شروع فاجعه برای ما

در صورت حمله نظامی محدود اما بی تردید نظام اسلامی در جایگاه خود تحکیم خواهد شد


شروع فاجعه برای ما
by Hamid Farkhondeh

زشتی چهره ی جنگ، پوچ درآمدن اتهام وجود سلاح های کشتار جمعی در عراق در آستانه حمله نظامی به این کشور و سرانجام شکست پروژه ی مبارزه با تروریسم و صدور دمکراسی به افغانستان و عراق، حتی جنگ طلب ترین جناح ها در دولت امریکا را چنان در انتخابات کلمات محتاط کرده که همواره در سخنان خویش مواظب پوشاندن سیاهی حمله نظامی به ایران در زرورق "آخرین گزینه" هستند. انگار آرای موافق نمایندگان کنگره و سنای امریکا برای قرار دادن سپاه پاسداران در لیست سازمان های تروریستی نیز از آخرین تمهیدات برای نزدیک شدن به این آخرین گزینه است.

آخرین گزینه ی آنها، حتی اگر آراسته به پوشش قانونی شورای امنیت سازمان ملل باشد، اما شروع فاجعه برای ماست. حمله نظامی به ایران کور کردن گره دمکراسی در کشور است. جنگ مستبدان واقعی امروز را به قهرمانان دروغین فردا تبدیل خواهد کرد. از آزادی ستیزان و پایمال کنندگان حقوق بشر در ایران، شهید و مظلوم خواهد ساخت. آرامش و امنیت نسبی، خردگرایی و شعوری که لازمه ساختن دمکراسی و رشد نهادهای جامعه مدنی است را با خشونت، احساسات شدید ناسیونالیستی و شعارهای ضد امریکایی و ضد اسرائیلی جایگزین خواهد ساخت. همزادان القاعده، آنها که گفتار سیاسی اشان شعار نابودی دشمنان و کردار سیاسی شان سربریدن مخالفان و بمب گذاری است در گوشه و کنار کشور فعال مایشاء خواهند شد. گروههای بزرگی از مردم قربانی ناامنی خواهند شد و بسیاری مجبور به ترک کشور. آواره شدن چهار میلیون عراقی تاکنون در کشورها عربی همسایه عراق بخشی از پی آمدهای فاجعه بار حمله نظامی به این کشور است.

اگر می پذیریم که حمله نظامی در مقیاس بزرگ[و البته بعید] ایران را دچار آشوب، کشتار، نزاع های قومی، رشد تروریسم و تقویت بنیادگرایی می سازد، اگر باور داریم که تجربه ی تلخ و دهشتناک افغانستان و بویژه عراق می تواند در صورت حمله نظامی، در ایران نیز تکرار شود، اگر می پذیریم که چنین حمله ای نه تنها برای کشور ما دمکراسی به ارمغان نخواهد آورد بلکه راه پرسنگلاخ آن را نیز نابود کرده، تحقق این امر را برای سال ها به عقب می اندازد و حتی برای اولین بار بعد از قرن ها موجودیت ایران در شکل کنونی آن را مورد تهدید جدی قرار می دهد،

و سرانجام اگر بپذیریم که حمله در مقیاس محدود نیز علاوه بر ویرانی تاسیسات زیربنایی کشور، دست نظام جمهوری اسلامی را برای سرکوب گسترده مخالفان و منتقدان باز می گذارد، در مخالفت با هر نوع حمله نظامی امریکا یا هر کشور دیگری به ایران، جایی برای تردید باقی نمی ماند. حمله به مراکز هسته ای ایران شاید بستن پرونده انرژی هسته ای کشور باشد، اما قطعا به حاشیه راندن پرونده حقوق بشری جمهوری اسلامی در مورد نقض آزادی بیان، سانسور، نابرابری های جنسیتی و ستم قومی برای سال هاست.

اگر ما سیاست های ماجراجویانه دولت احمدی نژاد و حامیانش در پرونده انرژی هسته ای ایران را به خاطر در معرض تهدید حمله نظامی قرار دادن کشور از زاویه منافع ملی محکوم می کنیم و خواستار تعامل دولت ایران با جامعه جهانی در بحران اتمی کشور هستیم، به طریق اولی نمی توانیم مخالف هر گونه حمله نظامی به ایران به هر بهانه، نباشیم.
اینکه اثرات مخرب حمله نظامی احتمالی به ایران دامان امریکا و متحدانش در منطقه خواهد گرفت و چشم انداز صلح در خاورمیانه را بازهم تیره تر خواهد ساخت، متفکران جهان، صاحب نظران سیاسی و صلح دوستان منطقه و جهان سال هاست تکرار می کنند. دفاع از این تصمیم سیاسی که حمله نظامی به ایران و پی آمدهایش، با توجه به تجربه ی افغانستان و بویژه عراق، چگونه منافع ملی امریکا و متحدانش از جمله اسرائیل را تامین می کند، البته برعهده این دولت ها و دیگر مدافعان منافع ملی این کشورهاست.

اما اگر بجای پاسداری از منافع ملی ایران دولت جمهوری اسلامی راه ماجراجویی را در پیش گرفته است، نیروهای اپوزیسیون به سهم خویش، هم بنام منافع ملی کشور و هم برای حیات سیاسی آینده ی خویش نمی توانند با حمله نظامی مخالفت نکنند. حتی نیروهای انقلابی طرفدار سرنگونی نظام اسلامی اگر بخواهند به روایت انقلابی خویش به عنوان راه یا شرط تامین منافع ملی و استقرار آزادی و عدالت اجتماعی وفادار بمانند، راهی جز مخالفت با هرگونه حمله نظامی به ایران ندارند. چراکه سرنگونی ای که بدست مردم کشور صورت نگیرد نقض غرض انقلاب است. سقوط مستبدین بدست نیروهای بیگانه، مرده به دنیا آمدن انقلاب است.

در صورت حمله نظامی محدود اما بی تردید نظام اسلامی در جایگاه خود تحکیم خواهد شد و از فرصت فراهم آمده برای به زیر ضرب بردن و سرکوب هرچه بیشتر بقیه السیف نیروهای سیاسی مخالف استفاده خواهد کرد. هر صدای مخالف و منتقدی را با اشاره و استناد به بمب های ریخته شده ی دشمن شدیدتر و آسان تر از امروز خفه خواهند کرد. اگر امروز مخالفان یا محققان ایرانی_امریکایی را جاسوس می خوانند، در فردای بمباران احتمالی تاسیسات هسته ای ایران هر منتقدی را به نام همکاری و هم صدایی با دشمن خارجی به زندان خواهند انداخت. در این صورت معلوم نیست با افزایش جو سرکوب در فضای جنگی چگونه طرفداران سرنگونی شرایط را برای عملی کردن راهبرد خود مناسب تر خواهند یافت.

باوجود اینکه نیروهایی مانند سازمان مجاهدین خلق، برخی جریان های تجزیه طلب و طیف هایی از سلطنت طلبان آشکارا از حمله نظامی به ایران برای سقوط نظام اسلامی جانبداری می کنند، اما برخی گروها و شخصیت های سیاسی مخالفت قاطع خود با هرگونه حمله نظامی را اعلام کرده اند. بخش بزرگی نیز در سودای "راه سوم" شعار "نه به جنگ، نه به جمهوری اسلامی" سرمی دهند ولی از محکومیت بی قید و شرط حمله نظامی به ایران تاکنون خودداری کرده اند. گروهی دیگر گاه به تصریح و زمانی به تلویح از چنین حمله ای طرفداری می کنند. عده ای نیز بین وسوسه ی به چشم خویش دیدن سرنگونی جمهوری اسلامی و شرمندگی همسویی یا همصدایی با امریکا و اسرائیل در نوسانند.

علیرغم مخالفت گسترده با حمله نظامی در میان روشنفکران ایرانی، تاکنون شاهد مخالفت دسته جمعی آنها با این امر نبوده ایم. نامه 300 تن از روشنفکران جهان به دبیرکل سازمان ملل در محکومیت حمله نظامی به ایران با هر بهانه ای، جای خالی اظهار نظر دسته جمعی همکاران ایرانی آنها در مورد تهدید "آخرین گزینه" را بیش از پیش نمایان کرده است. آیا آنها خواهند توانست بر سر نامه ای مشابه به توافق برسند و هرگونه حمله نظامی به ایران را به هر بهانه، محکوم کنند؟



Re: Majid

by jamshid on

Dear Majid,

The poem could be interpreted in many different ways! (As is always the case with Farsi poems). Please elaborate!


Re: Bamdad

by jamshid on

Well said. I agree with you. The mullahs have no problem at all to make concessions to Americans in form of cheaper oil, stopping to fund terrorists everywhere, offically accepting the existence of Israel, even getting rid of the "death to america" sho'aar, and much more. THEY HAVE NO PROBLEMS WITH THAT AT ALL.


However they know that the Bush administration has already decided to attack Iran and no concession would stop the US. The poor and innocent Iranian people are going to pay for this war and for the idiocy of both the mullah regime and the bush admin. The only ones to be blamed for this war and its heavy toll are the mullahs and no one else.


I also agree that the mullahs have already packed up their suitcases and prepared their one way tickets to Syra where they will be safe while the innocent Iranians will pay for the war and its aftermath for generations to come.


To all you IRI lackeys: Your masters will soon abandon you. There will be no one to protect you ANYWHERE in this world. The sooner you join the ranks of the freedom fighters the better, as you could have a positive contribution, instead of a negative one, to Iran's future.


"مرگ یکبار و شیون یکبار"

bamdad (not verified)

با همه این اوصاف "مرگ یکبار و شیون یکبار" گزینه ای است که شاید۷۰٪ مردم ایران نسبت به آن نارضایتی نداشته باشند
هر ایرانی امروز بدرستی اینرا درک کرده که محور مبارزه با تروریسم از ۱۱ سپتامبر تا کنون٬ به هر ترتیب اهدافش را یک به یک به انجام رسانده و اینک آخرین معضل را هدف گرفته
و کلیات مورد نظر درباره این هدف هرگز محدود به متوقف کردن تلاشهای هسته ای ایران و حمله ی نظامی محدود نیست بلکه پیکان٬ مستقیما به ریشه ی آشوب و فتنه گری در خاورمیانه نشانه رفته و تا بازنشاندن کامل حکومت شیعه از قدرت ضربات موثری بر پیکره ی نظام اسلامی حاکم بر ایران وارد خواهد ساخت
و این واقعیتی ست که عوامل و سران رژیم اسلامی ایران را نا آرام کرده٬ در غیر این صورت باز ایستادن از غنی سازی (به هر منظوری!) در ازای باقی ماندن حکومتشان کمترین چیزی بود که می پرداختند همچنانکه بر کسی پوشیده نیست که رهبران٬ نظامیان و تمام دولتمردان این رژیم مرتبا اموال و منافع ملی ایران را باتفاق یا چپاول کرده اند یا به چپاول سپرده اند.
تلاشهای هاشمی رفسنجانی درست مثل انداختن تیری در تاریکی است - یا شانس و یا اقبال- نه بکار بستن راهکاری که در مقابل موج به راه افتاده ی بین المللی علیه رژیم ایران نجاتی برای ارکان نظام اسلامی و نهایتا خودش حاصل کند. تنها راهی که رفسنجانی متصور است موجب باقی ماندن حکومت اسلامی می شود٬ رویکردی ست به اساس آنچه میان جامعه بین المللی و کره شمالی اتفاق افتاد و اگر میتوانست بدون اتلاف زمان٬ با یک ارنج مناسب طی توافقی با اعطای امتیازهای کلان تری از سفره ی مردم و یک قول عملی برای تغییری همه جانبه طبق موازین بین المللی بقای سلطنت شیعه بر ایران را تضمین می کرد.. اما این همان تیر در تارکی است که مطمئنا شانسی بهمراه نخواهد داشت چون هاشمی رفسنجانی بدرستی می داند نه نقش مخرب ایران در منطقه و شرایط ایران شباهتی به کره شمالی دارد و نه اگر قول تغییرات کلی در ساختار رژیم عملی شود مردم ایران چیزی از حکومت اسلامی از نوع شیعه در ایران باقی می گذارند.
اگر بتوان مشابه درایت صدام حسینی را در روان اکثر مقامات جمهوری اسلامی بروشنی یافت با این حال جنس درایت هاشمی رفسنجانی بهرمانی از متاع دیگریست
او و دارو دسته اش مدتهاست چمدانها را بسته و آماده ی سفرند


An article on those who want

by Stop more wars and more murders (not verified) on

An article on those who want to attack and start a war with Iran, the writer is an ex-CIA officer (per the note at the bottom of the article): //www.nationalinterest.org/Article.aspx?id=15...


Whose side are you on?

by AA nonymous (not verified) on

As a Kurd I witnessed the atrocities commited by IRI in Kurdestan during the early years of revolution. But we Iranians have to ask ourselves: Which side are we on? Neocons or Iran (albeit currently under the mullahs)I will side with the Iranians anytime against the nasty neocons (e.g. Debra Cagan)


The state-run newspaper Qods

by messenger (not verified) on

The state-run newspaper Qods reported that a mother of three is sentenced to stoning. Reportedly, the evidence is video tapes of her having sex with another person [Persian].

We have to stop this! Spread the news and send the link in the comment section. We have to stop this.

Do we want this to happen again (Very Graphic)?



Mullah's End is Very Near

by Gilani (not verified) on

I think Iranians should prepare themselves for the day of bombing. All this crap that Iran is gonna break up in case of American attack is nonsense. Iranians know that we would much be better off sticking together as one nation. Americans have learnt their lessons from Iraq as well, and know how to face the Mullahs' threat [to Iranians, Americans and humanity]. It is time that Iranians inside who have suffered the greatest from this bunch of the Islamist ahmaghs become smart. No mercy should be granted to the mullahs and their supporters unless they join people before Mullahs are removed. Iran's regime is the weekest at this juncture and must go before Iranians can meaningfully contemplate about freedom, democracy, and prosperity that we all deserve. We are one of the best and should take advantage of an opportunity if it presents itself.

Javeed Iran


Dear Jamshid

by Majid on

Tigh daadan dar kaf-e zangi-e mast

az pey-e rosvaee-e khish aamadast



Re: NorCal

by jamshid on

NorCal what is your opinion about the nuclear plants that were built by the Shah without any of the current fuss? Why Iran's right to have nuclear plants and technology could be exercised under the shah, but not today? Could it just be that it is the IRI, through its insane ideology, that is depriving Iranians from their rights in everything including having nuclear technology?


"I don't doubt that the

by Anonymousb (not verified) on

"I don't doubt that the Western world views Iran as a menace to their security and strategic interest. Of course they do. I did not try to dispute that in anyway. But there is more to the "international community" than the "Western World."

So, you're admitting that the IRI has decalred war on the Western world and self-appointed itself to single-handeldy defeat and defy the "Great Stan", the "US imperialism", right?

Do you really expect the Western world to sit idly by and do not protect their strategic and national, and economic interest? Not that the US is afraid of Iran...The US is afraid of Russian and China to use Iran as a proxy to do their bidding in the region.

In conclusion, don't cry about the war. If IRI wants to defeat the US then it has to pay the consequences. The U.S. will be more than happy to oblige.


to Dk

by NorCal (not verified) on

"Could you mention a few of "overwhelming majority of nations" (outside of West) that supports IRI's nuclear work ?"
I will do better than naming a few. How about every single country in the Non Aligned Movement. I will save you the hassle of looking up the number of countries in the NAM. It is made up of 118 countries including India, Indonesia, South Africa ... and a few other "nutcases" as you prefer to call them. They represent nearly two-thirds of the United Nations's members and comprise 55% of the world population.



by Majid on

Please do not even TRY ! to repeat what IRI is putting in Iranian's mouth , like "Energi-e hasteie hagh-e mosallam-e maast ) !!

I deeply beleive that IF that was  "hagh-e mosallam-e maa " it was being taken away or not provided to us by IRA , like a lot of other "hagh-e mosallams" that we deserve ! like FREEDOM OF SPEECH ! FREEDOM OF PRESS! PRESENCE OF JURY IN COURT ! WOMEN'S RIGHT ! and the list goes on and on and.......You know them ! I know them and the whole world knows them ! They are like an arrow shot from 6 or 7th century to 21st!! THEY DON'T FIT! 


To: NorCal

by Dk (not verified) on

Could you mention a few of "overwhelming majority of nations" (outside of West) that supports IRI's nuclear work ? Do you mean nutcases like Venezuela and Nicaragua ? Do you really believe in these nonsense that you write ?


To Anonymousz

by NorCal (not verified) on

"Below article explains in depth why the Islamic Republic is viewed as a menace and a threat to national and strategic security of the Western World."
I don't doubt that the Western world views Iran as a menace to their security and strategic interest. Of course they do. I did not try to dispute that in anyway. But there is more to the "international community" than the "Western World." Outside of the Western world, an overwhelming majority of nations have endorsed Iran's nuclear power program including enrichment, in line with the majority of Iranians. You can all me all sorts of names if you want, but that's not going to change.
If the world is summed up as the West for you, so be it. What a pitty.


Norcal: You sound like an

by Anonymousz (not verified) on

Norcal: You sound like an official spokesperson of the Islamic Republic. You my friend suffer from cognitive dissonance of epic proportion and can't see the elephant in the room. You have convinced yourself of your lies and believe in them wholeheartedly (like Saadam) not realizing that the majority of people in the world don't believe a word Islamic Republic utters. The depth of Islamic Republic's delusion about their international status is dangerous and will cost the Iranian people dearly. If you think 'adventurism' relates to the nuclear standoff issue then you're either have been living in another planet or just simply willfully uninfomred.

Below article explains in depth why the Islamic Republic is viewed as a menace and a threat to national and strategic security of the Western World. You don't have to like it but this is how Islamic Republic is viewed and no amount of lobbying by NIAC or CASMII or other sympathizers of the regime is going to change that. If you simply followed the news, you would know that the Islamic Republic's victim card no longer plays well even among the leftist.

Gary Sick called Ahamdinejad,"Dangerously Confident"...The Islamic Republic is exposed and we owe a lot of that to Bollinger.



Reasonable article, need better terminology

by NorCal (not verified) on

Reasonable article and I agree with the gist of it. However, a few terms that are used by the author is the same as those used by the warmongers. For example he refers to adventurous nuclear policy of Iran (MAJERAJUI) and that it needs to be condemned. What is so adventurous about demanding your legal rights under a treaty you have signed? Why is that adventurous? Overwhelming majority of people in Iran are of the opinion (according to Western media) that Iran's policy of insistence on its legal rights is a correct one.
Secondly, the author suggests that the international community (Jame-e-jahani) is against Iran's program. This is absolutely false. The author uses the term "international community" the same way as Western media does (ie International community = west). There are only a handful of countries who are opposed to Iran's nuclear program, the US and a few Western European countries. In fact over 122 nations of the Non-Aligned League have endorsed Iran's nuclear program. So who is this "international community" that you are referring to? There is more to the "international community" than just a handful of Western nations.


Long live......................

by faribors maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

Do you mean till reapparing of 12th imam (s.a.)?



by Faibors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

You are right. you are complettly right. I hope Mr. Bush has read your extraordinary intelligent Advise. all it needs is a ( ONE ) Spark in Iraq, better in Persian Gulf. Allon the problem is: Where are these Sparks or at least this one spark? Th second point which is to take in the account is: 1978 were only 30 millions fanatic Mullahs. To day they count70 millions. do we Sparks have any idea how we want to opporate against them? In a manner, that we would be able to take oil and other treasuris out of the region? And play the master there? may be Mr. Bush has any idea. Greetings


they dont kill childeren............

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

I think we are not alloud to ignor and deny Holocaust, as also childeren were burnt. those who did it were no Moslem. The one who kills and burns humanbeings is no Moslem, even though he calls himself to be one. In some country the Blackpeople, mostly students get turturred through their Schoolmates, so that they are afraid attendung the school. are the turturrer Moslems? Greetings.


First of all : I don't like

by ardeshir keyvan (not verified) on

First of all :
I don't like a military attack on Iran but I think me or any other person who is living out of Iran should listen to what people inside Iran want. They are the people are really suffering not us because we are living our life more or less.
Just keep in mind under this irresponsible regime 27000 people annually are dying of car accidents due to unsafe roads and a lot of factors that simply could be prevented by not giving their money to some terrorists and spending it for them.

Striking a pose and acting intellectually is simple, yes talking is cheap but being practical is a different story.

I think we have one choice:

Stop being childish and arguing about old and boring subjects and think about the future.

Then any body who believes in : UNITY OF IRAN, DEMOCRASY, LIBERALISM AND SECHOLARISM, regardless of what kind system they prefer to have for achieving these demands with no presumption should start to coaporate and make one front.

It sounds simple but unfortunately because of undevoloped mentality of most of Iranian opposition groups it won't happen and sadly a war seems inevitable.

It looks like Iraqian people's problem was not freedom. They were more concerned about who should succeed Muhammad after his death.

Sadly for Iranians the most important part is 28 Mordad was a " kodeta ya ghiam" or Shah was good or bad ...



No war with Iran, Period

by Abarmard on

Mature up and see the truth about any possible attack. The Iranian senerio is for the Iranians only and no foreign army/government should get involved. Send the message to the world that as an Iranian we oppose any intervention with our future and once any country attack we will respond in a harsh manner. First comes the country, then government. Don't let anyone fool you that Iran will become better once the westerners have the control over us. We need to come out of this by ourselves.


You killed my cousine in the war with Iraq, so be quiet. Iran is not yours.


Drums of War

by afshin on

Though the possibility of a limited attack on Iranian's nuclear installations seems imminent, I doubt policy makers in Washington or the hawks for that matter have lost sight of the REAL POLITIK of the situation.  The conundrum of neutralizing the Iranian nuclear threat surely wears heavy on those that make recommendations and those that will make a final decision.  I doubt there will be an attack on Iran for many reasons.  Not because Ahamdinejad has mathematically calculated it as so.  But because I think the the US government and in no small measure the neo-cons realize that Iran may be over playing its nuclear hand in the hopes of creating national unity and crushing domestic desent.  A few weeks ago, the IRGC air force show cased some newly "domestically designed" jets, which were a remake of the F5e fighter jet, in hopes of convincing the populace that Iran is indeed progressing technologically in many fields.  Through the process of reverse engineering they may have gained some expertise in producing weapons, it still doesn't change the fact the Iranian manufacturing workmanship is one of the poorest in the world.  This can be exemplified by the simple fact that automobiles that are assembled in Iran with foreign parts, with foreign direction  and foreign expertise using only Iranian labor, still require extensive repairs when they roll off the assembly line.  Can one truly believe that in a country like this, they've been able to domestically produce UHF-gas producing centrifuges capable of enriching weapons grade uranium?  I doubt it. 

Conversely, the coalition may be scapegoating some of Iraq's neighbors for its own shortcomings in the theater.  Surely Iran as the bastion of Shi'ism can be expected to help their bretheren, though that help should be limited in scope.  However it behooves the imagination why the US government has not made much noise about the Saudis and Jordanians helping the Sunnis.  My guess is that all these drums of war are meant for domestic consumption and are far from the realities on the ground.  There may be some limited attack on "intercepted" weapons caches coming in to the country by the Iranian border.  But it is doubtful this will turn in to an extended war, or one involving targets on Iranian soil. 

All I hope is that in this game of who blinks first, cooler heads prevail.

hasel-e omram seh harf bish nist:

kham budam, pokhteh shodam, sookhtam...


these bastards.................

by faribors maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

the problem as I see it is: The bastards counted 1979 only 30 millions, now they count 70 millions. besides has the hegemonists, these strangers, no way out. Do they activate a military attack, so they loose. Because as in other place is said it stabilizes the position of these 70 Million fanatic mullahs. In case they do not attack is the situation again the same. so what is to do for them? As we see the enemy is lost. Lost for ever. so I think it is better we find back to our own origin. To Our beloved republic. greetings will, st


To all mojaheds

by sarekar (not verified) on

Yes you want war as you can refresh your former job(showing little girls' birthday party to the enemie's aircrafts)YOu did it for saddam and now you think that you can do the same for the US army too.but first of all please remember that the Americans are not like your former boss,Saddam.as most of them are not muslem,they don't kill little children .
secondly,you don't have any feelings about your families(you are forced & programmed to forget them right?)so you don't understand what's the feeling like having good friends and beloved families,suffering as the people in iraq are.
You just want to bring Rajavi and (one of his wives)Maryam to Iran as you are forced and brain washed to do this . you act like little robots.you are designed and programed to do this...I know as I lost 4 reletives in your organization.
Try to do (atleast think of doing)something better for iran.


Why the adventurism?

by baback on

This article sparks a question to ask from Mr. Farkhondeh despite it being off the main purpose of the article. He claims the government of Iran is being adventurist. In the cited CS article by the first respondent Gary Sick is reported to have come away from his private meeting with AhmadiNejad with the impression that AhmadiNejad is a dangerously self confident man. What about the others in IRI leadership? Are they as rash? Is it because of the current the US troubles in Iraq that some in IRI leadership have this self confidence?


It's the only way!!

by Still Hopeful (not verified) on

Believe me, I know these bastard Akhoonds will continue sucking our nation's blood for another century if left alone. But once the first bomb hits (hopefully in Quom) the chaos will provide the needed momentum to pulverize the Mullahs and their cronies.


Long Live Maryam and Massod Rajavi

by Mojahed (not verified) on

Finally, wew are going to take revnge against all mullahs and their aides. War War War until the demise of the Islamic Republic.


Sadly all targets are set

by Mash_Ghasem (not verified) on

I agree with you completly. War will set back
democracy movement in Iran for decades. But with IRI's actions, sadly I believe war with Iran is inevitable. All one needs is a spark in Iraq or in Persian Gulf.


No war

by Anonymousb (not verified) on

Are U.S. and Iran headed for war?
