Baba Taher
Cover story
Laid back
She was a woman. And life was good
What makes these photos special is not that they were taken at a time
when women did not have to wear the hijab in public. The social
and political messages here are secondary. What makes them so amazing is
the woman herself -- the individual in each photo speaking to the viewer.
More than a time or a certain kind of woman, she represents herself.
All these photos, except for one, were taken in Iran in the 1950s, 60s
and early 70s. Click on the links below to see them:... GO TO FEATURE
* Baha'is
Washington Post editorial, Sunday, October 25, 1998 - SINCE THE election
of President Khatami more than a year ago, Iran watchers have been hoping
for signs of new tolerance in that nation's policies. But if treatment
of the most vulnerable minority is any indication, there is little reason
to cheer Iran's recent record. Members of the Baha'i faith, a religion
that claims about 6 million adherents worldwide and 300,000 in Iran, have
been facing increasingly vicious persecution... FULL
Bearded boxers banned
KABUL, Oct 26 (Reuters) - A senior sports official in Afghanistan's
Taleban regime asked for an explanation on Monday for the banning of three
Taleban boxers from a Pakistani tournament because of their beards.
``We would like them (tournament organisers) to explain to us why our
boxers were not allowed in the match,'' Abdul Shokour Mutmaen, head of
the Olympic committee of the purist Islamic Taleban, told a news conference.
The trio was banned from an international tournament last week when
organisers ruled that their beards were potentially dangerous and against
the rules... FULL
Revolution: 1979-1999
More Letters
* What do I do? I'm Italian.
Hamid writes: I can't stop laughing about this Tony name. Is that because
many Iranains think that we look alot like Italians? I have never met an
Italian guy who calls himself Jamshid. I understand that Iranians are very
good at adapting themselves to other cultures, but why change your name?
I happen to have an Arabic name just like many other Iranians, but I
don't find it necessary to change my name to a Persian name or to a Western
name for that matter. Shouldn't we just respect our parents for having
named us or we should all go around calling ourselves Tony?... FULL TEXT
For one very special week -- this week -- any music you buy online through
eyegive(r) from Music Boulevard will generate a donation to the Iranian-American
arts group, Evolving Perceptions, of 10% of the purchase price. That's
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is a good deal in itself. Now that's something to sing about!
So before you buy any music, think about Evolving Perceptions and this
special offer. You get Music Boulevard's everyday low prices, great selection,
fast delivery, and 10% goes to Evolving Perceptions for purchases this
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Book of the Week

The Spiritual Wisdom of Hafez : Teachings of the Philosopher
of Love
Translated by Haleh Pourafzal, Roger Montgomery
featured books
New! Bestsellers
New! Books on Rumi

Local council elections in February
TEHRAN, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Iran will in February
hold its first municipal elections since the 1979 Islamic revolution, setting
the stage for the next face-off between conservatives and backers of reformist
President Mohammad Khatami. Pro-Khatami Islamic leftists, who control the
Interior Ministry, have been strong advocates of the councils which they
see as a manifestation of Islamic democracy... FULL TEXT

Clerics ride political machine to victory
TEHRAN, Oct 26 (Reuters) - Iran's conservative
clerics swept to an election victory worthy of any big-city political machine,
but such organisational muscle may prove of little value in the battle with
reformist President Mohammad Khatami. Say analysts, the results will provide
little real comfort to the establishment, which had hoped to dent the ``people
power'' movement that saw the moderate Khatami elected in a suprise landslide
on May 23, 1997.... FULL TEXT
Conservatives 49, Moderates/independents
Tehran, (HAMSHAHRI) - Break down of which factions
won seats in Friday's elections... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Iran calls U.S.-funded Farsi radio ``interference''
TEHRAN, Oct 25 (Reuters) - Iran has branded
U.S.-funded Farsi-language broadcasts being beamed into the country as ``interference''
and warned the Czech Republic about hosting the new station, the official
news agency IRNA said on Sunday. ``This radio has been set up in the framework
of America's $20 million fund against Iran,'' it quoted Foreign Ministry
spokesman Mahmoud Mohammadi as saying. ``This is considered interference
in the Islamic Republic of Iran's internal affairs and is contrary to international
rules.''... FULL TEXT

Women's soccer in "test stage"
Tehran, (HAMSHAHRI) - Activities and shortcomings
of the first six months of women's soccer since 1979... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
$ Rate
dollar now offered at up to 650-660 tomans
Source: Sehaty Exchange (U.S.) Tel:602-595-0777
The Web
Pahlavi Era
Pahlavi, Empress of Iran"
If you're curious about Iran during the Pahlavis, you will find a lot
of information (and mega bytes of rare photos) in these two sites, both
created by Farhad Sepahbody.
web sites... & the Web site of the day - beyond Iran
Quote Unquote
If you want to be a successful businessman you don't have to change your
name. Instead be honest with people. Sell good used cars; don't clip the
miles. Keep your promises so you don't have to call yourself Tony.
do I do? I'm Italian"
Letter to The Iranian
October 26 1998
Photo of the Day

Musician of the Week

Five songs from his greatest hits album.
artists index |