Cover story

The fall guy
Biography of ill-fated Prime Minister Hoveyda
June 5, 2000
The Iranian
Excerpt from Chpater One of Abbas Milani's The Persian Sphinx:
Amir-Abbas Hoveyda and the Riddle of the Iranian Revolution (2000, Mage
Publishers). Hoveyda photos here
By March 28, 1979, Amir Abbas Hoveyda, who had served the shah of Iran
as prime minister for almost thirteen years, had been in jail for some
five months. On November 8, 1978, in an attempt to appease the rapidly
rising tide of revolutionary fervor, the shah had ordered Hoveyda's arrest.
There was no appeasing the tide, however, and fearing for their lives,
the royal family fled Iran on January 16, 1979, with little realistic hope
of ever returning. They took with them much of their personal belongings,
including the royal dog. Their long-trusted prime minister, however, they
chose to leave behind. >>>
Golshiri gone

BBC Persian Service
Houshang Golshiri, famous Iranian writer and novelist, died today at
63 in Tehran. He was one of the founders of Modern Iranian short story
writing and an activist in support of human rights and freedom of expression
in Iran, including rallies in protest of the chain murders of Iranian intellectuals
and dissidents. Mr. Golshiri was also a main figure in the Society of Iranian
Writers. Sadegh Saba talked to him upon his last visit to London 8 months
ago >>> LISTEN
Also see article by Sadegh Saba >>>
Persia's crowning glory
Shahnameh exhibit in Washington
BBC World Service
The Smithsonian Institution in Washington is showcasing one of the classics
of world literature - the Persian epic Shahnameh. The exhibition at the
Sackler Gallery looks at historical figures made legendary in the 11th
century poem Shahnameh, or Book of Kings >>>
Left hook
International Haftegi: The Iranian Writers Association in exile
should not remain silent to events in Iran >>>
Stop everything
This guy has to take the konkoor >>>
Thanks to Payman Arabshahi
More Letters
* Appalled and embarrassed
Setareh Sharif
wirtes: I am so very much appalled and embarrassed by the way that
the Afgahni people are treated in Iran ["Not
welcome"]. They work hard for very little money and help the economy
and productivity of Iran. What gives us the right to throw them back to
their country?
As Iranians, so many of us have gotten permission to live and to hold
jobs in the European countries and the U.S. within the past 20 years and
more; why shouldn't we allow our Moslem brothers to live in our country
and to build a future for their children in Iran? What happened to our
* Higher priority for Iranian interests
F. Rafat writes: Although
I'm not against any nationalities let alone Afghanis who are our neighbors
and relegious brothers, but yes, they have taken away jobs from Iranians
in Iran, have been involved in crime, ruthless killing of Iranians as well
as Afghanis ["Not
At this time Iranians are struggling with unemployment, lack of food
and drugs and medical care, housing etc. All refugees In Iran, including
Iraqis and Kurds are creating problems. Iranians are hospitable but their
own interest has higher priority.
Education: Information technology and
the Internet for education in Iran
Speaker: Dr. Abbas Edalat Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics
Imperial College, London >>>
Books & Music from Iran

Check our fourteen new books from Iran including an authoritative history
of the Achamenid empire, writings by leading reformists, Forough Farrokhzad's
complete works, exquisite books of classical poetry with miniatures, Manichaean
psalms and more! >>>
New music albums
* Taherzadeh, Manochehr: Aakharin
barg * Eyvazi, Mohammad Reza. : Rangin
kamaan * Banan.: Shaakh-e
gol (2) * Ta'rif, Sadiq: Maah
baanoo * Lachini, Fariborz: Paaeez-e
talaaee ... >>>
Music store
NEW: Champions:
Iranian national soccer team

Three hours of interviews, trainings, matches, Biographies, and fans
of Iranian National Soccer Team, covering Iran's soccer history from 1979-2000.
Premium quality. Produced by: Alireza AmirGhasemi & Behrouz Deravi.
Video Store
Translation of today's poem by Zara
If my heart's not on fire, then why all this smoke?
If there's no incense burning, then what do I smell?
Why do I love? And why do I doubt?
Why is the moth so eager to burn in the candle's hell?
-- Rumi
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form

U.S. still backs Iran dialogue
WASHINGTON (AP) - The State Department said Monday it continues
to support an official dialogue with Iran despite new allegations that Iran
was responsible for the attack on Pan Am flight 103 that killed 270 persons
in 1988 >>> FULL TEXT
Iran terrror link probe
June 5, BBC -- A man claiming to be a senior Iranian intelligence
service defector has been questioned in Turkey after saying he has information
about Iranian involvement in acts of international terrorism >>>
Iran slams US over attempts to fingerprint
women delegates to UN forum
June 5 (AFP) - Iran on Monday denounced attempts by USimmigration officials
to fingerprint a group of Iranian women upon theirarrival in New York last
week to attend a UN conference. "This is new proof of the contradictory
behaviour and statements of USofficials, particularly when they speak about
expanding cultural relationswith Iran," said foreign ministry spokesman
Hamid-Reza Asefi >>> FULL TEXT
Ayatollah Khamenei's call for Palestine's
June 3 (AFP) - Supreme Guide Ali Khamenei called Saturdayfor "Palestine's
liberation" in a speech to hundreds of thousands of Iraniansvisiting
the tomb of the Islamic republic's founder on the 11th anniversaryof his
death. Ayatollah Khamenei, disciple and successor of the founder, AyatollahRuhollah
Khomeini, predicted that Israel will withdraw from Palestinianterritory
as it did from Lebanon May 24 and also appealed for an end topolitical strife
inside Iran >>> FULL TEXT

Abdollah Nuri hospitalised with neck pain
June 5 (AFP) - Imprisoned Iranian reformist Abdollah Nuri has been taken
from Tehran's Evin prison to hospital after suffering "severe pain"
in the vertebrae of his neck, his brother Ali Reza Nuri told AFP Monday.
"He was hospitalised on Saturday and will stay there until his pain
hasgone," said Ali Reza, who himself is a reformist MP elected in Tehran
Do not strike the Nethercutt language or
Iran from the FY 2001 Agriculture Appropriations Bill!
for International Cooperation -- Summary: Next week, Congress will vote
whether to lift sanctions on food and medicine on all nations including
Iran. Contact your representative and voice your support for the lifting
sanctions >>> FULL TEXT
Iran's non-oil exports take a plunge
June 5 (AFP) - Iran's non-oil exports, including rugs, pistachios, chemicals,
copper and steel, were down 33 percent over thepast two months compared
with the same period last year, the state-run IRNA news agency said Monday.
The downward trend in April and May has triggered concern among financial
officials in Iran, IRNA said >>> FULL TEXT

Baizaie: Actors don't know Persian
(Bahar) -- Director Bahram Baizaie complains bitterly about Iranian actors'
"lack of knowledge of Persian" >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Poet on peotry
(Iran daily) -- Kurdish Iranian poet Faryad Shiri talk about the state of
poetry in Iran >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Bigger dictionary
(Bahar) -- The Dehkhoda Foundation is working on a Persian loghat-naammeh
which is even bigger than Dehkhoda's >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Statistical look at Iranian football
(Iran Sports Press) -- Iran's national team has played 323 games
so far (3rd June, 2000), in which Iran has won 171, drew 71 and had lost
81 games. During these games Iran >>> FULL TEXT
Saudi will referee Iran-Egypt match
(Iran Sports Press) -- The LG Cup will kick off on Wednesday with
two games. In the first game, South Korea will meet Macedonia while Iran
will meet Egypt >>> FULL TEXT

Azizi Scores in Earthquakes win
(Iran Sports Press) -- San Jose Earthquakes beat Colorado Rapids
coming from behind by scoring three goals in the last three minutes of the
match. Colorado scored two goals in the first half by former San Jose player,
Paul Bravo >>> FULL TEXT
Afghan women singers
Houshang Golshiri, famous Iranian writer and
novelist, died today at 63 in Tehran. He was one of the founders of Modern
Iranian short story writing and an activist in support of human rights and
freedom of expression in Iran, including rallies in protest of the chain
murders of Iranian intellectuals and dissidents. Mr. Golshiri was also a
main figure in the Society of Iranian Writers. Sadegh Saba talked to him
upon his last visit to London 8 months ago >>>
BBC Persian

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The Web
Just an annoucement. Hope to see more soon.
Beyond Iran
Incomplete History of Art
This extraordinary photo essay by career diplomat
and amateur photographer Dean Brown is apparently required viewing in certain
college art history
web sites
Quote Unquote
I am so very much appalled and embarrassed by the way that
the Afgahni people are treated in Iran ["Not
welcome"]. They work hard for very little money and help the economy
and productivity of Iran. What gives us the right to throw them back to
their country?
--Setareh Sharif
to The Iranian
June 5, 2000
Photo of the Day

wins King Hussain Cup

Kaviani with Nooshafarin
artists index

Yaghoob Ammamehpich
Untitled |