
Culture of Karbala
Wondering why we are so uncompromising?
By Asghar Massombagi
September 2, 1999
The Iranian
Much has been made of the recent student demonstrations in Tehran (See
latest photos taken by an eyewitness). The future impact of these events
and the nature of the participating groups remains to be clarified. However
the least one can say is that precedent has been set and the first crevice
in the steel armor of the theocracy has appeared...
Violent resolution of political crises is of course as old as time and
certainly not exclusive to Iran. However every society contains its own
specific cultural and psychological constructs. Let's take, for example,
that most important of events in Shi'ite mythology and the central moment
in its formation: the incident of Karbala ... GO
Offending articles
The following are op-ed pieces (in Persian) against the death penalty
were published by Neshat newspaper. In an indirect reference, Ayatollah
Khamenei said those who question Islamic laws are punishable by death:
* Hossein
Baqerzadeh: "Is state violence permissable?" (Persian)
* Emadedin
Baqi: "Execution and Islamic retribution (qesas)" (Persian)
* Neshat's
explanation for publishing the opinion pieces (Persian)
* Khamenei's
warning (English)
* BBC Persian service feature on the contrversy, including:
- Sadeq Saba's analysis
- Interview with human rights activist Hossein Baqerzadeh
Thanks to Mehdi Sharif
Kosuf-e saabeq

The solar eclipse is not called "kosuf" in Persian anymore,
at least not in Iran ... GO
More Letters
* Insulting you-know-who
Vahid Pourghadiri writes: First
of all I must commend you on the quality of your work. It is truly refreshing
to see writing of quality and content within a liberal framework where
everyone gets the opportunity to contribute. However, dAyi Hamid's article
on Iranian women ["Loving
an Iranian girl"] is demeaning and insulting to all of us. Even
though I love satire and have enjoyed his sometimes controversial quotes,
I believe he has gone too far in his generalisations ...
Hypocrisy has always exsisted in our society, but that covers men as
equal, if not more than, women. the Iranian girls residing overseas are
subject to the same social forces and influences that the average non-Iranian
girls. They should not be expected to behave much differently. But they
actually do. I believe they can maintain their head way up high if compared
to the average Iranian man. I still would never marry one again, since
I still consider most of them a pain in the you-know-what. But that's another
I therefore hope that as a very well-read publication, you are more
selective in your choice of articles. The implications with which Hamid's
article is riddled with is not much different to other insulting and socially
unacceptable behaviour as anti-Semitism, anti-Bahai or racial prejudice
which are not allowed easy publication in any democracy ... FULL
* Very ordinbary
L. Matt writes: The "Modern
khaastegaari" story was very flat; nothing special happened, in
my opinion. The writer does not have a purpose or conclusion except other
than sharing her experience which was very oridinary.
* Lecture: Iran : Reform or Stagnation?,
September 21, 1999: Iran at a Crossroads: Reform or Stagnation? with
Shireen T. Hunter director of the Islamic Studies Program Center for Strategic
& International Studies. Time: 5:30 p.m. Cash bar, light hors d'oeuvres
6:00 p.m. Lecture and discussion. Place: The Fairmont Hotel, 200 N. Columbus
Drive, Chicago. $15 member/$25 nonmember ... DEATILS
Books of the Week

* Do
gharib (1998)
Letters from two friends in Iran and abroad
By Farideh Golbou
* Yek
ruz maandeh beh eid-e paak (1998)
By Zoya Pirzad
* Istgaah-e
aabshaar (1999)
Back when we were just kids...
By Parviz Davaie
* Talkhaak
Love story, best selling novel
By Nasser Karami
See more
Iranian books for sale
Video of the Week
and Nothing More
(Zendegi va digar hich)

Abbas Kiarostami's film investigates the aftermath of a devastating
1990 earthquake which killed thousands of people in northern Iran. In many
ways the most beautiful and powerful Iranian film. Directed by Abbas Kiarostami.
Farsi with English subtitles.
Video Store
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form
Judiciary issues warning against moderate
TEHRAN, Sep 2 (AFP) - Iran's conservative-dominated judiciary on
Thursday issued a warning against any attempts by the moderate press to
breach the pillars of the Islamic revolution. In a statement broadcast on
radio, the judiciary vigorously backed Wednesday's remarks by supreme leader
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who said "apostate" journalists opposing
the country's eye-for-an-eye laws were liable to the death penalty ... FULL
Wheat groups urge Clinton to give Iran
farm credit
WASHINGTON, Sept 2 (Reuters) - Groups representing American wheat
farmers on Thursday joined the chorus of lawmakers and farm groups urging
the White House to extend export credits to Iran to boost U.S. agricultural
sales ... FULL TEXT
Students File Lawsuits Against Police Over
Hostel Raid
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) -- Iran's military is investigating
a lawsuit filed by 15 students claiming they were beaten by policemen during
a raid on their dormitory in July, a newspaper reported Thursday ... FULL
Council of Experts meeting next week
TEHRAN, Sep 2 (AFP) - Iran's powerful Council of Experts, charged
with appointing and revoking the Islamic republic's supreme leader, will
hold a rare meeting next week, press reports said Thursday
MKO says its base in Iraq attacked
Sept 2 (Reuters) - The Iranian opposition Mujahideen Khaliq, based in Iraq,
said on Thursday Iran had attacked one of its bases inside Iraq, but reported
no casualties ... FULL TEXT
IRGC to Remain Along Afghan Border, Commander
TEHRAN (AFP) - The head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)
said the elite force will remain along the Afghan border as long as the
Taliban are in power in Kabul, newspapers reported yesterday. ... FULL TEXT
Freed hostages say well-treated by Iranian
TEHRAN, Sept 1 (Reuters) - Four Europeans freed after being held
hostage by drug traffickers in southern Iran said on Wednesday they had
not been mistreated during most of their two-week captivity. ... FULL TEXT
Foreign, homemade models on show at Iran's
first car fair
Sept 2 (AFP) - French, South Korean and Iranian-made cars were on display
along with vintage American automobiles Thursday as Iran's first international
automobile fair opened its doors in Tehran ... FULL TEXT
Iran signs Caspian exploration deal with
local firm
TEHRAN, Aug 31 (Reuters) - Iran on Tuesday signed contracts valued
tentatively at a total $50 million with the local Petro Iran Development
Company (PEDCO) for oil and gas exploration in the Caspian Sea, the official
Iranian news agency IRNA reported ... FULL TEXT

Iranian cinema honors Khachikian
Tehran (Neshat) -- Samuel Khachikian was honored for 45 years of
service to Iranian cinema. Many of today's top directors were his students
Mojabi: No wonder artists aren't happy
Tehran (Neshat) -- Javad Mojabi laments the "disrespect"
towards artists in Iran ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Mahdavi-Kia practices
Tehran (Neshat) -- Mehdi Mahdavi-Kia got leave from his German
team to join the national soccer team practicing for next week's match against
Iran vs. Japan
Tehran (Neshat) -- Exact time and date of next week's soccer match
between Iran and Japan ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Persian Service
For the latest news,
interviews and features on Iranian current affairs ... LISTEN HERE
$ Rate
Updated September 1
Buying: 880-900 tomans per dollar
Selling: 906 tomans per dollar
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The Web
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Beyond Iran
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Quote Unquote
Over and over
Until Iranian political psychology comes to exorcise the spectrum of
Karbala and accepts the possibility of another model it is mired to repeat
the narrative over and over again.
-- Asghar Massombagi
of Karbala"
The Iranian
September 2, 1999
Photo of the Day

Daei: One against three
Musician of the Week

* Benevis
* Vedaa dar oj
* Ay bahaareh
* Diruz va emruz
artists index |