The Iranian Times

Thursday March 22, 2001 / Farfardin 2, 1380, No. 1189



Mageh marizi?
Teenager from hell

By Siamack Baniameri
March 22, 2001
The Iranian

A friend of mine called franticly the other day asking me to have a talk with his out-of-control teenage boy. He explained that his son was running around with gang members getting tattoos of naked women on his arms, piercing his body in locations that would make a grown man shiver.

He exclaimed that his son wears baggy pants that's even too big for a sumo wrestler, and shaves his head like a human light bulb. He said that son has dropped out of school, drinks alcohol and smokes pot 24-7 >>> GO TO FEATURE


The tower
Mysterious smiles and unshaved faces

By Arash Emamzadeh
February 1, 2001
The Iranian

Several weeks ago, I was walking towards Buchanan Tower, in the rain. On the way there, I started thinking about the meaning of faith. The fact of the matter is that I used to be such a strong believer, but now everything seems doubtful and uncertain. What has changed? Why doesn't the concept of a cool, private, and enlightening path towards God interest me anymore?

In the Tower, I was entering an empty, well-lit elevator, when a deep and unfamiliar voice whispered my name: "Arash!" I was about to look back when the doors opened, unexpectedly >>> GO TO FEATURE


Khamenei's priorities

BBC Persian Service

For the second time in as many days Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has set the main priorities for the new year, namely, "national authority" and "employment". What does this mean for the reform process? Iman Alizadeh reports >>> LISTEN

Born free

Ardalan Peeroozi writes: Below is my questions to Ayatollah Montazeri and his response regarding the freedom of Iranians to choose their government >>> FULL TEXT


Do you understand French?

Someone emailed this image but I don't understand French. Any idea? >>> SEE HERE

Thanks to Farzaneh Rohanizadeh

More Letters

* Persian pants please

Bagher R. Harand writes: This past Saturday, March 17 my family and I attended a concert in New York which Mr. Kayhan Kalhor, the renowned Persian kamancheh player was an active participant. Many were somewhat disappointed as they had come to listen to Persian music; instead, they primarily heard fine Indian music. Also, Mr. Kalhore had a Pakistani/Indian outfit, which in retrospect might have been more appropriate had he worn Persian outfit >>> FULL TEXT

* I'm not a monarchist activist, but...

Darius Kadivar writes: I have written regularly to The Iranian Times , and I have always insisted on the fact that I am not an activis. Yes, Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi, became a dictator, or was driven into becoming one partially pushed by his democratic allies in the West. Yes, Iran under the reign of Mohammed Reza Shah suffered a certain degree of censorship. Yes, Mohammed Reza Shah was trying to give lessons on democracy to his own allies, and probably that was the only way he could show a certain degree of independence towards them. However, I believe that despite his short-comings, and the fact that he was a dictator, does not justify historians to confuse him with the blood-thirsty tyrant he never was >>> FULL TEXT

* Don't be a dictator

BP Azar writes: Dear Siamack Baniameri, I don't know how you assumed  that you and people around you are the only definition of Iranians and there isn't any other version of Iranians. To make a long story short, I hope nobody feels that he /she is the center of the world or the golden standard of culture. Because this way of thinking and criticizing is the first step to dictatorship which is the most important problem that Iranians are faceing -- much more important than onions, chelokabab, and beards >>> FULL TEXT

* Minoo, where are you?

Peter Jeans writes: I am wondering if you are able to help me trace the whereabouts of Minoo Motamedi (or Mohtamedi). In 1963 she lived at Navab Street, Hagshenas Station, Hagshenas Street No 68, Tehran.

Minoo had planned to enter university and study to be an engineer but I do not know what eventually became of her. If you can help with information about her present whereabouts, I can be contacted at the address shown below.

PO Box 117
Bindoon Western
Australia 6502

Art: Contemporary Art of Iran, Washington DC


    Translation of today's poem by Zara Houshmand:

    I'm a grape, I roll under trampling feet.

    Wherever love pulls me, that's where I roll.

    You ask me, 'Why do you roll around me?'

    I don't. It's all around me that I roll.

    * Also see more Rumi translations

    Rumi book

Rumi: The Life Teachings and Poetry of Jalal al-Din Rumi
By Frankin D. Lewis

Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved. May not be duplicated or distributed in any form


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The Web


Vision for the future

Dr. Khodadoust's charitable organization with headquarters under construction in Shiraz charged with the mission of eradicating preventable blindness throughout the Middle East, South West Asia and the Persian Gulf region.

Beyond Iran

The Hollywood 10

In 1947, Hollywood's golden era of studio production detonated in an ugly morass of "paranoia, politics, and payback." The newly formed House of Un-American Activities Committee singled out nine screenwriters and one director for public ruin, and destroyed the careers of hundreds of other blacklisted artists.

More web sites

Quote Unquote


If you don't know where you're going, you won't get there.

-- John Lennon
Thanks to Bahram Javid

Photo of the Day

No Noruz in Kabul

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Elaheh Bozorgzadeh: Engineering, Illinois

Evanston, Illinois.


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Hengameh Afshar


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Fateme Keshavarz (Editor)

Mafiaye Resanei
By Rahmatollah Sadeghi

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* Publisher/Editor: Jahanshah Javid --
* News & the Web: Payman Arabshahi --
* The Web: Pedram Missaghi, webmaster "Iran Media" --