Tehran Times

Eat, sleep, nose job
Iran could hold the world record in plastic surgery
By Najmeh Fakhraie
June 6, 2000
The Iranian
As I walk in the street it amazes me to see the number of people who
have broken noses. We could make the Guiness Book of Records it
seems. Why are they so careless? Don't they look to see where they're going?
I tell that to a friend. He breaks out laughing for the longest time. It
doesn't seem that funny to me. He finally manages to say : "Their
noses haven't been broken, not in an accident at least. They've all had
nose jobs!" >>>
18th of Tir
BBC Persian Service
On the anniversary of the student protests, Baqer Moin interviews Akbar
Atri (member of the reformist students organization), Qassem Sholed Sadi
(former Majlis deputy) and Nasser Zarafshan, lawyer in the chain murders'
case (go to five minutes and 10 seconds) >>>
Also see Bahar newspaper 's report >>>
Khatami deserves support - scholar
Open Letter to the Iranian Community in Germany Regarding President
Khatami's Trip
Payvand.Com -- As a political scientist concerned about our national
interests, I find it my ethical duty to write this open letter asking you
to put your moral support behind president Khatami as he travels to Germany
shortly. Mr. Khatami has done much to improve the political environment
of Iran, reducing tensions with the outside world, and normalizing ties
with the West in particular, and, as a result, deserves our active support
>>> FULL
Confusion over reported protest by German MPs over
Khatami visit
July 5, 2000, Berlin (dpa) - At a news briefing organised by the National
Resistance Council of Iran - which is dominated by the Iraqi-based People's
Mujahedin - a member of Germany's parliament, Arne Fuhrmann, said the protest
had been signed by 175 members of the Bundestag, the German lower house.
But the list of signatories was not presented at the news briefing.
A spokeswoman for Fuhrmann - who is a member of German Chancellor Gerhard
Schroeder's Social Democrats - later said the petition was being organised
by the National Resistance Council >>>
Thanks to Laleh Khalili
More good news
Jamkaran mosque in Qom has a Miracles Registration Office >>>
Thanks to Sourena
More Letters
* Marginal issues
Ali Akbar Mahdi writes:
Thank you Mr. Jamshidian ["Serious
omissions"] for taking time to react to my article ["Wake-up
call"] on the student movement in Iran. You have raised several
concerns to which I would like to respond.
1. Let me begin by saying that the article is about the student movement
and not Soroush or Khatami. An assessment of these individuals' politics
and performance deserves a separate examination. This article was written
for a scholarly journal, thus had to focus on the topic and avoid any issues
marginal to that topic >>>
* Roots unexposed
Goli Afshar
writes on behalf of Student Movement
Coordination Committee for Democracy in Iran: In full agrrement
with Mr. Jamshidian ["Serious
omissions"] and with the necessary thanks for your article ["Wake-up
call"], I just wanted to remind you that with such an approach
you have not exposed some of the main roots of the problems faced by the
Iranian student movement >>>
* The press & the government
Camron Michael Amin
writes: I wanted to thank Azadeh Hamehdoni for her fine article on
the contemporary Iranian press ["Red
ink"] but also to quibble with the second paragraph of the background
I do not mean to suggest that politics and censorship are not a vital
part of the history of the Iranian press, but there is a bit more to it
than that. The central role and faith in the power of the press in Iran
today derives from over a 150 years of history in which the press has played
a crucial role in politics, culture and economics -- sometimes despite
the power of the state and sometimes supported by that same power >>> FULL
* I worship you
Pedram Moallemian
writes: In reference to "Good
news" in the Anyway section, I visited South Korea in 1983. When
I contacted the Iranian embassy in Seoul to get some paperwork straightened
out, the clerk was practically shocked to see and hear from another Iranian
... Seveteen years later, I see "Pastor Oh" has three Farsi-speaking
churches running in South Korea>>>
Rights: Vigil in Washington DC
Alliance for Defense of Human Rights in Iran: Saturday, July 8th 2000
marks the first anniversary of the student movement in Iran... To commemorate
this day and to voice our support for the students, the Alliance for Defense
of Human Rights in Iran will stage a silent vigil in front of the Interest
Section of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Washington DC on July 7 >>> DETAIILS
Music store
Translation of today's poem by Zara
He who set the world on fire in me
And made a hundred tongues of flame speak from my mouth,
When fire blazed around me on all sides,
I sighed: he placed his hand upon my mouth.
-- Rumi
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form
Three reported killed in unrest in Abadan
July 6 (AFP) - Three people were killed late Wednesday in clashes with security
forces in the southern Iranian city of Abadan during riots over a lack of
drinking water, a press report said Thursday. The security forces moved
in to prevent the sacking of the town by angry protesters, the conservative
Jomhuri Eslami reported >>> FULL TEXT
Five arrested over videotape
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Five people were arrested and charged with
helping make a controversial videotape featuring an Islamic vigilante group
member discussing his links to hardline politicians, state-run Tehran radio
reported Thursday. The five men were briefly detained for ``their role in
preparing and distributing the videotape,'' the radio quoted a Tehran Justice
Administration statement as saying >>> FULL TEXT
Pro-reform lawyers to be tried in secret
July 6 (AFP) - Two leading Iranian pro-reform lawyers arrested last month
will go on trial next week behind closed doors with six other people over
video-cassettes which point the finger at top officials >>> FULL
France linked to Dutch police break up
of immigrant network
HAGUE, July 6 (AFP) - Dutch police said Thursday that they had broken up
three major illegal immigration networks run by Iranians who had entered
the country using visas provided by the French embassy in Tehran >>>
Press court summons conservative newspaper
July 6 (AFP) - Two conservative daily newspaper directors have been summoned
to appear before Tehran's press court, the official IRNA news agency reported
Thursday. Hossein Shariatmadari, head of Kayhan, and Morteza Nabavi, director
of Resalaat, have been summoned >>> FULL TEXT

Khatami prepares for Germany
July 6 (AFP) - Iranian President Mohammad Khatami's office has confirmed
that he will travel to Berlin on July 10-12, his first visit to Germany
since his election in 1997, the official IRNA news agency reported >>>
Germany steps up border security
FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) - Germany will reimpose controls along
its borders to screen out members of Iranian opposition groups who may try
to disrupt next week's visit by Iranian President Mohammed Khatami, officials
said Thursday >>> FULL TEXT
Clinton promises to work for release of
jailed Iranian Jews
July 6 (AFP) - President Bill Clinton told US Jewish leaders Wednesday that
he would work to win the release of 10 Iranian Jews, imprisoned on charges
of spying for Israel, the community leaders said after a White House meeting
U.S. oil dips below $30 on Saudi supply
YORK, July 6 (Reuters) - U.S. crude oil prices slid for the second straight
day Thursday, breaking below $30 a barrel, on reassurances that Saudi Arabia
and other Mideast oil suppliers were serious about raising daily production

Mehrjuie directing plays
Tehran, (Iran daily) -- Filmmaker Daryoush Mehrhuie is returning
to the state for the first time in many years. He is directing two new plays

Honarmand's thought-provoking comedy
(Hamshahiri) -- "Defaa az aqlaaniyat" (In defense of common sense)
by reformist journalist Seyed Morteza Mardiha; second edition of Abdolkarim
Soroush's "Qomaar aasgeqaaneh" (Passionate gamble) and >>>

New books
(Bahar) -- Author Mohammad Mohammad Ali is writing a murder/mystery. He
also answers the question: "Why haven't we seen much political fiction
in recent years?" >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Latest from Minavand's Sturm
(Iran Sports Press) -- On Tuesday the new season of the Austrian
Bundesliga started with the 6:1 thrashing of Admira Mödling by Austrian
champion FC Tirol. On Wednesday Sturm had it's first game of the season
against LASK. Mehrdad Minavand was subbed in at the end of the first half
Minavand won't play against Israelis
(Hamshahiri) -- Mehrdad Minavand has told his Austrian team that he will
not play against Israelis >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Esteqlal practice in Yugoslavia
(Iran Sports Press) -- Esteghlal Football Team will travel to Yugoslavia
on July 16, said Parviz Mazloumi, member of the coaching team >>>
18th of Tir
On the anniversary of the student protests,
Baqer Moin interviews Akbar Atri (member of the reformist students organization),
Qassem Sholed Sadi (former Majlis deputy) and Nasser Zarafshan, lawyer in
the chain murders' case (go to five minutes and 10 seconds) >>>
NOTE: BBC link content changes every 24 hours
BBC Persian

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Quote Unquote
You eat, you sleep, you breath. These are the necessities
of life; one simply can not live without them. Same goes for a nose job.
It's a MUST.
-- Najmeh Fakhraie
sleep, nose job"
The Iranian
July 5, 2000
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