-- About
-- hoder@hoder.com
blog: i.hoder.com
>>> Hossein Derakhshan's new Index
A threat to all of us
If someone could silence whatever he or she didn't like we are all going to be in big trouble soon
August 13, 2007
Dar konfraanse Berlin cheh gozasht
On Aspen conference in Berlin
April 28, 2007
Tanaaghoze kelidi dar afkaare ganji
Ganji's moral dilemma
April 24, 2007
Agar "Rooz" dar zamaane Mossadegh darmiaamad
I can easily imagine if Rooz was being published during the
nationalisation of oil crisis in Iran
April 10, 2007
The courage to change
Jahanbegloo admits his mistake in indirectly helping the Bush administration in its plans for regime change in Iran through fomenting internal unrest and instability
September 7, 2006
Former TV chief launches unofficial campaign for presidency
November 19, 2004
is my fate they are talking about
Nuclear weapons and the Iranian people
June 27, 2004
The real Iran
How weblogs can change the way the world sees Iran
October 1, 2003
Notes about things I like
October 23, 2001
Kaar-e cheh kassee tamaam ast?
Whose carrer is over? Googoosh?
August 24, 2001
Walk in Rasht
Photo essay
June 13, 2001
>>> Hossein Derakhshan's new Index
Hossein Derakhshan, aka hoder, is a blogger [i.Hoder.com],
journalist and multimedia developer who emigrated to Canada in
2000. He lives in Toronto. Top