Baba Taher

Practice makes perfect
Iranian gets a break in American TV drama? Deegeh chi?
By Bruce Bahmani
Recently I have found myself looking forward to Sundays. I've become
hooked on a TV drama called "The Practice" (9:00 pm Sundays on
ABC). This past weekend in fact, I became a hardcore fan.
Last Sunday's episode ("The Battlefield") involved an Iranian
woman who had sued her former boss. She had been fired from her position
as manager of a dry cleaning shop. (Maybe it seems unlikely to you engineers
and computer geeks out there that an Iranian would be a dry cleaning manager,
but I have a very good friend in Wisconsin who gave up a career at Sun
Microsystems to do just that.)
She was let go simply and outrightly for being Iranian? I was outraged.
I began pacing back and forth not knowing whether to turn the TV off or
to watch. I mean, this was yet another clear case of Iranian-bashing
* New Farsi Service Aims To Present Balanced Information
By Shahran Tabari
Prague, 30 October 1998 (Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty) -- The following
is a transcript of an interview with RFE/RL President Thomas Dine on the
new broadcast service to Iran. The interviewer is Shahran Tabari of the
new Farsi Service.
Q: Mr. Dine, how would you describe the aims and objectives of the new
Farsi broadcasting service?
A: The goal, the major goal, of our Farsi broadcast service is to provide
balanced, factual information. That's the definition of objectivity --
balanced, factual information. In doing so, we will provide news and information
of interest to the Iranian people. This will be news and information about
what is taking place within Iranian society as well as the areas around
Iran, and international news that affects all of us as citizens of the
globe. That means we're gonna have a variety of opinions, and a variety
of opinions comes back to the definition of balance. We want to hear all
points of view, we want to air those points of view -- government, non-government,
opposition, academic. Hopefully we can achieve our objective... FULL
Qabool baasheh eeshaalaa
From Iran's Arya newspaper (October26, 1998)
Helmut Hofer, the German businessman held in detention in Tehran's Evin
Prison accused of having illegitimate relations with a young Iranian woman,
attends the prison mosque three times a day for prayers. The inmates have
nicknamed him "Haji Helmut."
Thanks to Payman Arabshahi
Revolution: 1979-1999
More Letters
Reza Khavari writes: I am impressed, and happy that these delightful
old pictures ["Laid
back", "Cheri"]
have been posted on the web. On the other hand I am depressed and saddened
that our lives have changed so much.
Just a few minutes ago, at the dinner table, my eight-year-old son,
who is very much interested in music, sat through three hours of Mr. Dariush's
October 11 concert in Dallas. He calls Dariush a superstar and asked me
if he held concerts back in Iran. He then asked my brother who has just
come from Iran if there are concerts like that in Iran now. Of course his
answer was NO.
Then my brother told him that they are not allowed even to play music
on the radio that includes a female voice. How do you explain this to a
young mind?
* Poetry: Lecture on Malek-o Shoara
Bahar, Berkeley
"Center for Dialogue" presents: "Malek-o Shoara Bahar
and the Issue of Modernity", a lecture by Professor Abbas Milani,
Chair of Political Science Dept., College of Notre Dame.
Milani is the author of Tales of Two Cities: A Persian Memoir (Kodansha
1997) and Encounters with Modernity: Fragments of the Iranian Experience
(Baztab Verlag 1994), among others.
Time: Friday October 30, at 7:30
Place: 2060 Valley Life Science Building
University of California, Berkeley
Lecture in Persian
Book of the Week

Scent of Saffron:
Three Generations of an Iranian Family
By Rouhi Shafii
featured books
New! Bestsellers
New! Books on Rumi

Khamanei blasts Arafat over Mideast deal
TEHRAN, Oct 30 (Reuters) - Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali
Khamenei condemned the latest Israeli-Palestinian peace accord, using the
1,000th gathering of Friday prayers in Tehran to single out Palestinian
President Yasser Arafat for a stinging personal rebuke. Khamenei, appearing
before an overflow crowd of Moslem worshippers and dignitaries at Tehran
University, branded Arafat a ``lackey'' of Israel and challenged his legitimacy
as leader of the Palestinian people... FULL TEXT

Palestinians slam Iran over attack on Arafat
JERUSALEM, Oct 30 (Reuters) - The Palestinian
Authority sharply condemned Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei on
Friday for attacking Palestinian President Yasser Arafat's authority to
sign his latest peace deal with Israel. ``The statements of Khamenei are
baseless, irresponsible and lack credibility,'' the Palestinian official
news agency WAFA quoted Tayyeb Abdel-Rahim, General Secretary of the Palestinian
Presidency, as saying... FULL TEXT

U.S. begins broadcasts to Iran
WASHINGTON, Oct 30 (Reuters) - The United
States Friday began radio broadcasts to Iran and Iraq, programming that
is extremely controversial in both Tehran and Baghdad... FULL TEXT
Iranian exiles in UK court battle over
LONDON, Oct 30 (Reuters) - A group of Iranian
exiles won the first round of a legal battle on Friday to stop the receiver
of a charity from removing from its headquarters documents they feared could
help Tehran identify its supporters.

Croation leads Tehran Symphony Orchestra
Tehran, (HAMSHAHRI) - A croatian conductor has led
the Tehran Symphony Orchestra in performing three pieces by Mozart, Alireza
Mashayekhi and Mendelson ... FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
$ Rate
dollar now offered at up to 665-668 tomans
Source: Sehaty Exchange (U.S.) Tel: 602-595-0777
The Web
Free Europe's Farsi Service
The long-awaited Czech-based U.S. radio station made its first Persian
broadcast today. Any listeners?
web sites... & the Web site of the day - beyond Iran
Quote Unquote
Firey words
"Beh goftan-e aatash dahaan nemeesoozad."
("Saying 'fire' won't burn the mouth." = Harsh words will
break no bones.)
From Simin Habibian's "1001 Persian-English Proverbs"
Photo of the Day

Halloween in Shahr-e-kord?
Musician of the Week

& Sepehr
Five more tunes from the hugely successful "World Cafe"
artists index |