Baba Taher

She changed overnight
Before and after getting a Green Card
By Kasra
February 25, 2000
The Iranian
This is an email from a reader -- not an article. It's just dard-o-del.
Sadly, it's a story often heard among Iranians aborad.
Last year I went to Iran and met a good-looking 35-year-old woman...
We went to Dubai and got married. When I returned to America, I applied
to get her a Green Card... When she arrived we had great love affairs and
I felt like the luckiest person on earth! After two months her Green Card
arrived and I gave it to her. A day after that she changed 180 degrees!
She would make excuses and start fights. She tore up 200 love letters that
were exchanged between us. She tore up our many pictures taken together
in Dubai. (Of course she did not know that in America we make two prints
from our films!). It seemed she was trying to erase every evidence of our
time together. >>>
New books

Eleven new books from Iran! Esmail Fassih's latest novel; history of
Tudeh officers, a film script about the life of the Shah; Iran's best selling
novel; eight short stories by Sadegh Hedayat and... >>>

Conspiracy at Desert One
A novel
By Bernace Charles
The Iranian
Chapter Nineteen >>>

Tribute to Nader Naderpour
BBC Persian Service
One of the leaders of the "New Poetry" movement among all
persian speakers, Nader Naderpour passed away in Los Angeles on 18 February
2000 >>> LISTEN
Iranian Community Mourns an Idol
Admirers say death can't silence the voice of Persian poet Nader Naderpour.
Los Angeles Times
February 25, 2000
Nader Naderpour's friends gently hoisted his flag-draped casket onto
their shoulders Thursday afternoon, carrying him past hundreds of tearful
mourners unwilling to grasp that their beloved idol was gone. But even
in death, the contemporary Persian poet who inspired a nation couldn't
be silenced. His booming, melodic voice rang out over loudspeakers at Westwood
Village Memorial Park, a taped recital of Persian verse that has stirred
millions of Iranian souls over the last 46 years >>>
Thanks to Ramin Tabib
Letter to The Iranian:
Greetings from Singapore! I don't know if you can help me. I really
like Iranian-born CNN chief correspondent Christiane Amanpour who was recently
married to U.S. State Department spokesman James Rubin. All I want to know
is that is she a Muslim? It doesn't matter to me whether she is or not
but I just would like to know. I know Mr Rubin is a Jew. I think it's wonderful
for a Jew to marry a Muslim (that is if she is).
Thank you for your time & reply.
Alawiyah Gurung (Mrs)
More Letters
* Question those in power
Roozbeh Shirazi
writes in reply to Mehdi
Kianpour's letter:
I received several letters regarding the one I wrote to President Khatami
among ourselves"], but I wish to respond personally to you because
you raise very interesting points, present a chance to respond openly to
someone in Iran, and allow me to go more in-depth on something I feel very
strongly for.
I think your argument is best summed up in "why don't you accept
the risk?" I entirely agree with you. In some ways, it is a risk I
would be ready to take today, if I had a plane ticket.
However, my friend, for many reasons, the decision is not entirely mine.
I am NOT afraid to go to Iran, I am not worried about what may happen and
ultimately I know someday I will be in Iran, and hopefully not only as
a tourist -- I wish to help build something there. Going to Iran to me
is as inevitable as dying -- one day it will happen. The question is when
and under what conditions?...
Why don't I accept the risk and just go? Risking is not abandoning reason
-- it is a calculated decision one makes aware of factors affecting the
outcome of that decision. I have done my research and have determined right
now something indeed will happen if I go. Don't question my judgment, question
the ones who run Iran and why such policies remain in place and why no
official assurances are given. That is exactly why I wrote to the president,
because I want to put this issue on the table >>>
* Changing Persians
Raafat writyes: Ms.
Ghadrboland's points about identity in lieu of Ms.
Hosseini's commentary is a very valid counter-argument to the position
brought up originally about the very complex issue of identity.
A person being of a mixed-European/Iranian/Asian/Jewish/African or what
ever-hyphenated "American" has many positive and conversely negative
elements to it, as she pointed out. However the definitions of "citizenship"
versus "nationality" as opposed to "ethnicity" seems
to denote more clear definitions of belonging to one group simply based
on birth or parentage or ancestral origin. Whereas the issue of "culture"
being an outgrowth of "environmental history" including ancestry
is more or less fluid.
What was considered an "accultured" person of a particular
ethnic group, such as Persians, has continued to change definitions right
before our eyes in this past century. For instance, my experience as essentially
an American visiting family & friends in Iran was very unique in that
I was able to see many facets of that culture being treated as a part of
the country, essentially as an "ovrseas Iranian" which hardly
any non-Iranian foreigner would have been able to >>>
Seminar: New York seminar on Iran elections
On Wednesday, March 8, Gulf/2000 in cooperation with the Columbia University
Seminar on the Middle East will host a special seminar on the recent elections
in Iran. For this event we are pleased to have four exceptionally astute
observers of Iranian politics >>>
Books & Music from Iran

Eleven new books from Iran! Esmail Fassih's latest novel; history of
Tudeh officers, a film script about the life of the Shah; Iran's best selling
novel; eight short stories by Sadegh Hedayat and... >>>
New music albums
* Taherzadeh, Manochehr: Aakharin
barg * Eyvazi, Mohammad Reza. : Rangin
kamaan * Banan.: Shaakh-e
gol (2) * Ta'rif, Sadiq: Maah
baanoo * Lachini, Fariborz: Paaeez-e
talaaee ... >>>
Music store
NEW: Champions:
Iranian national soccer team

Three hours of interviews, trainings, matches, Biographies, and fans
of Iranian National Soccer Team, covering Iran's soccer history from 1978-2000.
Premium quality. Produced by: Alireza AmirGhasemi & Behrouz Deravi.
Video Store
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form

Rafsanjani promises to respect vote
TEHRAN, Feb 25 (Reuters) - Former Iranian president Akbar Hashemi
Rafsanjani, his political fate in the balance amid a dispute over election
returns, pledged on Friday to respect the result of the vote. Rafsanjani,
standard-bearer for the establishment in polls largely swept by reformers
close to President Mohammad Khatami, was clinging to one of the last of
Tehran's 30 seats yet to declare, according to one unofficial count >>>
Rafsanjani cautions winners
TEHRAN, Iran With reformists sweeping last week's parliamentary
elections, former President Hashemi Rafsanjani today cautioned the winners
against sidelining the losers. In a sermon at the main weekly prayer in
Tehran, Rafsanjani said the Feb. 18 parliamentary polls were "significant
and healthy." >>> FULL TEXT
Rafsanjani slams United States
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - A top Iranian official slammed the United States
during a sermon Friday for professing a desire for improved ties while pushing
legislation to punish countries that help Iran's arms program. ``On the
one hand they express willingness to have relations with Iran, and on the
other they pass laws which seek to punish countries helping Iran with its
weapons program,'' ex-President Hashemi Rafsanjani said at the sermon at
Tehran University >>> FULL TEXT
Moscow blasts Senate's Iran nuclear bill
Feb 25 (AFP) - Russia slammed the US Senate on Friday for trying to punish
countries that it considered were aiding Iranian weapons programmes, saying
the "hypocritical" legislation would harm Russo-US relations.
In a harshly-worded statement, the Russian foreign ministry described as
"unacceptable" the Senate bill, which seeks to slap sanctions
on countries deemed to be aiding Iran's efforts to acquire weapons of mass
destruction >>> FULL TEXT

U.S. State Department human report on Iran
February 25, 2000 (U.S. State Department) -- The [Iranian] government's
human rights record remained poor; although efforts within society to make
the Government accountable for its human rights policies intensified, serious
problems remain. The Government restricts citizens' right to change their
government. Systematic abuses include extrajudicial killings and summary
executions; disappearances; widespread use of torture and >>> FULL

Crude prices surge higher
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Crude oil prices in the United States ended
the week sharply higher, just below a fresh nine-year high of $30.83, as
production cuts by oil cartel OPEC continue to squeeze supply in the world's
biggest oil consumer. Frantic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange
(NYMEX) pushed the front-month April crude oil futures contract above the
January 1991 high of $30.46 a barrel just after midday >>> FULL

Iran poll may herald Caspian oil shake-up
MOSCOW, Feb 25 (Reuters) - Russia has welcomed the election of
a reformist government in Iran , but analysts say it may mark the start
of an upheaval in the politics of Caspian oil as three key players, Russia,
Iran and Turkey, battle for supremacy. The Caspian Sea contains huge if
undetermined oil and gas reserves, but is landlocked. Getting them out means
building pipelines. And pipelines give transit countries cash and clout

Great loss
Tehran (Asr-e Azadegan) - Nader Naderpour's death was "a great
loss", Iran's Writers Association said in a statement saying >>>

Tehran (Asr-e Azadegan) - Ceremony to honor Parviz Fannizadeh,
20 years after his demise >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Books of the year
(Asr-e Azadegan) - Late news that we missed: Book of the Year awards >>>

Tehran (Iran Varzeshi) - Esteqlal's Russian head coach has been
sacked. Interview with the new coach, Mansour Pourheydari (will he resign
from the national team?) >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Day one
(Iran Varzeshi) - Esteqlal's first practice with their (old) new head coach

(Iran Varzeshi) - Ali Parvin says the game against Esteqlal on Sunday will
be lots of fun ... and take Persepolis closer towards winning both championships
Tehran (Iran Varzeshi) - Latest team standings and Azadegan goal
Persian Service
For the latest news,
interviews and features on Iranian current affairs ... LISTEN HERE

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The Web
Irandoostan Tours
Another tour agency in Iran. Business is picking up?
Beyond Iran
The Cultivated
Spring is in the air at this web companion to the nationally
syndicated radio show all about gardening. Among other things, we tagged
along for a wild mushroom hunt under the Redwoods, complete with a recipe
for a mouth-watering saute.
web sites
Quote Unquote
With regard to myself, I must thank those who trusted me and voted for
me, and I respect those who did not want to vote for me and decided to vote
for others. Their ideas and their votes must be respected.
-- Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani
February 25, 2000
Photo of the Day

phones in Ahvaz

artists index

Laleh Motamed Amin
Untitled photograph |