Baba Taher

Googoosh's cybershrine
Finally an internet home for the most-loved Iranian
By Bruce Bahmani
Hello to all you lifetime Googoosh fans! I am happy to announce //www.googoosh.com is live!
You can hear many of Googoosh's best-loved songs in RealAudio format
and browse one of the most extensive galleries of her fan pictures (depicting
almost all of her many hairstyles!).
Everyone is encouraged to send articles, letters, features, photos,
recollections, and basically anything relating to Googoosh. Be a part of
Googoosh's cybershrine!
We will be constantly updating the site. Drop
me a line to tell me how it looks and send me any suggestions you might
have to make it better.
Above all, if you like the site, pass it along for friends and others
to enjoy! ... GO TO GOOGOOSH.COM
Backlash in Iran
Bronze statues of naked females are now OK, but live women
face ever more restrictions
U.S. News & World Report
December 7, 1998
TEHRAN She was so nervous she could not sleep the night before
the exhibit opened. But when Sholeh Hojabr Ebrahimi's sculptures went on
display at Tehran's municipal art gallery last month, they were a sensation:
the first female nudes to be shown publicly in Iran since the Islamic revolution
nearly 20 years ago.
Yet the news from Iran's political front is decidedly mixed. Islamic
clerics may be giving ground on art, but not on real life. In a backlash
against Khatami's reforms, the conservatives who dominate parliament are
pushing for tighter restrictions on women. Their latest proposal would
prohibit male doctors from treating female patients, paving the way for
segregation of hospitals for men and women... FULL

Sound of Music - in Persian
Just one page with a few photos, a short note and a sound clip on Pedram
Missaghi's Iran Media page. But ... GO THERE
More Letters
* Not because I'm a Bahai...
Bahareh writes: I read "The
education of Mahdiyeh," and it certainly touched my heart. This
world needs more people like yourself, people with a great deal of integrity,
and insight: A mystic! I don't say this because I happen to be a Bahai,
rather I say this because I see how open-minded and open-spirited you are.
My best wishes to you in all your efforts in life.
* Lecture: Ferdowsi and language of
Khorasan, Berkeley
After convening six months of Shahnameh Reading sessions on regular
basis (every two weeks), Shahnameh
Learning League (SLL) is proud to host Dr. Mahmoud Omidsalar this Saturday
December 5th from 3:00 to 6:00 pm at 145 Dwinell Hall of Berkeley University.
This is the first of lecture series specifically tailored to further
understand Shahnameh. Dr. Omidsalar's will present "Ferdowsi and
the Literary language of Khorasan".
Book of the Week

The Assassin Legends : Myths of the Isma'Ilis
By Farhad Daftary
Since the twelfth century fantastical tales of the Assassins, their
mysterious leader and their remote mountain strongholds in Syria and northern
Iran have captured the European imagination. These legends first emerged
when European Crusaders in the Levant came into contact with the Syrian
branch of the Nizari Ismailis, who at the behest of their leader were sent
on dangerous missions to kill their enemies. Elaborated over the years,
the legends culminated in Marco Polo's account according to which the Nizari
leader, described as the 'Old Man of the Mountain', was said to have controlled
the behaviour of his devotees through the use of hashish and a secret garden
of paradise.
featured books
New! Bestsellers
New! Books on Rumi

AI calls for independent investigations
into killings
3 December (Amnesty International) - Amnesty International has
been alarmed by the recent killings of two prominent government critics
-- as well as by other recent events -- in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The human rights organization calls upon the Iranian authorities to undertake
immediate, independent investigations into these events, in accordance with
United Nations "Principles on the Effective Prevention and Investigation
of Extra-Legal Arbitrary and Summary Executions", and to make public
the findings of any such investigations. Attacks against critics of the
government within Iran have rarely been subject to impartial and open investigation
in the past ... FULL TEXT
German banks talking to Iran on new loan
- source
BONN, Dec 4 (Reuters) - A consortium of German
banks is holding talks with Iran over a new $1 billion credit line, a German
banking source said on Friday. `There are talks. They are at a confidential
stage at the moment. There is no agreement which can be made public at the
moment,'' the source told Reuters. Germany's government-backed export credit
guarantee agency, HERMES, on Thursday denied an assertion by a top Iranian
banker that an agreement on principle had been reached on the loan and said
no new loans to Tehran were planned... FULL TEXT
Iran open for business but investors wary
LONDON, Dec 4 (Reuters) - Almost 20 years
after the Islamic revolution swept away the pro-Western Shah, Iran is finally
opening up to Western investment again. But foreign investors are wary
of the terms and timing. A slump in oil prices, fierce international competition
for investment capital and the ``buyback'' terms offered by Tehran are doing
more to discourage foreign oil firms than a receding fear of U.S. sanctions,
experts say... FULL TEXT
Omanis observing Iranian military maneuvers
TEHRAN, Dec 4 (AFP) - An Omani military team is observing Iranian
naval exercises which kicked off Friday in the Oman Sea and the strategic
Strait of Hormuz, in new sign of warmer ties between Iran and its Persian
Gulf Arab neighbours. "For the first time, the programmes and information
needed for the exercises have been communicated to the neighboring countries
in the Persian Gulf. This is an evolution in the exchange of military information
between the region's countries," Colonel Issa Golverdi said. ...
Jannati warns U.S. tourists may be spies
TEHRAN (Reuters) - A top Iranian conservative
cleric Friday blasted a recent visit by a group of Americans, warning that
U.S. tourist trips could pave the way for spies. ``Our pessimism toward
America will never subside. We must treat with suspicion anyone who comes
from there,'' Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati said in a Friday sermon, carried by
Tehran radio. ``As far as tourism is concerned, we do not have any ban...but
if dubious individuals are to come and go, the way will be opened for espionage,''
said Jannati, secretary of the powerful Guardian Council, during weekly
prayers in Tehran... FULL TEXT
Marriage turning into a crisis for young
TEHRAN, Dec 4 (AFP) - Marriage in Iran, which has one of the world's
youngest populations, is turning into one of the country's biggest headcahes,
with young people facing both traditional taboos and tough economic choices.
There are about 10 million Iranians of marriageable age, who have found
themselves frustrated in their search for happiness. Now state television
has intervened in the search for a way out of Iran's "marriage crisis."
$ Rate
dollar now offered at up to 700-706 tomans
Source: Sehaty Exchange (U.S.) Tel: 602-595-0777
The Web
Canticles of Ecstasy
These are some images of Seyed Alavi's recent exhibition
at the deSaisset Museum in Santa Clara, California, which consisted of a
five room installation and two performances.
Beyond Iran
buildings around the world
A gateway to architecture from around the world and across
web sites
Quote Unquote
A little corny
Yesterday is History,
Tomorrow is a Mystery and
Today is a gift:
that's why we call it -
The Present.
Photo of the Day

Mount Damavand
Musician of the Week

Biyaa biyaa benshin... and listen.
artists index |