November 13-17, 2000 / Aban 23-27, 1379
* U.S. elections:
- Live and let live
- Let's fix our problems
* Sadaf Kiani:
- Sadness, realness
* Sadaf Kiani:
- Salieri reading Mozart
* Mideast:
- Non-violent struggle? How?
* U.S. elections:
- One man one vote
- Electoral system held up well
* Nose:
- I am considering a nose job
* The Iranian:
- All those things we call "ma'naviyat"
* Rights:
- Trivia amid Gangi's desperate shouts
* Cheating:
- Kind of irrelevant
- Cheating not exclusive
* Relationship:
- Nothing more than cows
- Funniest damn article
- Arrangd marriage in trouble
email us
November 17, 2000
* Live and let live
Is it my imagination or is there a major dance of anger going on between
men and women ["Happy
withoiut you", "Nothing
more than cows"]? Assuming it's not my imagination, is this anger
restricted to Iranians and Iranians living in the U.S.?
Actually, let's step back, if you will. Why are you angry? If some of
our Iranian brothers choose to marry our Iranian sisters in Iran, then
shouldn't we wish them well? If some of our Iranian sisters want to continue
focussing on their careers or enjoy certain liberties, then shouldn't we
say live and let live?
Am I missing something? Is this a zero sum game?
Shirley Mirzayoff
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* Let's fix our problems
In reply to both Ms. Banafshe Piraste ["Happy
withoiut you"] and Mr. Cyrus Raafat ["Nothing
more than cows"] who have directied thier utmost anger towards
each other, I belive it is no good for either Iranian men or women to try
and ruin each other.
The fact is that if there are wrong elements in a culture (which to
some extent exist in any culture including ours), they are going to affect
men and women equally ... We should take advantage of this free society
to try fix them >>>
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* Sadness, realness
Your writings [Sadaf Kiani
Abbassian] have a sadness or realness about them. They remind me of
Tehran, Fall of 1999. I was there to bury my mom. It was so sad. She also
loved Hafez. From her house balcony, you can see the mountains.
When I was there 1 1/2 years ago, I made her lots of pots (with flowers
of course). She loved them. Every morning, she would drink her tea on the
balcony next to the flowers and tell me how much she enjoyed her flowers.
I also like your art-work ["Solitude"].
The lady with "blue" necklace. There is a story behind that one
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November 16, 2000
* One man one vote
Guive Mirfendereski's article ["Keep
it the way it is"] is very similar to the reasoning I hear these
days by Republicans against the popular vote. Like them, your scare tactic
against the popular vote is targeted towards Democrats...
The simplest reason that the popular vote is the fairest way is that
it would be inclusive of all the voters in an election. The most progressive
countries in the world have adopted this system. I do not have a certain
political leaning towards Republicans or Democrats, but I strongly believe
in one man one vote >>>
Masoud Fazeli
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* Salieri reading Mozart
I think you owe it to the world to get Sadaf
Kiani Abbassian to commit to writing full-time. Everyone is almost
s*&# comapred to her. Every time I read her articles I feel like I
am Salieri reading Mozart's work!
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* Nothing more than cows
Just look into the eyes of one of these Iranian-American girls and you
will see a socio-pathic, ruthless, cold-blooded self-centered attitude
fully developed in this materialistic and hedonistic society. They are
so self-assured they are almost masculine and as "torshideh"
as they may become, they are still nothing more than cows in my opinion.
Just looking at their eyes you will see a Western woman. There is no gracefulness
or propriety, just nothing to be coveted >>>
Cyrus Raafat
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November 15, 2000
* Electoral system held up well
Mr. Mirfendereski's defense of the U.S. electoral college system ["Keep
it the way it is"] was so elitist that for a few moments I questioned
my own faith in the system. Then I had to revert to my university books
and see for myself why I was for it...
And it has held up well. Mainly because one has to consider that in
a country governed by a federal system, such as the Unites States, there
is not really one election, but as many elections as there are states;
in this case, there 50 states plus D.C., therefore there are 51 elections,
each with ITS OWN majority rule. This satisfies those who seek majority
rule (within each state only) and those who seek egalitarian state representation
Ramin Tabib
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* Non-violent struggle? How?
Regarding Mr. Majid Tehranian "More
powerful force", how is it possible to soothe those people who
have suffered these losses to come to grips with the peace proposed by
Mr. Tehranian? It is easy to sit back and say that now that you can't bring
back these people let's stop getting more people killed. While he is right
in the sense that the blood shed must be stopped it is so irresponsible
asking those who have suffered the losses to sit at a table and talk about
future with those who have inflicted the losses >>>
Jamshid Entesari
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* Funniest damn article
That's about the funniest damn article that I've read on this site ["The
rules"]. Brother, you have humorously outdone most other folks
who contribute with their literary work. Your piece was accurate, to the
damn point, and downright funny as a shitsack fallin' off the Empire State
Building. Keep up the good work.
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November 14, 2000
* Arrangd marriage in trouble
I am reaching out to all tose Iranian women to help me in a very hard
legal battle which I have ahead of me with my husband who has simply thrown
me out of the house.
I had one of those oversea's arrangd marriages, where my family thought
it was better for me to be married to anybody rather than remaining in
Iran and listening to constant negatvie talks behind me...
I don't have much time as the trial date is comming up soon. Please
help me with any information related to my situation >>>
A battered iranian woman
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* I am considering a nose job
I am writing from Bangladesh. I have read the article "Eat, sleep,
nose Job" produced by Najmeh Fakhraie. I have read before about
the boom in nasal plastic surgery among the young Iranian generation recently.
Now I have come across the name of some good plastic surgeons in Iran
while reading articles about the popular nose jobs in Iran, for example
Dr. Ali Akbar Jalali >>>
Md. Abdul Aleem
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* All those things we call "ma'naviyat"
I simply write to tell you that the variety of stories that The Iranian
Times carries is so wonderful as it keeps me in touch with the romantic,
abstract, feelings, passions, emotions, and all those things we call "ma'naviyat".
It's that and not so much the current news that drives me to click my
mouse button every morning on your icon title on my desktop computer.
Hamid Nazari
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November 13, 2000
* Trivia amid Gangi's desperate shouts
Who could listen and read about Akbar
Ganji and not have the hairs stick-up on their skin. News like this
from our beloved motherland makes the squabling and bickering about "Iranian
girls" or about pop stars and all the rest that we discuss in this
cyber forum seem shamelessly trivial...
The bottom line is this: how can we in all honesty gather in this cyber-forum
and go on discussing everything under the sun but our real concern and
sympathy toward the struggle for freedom going on in Iran. Here we are
endowed with the blessing of the right to free speech and we waste it on
trivia >>>
S. S. Javid
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