty and wonder. Farsi with English subtitles.
Video Store
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form
Reformist student leader arrested in Iran
TEHRAN, Aug 3 (Reuters) - A leader of Iran's biggest student group
has been arrested in connection with last month's social unrest in the Islamic
republic, newspapers reported on Tuesday ... FULL TEXT
Students tell of shootings, savage beatings
in provinces
Aug 3 (AFP) - Iranian students were shot and savagely beaten in Tabriz during
last month's unrest, a student group said in Tuesday's press in the first
detailed account of the disturbances in the northwestern city ... FULL TEXT

Newspaper editor freed on bail
Aug 3 (AFP) - The editor of the pro-reform Iranian newspaper whose closure
sparked days of bloody riots was freed on bail by a hardline religious court
on Tuesday, the official IRNA news agency said ... FULL TEXT
Iran threatens revolutionary court trials
for "incitement"
York, August 3, 1999 (Human Rights Watch) -- "When governments launch
campaigns against 'incitement,' freedom of expression is often the first
casualty," said Hanny Megally, executive director of Human Rights Watch's
Middle East and North Africa division ... FULL TEXT
MPs denounce intelligence ministry
July 29 (AFP) - Iranian MPs condemned the intelligence ministry Thursday
for its "unconstitutional" treatment of those arrested over the
Tehran riots amid a tough propaganda campaign against pro-democracy activists
Iran appoints two new clerics to powerful
TEHRAN, Aug 3 (Reuters) - Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali
Khamenei, on Tuesday appointed two new members to the Guardian Council,
a powerful conservative body overseeing elections and legislation in the
Islamic republic ... FULL TEXT
Reformist party begins campaign for parliamentary
TEHRAN, Aug 2 (AFP) - Iran's Islamic Labor Party (ILP) kicked off
its campaign for next spring's elections on Monday, getting an early start
in a bid to end the conservative majority in parliament ... FULL TEXT
Scientists to watch eclipse in Iran
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) - Some 100 international astronomers,
including Americans, will attend a conference in Iran next week to observe
the last total solar eclipse of the millennium ... FULL TEXT
Khatami lacks economic agenda: paper
Aug 2 (AFP) - Iranian President Mohammad Khatami's democratic reforms have
failed to address the nation's economy, which is enthrall to corrupt middlemen
waging "economic terrorism," a newspaper charged Monday ... FULL
Non-Oil Exports up
(Aug. 2) XINHUA - Iran's non-oil exports scored a 33 percent increase in
the first four months of the country's calendar year (starting March 21)
over the same period of last year, said a customs official on Monday ...
SHI wins huge plant order from Iran
ECONOMIC WEEKLY August 5, 1999 - Samsung Heavy Ind. (SHI) has been awarded
a $200 million order to construct an offshore gas production plant for the
National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), the Korean company announced on July
20 ... FULL TEXT
Photographers demand safety
Tehran, (Neshat) - A group of photo journalists have condemned
the arrest and unlawful questioning of photographers during recent student
protests. It has called on the authorities to protect the rights of photographers

Family films or plain junk?
(Neshat) - Film directors and experts discuss the merits of "family
films" in Iran, which often sell a lot of tickets, but are unpopular
with the critics ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Mental art
Tehran, (Neshat) - Patients at a mental institution in Karaj have
put on an art show. The hope is that art therapy will improve mental health

Shahroudi: ageh qesmat bud...
Tehran, (Iran daily) - Reza Shahroudi has been hopping foreign
teams left and right. Now he says he wants to play in England, "ageh
qesmat bud" ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Saipa: German deal?
(Iran daily) - Saipa soccer club wants to cash in on the lucrative foreign
trade business too. Its looking to transfer one of its key players to a
German club ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Volleyball: Good news
(Iran daily) - Iran's national youth volleyball team has shined in friendly
international matches ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Persian Service
For the latest news,
interviews and features on Iranian current affairs ... LISTEN HERE
$ Rate
Updated August 2
Buying: 880-908 tomans per dollar
Selling: 915 tomans per dollar
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Kojaash khoobeh?
Shotor kojaash khoobeh keh labesh badeh?
-- Persian proverb which I cannot translate. Any offers?
Photo of the Day

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Musician of the Week

* Ey yaar
* Bandari
* Ruzegaar-e eshq
* Baa delam qahr nakon
* Barzi barzi
artists index |