Cover story

Present in the past
Shadafarin Ghadirian's photographs
April 17, 2000
The Iranian
We live in the 21st century. But in some ways, Iranian society has not
progressed for centuries. Many of our habits and beliefs have not caught
up with the times. This is the immediate impression from Shadafarin Ghadirian
photographs, which have were recently exhibited in London and featured
in the February 2000 issue of Index for Censorship. >>>

Conspiracy at Desert One
A novel
By Bernace Charles
The Iranian
Chapter Sixty-One >>>
1953 coup official history

Introduction: Historian's
Summary: Overthrow
of Mossadegh
Appendix A: Initial
Operational Plan
Appendix B: "London"
Appendix C: UK
Foreign Office memorandum
Revolutionary Guards: Warning

The elite Islamic Revolutionary Guards have warned pro-reform leaders
and writers that any attempt to undermine the country's Islamic ideology
would be met with "Islamic violence." >>>
Thanks to Payman Arabshahi
Iranian wolf

The Iranian wolf (Canis lupus pallipes), prominently featured in popular
literature such as Richard Kipling's The Jungle Book, once ranged from
the Middle East across Asia. This beautiful and unique animal is also referred
to as the Indian or Asiatic wolf. >>>
More Letters
* Absolutely fascinating
Nima Faghihi
writes: Fereydoun Hoveyda's rendition of the events leading to the
invasion of Iran in World War II was absolutely fascinating ["Mystery
Report"]. In fact, it inspired me to look more into the matter.
From what I've learned the day of the invasion was one of the darkest
in Iranian history. Aside from the bloodshed, Iran's national sovereignty
was completely overlooked by the superpowers of the time.
It was probably the second ugliest ordeal concerning Iran and foreign
powers in the twentieth century, the first being the 1953 CIA-led coup.
* Pathetic, miserable...
Issa Hajjizadeh writes:
My heart-felt congrats to Khaanoom-e Shadafarin Ghadirian for her excellent
taste in photography ["Present
in the past"].
But, in responce to the article about those photos, you are such a pathetic,
miserable, narrow-minded person that no matter how hard an artist tris,
you still have this negative thing to say. Shame on you.
I have been living in the U.S. for the past 28 years. The last 14 here
in Las Vegas. And I have seen "it" all. So, I don't want to hear
crap from you bad-mouthing our Iranian way of living.
* Take out Googoosh
Abbas Soltani writes:
Would you like it if someone was to take your personal photo and post
it on a Web site for the world to see?
You must take this picture
of Googoosh off of your site because it was taken to be in a personal
photo album and the person who distributed it should be ashamed of this.
If Googoosh had wanted her current picture to be posted, I am certain
she would have come to the U.S. and done the whole celebrity profile in
Los Angeles.
I hope you do the right thing!
Panel: U.S.-Iran youth dialogue, DC
The School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and Columbia University
are pleased to invite you to the United States and Iran Youth Dialogue,
a panel session involving students and youth from Iran, SAIS, and Columbia
on Thursday, April 20, 2000 from 5:30-6 pm in the SAIS Kenney Auditorium
at 1740 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington DC. The panel discussion will
cover the nascent civil society in Iran and the forces behind its evolution
Books & Music from Iran

Check our fourteen new books from Iran including an authoritative history
of the Achamenid empire, writings by leading reformists, Forough Farrokhzad's
complete works, exquisite books of classical poetry with miniatures, Manichaean
psalms and more! >>>
New music albums
* Taherzadeh, Manochehr: Aakharin
barg * Eyvazi, Mohammad Reza. : Rangin
kamaan * Banan.: Shaakh-e
gol (2) * Ta'rif, Sadiq: Maah
baanoo * Lachini, Fariborz: Paaeez-e
talaaee ... >>>
Music store
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Iranian national soccer team

Three hours of interviews, trainings, matches, Biographies, and fans
of Iranian National Soccer Team, covering Iran's soccer history from 1978-2000.
Premium quality. Produced by: Alireza AmirGhasemi & Behrouz Deravi.
Video Store
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form
Fifty young protesters arrested in violent
clashes with police
April 17 (AFP) - Fifty young people were arrested in the northern city of
Rasht during three days of violent clashes with the Islamic militia and
the police, the police said Monday. Uneasy calm was restored to the city
by Monday as police officials and representatives of Iran's supreme leader,
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, began investigating the cause of the incidents >>>

Iran approves new measures to rein in press
April 17 (Reuters) - Iran's conservative outgoing parliament passed new
measures on Monday to rein in the liberal press, whose influence is increasing
in the Islamic country >>> FULL TEXT
Revolutionary guards threaten reformers
TEHRAN, Iran An elite military wing in Iran warned pro-reform
leaders and writers Sunday that any attempt to undermine the country's Islamic
ideology would be met with "Islamic violence." >>> FULL
Recount ordered in Tehran
April 17, (BBC) -- Another recount has been ordered on some of
the returns from the Tehran constituency following the general elections
in Iran two months ago >>> FULL TEXT
Hardline revolutionary courts chief replaced
April 17 (Reuters) - Iran's judiciary chief Mahmoud Hashemi-Shahroudi has
removed a renowned hardliner from the head of the country's feared Revolutionary
Courts, the official IRNA news agency said on Monday >>> FULL TEXT
Hajjarian speaks for the first time since
being shot
April 16 (Reuters) - Iran's junior fencing team pulled out of the world
championships in the United States and were on their way home after immigration
officials sought to fingerprint all team members, the official IRNA news
agency said on Sunday >>> FULL TEXT
Iran fencers leave U.S. in fingerprint
April 16 (Reuters) - Iran's junior fencing team pulled out of the world
championships in the United States and were on their way home after immigration
officials sought to fingerprint all team members, the official IRNA news
agency said on Sunday >>> FULL TEXT
Ericsson wins GSM expansion order in Iran
April 17 (Reuters) - Sweden's Ericsson , the world's largest maker of mobile
phone networks, has been chosen by the Telecommunications Company of Iran
(TCI) to expand the country's nationwide GSM mobile network.>>>

Iranian cavemen
(Hamshahri) - Niasar's man-made caves near Kashan are between 40,000 and
250,000 years old, according to Iranian archaeologists >>> FULL

Sepehri: Green poet
Tehran (Hamshahri) - An environmentalist look at the Sohrab Sepehri's
work on the anniversary of his death >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Door burns at historic mosque
(Hamshahri) - One of the main wooden gates at Isfahan's historic Jame' Mosque
has been destroyed in a fire >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Iran wins Taekwondo World Cup
Iran Sports Press - Iran won the 9th Taekwondo World Cup in Lyon
France on Sunday after winning two gold and two silver medals >>>
Persepolis players discuss upcoming games
Iran Sports Press - In interviews with 'Jonge-e-varzesh' prior
to their departure to Riyadh on Saturday for the Asian Club Championships,
some members of the Persepolis team discussed the upcoming games in the
Championships and their readiness for the difficult games ahead >>>
Azizi sent off as Wizards beat the Quakes
Iran Sports Press - The San Jose Earthquakes was defeated by Kansas
City Wizards tonight in a match that will put the Quakes public relation
people hard at work... In minute 74, Khodadad Azizi was shown the yellow
card, however Azizi was not done yet >>> FULL TEXT
Revolutionary Guards statement
Behrouz Parsa talks to Ahmad Zaidabadi, Iranian jouranlist,
about the Iranian Revolutionary Guards' strong statement warning those whom
they consider as Western influenced anti-revolutionary elements within the
Iranian media, to stop undermining the values of the revolution or face
the consequences
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The Web
Geological Survey
of Iran
First rate! You'll find plenty of relevant and well-organized
information here. But even if you are not interested in geology, check out
the Web design and learn something.
Beyond Iran
Art and Culture
A recent award winner at this year's South by Southwest
Interactive Conference, Art and Culture is an impressive guide to great
artists in every major artistic pursuit: painting, film, literature, music,
and performing arts.
web sites
Quote Unquote
ageh mohaafezehkaar-haa meetoonestan dolat-e Khatami ro sarnegoon
konan taa haalaa kardeh boodan. eenaa nemitoonan digeh aashi ro keh mardom
pokhtan bereezan. tanhaa kaari keh meetoonan bekonan eeneh keh toosh beshaashan.
(If the conservatives were able to get rid of Khatami's government, they
would have done so by now. They can't spill the stew that has been cooked
by the people. All they can do is pee in it.)
-- Anonymous journalist reacting to the Revolutionary Guards's warning
against reformists
16, 2000
Photo of the Day

page: 1953 Coup

artists index

Mohammad Hossein Maher
The man and
the palm tree |