Freedom of hate speech

I celebrate freedom of speech, but...


Freedom of hate speech
by Soroush Seifi

Hey want to become famous and get attention?

Well, it seems that one of the easiest way to fame in 2008 is Islam bashing.
Recent attempts at fear mongering, hate, and uneducated characterizations of Islam include the newly released Dutch films, "Fitna the Movie: Geert Wilders' film about the Quran" and the cartoon, "The life of Mohammad," by Iranian-Dutch politician Ehsan Jami.  Both of these directors are public figures in the Netherlands.
It seems that anyone who once dreamed of gaining fame can simply generalize Islam as a hateful religion and make negative and offensive comments.
I have to point out that criticism of people's ways is fair. People make mistakes and go astray.  We intrude on one another's forms of pleasures and step on one another's rights as human beings.  And pointing out the flaws of others for the sake of devaluing them is not a difficult task.
To be constructive, however, is a much more daunting but valuable endeavour, especially for artists and public figures who want to practice freedom of speech and make the world more livable for all human-kind.
I believe that it is unfortunate and shameful on the part of weak artists who strive to gain attention under the pretext of freedom of speech.

I celebrate freedom of speech, but I speak within the realm of constructive and positive feedback.  I speak within the realm of love, of dialogue, of discussion.
I have met some Muslim fanatics in my time at various Mosques and religious centres.  However, instead of making fun of them and offending them, I have tried to understand them and make them listen to my interpretations of the Quran.

I believe that the distinction is the difference between freedom of speech and "freedom of hate speech."
I believe that Islam, after all, is simply a way of life.  Bringing up fanatical and misguided interpretations of any way of life - including Islam - and using those exceptions as a fear mongering tool is the undertone of Islam-bashers' new line of business: they sell hatred, not love; they want to separate people instead of bringing us together.

If the Dutch film makers were really educated intellectuals who sought to make the world a better place; and if they truly wanted to express themselves, I suggest that they should have simply sought to take the best things out of every religion and every philosophy and changed their own selves instead of bashing others' potential for wrong doings.
I will change the world by changing myself.



Why cannot you do the same?

by Don on


To Ali:

I am talking about the Koran and what it says, understood by any common person that can read. Let me use this example.

Here is how most Christians deal with the massive and brutal hate speech in the bible.

First they deny the entire Old Testament as having any value. It is out dated. This is vast majority of the hate, curses,  and killing in the bible and about ¾ of the book.

That brings us to the New Testament at the speed of light.

Next they throw away the book of Revelation, that is nothing but bloody slaughter of the human race.   No one understands that book. There are hundreds of thousands of interpretations, and guesses,  and many think it does not even belong in the bible.

Next comes the 4 gospels, that talk about Jesus and his walk on earth. Christians pick and choose what they like, what they can call love,  and call the rest “spiritual” that is a code word for--- “it conflicts with church doctrine so we ignore it”. Jesus said some mean things in a parable as, “kill all who do not sever him”.  Yauk! That is not love by any means, so Christians ignore that verse, and call it spiritual.

Next comes the book of Acts, and shown in chapter 5,  the killing of Ananias and his wife Sapphira because they held back personal money from the Christian church.  Christians frown and call that “spiritual”, that is a code word for “do not bother talking about it, it is NOT Christian.”

So by the time many Christians are finished “slicing and dicing” gods holy words, they have about a dozen scriptures they can call  “love.” On these dozen scriptures they start a new church. 

Christian churches  are established on “ commentaries” (doctrine) about the bible and NOT the bible itself. In other words they “rewrite the bible”  as they list out their codes of morality and ethics (that are good and loving),  and this is what they follow, and believe in,  regardless of what the bible says.

I can see why Christians do this; the bible is a nasty book cover to cover of killings, murders, amputations, curses, genocide, burning alive, child abuses, wars,  raping, and every other atrocity and crime known to man. All justified by god of course, just like the Koran.

Thomas Jefferson, the USA’s 3rd president (1801-1809), influential in USA Christianity, reduced the bible down to a few pages, and added in many chapters of his own words. I think he started a trend. This is called the “Jefferson Bible”.

So when are you folks going to do the same to the Koran? The Koran could use some major surgery (pages ripped out) and rewriting the rest of it. The Koran needs more love and kindness, and less cursing and killings.  This world is bad enough without promoting books of hate and death, much less believing in them.

In Oregon we live with religions from all over the world, and with people from all over the world.  I think we have more different beliefs in a god, of some kind,  than there are people in this State.

We get along just fine, and I enjoy them all. There is NO government telling us what to believe, or what not to believe, but rather, do NOT hurt any one, play nice;  everyone,  male, female, great, or small,  rich or poor, you are all equal in law and in justice one to another, so be good. 

However, a few Muslims have us very concerned about the Koran book they believe in and act on. So I was think if you could rewrite the Koran, ripe out a few dozen pages, give yourself a name like “Modern Muslims” or “Reformed Islam” or “New Muslims of Peace” the international stress level would go way down to being bearable.

In Oregon we do not allow any god, no matter how great,  to say,  “Convert or die.” Those are fighting words, calling us out of our homes for conflict, and we do not like that, and that is NOT love nor peace. NOR will we pay tribute to any god, as the Koran says we must, if we are allowed to live,  as these Koran statements are nothing but begging for a fight, and we fight back.

So if you say Islam stands for peace, is a peaceful religion,  a loving religion (like the hundreds of other religions in Oregon are loving) then I figure you could loose a few dozen pages of hate,  and cursing,  in the Koran and you would not miss them.

Christians all over this world figured out how to do it, change the bible, and they are still going to heaven, so I figured you could do the same to the Koran. What do you think? 

You have a great day.


Amil Imani

Islamofascism Not Islamophobia

by Amil Imani on

Amil Imani


by Amil Imani on

Islam can justifiably be condemned as a barbaric ideology that has energized and continues to energize crimes against humanity. Islam belongs to a raft of doctrines such as Nazism, Fascism and Totalitarianism of various stripes that promotes hate and violence against others. Despicable doctrines of hate and violence remain confined to their place under the "shameful" classification in libraries until people adopt them as their program of life. Hence, it is people who are guilty of bringing to life the dogmas of savagery.

In the same way that ignorance of the law does not constitute a valid defense, not bothering to find out about the true nature of Islamic precepts and practices and blindly doing Islam’s biddings constitutes inexcusable wrongdoing. Muslims, therefore, are indictable for subscribing to the Quran and committing themselves to carrying out its ruthless instructions at great harm to the non-subscribers.

There are those who with a wink and a nod understand this but continue to work as revisionists because they are afraid of starting a religious war, even as they feel compelled to do something. They tell me, “you can’t openly accuse an entire religion of being evil! That would just incite them and make them hate us more.” My response: the war started in the 7th century, and if in the 21st century we still refuse to accept that reality, then there perhaps is no hope at all for civilization. Nothing good can come from deception.

The notion that Islam is inherently violent, coercive, harsh, Jihad-oriented...and that it advocates slavery, intolerance, and inequality...and that such traditional and realistic interpretations cannot be reformed should be called: Islam-realism.

Listen carefully to what I am saying here please, the brain must be developed. The world must think. Speech must be free. The world must learn that credulity is not a virtue and that no question is settled until reason is fully satisfied.

Islam is not a religion. ... Any belief system that licenses murder in the name of Jihad and the conquering and subduing of the world of the infidels by the Ummah, by the Muslim faithful, should be outlawed.

OK, so Islam is violent, and they admit that it’s a belief system, but what about it makes it not a religion?

Mohammad brewed up a religion of violence and imperialism that sought world dominance and domination.

Wait a minute; I thought Islam wasn’t a religion? Now, apparently, it is a religion — a religion of violence created by Muhammad.

Islam is no more a religion deserving our respect or legal recognition than is cannibalism. And stop calling people hateful when they are presenting facts right in front of your eyes. You are the one spewing hate here, not the other way around.

For centuries we did not have internet and no one would dare to question Quran. Things have changed. If you want to remain a Muslim, that is perfectly fine with me, but at least allow people to learn the truth about this dogma of hate and violence and let them make up their own mind about it. I am not forcing anyone to follow me; I just give my opinion based on my experience with Islam. Look, I will give you all the time in the world that you prove me wrong. Is that alright with you?

Islam should not be judged by the actions of Muslims just as Christianity should not be judged by the actions of Christians and Judaism should not be judged by the actions of Jews, Islam should be judged by the Quran and the example of the prophet Muhammad.

Now go do your homework and then when you are ready, we can peacefully have a nice debate what Islam really is all about, is that OK with you?

Good luck.


Shameless haters

by Iranian- on

Amazing how much lies some of the Islam haters on this site are spitting out. Have you no shame? Do you have a life? Have you people ever loved someone truly from your heart? Do you know what love is?

No human being who is capable of love and respect for others can say such non-sense and lie so much! You can not understand the Holy Qur'an even if you read it a thousand times.

One can be truly sorry for you haters of Islam and they won't be angry at you because they have a good guess what will become of you when you will stand in front of Him, the Lord of All Worlds. Just try to fool Him with your lies and excuses. It is certain that you don't believe that such a thing would ever happen, and one can assume that you will never believe it.

By the way, this was a fair, bright and fun article. Thanks Soroush Seifi.


To Don

by Ali (not verified) on

Ok, you managed to prove that Islam is a bad and violent religion and no peaceful and moderate interpretation of it is valid. Now what?

What do we do with the millions of people who consider themselves as Muslims, pray five times a day, fast in the month of Ramezan, don't eat pork, don't drink alcohol and take an occasional trip to Mashhad or other holy sites...etc but who do live in peace with others and don't bother anyone?!!!

Do we force them to renounce their religion? Do we desperately try to prove to them that their religion is ugly?

Khasteh nashodin shoma?!!


Perhaps we understand all too well.

by Don on

Since when is quoting the Koran bashing the religion, you should be happy for the free advertising.    

I take it you never read the Koran. There are over 707 verses of the most brutal things a person could ever think of saying to another person.  Take this one:     


Sura (4:89) - "They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them"     


If you become a renegade then Muslims are instructed to.  seize them and slay them wherever ye find them"   Gee, talk about vigilante in back allies.

Is this bashing Islam? The Koran is not Islam?   You say that this quote is taken out of context, how is that and what is the correct context?  What words do you want to change?  Is it the “seizing” or the “slaying” that needs to be in context?     


Most all of the Koran is hate speech, and not fit for a child to read. Fortunately, most Muslims do not believe in the Koran, but forced to say they do, so they are not “seized and then slain”.   Here is a real life example:          //  

Some Koran believers think they are justified by pointing out the hate speech in bible. Wrong, the Koran is NOT justified by what the bible says.  This is called formal logic 101,  or from childhood teachings; Two wrongs do NOT make one  right.     


No one disputes the massive hate speech in the bible, but that has nothing to do with the Koran.  Muslims can do as Christians have done for hundreds of years.  You take a black marker, and as you read the Koran, black out all the verses of hate, cursing, murders, killing, amputations, wars, and threats. Not any problem and no lighting strikes out heaven and hits you dead.     


Now you call yourself the “New Reformed Muslim” and you have a religion of peace and love. If any call you hateful because of what you believe,  you can say:  

“NO WAY, look at the “NEW, 2008 edition of the Koran”. There is NO more hate speech, NO more killings, we edited all the cursing out, rewrote, and reprinted the Koran. We are the “New Reformed Muslim”, and have a book to prove it.  

But then you have a real problem---you are called a “renegades”, as the verse quote above. This is not real good, and can cost you your life. You have even a bigger problem when your own Islamic, Koran driven, government turns against you and calls you living in Apostasy. Rewriting the Koran is real sin.

If you think I am joking on what Christians have done to the bible I am NOT. That book has been rewritten hundreds of times, and still is being rewritten. You have Christian churches by the thousands called, “The New Reformed Christian Church of _________ (add what name you care to).

Western governments could care less how you rewrite, and edit, the bible  to be “love”,   and NO ONE better harm a hair on your head, as threats of harm is not “love”.

To conclude:

The Koran says what it does, if quoting the Koran  makes you shiver for the hate, and then you reject the book,  then so be it.

YOU ask people to understand Islam, and to understand the Koran. Ok then, we pick up the Koran book, we read it, then we vomit for all the hate, killings, curses, and fowl language and oppression to women.

We do understand that Islam is a “taught” culture based on the Koran. WE DO understand that under an oppressive Koran made government people do sick things to stay in power. These powerful Koran people influence others to do sick things that the “common person” would not normally do, the innocent get hurt, women are horribly oppressed, and people die for no cause. It all goes back to the Koran and the hate in the book.

What more do you want non-believers in the Koran to understand?  Some, very few, Muslims will kill us if we do not convert, as the Koran says to do.  Perhaps we understand all too well.




by Dariush (not verified) on

It is good that Amil the false prophet at least spoke his mind and his heart out. Now people who are bashing Iran and Islam know who they are dealing with and how what they say or do can help zionists. This is exactly how they feel toward others not just Islam. BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE, WORLD SHOULDN'T HAVE SIT QUIET WHEN IT HAPPENED. When I keep repeating "ONE WORLD ORDER RULED BY ZIONIST AND SLAVERY FOR THE REST" This is what I mean!!! Even real christians and real jews are being played by them. In time, they will be taking care of too one country/relogion/nation at the time!!!
WE who put the humanity first in our different belives will not lower ourselves to their level and hate. But will stand strong for justice and defend our country and nation!!! Peace


to mammad

by mammalli (not verified) on

Are you blind, look at Imanis Avatar. He is a proud Zorastrian, you got issues with him you pick it up with him. Dont include in your own fiesta of hate, Bahais or any other. You are not exactly a saint.
If you are hurt by Mr Imani, I am sorry for your pain, as a Bahai I am sorry for the pain of humanity.
But rebellion has its own consequences. do not blame Imani, Allah, God, the Prophet, it is your own action. Be a responsible human being and you will see your trouble dissolve.
You are also just as much of a zionist. You want the land Abraham owned but your brothers got it so you take it out on someone else.
You have just as big of dream for "ghodss" as the children of Izac.
So go talk it out amongst yourselves.
Don't you get tired of dragging Bahais into your dirty affairs. Is not 20000+ murdered Bahais in cold blood and 160years of persecution by Islamic authority not enough to soften your heart. Maybe Imani is not far from the truth about you, not Islam.
Surely you know nothing about Islam or Rassule Akram or out of respect you would have kept quiet.


Mutual Respect May Come Too Late

by From the Outside looking In (not verified) on

Is it any wonder that those who are members of the Iranian Diaspora will remain as leaves in the wind, scattered throughout the world for the forseeable future? Look what you do to yourselves? You rip one another apart whether, Muslim, Christain, Bahai, Jew, republican, or monarchist. One wonders, after thirty years of living far from the homeland you all profess to love so dearly, if you've learned anything about how to get along with one another. Isnt' bad enough that you've raised one generation, and now have moved into a second generation of your children as foreigners in cultures spread far and wide throughout the world. Until you learn to respect one another as countrymen and unite in a common cause of changing your country for the better, none of you have a realistic opportunity of returning to the land of your forefathers. I'm sure the day will one day come when Iranians who have been stuck in the Diaspora for far too long will learn to accept one another with an open heart and mind, but it may be too late for your children and their children by then, for they will have been asorbed into the melting pots of the world and will have become foreigners to their ancestors' land and culture simply because the older generations...the one's who could remember what life in Iran was like...were too stuborn and hard headed to stop bickering amongst themselves and start respecting one another. It's sad.


koran is hate speech

by realist (not verified) on

kill the unbelievers
jews and christians are not your friends, kill them
cut their hands and feet off
beat the women, they are like your farmland


Imani, the prophet of hate

by Mammad (not verified) on

Imani, the prophet of hate, the man who uses the same language as the Nazis, a man who believes in Bahaism - a faith which is all about peace and love - the Zionist lover who has never seen or read about a crime by the Zionists which he has not liked, has a grand plan for the world: Islamic cleansing.

He treats all muslims as belonging to one evil group. To him, there is not a single good muslim among over 1.2 billion people. To him, all muslims are terrorists, even those who, for example, declare themselves proudly a muslim, but fight the reactionary mullahs in Iran. In a previous post, entitled, "You tell me," he suggested that the US should either throw out muslims out of the US, or do something else with them. Imagine what!

Imani says that the whole world has a problem with Islam. Given that 20% of the world is muslim, he is presumably suggesting that muslims should get rid of themselves, since in his view not even one good muslim exists. This just goes to show the depth of this man's mental problems.

Let's see, what is happening around the world today:

1. Iraq is occupied by US forces. George W. Bush, the Christian fundamentalist who declared that, "God told me to attack Iraq and Afghanistan," ordered that illegal invasion, as a result of which one million muslims have been killed, 4.5 million muslims have been displaced, and the infrastructure of Iraq has been destroyed. Bush had first called his wars in the Middle East a "crusade."

2. In the 1990s Christian Serbs - who proudly declared themselves Christians - murdered at least 350,000 muslims in Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Kosovo (this is the statistics by credible international organization, not mine).

During the same 1990s, the US and Britain imposed the toughest sanctions against Iraq, that killed at least 500,000 muslim children in Iraq. Again, this is international statistics, not mine.

The same nations refused to impose the same sanctions on the apartheid regime of South Africa which, next to the Nazis whose language Imani uses, was the most evil regime in the 20th century which, by the way, was also supported by Israel, Imani's object of love.

3. In 1980s, the Mojahedin Afghans were armed by the CIA, trained by the US-backed military regime of Pakistan, and funded by the US-backed reactionary regime of Saudi Arabia, to fight with the "Godless" Soviets. The same Mojahedin, whom Ronald Reagan declared them to be, "the moral equivalent of our founding fathers," became the Osama bin Laden terrorist group, as well as the Taliban, in the 1990s

During the same period, Ronald Reagan supported bloody regimes in Central and South America that killed tens of thousands of people, including a great man who supported democracy and help to the poor and deprived, Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador in 1981,

4. In 1970, Cambodia was secretly bombed and invaded by the US. Then, after the Vietnam war, the genocidal regime of Pol Pot occupied Cambodia and murdered 2 million. But, with the support of the US, it was recognized internationally as the "legitimate" government of Cambodia.

5. During 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, two million Vietnamese were murdered by France and the US, because they were "Godless Communists."

This list can go on and on and on.

So, should I say,


Of course not.

Mr. Jahanshah Javid says that this is about free speech. I agree. But, what is the boundary between free speech, and propagation of hate?


Excellent article

by Ari (not verified) on

Dear Souroush:

Thank you for this wonderful article. There are just too many people in this world who love to incite hatred; very sad indeed.

Islam bashing has become the new fashion de jour to fame and riches -anyone who wants to make a quick buck can jump on this bandwagon.



by Dariush (not verified) on

I was just trying tell Amil, this open minded, wise, free spirit, democratic, full of love, hope and peace for new world some about other religions that he hates. Since he loves Islam so much, prophet Amil's preaching acctualy is answers the questions to Islam's position toward infidels.

I can not believe you are actualy reading all these posting. I have got a headache just by reading a few.

By the way, you scared the hell out of be with your picture. Is it supposed to be scary?


Dear Soroush

by Shaer on

Very Nice Piece ..

I Want To "Congradulate" You On Maintaining A "Positive" Attitude ..

Keep Up Your Good Work ..

Many Tks .. :)

Azarin Sadegh

Hatred generates hatred!

by Azarin Sadegh on

What did moslems expect?

After executing the ones who disagree with them and promoting the killing of moviemakers and authors and the stoning of women and whoever is not with them, now they are complaining about other's hate speeches.

Don't they get it?

It is obvious! These hate speeches are just a mirror reflecting their own black hatred.



Thank you Jahanshah!!

by Azad1234 (not verified) on

But with all fairness, I have never seen an article published in where a Muslim is attacking other people's views, provoking others, or even promoting his/her religion.

All these draining and stupid debates about Islam are the result of the constant Islam and Muslim bashings all over this website.

If you want to keep the diversity of subjects in your website and not turn it into a "Theist vs Atheist" forum or, I suggest you limit the number of anti-Islam/Muslim posts.

I think that after all these "Moharam/Ramezan postal cards" displaying nudity and sexuality on the various Islamic occasions, the call-to-actions to burn Qurans on the streets, the hundreds of articles/blogs about "Islamo-fascism" and how Muslims are the cause of all human misery, and the official "Narin-Nameh" towards the Muslim citizens.... the few Muslims who might still be visiting this Website have gotten the point that they are not welcomed.

So, maybe we could go a little easier on the anti-Muslim hate propaganda and make some room for the more interesting topics.


Amil's False Prophecy

by Dariush (not verified) on

Similar teachings that is in Islam exist in any religion in one way or another. Jewdaism is much more strict than Islam and by what we see today a very violant one. One doesn't need to go back 1000 years. Just look what they are doing today! On the other hand christianity tells you do as you wish because on sunday you sins will be forgiven and Monday you start all over again. There is no prevention and more promotion. As the result they are producing more criminals and whatever happened to turning the other cheek, no one knows.

Yes, Islam restricts and warns Muslims from sins that results in crimes that will affect him and others. One who claims having freed himself from such restrictions "like you" shoud open his eyes and look around him with that open mind. The number of crimes in west is many times more than islamic countries. Look in saudi Arabia at 12noon every body leaves his shop an goes to pray without worrying about thieves. Good luck doing that in none muslim countries. In Islamic countries despite lack of equality by western stanards, There is more love, compassion, dedication, bonding, sharing, protecting, and less divorce, abuse, insecurity and etc in muslim families than christians. In christian west, Woman is an objest, often used for sex only by individulas to companies and etc. 99% of westerns are open mongomists. The different is, they are not regulated or bounded by religion or goverment. Verses much smaller pecentage in Islam who are regulated and must follow some rules and responsibilities.

Why there are crimes in Iran.
1. Because of people like you who think they are very wise and do not need teaching of Islam and do not listen to anyone's advise.
2. So poeple like you because of the lack of proper teachings of Islam, start dealing drugs, running prostitution houses, gangs, extortion, murder and many other crimes. Then when goverment try to punish you, suddenly 100 men and women claim to be you parents. Where the hell they where when you were growing up? No one knows. Then when you are executed or put in jail for your crimes, you wish you had listen to what Islam was teaching, but then it is too late.
3. sometimes people like you have been abused or raped or else by someone like you who also didn't listened to the teachings, but since they were born muslim and carried the name with them, therefore they affect the life of people like you for ever and that turns into hate just as is in you.
That is why Islam is so good at prevention. If you listen and practice which people like you do not. 4. Also there are people like you who are paid by zionists or are zionist themselves. Their mission is clear for everyone destruction of those who will stand on their way. since Islam is one of the few religions that teaches standing up for justice and fighting terrorists, violators, invaders, traitors therefore is your number one enemy.
Your problems are too deep.If I want to explain every question for you it will take years. That is why mammad in another posting advised you to discus your issues and questions with an expert before jumping to conclusions.
But as I said before, you have made yourself a homemade prophecy and the only follower you have is your shadow. Sometimes even your shadow gets ahead of you because he like you thinks is very wise and doesn't need your advice.



by Babak80 (not verified) on

Tuth is the truth, how can anyone run away from the truth? Islam has invaded Iran, hasn't it? Iran is ruled by unelected mullahs, right? In the name of Islam many Iranians are losing their lives everyday, by stonning and much much more..right? So, we have the right to crticize Islam. Move Islam away from Iran's goverment, free elections, then this Islam bashing from Iranian point of view will be gone.

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

The subject is free speech/Hate speech... khafamoon kardeen with all this Islam vs Zionists vs. Bahais... khasteh nemishin? :o)


Re: Babak80

by LostIdentity (not verified) on

No body says you should or should not be a muslim. For me, being a human being is sufficient.

Bashing Islam to further political interests is indecent and sub-human.

The people who bash islam in the name of freedom have no clue what freedom means. They free their tongues to spit out rubbish but they deprive their thought and soul of freedom by letting arrogance, hatred, selfishness and bigotry dominate them.




by FAIR (not verified) on

Why do you guys pretend ignorance and deliberately look the other way? Look in your own back yard.

Who showed the most savage and most inhumane face of Islam (or interpretation of Islam) to the world in the first place?
Was it not Khomeini and now the current rulers of Iran? Was it not Mullah Omar and Talebans? With all the world media covering their crimes and how they treat/ed their own people on a daily basis.

These creatures themselves gave the world enough ammunition/excuse by their actions to bash Islam!

What is all this nagging for?


fame in 2008 is Islam bashing

by neand (not verified) on

noone has the right to question these guys, its bashing, but they can bash trash destroy slander any religion group idiology race.... anywhere anytime.
how do you pull this kind of stuff?


Mehdi, can you support your cliam?

by Babk80 (not verified) on

Mehdi said: "But it is interesting to look over Amil Imani's comment and see how he never seems to get the point. He claims all Muslims are terrorists. If that were the case, this planet would have been destroyed hundreds of years ago! It is simply a lie!"



by Babak80 (not verified) on

Could you point out where Mr. Imani has said that all Muslims are terrorists?

Thank you.


Excellent Article

by Mehdi on

Nothing I can add to it.

But it is interesting to look over Amil Imani's comment and see how he never seems to get the point. He claims all Muslims are terrorists. If that were the case, this planet would have been destroyed hundreds of years ago! It is simply a lie! Muslims are not in general bad people or terrorists. My parents and all my brothers and sisters and the rest of my family consider themselves Muslim. None of them approves of terrorism. None of them even wants or agrees on attack on other religious groups. In fact Muslims are hardly different from any other religious group. But any group can be manipulated. And "Anonymouse" described quite well in her comment how that can be done. We see fanatics in any religion, or even other groups - even scientific groups. The distiction shows intellect.

iraj khan

Why I don't believe in Bible

by iraj khan on



My reasons for not believing in bible is as follow:

Kill Women Who Are Not Virgins On Their Wedding Night

    But if this charge is true (that she wasn't a virgin on her wedding night), and evidence of the girls virginity is not found, they shall bring the girl to the entrance of her fathers house and there her townsman shall stone her to death, because she committed a crime against Israel by her unchasteness in her father's house.  Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst.  (Deuteronomy  22:20-21 NAB)

Kill people For Working On Sabbath

    The LORD then gave these further instructions to Moses: 'Tell the people of Israel to keep my Sabbath day, for the Sabbath is a sign of the covenant between me and you forever.  It helps you to remember that I am the LORD, who makes you holy.  Yes, keep the Sabbath day, for it is holy.  Anyone who desecrates it must die; anyone who works on that day will be cut off from the community.  Work six days only, but the seventh day must be a day of total rest.  I repeat: Because the LORD considers it a holy day, anyone who works on the Sabbath must be put to death.'  (Exodus 31:12-15 NLT)

Kill Sons of Sinners

    Make ready to slaughter his sons for the guilt of their fathers; Lest they rise and posses the earth, and fill the breadth of the world with tyrants.  (Isaiah 14:21 NAB)

Kill Men, Women, and Children

    "Then I heard the LORD say to the other men, "Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked.  Show no mercy; have no pity!  Kill them all – old and young, girls and women and little children.  But do not touch anyone with the mark.  Begin your task right here at the Temple."  So they began by killing the seventy leaders.  "Defile the Temple!" the LORD commanded.  "Fill its courtyards with the bodies of those you kill!  Go!"  So they went throughout the city and did as they were told."  (Ezekiel 9:5-7 NLT)


Why I Am Not a Muslim

by Babak80 (not verified) on


Islam being bad is news to some.

by Anonymouse on

Old news to many. 

Ali P. There is nothing special about Islam.  The problem is the masses of followers who don't have time or the right education to read these articles to educate themselves.  Instead they watch the news about cartoons of prophet muhammad or Fitna film or nefrin nameh and then they say the hell with all of them.

You don't teach someone by banging on their head and say, knock knock is there anybody out there? You don't ridicule first educate second.

When your professor said once crushed it'll rise, he meant you can't crush the will of the people, i.e. you can't force people to give up Islam.

These kind of comments, films and cartoons are ok between you and me and many others on this website but is NOT ok with ordinary people in Iran and elsewhere.  It has the exact opposite effect.  It makes real idiots to fool people even more and deflect the attention from the real problems of economy and human rights.  It is this simple.


Stop it Ali P.!

by sz (not verified) on

This Ali P. character with his comments here and there is making way too much sense and needs to stop it forthwith. After all we are a nation that dug itself tooth and nail out of a ditch to willingly jump head first into an artisan well, no sir, sense we no like.

Ali P.

When crushed...

by Ali P. on


An old black professor of mine, refering to the black civil rights movement, used to say: "Truth...even when crushed...(raising his hand high)... will rise again!".

I have been exposed to every kind of bashing. Bashing of some ideas excites me, and others saddens me. When ideas , or individuals, dear to my heart, are bashed, on this site, by hateful speech, they hurt my feelings, but I have learned to tolerate it, and hoping "when crushed, truth will rise again".

As a teenager in Iran , I read Bertrund Russell's "Why I am not a Christian". I always wondered why no one else wrote" Why I am not a Moslem". I looked everywhere for a book questioning Islam, but didn't find any. Bookstores, libraries...! It wasn't to be found. Nowhere.

"Is it such a great religion that throughout history, not even one person has questioned it's validity?" I asked myself. Later, in the underground blackmarket, I found Kasravi's 'shi`ehgaree' and Dashtee's '23 saal'. One critisizing Shi'ia, and the other Mohammad, the Prophet of Islam. Both warranted heavy punishment, for anyone in possession of them.

I have learned not to trust anything that does not have, or allow, dissent. Every time someone is hailed as a great person in the media, or in a book, or in a movie, I look for someone who'd say otherwise.


What is so special about 'Islam'? Why every idea and concept and faith and religion can be questioned and critiqued, harshly, except for Islam? Can one question it without being accused of bashing it? Why can't moslems take the heat, like the rest of us?

If it is as great as some claim it is, Islam, too, when crushed, will rise again.