Sill in denial
I guess times have really changed since I last heard from Iran!
By Reza Razavi
April 9, 2002
The Iranian
Many of us have not been to Iran in years and yet many others get to go there
for vacation on a yearly basis. We all hear things from afar about how grave our
motherland's economic conditions are and how the civil rights of our people are abused
on a daily basis.
We may not have any proof of any of these civil rights abuses, yet we know that young
Iranian men for some ODD reason can not go back to visit their birth country as freely
as they should be able to. They can not go back and stay longer than three months.
And when young people do go back, their parents often whisper sweet little admonition
into their ears about how they should keep their mouths shut and just go along with
the family plans and parties.
And naturally when these young folk return from their adventurous journey, most of
the time we hear about nothing but parties, orgies, drinking, lots and lots of drugs,
young teenage girls who are itching to be spread-eagled by young Iranian-American
males who happen to embark upon such a journey.
We hear about family parties, and girls met at these family parties who perform sexual
acts for these fine young, American college-educated eligible bachelors in bathrooms,
while their parents drink tea and tell jokes downstairs.
Or how so many different marriage prospects were introduced
to them while each prospects sexual abilities were cordially tested by the fine stallion
from the West; girls upon herb-smoking, screwdriver-drinking girls. And finally,
"Aagha hatman boro taa aroosi nakardi haa, jooneto kheili haal daareh, faghat
koss-baaziyeh." Alright!
Just makes me wonder if any of these clowns have ever heard about Ahmad Batebi, the
Mohammadi brothers, Dariush Forouhar, or Akbar Ganji? Did they ever stop to think
that while they're contributing their "bit" to the Iranian community, that
some poor teenager's getting a can of whoop-ass opened on him by IRI agents for having
illegal music videos in his apartment?
Do they give a flyin' American cockroach about how weak and insecure their nation
has become under the leadership of the uneducated? Does it matter to them that while
their reveling in their sexcapades with the local chics, a guy who actually likes
one of those girls has to sit there and suck it up because he's not an American national
and has to bust his ass workin' some bullshit job, even though he may be more educated
than any KLM-flyin' yuppy? APPARENTLY NOT!
So, what are the results of all of this hedonism? A bunch of these wonderful and
entertaining stories told to the rest of the community by a number of ignorant clubbers
who happen to have saved up enough cash to go back home to finally do what they have
been trying to do here all along; GET LAYED. And then what do we hear from the delightfully
enlightened Iranian community members?
"Na baba, Iroon avaz shodeh, digeh meseh oon mogheha aziat nemikonan mardomo.";
"Aslan aaghaa boro, go have your fun, fuck all this politic bull shet.";
"It's really not as bad as everybody says, these Americans exaggerate for their
own advantage."; "Hamash kaareh mojaahedineh in harfaa, migan keh iraano
zaeef konan"; "I've never had such a good time before in my life, aaghaa
dis is the best vacation you ever take, do yourself dis VAN faver."; "Eversince
Khatami came to power, ozaa KHEILI behtar shodeh."; and last but definitely
NOT the least: "Mardomeh oonjaa khodeshoon vazeshoono DOOST daaran."
Well, I guess times have really changed since I last heard from Iran. Ahmad Batebi's
probably already released from prison and pardoned for his crime against "national
security". Yeah, folks, our national security is dependant upon the picture
of a guy on the cover of a magazine holding up a bloody shirt.
Akbar Ganji isn't really being kicked in the ass anymore for speaking up against
the civil injustices being committed against the public. More than 30 newspapers
have been shut down because people know what's best for them and they like it that
way. Yes, the people of Iran love being oppressed and having their daughters and
sisters clubbed down randomly after dark by agents of the notorious Ansareh Hezbullah
for wearing high heels.
Yes and the stoning videos? Oh, I forgot! They're all
a plot by the Mojahedin to overthrow the regime. Yes, and they actually had to stone
a couple of their own volunteers to make that video tape. What a goddamn shame.
And what of the tortures and recantations that boys and girls as young as 15 are
subjected to? Not ture? Then I guess Manouchehr Mohammadi realized how great the
regime is -- after contemplating for a few months in prison while he was fed chocolate-covered
strawberries and went on TV to "recant" and tell the people of Iran how
he had betrayed them and how great he was treated while under the "care"
of the valieh faghih. Yes, and 14 teenagers were lashed in public for not
doing their homework on time, I suppose.
But it's all okay, because ever since Khatami was elected, apparently some tremendously
positive reforms have taken place with regard to human rights, that we Iranians in
the West have unfortunately not had the opportunity to witness.
Oh absolutely! Some of the most positive changes have been the closing down of 33
newspapers, and the arrest of a good portion of the student population in our country.
Oh yeah, women can now wear bikinis in the shower, kids get to watch an extra cartoon
on Friday mornings, and teenagers are finally allowed to purchase locally recorded
and monitored cassettes and CDs. What a bunch of bullshit.
Well, the IRI has done a great job at fooling the Club X generation. However, I believe
it's about time to pay attention to those intricate details, which most of us out
here in the West are not privileged to witness. Maybe it would be a bit more productive
to look after the stories of innocents serving bogus sentences and teenagers yanked
off from school without parental consent to some detention center and labeled as
Mojahed and such.
Maybe it's time we payed attention to why our country's military is so weak and our
soldiers so goddamn unenthusiastic. Could it possibly be that they are forced to
serve with absolutely no incentive but to be left alone by the government after their
military duties are done? And exactly why is it that you can't even make it to college
unless you possess such thorough knowledge of Islam?
And alas, a word about the ever-lovely IRI sympathizers
who sincerely reside within the bounds of the "Great Satan" and pay tax
in American dollars to a state that their people have basically condemned as the
root of all evil. So many wonderful things they have to say about the Islamic Republic
and what awesome feats they have accomplished for Iran. So much do we hear about
how great the education system is and how incredibly our economy has improved since
the days of the Shah.
Well, how 'bout they pack their stuff and LEAVE the "Great Satan" and allow
their kids to receive better education IN Iran as opposed to being fed Western knoweldge?
And how come they have to stay here and not help THEIR system strengthen against
such dissidents as Ahmad Batebi and Mouchehr Mohammadi? What, are they part of some
IRI propaganda to promote itself to the west? The hypocrisy is EVERMORE amusing with
these folks.
Moreover, our country is never going to be revived as long as our people are still
in denial. Our people back home will never experience the civil rights that we have
at our disposal until we begin to open our eyes and ears to the darkness and not
just the pleasures that our country can offer.