Rosa Faiz is an independent
writer, researcher and analyst.
Rude news
Many consider the MKO a nuisance
at best and traitors at worst
July 11, 2005
Shah & Shaykh
The coming Iranian class wars: Those of us the people of
Iran who will yield neither to the Shah nor to the Shaykh, will
have to make an unambiguous stance
June 14, 2005
Mojahedin are finding it increasingly necessary to buddy
up with neo-conservatives in Washington DC, further proof of
their ideological bankruptcy
June 7, 2005
other religious nuts
Are we to exchange one theocracy for another?
May 27, 2005
with Democrats
What is truly wrong with the American Democratic Party
April 10, 2005
stop on drive-by Armageddon
How many millions of Iranians is Uncle Sam willing to dispose?
January 28, 2005
.................... Say
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