March 15-19, 1999 / Esfand 24-28,1377
* Laleh Khalili:
- Between East and West
- Write about a tree
* Women:
- Intriguing photos
* Kurdistan:
- Not going to happen
* Tourism:
- Big difference
- Cheer up, James Bond
- No visa, no tourist
* History:
- Zoroaster's birthplace
email us
March 18, 1999
* Between East and West
Laleh Khalili's ostensible description of Iranian women and men ["To
live or to be alive?"] is a brilliant
exposition of the confusion that reigns supreme in the minds and hearts
of those of us who are lost in the wasteland between the East and the West.
Amir Sadri
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* Intriguing photos
I would just like to write to you and say that these photographs are
beautiful and intriging to examine ["Women
in Iran:Tradition meets today"]. I am writing a senior thesis
about women in Iran, and these photographs have helped me visualize what
it's like.
Darcy Brennan
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March 17, 1999
* Not going to happen
Realistically speaking, it is very unlikely that a Kurdistan will ever
happen ["The
last country"]. There's not a chance in Jahanam that Syria, Iraq,
Iran, and especially Turkey will ever relinquish territory. Ultimately,
I think that Kurds need to wake up to reality and realize that this will
never happen.
Most Iranian Kurds I know of, including my mother's side of my family,
are both Kurdish and Iranian, and they're proud to be both. They are more
than content to allow their Kurdish roots to simply be just another ethnicity
in the rich melting pot of ethnicities that we have in Iran ... FULL TEXT
Nariman Neyshapouri
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March 16, 1999
* Big difference
[Response to: Cheer
up, James Bond]
Perhaps I should clarify;
Firstly, there is a big difference between paying £30 [for a UK
visa] and £200 to get a visa [to Iran].
Secondly, having your finger print taken is slightly more annoying from
being followed around by police, having a gun waved at your head and being
given racist abuse by random strangers.
But yes, I did indeed have the time of my life and it was worth spending
18 months scrimping and saving leave and money to go ["Waking the
friendly giant"].
Given the chance I would happily return tomorrow and stay!
Ben Moores
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* Zoroaster's birthplace
There is no unanimous consensus among the Zartoushti community about
the birth place of Ashoo Zartousht. However, when you say [AP news: "Iran approves ancient
fire festival for first time since revolution"] that Zartousht
was born in "where... today is Afghanistan", for many Iranians
who do not know the history of their land it can be misleading. Why? Becuase
in 555 BC, which is an incorrect date, Balkh, and the entire Afghanistan
was part of the Hakhamaneshi Empire.
R. Azarmi
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March 15, 1999
* Write about a tree
I am so glad finally someone responded to Laleh
Khalili's articles ["To
live or to be alive?"]. I am also delighted
that this
person was a female writer.
During the past few months, I have read all of
Laleh's articles. I enjoyed her first two articles but since then I have
been very disappointed with the way that she expresses her opinion. Her
recent articles are very hard to follow (even my American friends could
not finish them entirely before they fell asleep).
I am puzzeled about the points that she is trying
to make. Maybe she is praticing her English. If that is the case, it is
better to write about a tree or a river rather than offending so many people.
Guohong Liu
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March 12, 1999
* She didn't apologize
I think sending harsh, impolite and indecent rhetoric to U.S. Senator
Boxer for her insult is the least and most instinctive fair response ["U.S. senator has
"deep admiration" for Iranians"]. After all if we were
Jews we could have accused her of anti-semitism and would have sued her
for billions of dollars.
According to her, we are such an unimportant nation that she decides
to correct herself not by apologizing but by some formal routine non-sense
of reminding us of our heritage! We leave this to the conscience of the
world and do not really need people reminding us of our bright past.
This prevailing general arrogance amongst American politicians is revolting
and dangerous. But to Sen. Boxer's credit , she is not only arrogant but
also extremely ignorant in international relations. Perhaps this is not
a surprise for a political system proud of being the ONLY nation of the
world achieving the MOST of everything.
Politics in this country is controlled by America's first man of morality,
President Clinton, as well as Bob Livingston, and the arrogant Jesse Holmes
and Newt Gingrich, coupled with the ignorance and illiteracy of Ms Boxer.
Ms Boxer: I would like to remind you that for a country that advocates
democracy, an extremely narrow-minded comment like the one you have abused
the media for, is very dangerous and leads to mistrust amongst people --
a gap that real people try to narrow and politicians try to widen!
K. Manavi
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