July 31-August 4, 2000 / Mordad 10-14, 1379
* Iran-U.S.:
- Talk is cheap
* Religion:
- Pahlavis should learn
* Art:
- Inspiring Neshat
* The Iranian:
- Poor judgment
* Prostitution:
- Sympathy for prostitutes
* Sex:
- Get a grip, yourself
- It's year 2000
* Jews:
- Defend Ganji, not Jews
* Shamlou:
- Shamlou no Hafez
- Void left by Shamlou
- No benefit to free enterprise
* Googoosh:
- Good cry
- Best entertainer -- ever
* Iran-U.S.:
- Urgent: Anti-Iran amendment
- Sherman's disservice
- Stop bitching
email us
August 4, 2000
* Talk is cheap
Gary Sick's long expose on the pearls of wisdom spewed by Dick Cheny
in various stages of political undress fails to show how this man, if elected,
will fulfill the promise of "Better
for Business." Whose business? Just like Gary Sick, Dick Cheney
speaks with a forked tongue depending on the make-up of the audience...
Where his fudiciary responsibility to his shareholders dictates Cheney
speaks against the Iran sanctions in order to secure for his company a
favorable future legal position. And when approached just this week at
the RNC in Philadephia, his people seemed to indicate, among other things,
that the concern over the "Iran 10" and other issues stand in
the way of any removal of sanctions, end of discussion.
The same bunch also referred to Yasser Arafat as a "terrorist"
because of the failed Camp David talks.Talk is cheap and Cheney delivers
it as well as anyone >>>
Guive Mirfendereski
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* Pahlavis should learn
I am so sad about the death of Shamlou. As a teenage girl I used to
recite his poem "Paria" and loved it. I still do as a woman.
What is interesting is that according to the email no Islamic jargon
was recited at his funeral ["Only
ey Iran"]. The Pahlavi family should learn from this. So when
they go for the Shah's
yearly memorial they should not recite the Koran and Fatehe.
I am proud that Iranian people are finally getting freed from the years
of Islamic domination and oppression.
Parvin Darabi
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* Inspiring Neshat
I just saw Shirin Neshat's film in Donostia. At the museum I also saw
Gun and the Gaze" for the first time, and both the film and the
book, made a great impression on me, although I didn't get the time to
see if there was any translations of the text on the photographs. As a
revolutionary in this little country called Norway, this book, as well
as the whole exhibition, inspired me a lot.
Stig Gunnar Ringen
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August 3, 2000
* Shamlou no Hafez
I came across a letter
about Shamlou and was saddened. Altough I can't deny that Shamlou was
a notable poetic figure in the contemporary Iranian poetry scene, to suggest
that he is the ranks of Hafez, Rumi or Saadi, only shows the depth of ignorance
about these three stalwarts of Persian literature.
Those three masters together with others like Ferdowsi (who was the
subject of Mr. Shamlou's meglomaniac rantings) have defined what we call
the correct form and structure of our Farsi language.
Mr. Shamlou's lasting memory is his alliance with the Iranian loony
left who remain his loyal fans and he is only "great" in their
circles and by their definitions >>>
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* Get a grip, yourself
In reply to Babak, first let me thank you for your
sympathy and feeling sorry for my inability to comprehend such complex
matters that intellects like you can.
I must say I don't know where you live but even in all Western countries,
GOOD-cultured people carry a lot of principles similar to Iranian culture,
and if you get someone to show you the real Iranian culture you may understand
its roots and values.
As for you, it's because of people like you that the West has so many
cultural problems and also a lot of youngsters (particularly in Iran) forget
their origins and fall in love with something they don't even understand.
So while we are entering the 20th century I suggest you (and the likes
of you) get a grip on yourself and understand what your real culture says
(and also the culture of other countries).
As for the "DAMET GARM", well... you're free to GARM anybody's
Al Amin
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* Poor judgment
Looking at this picture
on the cover of The Iranian may be okay once. Leaving it as
your banner for a week or so is a very poor judgment.
I could never look at a sheep or any animal being slaughtered in front
of me for some old or superstitious custom.
Sacrificing an animal is not going to add or take away anything from
anybody. It is time that we learn from our old tradition and update our
own way of thinking to the new 21st century.
Iraj Roozbeh
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August 2, 2000
* Sympathy for prostitutes
In response to the
man who is/was so outraged at the prostitution
link. Yes - it may be sensationalistic - but both you and I have joined
the ranks of those writing about it and reading it. Who do you seek to
blame if a Jasmine-paragraph achieves thousands of hits? These are after
all, your precious and "refined" Iranians...
What do you make of women who wear large, ridiculous, and aesthetically
uninspiring cliches on their wedding fingers as a prize or expression of
self-worth? Are these accepted bougeoisie ways of living among the sexes
(although they are generalized and being reformed in most communities)
a form of "prostitution" ?
My intent here is not to insult mainstream women, but to point out some
similarities in lifestyle that will hopefully enable you to understand
or feel sympathetic for prostitutes themselves >>>
Leyla Momeny
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* It's year 2000
In response to Al-Amin's letter "Complete
outrage", it's because of people like you that we have such a
backward and outdated culture. I truly feel sorry for you. It's year 2000,
why don't you wake up and get a grip.
Don't insult others if you don't have the slightest ability to comprehend.
I give this guy Mostafa Saber a lot of credit for writing "Aazaadi-ye jensi
va as-haab-e kahf". Damesh garm!!!!
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* Defend Ganji, not Jews
I think Israel and U.S. and Europe are enough to defend the Jews' rights
face it"]. There are people whom nobody in the world cares about.
Nobody knows and cares where they are buried.
So, let us take the "shame" and care about the latter group.
Let us take the "shame" and care about brave people (e.g., Akbar
Ganji) in Iran who go trough the tough time and defend people's rights.
Bottom line:
- You want to defend Jews. Go ahead, specially, if it helps you for
your political career.
- You would like to ask other people to support you for that. That is good.
- You don't like somebody supporting Ganji. This is none of your business.
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August 1, 2000
* Void left by Shamlou
I want to share my feelings with each one of you regarding Shamlou's
sad departure ["Prophet
of light"]. There are times when we feel the need to express ourselves,
times when a voice rising from within cannot be ignored any longer, when
an event hits too close to home!
Since Shamlou's death I have felt such a void. A passionate voice in
me echoes in the language of love, of his poetry. A longing, a sense of
loss, an anxiety that evades detection and leaves farther and farther out
is lingering in my mind. That's why I feel compelled to write these few
H. Vandad
Denver Colorado
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* No benefit to free enterprise
I noticed that none of the U.S. media even mentioned Shamlou's death
, even in passing, except the Washington Post with a few lines in the obituaries!
Maybe because his death does nothing to advance the cause of free enterprise.
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* Good cry
Thanks so much for writing about Googoosh ["Standing
ovation"]. I read it all over again and enjoyed it. Even though
I couldn't go to her concert to have a good cry, I cried reading your article.
I missed her so much. I wish she would come to Montréal, too.
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* Best entertainer -- ever
Like Termeh ["Like
holding my pillow"], my wife and I made the trip from Washington
to see Googoosh in Toronto. Even though I had to drive 10 hours the night
before the concert and 10 hours the day after, I am not a bit sorry.
As the matter of fact if the driving was twice as much I would have
still done it. I got home 3 o'clock in the morning and had to be at work
at 8. I made it and I was not a bit tired.
Googoosh is for sure the best entertainer Iran has ever produced. I
just wished I could meet her to tell her how grateful I was to her for
bringing back all the memories.
Max Rofougar
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July 31, 2000
* Urgent: Anti-Iran amendment
Congressman Peter Deutsch of Florida introduced an amendment Friday
to the Treasury/Postal Appropriations Bill re-imposing the food and carpets
sanctions, so the issue is still quite alive. I understand Charles Schumer
of NY may introduce a similar amendment on the Senate side.
We were successful in postponing Sherman's proposal but they rerouted
their efforts through other states! This time it is an amendment (amendments
to the appropriations bills can easily be passed (in fact, must) before
November. It is urgent for everyone to call their offices ASAP and fax
short letters to them as well >>>
Mozhgan Mojab
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* Sherman's disservice
As an American, I am often confused by many of the articles and/or letters
from Iranians that I see on Iran content web sites ["Dumb
and dumber"]. I fully understand the outcry that the reprehensible
comments made by California Congressman Brad Sherman has provoked; his
unconsidered condemnation of an entire country and its people is ludicrous.
His statements have inflamed the anti-western passions of fundamentalists,
as well as the terrorism-paranoia felt by many uninformed Americans. He
does a disservice to both sides, and is everything that Americans do not
wish their politicians to be >>>
M.L. Knowles
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* Stop bitching
I keep reading about the efforts by some congressmen (Brad Sherman,
Democrat-California) and senators to reverse the lifting the partial sanction
in retaliation for 13 Jews in Iran. I can't help wondering why there is
so much bitching while it seems like there is no one who wants to do something
realistic about Iranian-Americans RIGHTS in this country?
Either "some" of you guys, just walked out of the boat!! Or
you don't understand this country's "political processes"? Or
you are in a deep sleep! Here are few blunt lessons about the political
realities in U.S that works! >>>
Daniel Zangeneh
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