The Iranian Times

Thursday October 7, 1999 / Mehr 15, 1378, No. 823

Startec long distance

Sehaty Foreign Exchange



My life's joy
I have stopped dreaming about my childhood

By Babak Mohammadi
October 7, 1999
The Iranian

You may be asking what is all this mumbo-jumbo Babak is giving us. To answer this question I have to go back 48 hours to Friday, November 27, 1998. As I just finished my first pint of lager, it occurred to me that it had been almost a year since I had dreamt of my childhood.

I remember vividly what I dreamed last time. I was playing outside of our house in Torbat-Heidarieh. I was full of childhood joy. My joy was immediately shattered as I heard my mother's voice crying my name: "Babak... Babak... biyaa tu khuneh... biyaa tu khuneh." (Babak, come inside the house.) ... GO TO FEATURE


Time to reappear
The play that angered religious leaders

October 7, 1999
The Iranian

The following email, containing the translation of a controversial play that appeared in a student publication in Iran, has been circulating the Internet. It is being reproduced to keep our readers informed of current events in Iran. The translator(s) is unknown. The Persian original has been posted on a number of web sites: ... GO TO FEATURE


Why we keep publishing
Neshat's successor hits the news-stands

Editorials (in Persian) by:
- Mashallah Shamsolvaezin
- Hamid-Reza Jalaie-pour


Step one

Some essential tips for Japanese women traveling to Iran ... SEE HERE

Thanks to Pedram Missaghi

More Letters

* Unromantic view of politics

M. Emadi-Moghadam writes: After a rather lengthy break from The Iranian, I was able to create the time and have a good brows through its recent issues. I was not disappointed to find a collection of diverse and interesting material. But what affected me most was the note from the young girl from Hamadan about Haj Abbas ["Hamadan's Brad Pitt"]. I was moved, lifted and saddened by the content of the note and its description of life when one's most basic rights are so continuously ignored and infringed upon.

This is not new nor out of norm. The events of recent months at Tehran University and other higher education institutes and the treatment of students by the forces of the conservative alliance depict a grim picture. However, I, like so many of my compatriots, take heart from the resilience and resolve of the young Iranians who are determined to receive recognition for their basic rights. This is a new generation of Iranian who does not wish to march under the banner of this or that political organization in order to attain a political identity. Nor does this generation have a romantic view of political activism ... FULL TEXT

* I long for the day

Shaheen M. Bakhtiar writes: Fury overwhelms me at such stories ["Hamadan's Brad Pitt"]. I am a 21- year-old Iranian male living in the U.S. My uncle forwarded the Haj Abbas story to me, and frankly I found it quite offensive. I find offence in my self for being an Iranian, and letting such atrocities go unchallenged in my country...

I use to get very angry when I listened to the Prince of Iran [Reza Pahlavi]. I could not understand how this young man with such vitality could be such a cowered. They destroyed his father, and he makes speeches. They finally killed Dr. Bakhtiar, and he still makes speeches. We here stories of grave injustices an carelessness for life, HE STILL MAKES SPEECHES ... FULL TEXT

* Lecture: Iran & U.S.: Prospects

A luncheon will be held by the Asia Society on Thursday, October 14, 12-2 pm, at the St. Regis Hotel(16th and K, NW, Washington, DC). U.S. Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs Martin Indyck will discuss "Iran and the United States: prospects for a New Relationship".


Books of the Week

* Nastaran-haaye surati (1998)
By Reza Julaie

* Sharq-e banafsheh (1998)
By Shahriar Mandani-pour

* Del daadeh-gi (1998)
Novel in two volumes
By Shahriar Mandani-pour

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More news

Banned daily returns to news-stands under new name

TEHRAN, Oct 7 (AFP) - Senior staff members of the leading reformist daily Neshat, banned for "insulting Islam," defied the conservative-led clampdown against the moderate press Thursday by bringing a new daily to the newsstands. "Asr-e Azadegan (Era of the Freed) is Neshat's replacement," a staff member told AFP. Editor-in-chief of the new moderate paper, Mashallah Shamsolvaezin, and his main deputy, Hamid-Reza Jalaipur, retained the positions they had held at Neshat on the new newspaper ... FULL TEXT

Iran rejects U.S. charges of religious persecution

TEHRAN, Oct 7 (Reuters) - Iran on Thursday rejected U.S. allegations that it violated religious freedom, and charged that America itself was blighted by injustice and inequality. ``Unfortunately such baseless...statements, which are in line with Washington's self-serving policy of double-standards, are made at a time when American society is itself suffering from injustice and inequality,'' Iran's news agency IRNA quoted Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi as saying ... FULL TEXT

Iranians protest Khatami plan to visit France

PARIS, Oct 7 (Reuters) - Iranian exiles said they demonstrated outside French embassies in 24 cities around the world on Thursday to protest against a French government invitation to Iran's President Mohammad Khatami. In Paris, a protest took place outside the headquarters of UNESCO, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation, where Khatami is expected to attend the agency's general assembly at the end of this month ... FULL TEXT

MP blames Taliban for kidnapping of Portuguese nationals

TEHRAN, Oct 7 (AFP) - An Iranian MP blamed Afghanistan's Taliban militia Thursday for the kidnapping of three Portuguese journalists in a southeastern border region last month and said the three might well now be over the border. "The kidnapper's headquarters is in Afghanistan, and most probably, the abducted Portuguese nationals are in Afghanistan," said MP Abbas Ali Nura who represents the Zahedan region where the journalists were seized ... FULL TEXT

U.S., oil firms clash on Caspian exports

ALMATY, Oct 7 (Reuters) - Italian oil company ENI stirred up a long-standing dispute on possible routes for oil exports from the landlocked Caspian basin on Thursday by calling for exports through Iran. This put ENI firmly at odds with the oft-stated wishes of the United States and Turkey, and exposed sharp disagreements between regional powers seeking influence over the vast and valuable energy resources of the region ... FULL TEXT

Metallgesellschaft unit wins plant engineering contract in Iran

FRANKFURT, Oct 7 (AFP) - Lurgi Zimmer, the plant construction unit of German industrial group Metallgesellschaft (MG), has secured a contract worth 55 million euros (58 million dollars) to to build a polyamide tyre cord plant in Iran, MG said on Thursday ... FULL TEXT

Poet of the year?

Tehran (Asr-e Azadegan) - Who will be chosen as Iran's Poet of the Year? There are 12 finalists, chosen from among 400 applicants. Three will get the top honors ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Fall music

Tehran (Asr-e Azadegan) - What's playing at Tehran's music halls this fall? Too much apparently ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Mehdi: Rocketman

Tehran (Iran daily) - Kicker magazine has done a profile on Mehdi Mahdavi-kia, who has been nicknamed "the rocket" by the German media ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Mohajerani talks

Tehran (Iran daily) - Heshmatollah Mohajerani talks about what an honor it would be for him to coach the national soccer team. "I don't know why every time the team loses, they think of me?" ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN


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Quote Unquote

I am proud

Yes, I am proud; I must be proud to see Men not afraid of God, afraid of me.

-- Alexander Pope

Photo of the Day

Yaadesh beh kheyr


Musician of the Week


* Water Lilies: Dance
* Weeping clown
* Caravan
* Sand storm

Music artists index