
The blind musicman
His sound tells me I'm almost home
By Najmeh Fakhraie
November 1, 2000
The Iranian
The light finally turns green. I try to listen closely. I don't hear
him. What kind of a lunatic would sit in the pouring rain all day long,
I ask myself. As I walk closer I see that, sure enough, he's sitting in
the same old corner, but he has an umbrella above his head and a cardboard
box under him. I can't help but smile. He plays the tonbak quite well,
although that's no surprise: it's either play well or go hungry.
I see him stop for a second and reach into the tambourine to take out
the money. He puts the coins in one pocket, kisses the bills and puts them
in another. I always wonder how he tells the different coins and bills
apart. But even though he is blind I am pretty sure he can see better then
most folks >>>

By Mohandes
November 1, 2000
The Iranian >>>
Guardian Council overrules Majlis
BBC Persian Service
The Guardian Council has rejected two recent interpretations made by
the Majlis of the Press Law and the Islamic penal code concerning libel
and insult. Bahaoddin Adab, a member of parliament tells Afshin Amirzadeh
that it should not have been sent to the G C in the first place >>> LISTEN HERE
US firms covet Iran's big oil deal with Japan
By Peg Mackey
DUBAI, Nov 1 (Reuters) - Iran's tantalising offer to Japan on one of
the world's hottest oil developments has left U.S. firms once again out
in the cold, analysts said on Wednesday.
But cutting edge technology from American firms, barred from the oil
and gas-rich Gulf state by unilateral U.S. trade sanctions, might well
buy entry for some into the giant Azadegan oilfield once the curbs are
lifted >>>
Simple vs. Sophisticated :-)
Men and women >>>
Forwarded by Elham Vahabi
More Letters
* I know because he was my grandfather
Negar Akhavi writes:
Although Fereydoun Hovyeda's opinion piece titled "Curbing
men" makes a good point regarding the need for men to curb sexual
desire, he has distorted some facts in order to strengthen his point.
The International Herald Tribune article he cites about General
Hassan Akhavi's "order" to ban pretty secretaries was not an
attempt to deny work for attractive women, that is ludicrous. It was an
attempt to encourage these so-called lusty men to hire a woman on her abilities
and not solely on her looks...
For the record, I know this General was not a provincial and chauvinistic
man obsessed with stymieing women's liberation and struggle for equality.
I know this because he was my grandfather >>>
* The wrong man
J. Namazi writes:
Ramin Tabbib's article ["The
best man"] in support of Al Gore strikes me as naïve. Gentlemen,
you have picked the wrong man. Ramin Tabbib gives us a long list of Gore's
credentials in support of his so-called great wit and fitness for the office.
But don't be too impressed. The guy is as phony as hell. I won't be even
surprised if we later learn that he cheated his way through the college.
Surprisingly, Mr. Tabib failed to mention Al Gor's opportunistic exploits.
Al Gore's obsession with the Jewish vote and power is nothing new. In
1988 Al Gore run for the president for the first time. This was just a
few months after the beginning of the Palestinian uprising (Intafada).
Because of the worldwide publicity around the Israeli atrocities toward
the Palestinians hardly any politician dared to publicly support the Israeli
policy. Al Gore was the first politician to do so >>>
* Raw destruction
Roozbeh Shirazi writes:
For those of us who were out of Iran by the time the war wit Iraq had begun,
I don't think it is possible to imagine what must have been happening there
in the early 1980's. It was a period of chaos and terror, and one which
we were wholly absent as we were beginning lives here and around the world.
For the Iranian who left, hearing about the war with Iraq was an unreal,
distant atrocity reported by cold, distant American journalists who often
made no mention of gravity of the situation, nor gave us the images to
understand what exactly was going on over there.
These photos of Khorramshahr ["Rape"]
end any kind of doubt as to what transpired in Iran during the war >>>
Poetry: Shamloo commemoration in Colorado
The Persian Society of Colorado presents a special evening in memory
of Ahmad Shamloo. Round table discussion with Esmail Nooriala, Shokooh
Mirzadegi and Asghar Vaqedi. A film about Shamloo's life will also be shown.
Time & place: Friday November 3 at the Community College of Aurora
Music store
Translation of today's poem by Zara
Last night you left me and slept happily.
Tonight, faithless, in which bed do you lie?
You are joined to me, I say, till judgment day.
Say to me what you said when you were high.
* Also see more Rumi
Rumi book

The Life Teachings and Poetry of Jalal al-Din Rumi
By Frankin D. Lewis
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form

Guardian Council says softer press law
"contradicts" Islam
Nov 1 (AFP) - A conservative-led Iranian oversight body has overruled the
pro-reform parliament's bid to close a legal loophole used to shutter much
of the nation's press, reports said Wednesday. The powerful Council of Guardians
rebuffed a parliamentary motion allowing papers to change from weekly to
daily or regional to national publication without prior approval as "contradicting
Islamic law >>> FULL TEXT
Courts to make "anti-Islamic"
political trial public
Nov 1 (AFP) - Iran's judiciary has decided to make public the trial of several
leading reformists who attended a controversial "anti-Islamic"
political conference, press reports said Wednesday >>> FULL TEXT

Khatami agrees landmark oil deal with Japan
(Reuters) - Japan and Iran clinched a landmark deal on Wednesday which could
give Tokyo access to the world's biggest undeveloped oil field, as their
leaders agreed to forge better bilateral ties. The agreement is crucial
for resource-poor Japan, and gaining access to a stable oil supply is likely
to help override qualms about Iran's weapons program and its strained ties
with the United States >>> FULL TEXT
Khatami speaks out against US-dominated
global economy
Nov 1 (AFP) - Iranian President Mohammad Khatami on Wednesday took a swipe
at a US-oriented global economy, while promising to take legislative measures
to boost foreign investment in his country >>> FULL TEXT
Turkey confirms it stopped Iranian plane
for inspection
Nov 1 (AFP) - Turkey confirmed Wednesday it had forced a Syrian-bound Iranian
plane to land for a cargo inspection at Diyarbakir airport in the southeast
of the country. The foreign ministry said the Damascus-bound charter flight
was stopped on Tuesday and inspected under international civil aviation
rules >>> FULL TEXT
Republicans fail in bid for state dept
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Republicans Wednesday failed to muster
enough support to issue a subpoena aimed at forcing the State Department
to hand over key documents relating to Vice President Al Gore (news - web
sites)'s 1995 pact with Moscow on Russian conventional arms sales to Iran
Egypt to sign trade deals with Iran
Nov 1 (AFP) - In a sign of Egypt's improving ties with Iran, Egyptian trade
delegations will travel later this month to Tehran to sign cooperation agreements,
the MENA news agency said Wednesday >>> FULL TEXT

Iran, France pick Oscar film nominees
HOLLYWOOD (Variety) - France has picked ``The Taste of Others''
and Iran has selected ``A Time For Drunken Horses'' as their official selections
for Oscar foreign-language film entries. Wednesday is the submissions deadline
in the category for this year's awards. Each country selects one film to
represent it in the race >>> FULL TEXT

9000-year-old remains unearthed
(Hamshahri) -- Structural remains dating back 9000 years have been unearthed
in archaeological excavations near Savjebalagh >>> FULL PERSIAN

Kimiaie has permission to film
Tehran (Hayat-e No) -- Massoud Kimiaie, who left Iran for Canada
seceral months ago with wife Googoosh, has gotten permission to start shooting
his new film >>> FULL PERSIAN TEXT
Women singing in limbo
(Hayat-e No) -- There were many performances by women singers for women-only
audiences last year. But this year there has been a marked decrease >>>

Iran may be punished for "forged"
Tehran (Iran Varzeshi) -- Five members of the Iranian under-17
national soccer team who played in the recent Asian championships, had forged
birth certificates that showed them to be younger than their actual age,
according to sources close to Asian Football officials >>> FULL

Persepolis ready for Al-Ayn
Tehran (Iran Varzeshi) -- "We're ready to go," says Ali
Parvin, the head coach of Persepolis which will host the UAE's Al-Ayn club
on Thursday >>> FULL PERSIAN TEXT
Asian youth match schedule
Tehran (Iran Varzeshi) -- The Asian yough soccer championships
will kick off in 11 days. See the match scedule and check with your local
bar to arrange live sattelite broadcasts >>> FULL PERSIAN TEXT
Open trial for the participants of the
Berlin Conference
Open trial for the participants of the Berlin
Conference Tehran's Islamic Revolutionary Court and Justice Department have
agreed to try 17 Iranians facing charges for taking part in the Berlin conference
(April 7-8) in an open court. What has led the authorities to agree to open
trials? Lara Petrossian reports >>>
BBC Persian

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Buying: 807 to 812 tomans per dollar
Selling: 817 to 822 tomans per dollar
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The Web
Hami Insurance Brokers
"Iran Hami Insurance Brokers Company,
is a private insurance brokerage firm registered and established in 1983
(but its precedence goes back to 1971) as the first licensed insurance broker
in the market after nationalization and mergers of the insurance companies
in Iran."
Beyond Iran
This in-depth feature from New York's Museum
of Modern Art takes an historical look at three periods in the evolution
of modern art. Modern Starts focuses on seminal people, places, and things
from the formative years, 1880 to 1920.
web sites
Quote Unquote
I see him stop for a second and reach into the tambourine
to take out the money. He puts the coins in one pocket, kisses the bills
and puts them in another. I always wonder how he tells the different coins
and bills apart. But even though he is blind I am pretty sure he can see
better then most folks. I drop the 200-toman bill that I always put in my
left pocket and walk on in the long perspective of shadows and trees.
-- Najmeh Fakhraie
blind musicman"
The Iranian
November 1, 2000
Photo of the Day

addresses Japan parliament
Iranian of the Day


artists index

Ali Nedaei
Untitled |