June 5-9, 2000 / Khordad 16-20, 1379
| Sports
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* Politics: Showing Berlin Conference in Washington
* Music: Omoumi concert in Seattle
* Art: Iranian women artists in Berkeley
* Education: Internet for education in Iran
* Music: Lian Ensemble performs Rumi in Seattle
* Film: Kiarostami's latest film in New York
* Art: Ali Dadgar in Oakland
* Science: American scientific team going back to Iran
* Conference: Iranian women's conference in Berkeley
* Seminar: "Iranians Dialog"
* Award: Journalism in the Middle East
* Support: Donations to journalists in Iran
* Music: Bijan Mortazavi, George Dalaras, Kazem al Saher
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* Showing Berlin Conference in Washington
Featuring a videotape of "The Berlin Conference" "The
Committee to support the employees of the banned press in Iran" will
feature a videotape of "The Berlin Conference" in Washington
Date: Sunday June 11, 2000
Time: 4:00 P.M.
Location: Ward Building at American University, Nebraska and Massachusetts
Ave NW, Washington DC
Admission: $10.00
All proceeds will be contributed to the employees of the banned press
in Iran.
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* Omoumi concert in Seattle
Maestro Hossein Omoumi - Ney and Vocal
Reza Mazloomi - Daf
8:00 PM Friday June 9th, 2000
Ethnic Cultural Theater
3940 Brooklyn Avenue
Seattle, WA 98105
Innovative, mesmorizing, captivating and beautiful!
For more information, please call Farkhondeh Kholghi at (425)-643-6430
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* Iranian women artists in Berkeley
After several months of hard work by many dedicated people, I am happy
to announce that the exhibition Beyond Boundaries is about to open this
Saturday, the 10th of June. Beyond Boundaries, features contemporary art
of nineteen Iranian women, gathered from around the world. I am very excited
to be part of this exhibition that is being presented by the Iranian Women's
Studies Foundation's 11th conference (IWSF2000), and sponsored by the Center
for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. There
will be a catalog for the show available for sale at the opening >>> DETAILS HERE
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* Information technology and the Internet for education in Iran
Saturday June 10, 2000
Dinner Gala Presentation and dinner at 7:30 PM
IMAN 3376 Motor Avenue, LA CA 90025
To buy tickets please contact: (310) 202-8181
Mrs. Elham General secretary, IMAN
Sunday June 11, 2000 at 12:30 PM
Southern California International College
3501 S. Harbor Blvd. Santa Ana CA 92705
Admission is Free
Sunday, June 18, 2000 at 5:00-7:00 PM
SHERATON HOTEL 1100 N Mathilda
Sunnyvale, California
FAZ Restaurant, ORCHID Room
Admission is Free
Speaker: Dr. Abbas Edalat Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics
Imperial College, London >>>
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* Lian Ensemble performs Rumi in Seattle
Lian Ensemble will perform a concert titled "An Exhilarating Occasion
with RUMI" on Saturday June 10, 2000 in the Carlson Theater at Bellevue
Community College in Seattle. The program starts at 7:30 p.m >>>
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* Kiarostami's latest film in New York
Asia Society and New York University's The Hagop Kevorkian Center and
Tisch School of the Arts Present: A special screening of The Wind Will
Carry Us (Abbas Kiarostami/1999/118 min/Farsi with English subtitles)
and a conversation with director Abbas Kiarostami. Saturday, June 10, 1
- 4 p.m. Cantor Film Center, 36 East 8th Street, New York City >>> MORE DETAILS
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* Ali Dadgar's paintings in Oakland
Openstudio2000 presents recent works by Ali Dadgar. June 3, 4, 10, 11
(10 am- 7 pm). 1556 7th Street. Oakland across Oakland West Bart station,
Corner of Henry & 7th Street. For directions and information contact
us by:
Tel: 5 1 0 - 2 5 1 - 1 6 3 6
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* American scientific team going back to Iran
You were so helpful and supportive of Dr. Alan Hale's scientific expedition
to Iran to view the solar eclipse last August, I wanted to give you a heads
up on an upcoming trip. The members of Zirakzadeh were most enthusiastic
for their return and the Adib Center has invited Dr. Hale and group to
return to view the comet coming near Earth in late July >>>
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* Iranian women's conference in Berkeley
As you might already know, we are hosting Iranian Women's Studies Foundation
(IWSF), 11th annual conference,
on June 15th - June 18th, at the University of California, Berkeley >>> DETAILS HERE
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* Tehran seminar: "Iranians Dialog"
Call for Paper: With respect to the importance of the cultural, social,
andscientific activites of the Iranians living abroad, who form part of
the Iranian society, the first seminar to study and identify problems of
Iranians living abroad, entitled "Iranians Dialog" isto be held
on July 12, 2000. Subjects and categories >>>
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* Awards for Journalism in the Middle East
Search for Common Ground and the European Centre for Common Ground request
submissions for their annual competition to recognize and encourage journalism
that contributes to better understanding between people in the Middle East
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* Donations to journalists in Iran
To those who want to support the independent press and their laid off
staff in Iran: You can send donations to a relative/friend in Iran and
ask them to deposit to: Bank Saderat-e-Iran Account # 1617
Branch Code: 2921 in Tehran (Palestine Enghelab Branch). People in Iran
have so far (May 11) donated over 13 million tomans.
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* Bijan Mortazavi, George Dalaras, Kazem al Saher
A new global door opens June 3, 2000 when the "1st Annual Mondo
Melodia International Music Festival"appears at the Greek Theatre
in Berkeley, California, kicking off a six-city United States tour. The
festivalbrings together highly acclaimed Mediterranean and Middle Eastern
masters for the first time on stage. Nowwith the appearance of Greece's
George Dalaras, Iraq's Kazem Al Saher, and Iran's Bijan Mortazavi, a newmusical
experience emerges >>>
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