Showdown for Ataturk’s Republic

United States must balance its desire for regional stability with steadfast support for and cooperation with the Turkish government


Showdown for Ataturk’s Republic
by Slater Bakhtavar

“A nation which makes the final sacrifice for life and freedom does not get beaten.“
-- Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founder of the Republic of Turkey.

In early October, members of the separatist Kurdish Workers’ Party (“PKK”) stationed in northern Iraq, instigated a clandestine military attack, which led to twelve casualties. This attack is a minuscule part of a spate of intensified attacks by the Kurdish Workers’ Party. The Kurdish’ Workers’ Party, whose agenda includes the autonomy of Turkey’s southeast region and an end to Turkish assimilation, have infiltrated segments of northern Iraq and Turkey. Keen to ferocious tactical which include, but are not relegated to kidnappings, beheadings, tactical bombing, and pillaging. This month alone, the Kurds have racked up a body count of 42 Turks and kidnapped eight others. In just twenty years, the organization, which is designated a “terrorist organization” by the United States and Europe, has murdered over 30,000 people.

Feeding on rampant sectarian violence in Iraq, the PKK have intensified their militaristic approach. Contrary to their glorified public relations campaign, the PKK is not a heroic counter-interventionist movement. PKK’s Marxist ideology and treacherous brutality is an aberration in a society recognized for its tolerance. Turkey’s ethnic Kurds, the majority of who recently voted for the Justice and Development Party, oppose PKK’s agenda. The Kurdish people recognize that the guerrilla fastidious escapades have promoted regional and international political upheaval. Once, isolated and prone to factionalism, the guerrilla movement is on the rise due to the dire situation in northern Iraq.

The Turkish government, which believes Turkish citizens should have no loyalty outside of the state, has responded. On October 17th, the Turkish parliament voted 507-19 to authorize cross-border raids into northern Iraq to root out the PKK. Turkish General Yasar Buyukanit angrily touted, "We are determined to make those who cause this sadness grieve with an intensity that they cannot imagine,” Prime Minister Erdogen, leader of the moderate Islamic Development Party said “Turkey shall intimidated.”

Turkey recently amassed over 100,000 troops on the border with Iraq backed up by tanks, artillery warplanes and helicopters. Turkish jet fighters and helicopters pounded suspected rebel hideouts in Turkey and northern Iraq, strategic maneuver condemned by U.S. and Iraqi governments. The U.S. and Iraqi government fear that Turkish intervention could destabilize a moderately tranquil segment of the volatile region.

The two nations believe Turkish military intervention may deepen tension between diverse ethnic groups in the region, deteriorate loose coalitions and trigger a sharp increase in global oil prices. Neighboring Iran and Syria, which are both home to substantial Kurdish minorities, may be pressured to intervene. Even minimal ethnic friction in Iran, a predominately ethnic Persian nation, may escalate the fragile region. But the United States must balance its desire for regional stability with steadfast support for and cooperation with the Turkish government.

Turkey chastised the US-led invasion in Iraq, but it subsequently provided vital strategic airbases for U.S. flights into Iraq and Afghanistan. Turkey, a secular Republic with fragments of institutionalized democracy and constitutionally protected rights is a natural ally of the United States. But the once-friendly relationship between the U.S. and Turkey has waned due recent U.S. political maneuver seen as threatening to Turkey’s national sovereignty. Turkey, once a proud US ally with a populace generally supportive of the United States, is now one of the least America friendly nations in the world, this according to a recent Pew Research Center poll.

The Turkish public, largely opposed the US governments unilateral decision making in the Middle East, including the Kurdish quandary. A recent counterproductive resolution by the US congressional committee condemning the Ottoman Empire for genocide against the Armenians over ninety years ago farther agitated the Turkish public sentiment. Detrimental and untimely decisions, such as these, undermine our long-term interests in the middle-east.

Besides an array of rhetorical assurances, the U.S. government, has done little to pressure provincial, regional and national Kurdish political heavy weights. Masoud Barzani, president of the Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq, must be confronted by the U.S. and the central Iraqi government. To its credit, the Iraqi government recently announced it will set up checkpoints to restrict the PKK’s movement and cut their supply lines to their mountainous hideouts.

Military reports that the U.S. is supplying the Turkish government with PKK hideouts locations is a constructive political maneuver. But the United States must do more to provide channels of cooperation and mutual understanding between the Turks and Americans. Enthusiastically supporting the Turkish government’s justified campaign against the Marxist-terrorist organization may help mend bridges as well as ensure victory for a progressive democratic Middle East.

About the writer: Slater Bakhtavar is president and founder of
Republican Youth of America, a frequent commentator and respected
analyst on foreign policy issues,
and an attorney with a post-doctoral degree in International law.



The Politics of Post-Modern Genocide in Turkey

by L. Barwari (not verified) on

The Politics of Post-Modern Genocide in Turkey

By L. Barwari

After reading the recent article by Mr. Salater Bakhtavar in, it appears from his article in reference to the recent conflict and the Turkish aggression against Southern Kurdistan (North Iraq), is merely a response to terrorism, and maintaining the stability in the region. I believe Mr. Bakhtavar has been certainly mis-informed, or this is just another attempt by his narrow minded propaganda to twist the truth. Therefore, I thought I should response to Mr. Baktavar and state some facts about the “Poltics of Post-Modern Geneocide in Turkey”
There is a constant fear that the justified resistance of Kurds there will lead to the creation of a state not only for Iraqi Kurds, but also for Kurds in Turkey and elsewhere. This is why Turkey lobbies the U.S. so hard.
Turkey’s history of ethnic cleansing and genocide is rooted in its particular brand of virulent and racially supremacist nationalism. When Mustafa Kemal Attaturk founded the modern nation of Turkey, he did so on the foundation of genocide against Armenians—a genocide that is yet to be recognized by much of global public opinion or the U.S. Congress. In addition to Armenians, almost millions Kurds were deported or massacred at that time, and more than a million Greeks were also forced from Anatolia, in a broad attempt to create a racially “pure” Turkish society. Nevertheless, Kurdish leaders and fighters were instrumental in securing Turkey’s borders from various would-be occupiers. Their reward for this help was the mass execution of its leadership, reneged promises, and ongoing repression. After the Armenians, Kurds became the primary targets of nationalist terror, as their “stubbornly” held separate identity posed a threat to Turkey’s vision of a monocultural secular society.
The ensuing decades saw dozens of uprisings, all of which were ruthlessly crushed, until PKK guerillas asserted themselves in the mountains and engaged with the Turkish army in the 1980s. This cycle reached its apex in the 1980s and 1990s, when Turkey’s scorched earth policy destroyed more than 4,000 villages, forcing more than 4 million Kurds into internal exile or permanent refugee status. The penalty for returning to villages remains torture or death, as recent killings by Turkish military and paramilitary forces have shown. In Turkey, Kurds are prevented from using their language, naming their children Kurdish names, wearing Kurdish colors— even the traffic lights have been changed to red, yellow, and blue because red, yellow, and green are the Kurdish national colors.
Turkey’s efforts to annihilate Kurdish culture—it refers to Kurds only as “mountain Turks”—has been repudiated by all of the world’s respected human rights organizations, notably Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and even the U.S. State Department Reports on Human Rights, as well as by numerous European Union representatives and bodies. Turkey’s efforts, including the mass transfer of Kurdish children to boarding schools where they are “decultured” and raised as Turks, constitute in the language of the Geneva Conventions Against Genocide acts of cultural genocide aimed at reduction or elimination of a distinct group of people.
When one analyzes the situation of the Northern Kurdistan through description of genocide, most of these aspects can be found since 1923:
1. In the political field: Kurdish self-government systems were destroyed in the 1920s and 1930s by deporting local leaders to western Turkey.
2. In the social field: The social cohesion of Kurdish society has been broken and its normal development hindered by killing and removing important groups such as intellectuals and religious and political leaders. After some quite decades since the 1950s operations intensified in the 1990s.
3. In the cultural field: Kurdish schools, associations, publications, and religious fraternities were closed in 1924 and the use of the Kurdish language in public places was forbidden until 1991.
4. In the economical field: While western Turkey has been developing towards a modern economy, production in the Kurdish provinces is still based on feudal land ownership and the same farming methods that were used during the middle ages. There is almost no industry; the Kurdish area is like a colony, which produces raw materials and a labor force for western Turkey.
5. In the biological field: The Turkish state implemented its policy of depopulation on a massive scale. This intensified during the 1990s.
6. In the field of physical existence: During the 1990s morbidity and mortality increased among the displace Kurds, but the Turkish government is still denying international humanitarian organizations permission to deliver food and medicine to them.
In 1977, Mehdi Zana, a courageous Kurdish leader who emerged from the grassroots was elected Mayor of Diyarbakir, the largest city and capital of Turkish Kurdistan. He was soon arrested and imprisoned for more than a decade and suffered unspeakable torture and humiliation that will affect him for the rest of his life; he now lives in exile from his native land.
Similarly, Leyla Zana (Mehdi is her husband) became increasingly radicalized when she and five other Kurds were elected to Parliament in 1991, but soon after were stripped of parliamentary immunity and arrested. Their “crimes,” also under the label of “separatism,” consisted of wearing Kurdish colors in their hair, speaking the Kurdish language, and testifying before Europe and the U.S. Congress about human rights abuses in Kurdish areas, where they served 10 years.
Whatever happens to the Kurds at this most hopeful and most perilous moment, the history of suffering must eventually be addressed. Kurds often discuss their position in relation to that of the Palestinians, saying things like: “When the Palestinian question is answered, then it will be the Kurdish turn.”
Yet, if the startling Turkish fall from U.S. graces proves in the end not to be a mirage, some are now asking if an emergent Kurdistan might function more like Israel, as a U.S. ally and base in the region. Such comparisons are too loaded and complex to make lightly, but the paradigm questions remain real.
After 80 years of persecution, the present conjuncture does not offer particularly clear paths toward liberation for Kurds, but nevertheless Kurds will undoubtedly engage what opportunities there are to the best of their advantage. Will the people of the world, especially progressives, support them?


Persians are a minority who has been the dominating power....

by Azad Moradian (not verified) on

Dear Friends,

In my opinion :
1. Iran is not a homogeneous ethnic society and formidable Iranian opposition parties are aligned with separate ethnic groups.
2. Persians are a minority who has been the dominating power since the end of WWI and all other minority groups have revolted at some point during the 20th century and continue to do so in this century.
3.Kurdish struggle for human rights and self-determination is the longest and most mature democratic national movement in Iran, the only one to have developed a constitution for a democratic society (The Republic of Kurdistan, Mahabad 1947).
4. Almost all Persian nationalist parties have vowed to side with the Islamic regime to "fight" minority groups and democracy
5. Any political opposition to the Islamic regime without the involvement of Turkmans, Baluoch, Azeri, Kurd and Arab groups would fail.

Best regards


Jahanshah Javid, Hezbollah in Disguise!

by Justice (not verified) on

Jahanshah Javid, Hezbollah in Disguise!
Hezbollah's Front Businesses in America!
Part one
part two


Racism still exist in Turkey

by Kermanshan4life (not verified) on

Turkey needs to end his racist agenda and grant my Kurdish brothers much greater autonomy. War won't lead to anywhere. I'm realistic so I don't believe in an Independent Kurdistan however I believe in a federal secular Iran.


Turkey and the Kurds

by Kurdboy (not verified) on

For many years Turkey banned Kurdish from being spoken.Kurdish names were banned.Even the name Kurd was outlawed.Turks banned our culture and stold it. They stole our Music, dances folk epics and even traditional clothings. There will be an Independent Kurdish .

Marg bar jomhooriye Eslami. Marg bar Shah parast.


PKK is a freedom fighting

by Anonymous60 (not verified) on

PKK is a freedom fighting organization fighting pan-Turkist chavaunism. Biji PKK. Ridam too halgheh torkiyah


What Spin? The majority of murdered innocents were Kurds!

by iconoclast (not verified) on

Slater Bakhtavar states,"In just twenty years, the organization, which is designated a “terrorist organization” by the United States and Europe, has murdered over 30,000 people."

The figure is apparently around 37,000. Of these roughly 7,000 were Turks (mostly soliders) and the rest of about 30,000 (mostly innocent civilians)were Kurds. Turkish government used American and Western-supplied sophisticated weaponary of airplanes, killer Cobra helicopterfs, tanks, rockets and bombs, fired by Turkish superior army - the 2nd largest in Nato- to wipe out poorly-fed PKK foot guerrila fighting with their pathetic Klashinkovs! Turkey destroyed about 4000 ancient Kurdish villages.

Let world history, and the Gods - if they existed - be the ultimate judge and decide fairly who is responsible for murdering 37,000 Kurds and Turks: Turkey's superior military government using 200,000 plus trained army or a few thousand of ill-trained PKK guerilla of mostly misguided idealist youth who had had enough of Turksih abject racism, denying language and basic human rights for about 20 millions Kurds?


"You are denying the most

by 1Anonymous2 (not verified) on

"You are denying the most populous ethnic in the world a country that you would never had without their sacrifices. Therefore, next time think and write comment. Kurdistan is going to exist whether you like it or not. Kurds will defend their rights as they have done so far."

Kurds are and were one of the Iranian people who happen to be of the Kurdish ethnicity, Iran IS their country and has always been. Please don't make it sound like you are speaking on behalf of all Kurds, for you're definitely not. To make a Kurdistan as a country and in the process to claim the lands of Iran and other countires, will equal to more wars, more dead, more conquer and divide by the outsiders, and more destruction and misery for the insiders. My two cents.


Iran, a predominately ethnic Persian nation????

by Biji Sanandaj (not verified) on

Thanks to Haj Hossein who responded and corrected the author's writing. Unfortunately it is these people who encourage some small groups within the Iranian minority to push for their separatism agenda.


One Correction

by Haj Hossein (not verified) on

Iran is a predominantly Iranian Nation not a Persian Nation as you indicate in your article. Please do not try to play the divide and conquer game. It will not work. Kurds, Gilacs, Balouches, and Azaris, are all Iranian in origin and also blood brothers and sisters of Persians. They have held Iran together for over 5000 years. They have gone to war together, they have defended Iran together, they cried together, and they laughed to Iran. They will not be fooled by mozdoors like you. In fact dividing Iran into Persian and not Persian is a very stupid thing to do because so much mixing in the recent years. Yet many fools like you continue to go that route.


Dooste Aziz Anonymous11

by Agha Mostafa (not verified) on

Kheili Ozr Mikham Agar Ke' Jesarat Kardam, Vali Adam Bayad Vaghe' Bin Bashe'. Baraye' Bevojood Amadan Keshvare' "Kordestan", Bayad Ke' Doval Iran, Sooriye', Torkiye', Va Araq, Raje' Be In Mozoo Movafeghat Konan. Har Kas Har Chize' Digari Khedmatetoon Arz Karde', Bebakhshid, Vali Bedoonid Ke' Kose' Sher Gofteh. Shoma Aya Fekr Mikonid Ke' In Chahar Dolat Rajeh Be In Mozoo Movafeghat Konan? Manteghi Fekr Konid.

Rosie T.

What US Desire for Regional Stability?

by Rosie T. on

An intelligent junior high school student with knowledge of what happened in Yugoslavia could have predicted what would happen in Iraq if US indvaded.  I did. I don't have a post-doctoral whatever in international anything but I'd read one book on Yugoslavia and I foresaw the whole thing. In fact I didn't even BELIEVE they would invade until the minute they did; it was so DOOMED TO CATASTROPHE that I REALLY thought they must be bluffing...for...something...

so my queston is are you SURE the Bush admin desires regional stability since they did such a good job of destabilizing the region. And if the answer is yes, they DO desire regional stability then why are any of their current opinions or strategies valid when they are dumber at geopolitics than me?


And another question about Republicans, since you are one, do you think Bush and Dick are Republicans? I thought they are in line with the "neoconservatives" (maybe even beyond them by now).  It is my understanding that Papa Bush's administration referred to such fringe elements as "the crazies."  Do you think they are Republicans?   And if so, why?


RE: Khatarnake'

by Anonymous11 (not verified) on

Agha Mostafa,

Only People like you are dangerous. You are denying the most populous ethnic in the world a country that you would never had without their sacrifices. Therefore, next time think and write comment. Kurdistan is going to exist whether you like it or not. Kurds will defend their rights as they have done so far.


Gooz Be' Shaghighe' Che' :)

by Agha Mostafa (not verified) on

Kheili Ozr Mikham Khanom Rafii va Aghaye' Ghaem Magham, Vali Ardeshir Zahedi va Farah Che' Marbootan Be' Torkiye' va Kordha :)


فرح و زاهدی

ِقائم مقام فراهانی (not verified)

فرح و زاهدی
اردشیر زاهدی، پسر فضل الله زاهدی از گماشتگان هندی انگلیسی که برای اجرای قرارداد 1907 تقسیم ایران توسط انگلیس و روس از هند به جنوب ایران فرستاده شده بود. در سال 1919 زمانی که طبق قرارداد وثوق الدوله امور ایران به دست انگلیس سپرده شد برای فضل الله شناسنامۀ ایرانی تهیه شد و در زمان به قدرت رسیدن رضا شاه توسط انگلیس و ادغام ارتش هندی انگلیسی در ارتش ایران فضل الله زاهدی تابعیت ایران را گرفت. ابتدا از لقب بصیر دیوان استفاده می کند و سپس زمان تغییر اسم ها در زمان رضا شاه تبدیل به زاهدی می گردد.
فضل الله برای اینکه اصل و نسب ایرانی بگیرد مانند پدر هویدا که فلسطینی بود، با خانوادۀ اشرافی پیرنیا (خدیجه پیرنیا) وصلت کرد. اردشیر زاهدی در 1307 به دنیا آمد. او تحصیلات ابتدایی خود را در هند شروع می کند و در سال 1313 رابندرنات تاگور شاعر و استاد فلسفه هندی در آن مدرسه به او و سایر فرزندان صاحب منصبان انگلیسی تعلیم و تدریس می داد.
اردشیر زاهدی در سال 1325 دبیرستان اسلامیه بیروت را به پایان می رساند و سپس به آمریکا فرستاده شده و پس از دو سال فوق دیپلم کشاورزی را از کالج کشاورزی ایالت « یوتا » آمریکا دریافت می کند و پس از مراجعت به ایران با نفوذ پدرش، مدرک او معادل لیسانس شناخته می شود.
وی از زمانی که در بیروت به سر می برد به واسطۀ پدرش با سرویسهای اطلاعاتی غربی به خصوص انتلیجنس سرویس مربوط وی گردد. او در اردیبهشت 1331 به همراه مرتضی امیر ارجمند (همسر آینده لیلی امیر ارجمند) به استخدام وزارت کشاورزی درآمد و با توصیۀ انگلیس در پست معاونت و خزانه داری « کمیسیون مشترک ایران و آمریکا برای بهبود امور روستایی » در اصل 4 ترومن قرار گرفت.
اردشیر زاهدی در سال های بعد از کودتا و صدارت پدرش در کنار او بود و پس از برکناری فضل الله زاهدی از پست صدارت و فرستادن او به ژنو به عنوان سفیر شاهنشاهی، اردشیر زاهدی با حمایت سرویس های اطلاعاتی غربی در تهران ماند و در سال 1335 دختر محمد رضا شاه را به نامزدی او در آوردند و در آبان ماه 1336 با شهناز ازدواج کرد (البته این ازدواج با برنامه ریزی و حسادت فرح دیبا در سال 1343 به متارکه انجامید و حاصل آن یک دختر به نام مهناز بود).
اردشیر زاهدی پس از ازدواج با شهناز، بیش از پیش مورد توجه دربار قرار گرفت او در اوایل سال 1338 به توصیۀ علم نمایندۀ شاه برای رسیدگی به امور دانشجویان ایرانی خارج از کشور شد و با هماهنگی انگلیس بودجۀ دانشجویان ایرانی را مابین مخالفان رژیم پهلوی یعنی کنفدراسیون دانشجویی قرار می داد. پس از برنامه ریزی ازدواج فرح دیبا با شاه به توصیه انگلیس (فرح دیبا در این زمان عضو حزب توده و کنفدراسیون کمونیستی دانشجویی بود) اردشیر زاهدی با حمایت فرح دیبا و علم ابتدا در اسفندماه 1338 به سفارت در واشنگتن گمارده شد و پس از دو سال به دلایل حساسیت شدید دانشجویان ایرانی و واکنش آنها علیه حرکات زنندۀ زاهدی و همچنین نارضایتی امینی نخست وزیر از توطئه های زاهدی در واشنگتن (به گزارش ساواک تاریخ 19/12/1340 : ... وجود آقای اردشیر زاهدی به سمت سفیر کبیر ایران در آمریکا اشتباه سیاسی بوده، این امر موجب تقویت عناصر طرفداران جبهه ملی در آمریکا گردیده است ... ) به تهران فرستاده می شود.
پس از عزل دکتر امینی از مقام نخست وزیری و تشکیل دولت اسدالله علم، اردشیر زاهدی در شهریورماه 1341 به عنوان سفیرکبیر ایران عازم لندن شد و تا سال 1345 در این سمت بود. وی در بهمن ماه 1345 با همیاری علم و فرح دیبا در دولت امیر عباس هویدا وزیر امور خارجه گردید.
پس از آتش زدن مسجد الاقصی در اورشلیم، اردشیر زاهدی که مقام وزارت امور خارجه ایران را به عهده داشت از طرف انگلیس به شاه فقید پیشنهاد کرد که برای به اصطلاح نگهداری حقوق مسلمانان جهان، یک کنفرانس اسلامی از سران کشورهای مسلمان تشکیل شود و در راستای حقوق کشورهای اسلامی و تأمین مصالح آنها به بحث و گفتگو بپردازند. این پیشنهاد مورد موافقت شاه فقید قرار گرفت و نخستین کنفرانس اسلامی با پیشنهاد ایران در شهر رباط پایتخت کشور مراکش تشکیل شد. اردشیر زاهدی نقش اصلی را برای جداسازی بحرین در زمان وزارت خود ایفا می کند.
در این زمان با دسیسه های انگلیس و مزدورانش چون علم، فرح دیبا و زاهدی سناریوی جداسازی بحرین ترسیم و اجرا می گردد.
سال های وزارت خارجه اردشیر زاهدی (بهمن 1345 – شهریور 1350) یکی از بدنام ترین دوران های تاریخ وزارت امور خارجه می باشد. پروندۀ وی نشان می دهد که وزارت وی و معاونش پرویز خوانساری که او نیز به همجنس بازی و هرزگی معروف بود در میان کارکنان باسابقۀ این وزارتخانه تنش هایی را علیه این دو سبب شده بود.
در جلد سوم کتاب « خاطرات اسدالله علم » وزیر دربار در سال 1970، نخست وزیر سابق ایران و از وابستگان استعمار انگلیس، چنین می خوانیم که محمد رضا شاه از علم می پرسد : « آیا تاریخ، ما را (یعنی من را، از قول شاه) در رابطه با تجزیه بحرین خیانتکار خواهد نامید ؟ » و علم پاسخ می دهد: « نه اعلیحضرت، ما (یعنی او، زاهدی وزیر امورخارجه و تنظیم کنندۀ لایحه جدایی بحرین و انگلیس) ترتیبی دادیم که سازمان ملل، رأی بر جدایی بحرین دهد. »
سخنان و بهانه های خیانت آمیز وزیر خارجه وقت که گویی از دهان یک خارجی ضد ایرانی گفته می شد، هرگز از خاطرات محو نخواهد شد اما داریوش همایون شوهر خواهر اردشیر زاهدی، پنج سال پیش از تجزیۀ غیر قانونی بحرین، طی نامه ای به امیرعباس هویدا، نخست وزیر می گوید : « بحرین صرفنظر از موقعیت استراتژیک خود در خلیج فارس هیچ امتیازی ندارد که مبارزه به خاطر دست یافتن بر آن را موجه سازد ... » در صورتیکه مجمع الجزایر بحرین مروارید جهان می باشد و دارای دومین مخزن نفت جهان است و از لحاظ آب و هوا بهشت واقعی روی زمین است.
نکته ای که بیش از هر چیز تأسف بار است این است که مثلث فساد علم، فرح و زاهدی، دربار شاهنشاهی ایران را به صورت فاحشه خانه ای بین المللی در آورده بودند، هرگاه سران فاسد رژیم های دیگر هوس عیاشی می کردند به دربار ایران می آمدند. از جمله زمانی که سلطان قابوس برای عیاشی به ایران آمد، شاه برای ضیافت رسمی وی از علم خواست که برنامه ریزی کند ولی زاهدی همراه با علم به او تذکر دادند : « او بدون همسرش به اینجا آمده فقط به این منظور که کمی به خودش برسد ». بعد از دو روز شاه از احوال سلطان پرسید، آنها گزارش دادند : « هر شب با تعداد چهار تا پنج خانم بیرون اقامتگاه ملاقات کرده بود. نمی توانیم شهادت دهیم بعداً چه اتفاقی افتداه بود، اما به هر صورت سلطان راضی به نظر می رسید ».
وی در زمانی که وزیر امور خارجه بود، مسافرت های متعددی به تنهایی با فرح دیبا به کشورهای دیگر انجام می دهد و پس از بر ملا شدن روابط نامشروع با فرح دیبا توسط شاه از وزارت امور خارجه خلع و با همیاری علم و دوستان انگلیسی آمریکایی او به سفارت ایران در واشنگتن گمارده می شود و تا سال 1357 این پست را در اختیار داشته است. زاهدی که یکی از گماشتگان کمیسیون سه جانبه بود و با سران کمیسیون از جمله دیوید راکفر برای سرنگونی شاه در تماس بوده است.
اسناد ساواک نشان می دهد که در سال های 1346 و 1348 اردشیر زاهدی به شدت در تلاش برای احراز پست نخست وزیری بوده است. او در میان مقامات انگلیسی، اسرائیلی و آمریکایی دوستان زیادی پیدا کرد و با بالاترین مقامات رفت و آمد داشت ولی هرگز به دلیل شیوۀ رفتار سبک و نحوۀ عمل او مورد تأیید برای احراز پست نخست وزیری نبود. اردشیر زاهدی نه تنها به صدارت نرسید بلکه رفتارش با فرح دیبا و گزارشات ساواک در مسافرت های به اصطلاح دیپلماتیک آن دو و نزدیکی بیش از حد آنها باعث اخراج او از پست وزارت خارجه در شهریورماه 1350 گردید. او در اسفندماه 1351 دوباره به سفارت در واشنگتن اعزام شد و در آنجا به عملکردهای سبک و عیاشی هایش ادامه داد. اردشیر زاهدی یکی از هرزه ترین نخبگان سیاسی و دولتمردان رژیم محمد رضا پهلوی بود و به این صفت نه تنها در میان خواص، بلکه در سطح جامعه نیز شهرت کافی داشت. در دی ماه 1356 دو هفته پس از مسافرت جیمی کارتر و همسرش رزالین به ایران وقتی فرح دیبا برای شرکت در جشن بیست و یکمین سال تأسیس انجمن آسیایی به نیویورک رفت و در هتل هیلتون اقامت داشت، همراه اردشیر بود و سپس با او به واشنگتن می رود و مدت دو هفته در آنجا با هم بودند.
Ledeen Lewis. Debacl نویسندۀ آمریکایی در کتاب خود می نویسد: « ... شاه هرگز به اردشیر زاهدی اعتماد کامل نداشت و پیوسته به وی مظنون و بدگمان بود که او ممکن است از برکناری پدرش که قریب به سه دهه قبل اتفاق افتاده بود در صدد انتقامجویی برآید».
طی سال های سفارت وی در آمریکا و انگلیس، زاهدی یکی از چهره های خبرساز مطبوعات غرب محسوب می شد و بارها و بارها تصاویر و گزارش هایی از ریخت و پاش ها و هرزگی های وی در جراید کثیرالانتشار اروپا و آمریکا درج گردید. در این سال ها اردشیر زاهدی با کمیسیون سه جانبه آشنا می شود و به علت دشمنی با شاه با همیاری فرح دیبا کمیسیون سه جانبه را در مسیر براندازی شاه متقاعد می نماید.

شیوا رفیعی از پاریس
سازمان زنان مبارز ایرانزمین


Hala ke khareh...

by Kouroush Sassanian (not verified) on

Turkey has done so well compared to our beloved Iran run by IRI. I think it is the IRI ke kharan - not the Turks!


Speaking of Turkey

by Daryush on

Since we are speaking of Turkey, Happy Thanks Givings everyone.



by Agha Mostafa (not verified) on

In Baradaran Kord Bayad Ke' Befahmand Ke' Keshvar "Korestan" Emkan Pazir Nist. Kordestan hamishe' Jozvi Az Keshvarhaye' Digeh Boode'. Kordestan Mesl "Chehchni" Nist Ke' Faghat Bayad Ba Yek Dolat (Roosiye') Kenar Oomad. Kordha Hamishe' Adamane' Ghayoori Boodeand. Sallahedin Ayoobi Ke' Khoob Khedmat Inglissa va Richard Shir Del Dar Janghaye' Sallibi Resoond Kord Bood. Vallah Man Ke' Dar Iran Boodam, Hamishe' Baradaran Kordeman Ra Irooni Hesab Kardam :)