Thursday February 1, 2001 / Bahman 13, 1379, No. 1157
Rumi translation
Halliburton Connected to Iran Office By HUGH POPE and NEIL KING JR Halliburton Co., the U.S. oil-services giant until recently headed by Vice President Richard Cheney, has opened an office in Tehran and operated in Iran in possible violation of U.S. sanctions >>> FULL TEXT Anyway
Books this week Poem Translation of today's poem by Zara Houshmand: I'll swallow the pain that bleeds from your love's wound. I'll bear your cruelty until judgment day. That day, when truth lies bare, you'll beg for life And I will stare at your beloved face. * Also see more Rumi translations Rumi book
Staff * Publisher/Editor: Jahanshah
Javid --
Jailed journalist on hunger strike: press rights group TEHRAN, Feb 1 (AFP) - The reformist journalist Ahmad Zeid-Abadi, jailed at Tehran's notorious Evin prison, has gone on a hunger strike to protest jail conditions, the Iranian Association to Defend Press Freedom said Thursday. The group said Zeid-Abadi started refusing food several days ago and urged him "to end his hunger strike to preserve his health >>> FULL TEXT Top judge chastises MPs for defending "Westernized" thinkers TEHRAN, Feb 1 (AFP) - The head of the judiciary denounced reformist MPs Thursday, saying they weakened parliament by defending Westernized journalists and other liberals. "MPs should promote Islamic values before the concerns of a limited number of Westernized people," Ayatollah Mahmud Hashemi-Shahrudi wrote the deputies, telling them they had "lowered the moral prestige" of the parliament >>> FULL TEXT Saudi to sign security accord with Iran this month: Saudi minister RIYADH, Feb 1 (AFP) - Saudi Interior Minister Prince Nayef bin Abdul Aziz said Thursday that a security cooperation accord between the kingdom and Iran will be signed in the latter half of February. Prince Nayef told newspapers he was "waiting for his brothers in Iran to fix an exact date" for his visit to Tehran during which he will sign the accord with his Iranian counterpart Abdolvahed Mussavi-Lari >>> FULL TEXT Deputy interior minister to organise presidential vote TEHRAN, Feb 1 (AFP) - The deputy interior minister Mostafa Tajzadeh, who is a target of the conservative camp, will oversee the country's presidential elections in June, an official said Thursday. The official said Interior Minister Abdolvahed Mussavi-Lara had confirmed his deputy in the job during a closed-door session of parliament Wednesday, despite charges from conservatives that Tajzadeh's support for outgoing President Mohammad Khatami means he cannot be impartial >>> FULL TEXT Pakistani supreme court rejects plea of Iranian diplomat's killer ISLAMABAD, Feb 1 (AFP) - A special supreme court bench Thursday rejected a review petition from a man convicted of killing an Iranian diplomat 10 years ago and sentenced to death, officials said. Haq Nawaz, an activist with an extremist Sunni group, was sentenced to death over the December 19, 1990, murder of Iranian cultural centre director Sadiq Ganji in the eastern city of Lahore >>> FULL TEXT Iran, South Korea, to cooperate on oil TEHRAN, Feb 1 (AFP) - South Korea's Commerce, Industry and Energy Minister Shin Kook-Hwan is due in Iran Friday to sign an agreement setting up a joint committee for cooperation in oil and energy, Seoul's embassy in Tehran said Thursday. Shin, the guest of Iran's Industry and Mining Minister Eshaq Jangeneh, will also meet President Mohammad Khatami and Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zengheneh during his two-day stay, the embassy said >>> FULL TEXT Parliament tells businessmen to refund six billion dollars TEHRAN, Feb 1 (AFP) - Parliament has ordered businessmen who benefitted from a special exchange rate for four years to pay back six billion dollars in gains, a parliamentary source said Thursday. The source said the order contained in the pro-reform parliament's budget passed this week affected mainly industrialists close to the conservative camp, and could see the finance bill overturned by the conservative oversight body, the Guardians Council >>> FULL TEXT The Web Iran Second issue of a bilingual magazine based in Los Angeles with lots of well-written and interesting articles. Beyond Iran The concept is simple (and lots of fun): a number of people each write a song of the same title. You listen to each "version" and vote for your favorite. Quote Unquote Not enough It is not good enough to succeed. Others must fail. -- Gore Vidal Photo of the Day Iranian of the Day Music Art Mehdi Naimi Books Suppliants
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