Freedom of hate speech

I celebrate freedom of speech, but...


Freedom of hate speech
by Soroush Seifi

Hey want to become famous and get attention?

Well, it seems that one of the easiest way to fame in 2008 is Islam bashing.
Recent attempts at fear mongering, hate, and uneducated characterizations of Islam include the newly released Dutch films, "Fitna the Movie: Geert Wilders' film about the Quran" and the cartoon, "The life of Mohammad," by Iranian-Dutch politician Ehsan Jami.  Both of these directors are public figures in the Netherlands.
It seems that anyone who once dreamed of gaining fame can simply generalize Islam as a hateful religion and make negative and offensive comments.
I have to point out that criticism of people's ways is fair. People make mistakes and go astray.  We intrude on one another's forms of pleasures and step on one another's rights as human beings.  And pointing out the flaws of others for the sake of devaluing them is not a difficult task.
To be constructive, however, is a much more daunting but valuable endeavour, especially for artists and public figures who want to practice freedom of speech and make the world more livable for all human-kind.
I believe that it is unfortunate and shameful on the part of weak artists who strive to gain attention under the pretext of freedom of speech.

I celebrate freedom of speech, but I speak within the realm of constructive and positive feedback.  I speak within the realm of love, of dialogue, of discussion.
I have met some Muslim fanatics in my time at various Mosques and religious centres.  However, instead of making fun of them and offending them, I have tried to understand them and make them listen to my interpretations of the Quran.

I believe that the distinction is the difference between freedom of speech and "freedom of hate speech."
I believe that Islam, after all, is simply a way of life.  Bringing up fanatical and misguided interpretations of any way of life - including Islam - and using those exceptions as a fear mongering tool is the undertone of Islam-bashers' new line of business: they sell hatred, not love; they want to separate people instead of bringing us together.

If the Dutch film makers were really educated intellectuals who sought to make the world a better place; and if they truly wanted to express themselves, I suggest that they should have simply sought to take the best things out of every religion and every philosophy and changed their own selves instead of bashing others' potential for wrong doings.
I will change the world by changing myself.


Mola Nasredeen

Kashoni: Exhale before I pass out....

by Mola Nasredeen on


Zahreh Tarak Shodam!

You frightened me when you mentioned that these are written by those scary characters like misguided Islamic Marxist Iranians, ultra socialists,  winking ex communists, the international conspirators and the rest of them. 

Can you imagin that? And I, like a fool have been reading their poisonous stuff! I got so afraid that I shut down my computer for a few minutes and after repeating 7 "gholo valah" I turned it back on. But to be honest with you I have to confess I love dark Dutch chocolate, my donkey loves it too. 

mola at night



Can't we just try and be so

by ahangar (not verified) on

Can't we just try and be so called good human beings?

Altruism, compassion, benevolence, mercy, goodwill..... all are just lost.

I don't agree with you and say my part, you initially dislike me for my thoughts and gradually(or in some instances all at once) 'Hate' me for what I say, and more so for who I am!

What a phenomenal world we are living in!!!

Come on-- some greater force (whatever you might like to name it) pull us from the depths of this abyss... Please.


Wow, if anyone had the

by Farhad Kashani (not verified) on

Wow, if anyone had the slightest doubt whether some of these misguided Islamic Marxist Iranians truly did not have any regard for freedom of speech and freedom of expression, this article should wipe that doubt away! These alliance of Islamists and ultra socialists, anti U.S, ex communists now “socialists” (wink), ill intended, cold hearted groups around the world has led to disastrous consequences for the people of the world from Iran To Bali to Iraq to London to Madrid to New York and DC to Cairo to Amman to Istanbul to Chechnya to Saudi Arabia to South Philippines to Afghanistan to Pakistan to India…..Some Iranians are so lost, so confused, now they’re going as far as bashing the Dutch filmmaker as far as calling him a “fearmongerer” and “hate”. They are unable to see the reality in front of them. They ignore the problem and rather use political correctness as oppose to actually solving the problem. So these Iranians are saying you have the freedom of saying whatever you want, as long as it does not hurt my feelings!!! Just like the radical Imams in the Muslim worlds have been saying the past few days that what the Dutch filmmaker did “insults 1 billion Muslims”! That is the ultimate “fear mongering and war mongering” to me. Intimidating people of the world to accept your dark beliefs and ideas. Threatening them so they would shut up. What these radical Imams like Khamenei and others are doing is the ultimate call for clash of civilization and the ultimate cause for the state the world is in now. What is freedom of speech to you guys? What is the “freedom” of expression if you have to watch out what “1 billion” would think about your expression? What is freedom of expression if you can’t “express” yourself? What kind of hypocritical, intolerant, two faced, misguided people have we become?


Mammad, you are my brother.

by mammalli (not verified) on

Mammad, you are my brother. You made an irresponsible connection between this article and the Bahai Faith.
I Condemn all inflammatory, hateful words or actions regardless of its author or source.
No conscionable person would enjoy the suffering of others specially when it is instigated by hate.
I consider all my brother and wish that concerns issues and questions would be presented in the spirit of investigation and pure intent.
People have the right to be critical and ask whatever question they wish, but all must be done responsibly for the safeguard of the innocent and for the sake of finding the truth.
I am sorry for the undue suffering of you and other moslems who are just as wonderful and innocent as anyone else in Iran or else where. One can not deny nowadays that many moslems specially in Iran are not only victims of oppression by their own clergy at home but also the subject of undue hate and discrimination outside.
I hope this better convey my thoughts on this.

iraj khan

Don: Judge people by what they do....

by iraj khan on


Unfortunately, your understanding of "foreign" religions in general and Islam in particular is very limited. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the United States and Euroupe. All these hate pointed towards moslems are related to this reality.

Moslems are becoming sophisticated, educated and modern. Many Christians don't like this. They prefer the backward, uneducated and tribal image of moslems. They streotype all moslems as the believers of every word written in Quran. They refuse to listen to anything that a practicing modern moslem have to say. 

Christians and the believers of other religions have to compete for good jobs, housing, etc with the educated enlightened moslems of the world and they don't like it. So they accuse all moslems of wrong doings? Moslems do this, moslems do that. Moslems believe in this, moslems believe in that..... I give one example of the backwardness found in Bible (old testament the favorite book of born again christians): "If a girl who is getting married is not virgin at the night of her wedding she must be killed". Do you believe in that? LOL.

You tell me you like to read history, then read the history of Spain during the Middle Ages and find out who were the enlightened people. Moslems have a lot to catch up in the modern world and many reforms are required to modernize Islam. The majority of moslems know it but you on purpose do not want to hear their voices. You prefer to look at your own creation of moslems. Our media here has brainwashed you to think this way (in best case scenaio)

But lets judge people by what they do (example: The born again US president). Let's see who is occupying whose land, who is bombing who, who starts wars, who kills people on a mass scale, who steals whose riches...... 

Have a nice day 



Imani's nonsense

by Anonymous-today (not verified) on

Is this guy for real? I haven't been religious since my teenage years so frankly I don't particualarly care about Islam, but more crimes has been committed by Christians and in the name of Christianity than Islam and Moslems in the past 500 years, including the Inquision in Europe, genocide of entire cultures and peoples in the Americas, slavery of Africans, two horrendous world wars in the 20th century, dropping of the atom bomb,... Look through the Old Testement and you'll see plenty of hatred there too. Religions are man made artifices that evolve, grow and sometime die. You can't look at them as static god given things. Do we have to remind people like Imani of the progressiveness of the Islamic civilization during the Europe's Dark Ages again?


از شیعه و مسلمان ملولم و انسانم آرزوست

Babk80 (not verified)

از شیعه و مسلمان ملولم و انسانم آرزوست



by Mammad (not verified) on

Baa salaam:

1. I'll be happy to get you the reference.

2. I'll ask a person whom I consider as knowledgeable. I do not know the answer.

In both cases, it might take a little while to get you the information. I read about jihad at least 30 years ago. So, tell me how I should get you the information.

3. I am a reader. I'll be more than happy to read the article that you mention, if you can get it to me. It is absolutely and positively not too much to ask. In fact, you should DEMAND people like me to read such things. I'll need to read what Bazargan said also, though.

4. I do not know why they have not responded. How did you contact them? By letter? e-mail? But, let's face it: They live in Iran, and all of them are being watched.

But, I would like to briefly discuss two important points about Shiite Islam, that most people may not know about.

(i) In Shiism all the people are divided into THREE groups (not two that some reactionary and backward ayatollahs claim). They are:

1. Those who can be emulated (marja');

2. Those who, due to lack of knowledge, need to ask questions from the marja', and

3. most importantly are those in the third group: those who are called the MOHTAATS. A mohtaat is someone who has enough knowledge that he/she can decide for himself/herself. Therefore, in true Shiism, rationnality, knowledge, and wisdom are supreme, because one does not have to follow anybody. One can decide for himself/herself. That is the Islam and Shiism that I believe in.

(ii) In Shiism, all the teachings of Islam are divided into two groups:

1. Ahkaam-e Avvaliyeh which are those that cannot be changed, such as believing in God, the Judgement day, and the prophecy of Rasoul-e Akram. Ahkaam-e Avvaliyeh are not too many; praying, fasting, and things of this sort, although even they can be stopped temporarily if, for example, they endanger your life.

2. Ahkaam-e Saanaviyeh. They can be changed because the needs of the people and the societies in which they live in change. Practically all aspects of the every day life are in this category. That is why, for example, people like Shirin Ebadi say that a lot of discriminations against women, done in the name of Islam, have nothing to do with Islam. What they mean is that these are part of Ahkaam-e Saanaviyeh, and can be changed without damaging Islam.

Thus, unlike the propaganda of people like Amil Imani who knows nothing about Islam and Shiism, but just propagates hatred, the Islam and Shiism that I believe in are actually very progressive, far more so than Christianity or Judaism. The vast majority of its teachings are subject to reinterpretation, according to the needs of the era. How many faiths or ideologies do you know that allow you this?


To Don

by Ali (not verified) on

There are several flaws and fallacies in your reasoning.

1-You just assume that people's (Muslims, Christians, Jews...etc) behavior is solely related to what they read in their Holly Book, and thus by changing and erasing a few sentences here and there you will change their entire behavior. If for example, a young Palestinian blows himself up in an Israeli market, it is because the Quran promises virgins to the martyrs and it has nothing to do with the social, political, economical conditions in which he lives. And if Christians in Europe and the United-States only pick the "loving" parts of the Bible, it is just because some people have decided to make some modifications to the Book, and again it has nothing to do other social economical factors.

But the truth is that people will always interpret, modify and alter their ideology (/religion) to make it fit the social, political and economical conditions in which they live and not the other way around. So, "ideological" battles/debates are just useless and major causes of conflicts themselves.

2-You speak of the urge to reform and modify Islam as if all Muslims are walking around killing, amputating and converting others by force!! This is the same "apocalyptic" view and fear mongering that the Bush administration and the mass media has been advocating to justify their own inhuman policies.

But the truth is that there are over one billion Muslims living around the world and millions of practicing Muslims living in Iran. They are your neighbors, colleagues, friends, doctors, teachers, journalists, cab drivers, farmers...etc They are just as much (if not more) outraged as you are from oppression, tyranny and terrorism. So, give them a break with your theological lectures about their religion.

3-You, like many other Iranians, keep switching from one debate to another and mixing up two contradictory views; You seem to be confused on whether you should radically attack Islam as an ideology by taking on the its most basic foundations like the Quran, the Prophet..etc OR promote a pluralistic democracy in which all religions and views, including Islam, can co-exist. These two views are contradictory.

A pluralistic democracy requires some degree of relativism, respect for other people's intelligence and the ability to see the world through their perspective. This typical Iranian absolutist and arrogant approach towards other people's views, their patronizing and infantalizing tone and their statements such "all religions are B.S" or "lose a few pages and you'll still go to heaven" is hardly displaying characteristics of a democratic pluralistic mind.


Love Islam

by Dariush (not verified) on

After reading your comments, now I love Islam even more!!! It is such a blessing that we have Islam!!! I just love it!!! I highly recommend it. But you must live it to love it!!!
By, Love Islam.


Mammad jan

by Anonymous21 (not verified) on

It seems that you know a lot about Islam and jihad. Could you or any of your living mentors:
1. Give me a reference regarding your definitions of Jihad from the Islamic literature?
2. Could you or any of your living mentors tell us how and where Islam was under attack when Mohammad attacked the Abusofian's merchantize in Badr Ghazva?
3. Is it too much to ask you to read the response of Mehdi Nasisi in Kayhan Havaye to Mehdi Bazargan's interview with La'Monde paper?
4. I have tried to contact many of your mentors personally to ask these questions. Unfortunately they are just like radio, just talk do not answer.


Think about this

by Don on

Don: Get out of your house and take a look around
by iraj khan on Wed Apr 09, 2008 08:55 AM CDT
What a rosy picture of Christians!
I almost converted to Christianity after reading about the promised land in Oregon.

Don responds:


You should be told this, and think about it. It is not that easy converting to Christianity.


First, you have to decide what one of over 1500 registered denomination of Christianity you want to join.  You could decide to go “non-denominational”, and no one knows how many Christian groups there are, but there must be a hundred thousand to choose from if not more.

Second, in your conversion to Christianity, you have to decide what social class you want to belong to, what is your income, education, and upbringing. In addition, sad to say,  YES, color, race, nationality, and sexual preference have to be taken into consideration. Seeing many Christian churches are “private organizations” (like a private club) they are permitted to discriminate, but if they go public then they cannot discriminate by law. Therefore, you have to decide.


Third,  for your conversion to Christianity you have to determine what your are your goals: political, humanitarian, business opportunities, family moral support, social friends, or looking for a wife to name a few things to decide.    

It gets complicated to convert to Christianity, make no mistake about it.


Fourth,  you have decide what your family will say about your Christian conversion and what group you are going to join. This is very important, as you do not want to anger your mother or wife. This is not a good thing to do, to anger your wife (and you know why), so you have to take this into consideration.  


Fifth,  if you have long term plans in your conversion to Christianity and a family, you have to decide if you want your children to be brought up as Christian  fundamentalist, Conservative, Liberal,  Independent, or New Age Christianity.  You have think of your children’s future.  


Sixth, by all means make sure the Christian organization is operating “within the law”, and to your good senses of right and wrong.  It is NOT wise to join the Christian KKK (they comit crimes against blacks in Jesus name). Also you mentioned the splitter Christian cult of “Mormons” that were imprisoned for child abuse and have more than one wife. BE wise, do NOT support “foreign Christian” organizations without being registered with the Federal Government as a foreign agent.  Many of these Christian web sites are asking for money for food  and clothing are a sham, illegal fraud and a punishable crime,  the money never makes it for food to the poor, but fattens the pocket of a criminal.

Also there is a long list of Christian frauds so be sure to check closely and decide accordingly.

As to the beliefs in God, Jesus, and the bible;  sure why not, you can change your mind later, not a problem. Many people drift in and out of Christianity all the time, some people call that a conversion, but that is for you to decide. One way to “prove” you are a Christian (if it can be called proof) is also choosing the organization you like and attend.


Therefore, you see it is not that easy to convert to Christianity, you have much work to do, and many things to consider, gather facts, and analyze them.


I suppose it is not that easy to convert to Islam either, being of FREE mind and FREEDOM to choose, or not to choose,  your religion.


Many Islamic countries, and Islamic governments,  take a short cut in this decision to convert to Islam. This  is: “Convert to Islam or DIE (you pig monkey).” And you do not leave Islam,  or some Muslim will put you in their sights to be killed. This is by the words in the Koran. 

When you do convert to Islam then you have to threaten others with life or dead to convert to Islam, or you live in Apostasy, and that is a Koran death sentence. The advantage are if you convert to Islam you get to live, and if you are a male you get to have four wives. Some people count this a good deal.

So YES, I think Oregon is the “Promise Land” not quite paradise on earth but getting better all the time.  In Oregon forced religious  conversions are “criminal” and fall under the ORS statutory codes of: Aggravated Murder, Torture, Assault,  Coercion, Intimidation, Extortion, Fraud, Involuntary Servitude, Kidnapping, and along list of “Offenses Against Persons”  as found in Oregon Revised Statutes, 2005, chapter 163. If property is involved in this “Forced Conversion” then we throw the entire criminal codes of “Offences Against Property”, ORS  Criminal Code chapter 164, at the offender.

Chances are the offender of “forced conversions” will never get out of Oregon prison for the rest of his life (and we have lots of prison space). We will see who are the “pigs and monkeys” (as the Koran calls non-believers) when the legal dust settles. Then the victim can bring on the civil suits against the offender, AND to the organization that supports “forced conversions”, that organization will be closed down, never to operate again in Oregon.  

So you see I really do not care about the Crusades, other than I love history.  That has nothing to do with the here and now.

So feel free to consider, and convert to, or NOT convert, to a religion  in Oregon, USA.  We think this is a better deal than being “forced converted” at the point of a sword.

Yes, it is raining in Oregon, and we count that a good thing.

Live long and prosper, even in California if that is possible.






by Anonymous21 (not verified) on

Very nice peice of video, thanks


Folks, let's love a little,

by AY (not verified) on

Folks, let's love a little, live a little and learn a lot more....


re: Ali P.

by Anonym (not verified) on

What are you talking about?????
You say, "... Their hate or outrage is towards what is being done in the name of Islam."

How can Amil Imani's words not be against the religion of Islam?

Example of his writing:
"Islam can justifiably be condemned as a barbaric ideology that has energized and continues to energize crimes against humanity. Islam belongs to a raft of doctrines such as Nazism, Fascism and Totalitarianism of various stripes that promotes hate and violence against others"

Are you reading the people's comments or just assuming things??????


Not so beerabt I thought

by Anonymous347 (not verified) on

JJ joon ghornboonaet beram

The article also mentions those worst religious leaders' hate speeches regarding other religions. It was not so irrelevant and/or far off the discussion I thought!

sawwy ... lol



by Dariush (not verified) on

Don, I got your point. But cutting off some of the pages from a book will not change anything as it hasn't in Chritianity, even bring it down to a few pages as Thoma Jefferson did! Christiand did even more. Inthe crudade against Islam they burned every Qoran they could find. But the teaching of Islam brought it back to people. It is ok if you want to criticize the bad or misunderstood part of a religion, but at least mention or practice the good parts.
I am no expert in any religion. I was raised muslim and from what I have seen around me I learned to put humanity first and belive in God. I like zarosterian belief for being simple and yet reach, but still not perfect just like any religion or belief.
There is a religion. Some apply just the good parts to their life, some the good and bad and Some none at all. If the religion was the problem, then the comunists should have the perfect world, since there are no bad pages to read.
There is no need to repeat what has been done under the name of Chistianity an Judaism and Islam in the passed. what is being done TODAY? What happened to the love? Never mind turning the other cheek? Where is the pope why he doesn't stop the crimes being commited in his father's name? Where is the jewish's leader to stop that? where is Zarosterian and bahai's leaders? Has the expantion not been the case with every superpower at one time or another? Wasn't what Arabs did to Iran the same as What Persians did to Greeks under the teachings of Ahura Mazda? Didn't Greek did the same under different God's name or Egyptions did to jews and jews and chritians to Islam and etc.
The problem is in education, understanding and misunderstanding and that doesn't nececcerly come with getting a PHD as most of these criminals have.
My understanding has been that infidels were refered to none belivers not in Islam but God. So that excludes jews and christians. Then it goes to say to be good and kind to others, help the needy and etc, it doesn't say poor muslim or needy muslim. So this excludes other human beings. Then it says defend yourselves if you are violated by violaters who don't belive in God (meanning justice) itdoesn't say when Iraqis attacked you do not defend yourself since they are muslim, and goes on to say punish them by death. This is so that the teaching of kindness doesn't make you a weak defender and fighter when facing the violaters and invaders of your rights from land and religion to other. One must first live a beliefe with it's good teaching to understand it right and the reasons for what seems wrong, and not just open a book and close it by seeing a word of slaying. GOD in Quran means creator, justice, love, freedom from slavery and false prophecy, respect, strenght, forgiving and many other meanings. Peace

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Anonymous347, ghorboonet beram, what does "the worst religious leaders of all time" have to do with the issue at hand: Free speech? I just want everyone to stick to the issue. Not EVERYTHING needs to end up in a fight over Islam and anti-Islam. We already KNOW those jerkoffs are the worst religious leaders. Say something knew and to the point.


Please do not delete!

by Anonymous347 (not verified) on

I don't know why JJ keeps deleting (twice so far) the link I provided to the Radiofarda's article regarding the choice of the worst religious leaders of all time by the Foreign Policy Journal.

Guess who the number one is? no not Khameneii, but Sheikh Hassan Nasrollah! Read his hate speech (if you can read Farsi) regarding Jews (no not Israel but Jews in general)! Of course, we all know who founded Hizbullahs and who's financing them. Quite shameful!

btw, why delete the link to RadioFarda's article in a supposedly freer than free site, after all JJ's daughter works there.


Imani the Zartoshti Shariati!!!

by God is Dead (not verified) on

Zoroastrianism is ironically responsible for all the despicable things carried out in the name of religion. Ahura Mazda 'created' the phantom absolute metaphysical duality of good and evil, and we can continue through the history of religion till the present for the consequences of this initial metaphysical disaster - how can Imani not see that he his nothing more than a less intelligent Zartoshti version of Shariati??? Another destructive solipsist. Please publish this - denunciations of Islam are always published on this site but denunciations of Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity or god for that matter rarely get any attention. All religion is nonsense, there is no god my friends, and really all you Zartoshti converts need to go one step farther and denounce the phantom god altogether!!! Let the truth set you free.


We all know what hate is, don't we?

by Anonymouse on

We all know what hate and hate speech is. 

"It depends on what your defintion of the word IS is." Bill Clinton's explanation of the word sexual relations.

Are splitting hair here?!! It depends on what our definition of the word hate is IS?!!

Is there a "Hate Speech for Dummies" book out there?!

Ali P.

A word about "Hate speech"

by Ali P. on

"Hate speech" is refered to every speech that entices hate in the audience. It, by itself, is covered as free apeech in a democracy.

 It is only unlawful, or improper, when it invites violence towards innocent people.

 I am reading these comments, and most 'hate' I see, is towards savage acts done by a minority.

 I hate seeing a person being stoned to death! Is this 'hate speech'?

 I don't believe any of the commentators hate 'moslems'. Their hate or outrage is towards what is being done in the name of Islam. I may hate what you do, or what you stand for, but I don't hate YOU!

 Even those of us who are questioning Islam, we all have a mother, or grandfather, or a cousin, or a friend, who is a nice, loving moslem human being, and we love THEM.

Thank you for reading this.

 Now, back to the debate... :-)


Stop Beating Around the Bush

by Armagedden Man (not verified) on

It is obvious from all the posts that there is absolutely no f*#@!*$# hope for any of us: Muslims, Christians, Jews, Bahais, Hindus, Agnostics, or Atheists. Why don't we all do each other a big favor and stop talking so much about hate and start doing something about it. Just like the song goes, we need a little less talk and a lot more action. I think we should all stop pretending that we can all just "get along" in the words of Rodney King, and just kill each other. I mean Iranians are always chanting "Marg bar Amrika" (Death to America)and all the rednecks in Bumf*%$ USA think Iranians flew airplanes into the twin towers, so let's stop pretending that we can be rational, intelligent, peaceful human beings; let's just start killing one another. Maybe that would work a lot better than trying to understand one another. It's a lot eaiser to hate than to respect which is clear from many of the posts.


To the new Nazis acting as something they are not

by Anonymo (not verified) on

"What did moslems expect?"

Over-generalizing, a bit? Stick your nose out of Reading Lolita and try to become a humanbeing for a change.

Fanatics who belong to other religions are no better and no worse than those Islamic fanatics. They're the same shit, but with another dressing on the surface only. Look at Amil Imani as one example of many who gets to write his Goebbelsian comments permanently as main page articles at Nothing Should Be Sacred For Iranians dot com.

The old Nazis were German and of the Christian religion, the new Nazis are the same assholes but from another background and place, and with the same rotten characteristics. At the end of the day you fanatics (religious or not) are all the same shit.



by Mammad (not verified) on

1. Do not lecture me, or patronize me, with your "polite" diatribe. The only reason that you toned down your language of hate is because I exposed, and continue to expose, you and your hateful writings.

2. You absolutely positively know nothing about Islam. If you knew the first thing about Islam, you would not equate Jihad with terrorism. Jihad has many forms and shapes, but none is terrorism.

If one helps poor people, deprived people, exploited people, that is Jihad.

If one educates people so that they can have a better life, that is Jihad.

If one helps his nation in any shape and form, that is Jihad.

As for war and fighting, only the defense of an Islamic nation within the borders of that nation is considered Jihad. Jihad is not attacking New York, or innocent by-standers on streets of Jerusalem, or even attacking Israel within its recognized boundaries. Those are sheer terrorism. It is fighting the occupier within your own nation. Even then, fighting must be in a way that no unarmed person is hurt.

3. I have done my homework. It is you who knows nothing, absolutely nothing, but opens his mouth and propagates hate and hurt. I have had great teachers in Ahmad Nakhshab, Mahdi Bazargan, Mahmoud Taleghani, Yadollah Sahabi, Ali Shariati, Habibollah Peyman, Taghi Rahmani, Mohsen Kadivar,.... They all taught me all the wonderful things about Islam, a religion of peace and brotherhood.

4. It is your brain, and those of people like you, that need examination, because they are full of hatred.

I say, shame on you for doing nothing other than propagating your hateful diatribes in the name of free speech, and freedom of thought. You are not helping the cause of free speech and thought, you are hurting it.


It is very Ironic! (to new poster's IMPRESSION!)

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

It is very Ironic that extremists of all sides have one thing in common, i.e., accusing this site of being biased!!!!
Dear newP!, Please go read articles of this site written by guys such as Zion (//, Amin Imani, Jahanshah Rashidiian .... and see how wrong you are!
If you are looking for "fair and balanced"!!!!! fox news style in you might get disappointed. JJ is not MURDOCH and he does not look like him (compare their pictures!) (see MURDOCH's picture at: // So far this site has been one of the freeiest sites there is, thanks to JJ.



by mammad (not verified) on


I spoke respectfully of the Bahais. Did I not? I said "it is a faith that is all about love and peace," did I not? So, what are you talking about?

Even if I made a mistake in this regard (which I have no evidence that I did), that is nothing compared to what Imani says which is nothing but hateful, hatred, hurtful diatribes.

Why do you not condemn what he does, and instead criticize me? As a practicing muslim, I totally condemn what has happened to my Bahai compatriots. People should be free to believe in what they want, but not in propagating hate, as Imani does.

iraj khan

Don: Get out of your house and take a look around

by iraj khan on



What a rosy picture of christians!

I almost converted to christianity after reading about the promised land in Oregon. Well the christian fundamentalist government of Oregon (that also rules USA) has been on his modern day, 21th century Crusade in Middle East. If you don't believe me. Go and look at the pictures of the dead and injured children that was published at the Yahoo's site this morning.

Don't preach the believer of any other religion about the kindness of today's christians. Look at the children of Palestine bombed and starved with the help of Zionist Christians, look at the christian sects living in Texas, Utah, Arizona, .. who enslave and sexually abuse children. Don't preach us about how christians have reformed their beliefs. 

Islamophobia has turned into a tool, a business in the western world and anybody can jumb on this band wagon and make some profit. There are people who get paid for writing negative stuff about Islam. There are people who are trying very hard to turn the believers of other religions against moslems and they get paid for their services. I suggest to you to get out of Oregon and look around, hopefully, you'll discover a lot of new things about all religions. 

Lets have a debate about all the religions of the world and the truth will come out. None of these religions are any better or worse than others. They are almost the same, they all preach about obeying the same God and following the same rules. 

Is it raining in Oregon now? 

Iraj Khan, sunny California 



by NEW POSTER (not verified) on

That's strange!

I am new to this website but my impression so far havign read quite a few articles and comments here, has been that the views of most of posters, all obviously with different open and hidden agendas, seem to be very much in tune with those of the clerical establishment in Iran.

All the "Bahais, Israel/Zionist, American imperialism" bashing and mullah fabricated baloneys ... LOL

I have not seen so many mullah admirers gathered in one place.

Apart from a couple of Royalists (whom I don't know where JJ found), Hizbullahis, and OPEN supporters of mullahtariat, even those who claim they do not support mullahs' views, repeat, like talking parrots, exactly the same bullshit that mullah rulers have been force-feeding to people day in day out for the last thiry years in Iran.


Azad1234 you are absolutely 100% correct. I agree with you.

by Anonymouse on

This website does not welcome Muslims really. 

It is much easier to publish articles about Islamofaschism and Islam teaches hate and murder than say you are a simple Muslim. 

By the way, what religion was that in Texas that Police took 400 kids out of? The one that allowed a 50 year old to marry a 13 year old and have 5 other wives and beat and break the 13 year old's bones and make her pregnant?  The same religion that forced all women to wear the same type of clothes?  Was that a version of Christinity?  No that can't be.  The same version still exists in Utah and elsewhere. Ths had been going on and reported for many years.  Just look at how old the kids are, much less anything else.

Lets get back to this article and the subject of hate speech.  This is a great article by Soroush Seifi before I forget. 

It is true, here in the west it is much more fashionable to say you are anti-muslim.  Many people heard of the world Islam in 2001 now they are all experts. 

There are more articles in this website analyzing every angle of how to prove Islam is a murderous religion and how this religion is leading its leaders to kill and imprison in Iran than anything else.

Funny thing is non-believers like me have to defend Islam and  Muslims.  Just like we defend calling ourselves Iranians and not Persians.  Just like we are not ashamed of our heritage and don't cowtow to becoming another Yes sir No sir.

Death to Islam and Human Rights and Women Rights slogans carry the same penalty in Iran.  Which is more useful?

Oh well. This will go on and on.  Stay tuned for much more hate articles and blogs and "artistic rages".