One and the same

Do arts and skills belong exclusively to Persians?


One and the same
by Dara Shadru

Humanity is one race. As Sa'adi said in his famous poem, people are parts of one body. When one body part is in pain, the other body parts are in agony. The hardworking people in every grouping in our world have the same human needs, aspirations and hopes as others. The Arab people have the same pains and sufferings and hardships as the Iranians, the Jewish people, the Germans, the Turks, the Slavs or the Latins. They all want food, shelter, clothing, peace and prosperity for themselves, their families, their neighbors and their peers.

The fascists on the other hand, whether they are Islamic fascists, Jewish fascists, Aryan fascists, Turkish fascists, Armenian fascists or Serbian fascists want to stir up people's emotions and create divisions. They don't want people to live in peace and harmony. They don't want people to unite and fight disease, hunger and natural calamities and create better living conditions for the entire humankind. They want people to fight among each other so that the fascists can come to power and create super wealth for themselves on the back of the ordinary people.

The best example of the destructive and inhumane nature of fascism in recent years was the Serbian fascists in Yugoslavia. For decades the Serbs, the Croats, the Bosnians and all other ethnic groups in Yugoslavia were living in a super-secular society in peace and harmony. People were not religious or ethnocentrists. Inter-ethnic and inter-religious marriages were widely common. The fascists changed everything. They created divisions among people who had the same blue eyes and blond hair (as well as other shades of color) and spoke the same language (Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian are the same language). People were massacred and the country was torn into pieces by the fascists.

Arabs and Jews are the same people. They share the same ancestors. Their languages belong to the same family of languages. Their alphabets are very closely related to each other. They are both written from right to left. They both have the same vowel-consonant rules and modern-era deficiencies. They share the same fictional stories in their holy books.

The Aryan fascists in Germany massacred the poor Jewish people. When it was necessary they had no problem uniting with Islamo-Arab fascists (who were "non-Aryan" Semites as well) against the Jews. On the other hand the Aryan fascists in Iran unite with right-wing Jewish fascists (and any other variations of fascists) against poor and disenchanted Arab people.

This just shows that all of these supremacist ideologies have no substance at all but rather a cover for the oppressive groups to divide the people, come to power and create super wealth for themselves and their cohorts and keep the common people in misery. They preach their "own" people that the causes of their miseries are the poor Arabs, Turks or Kurds and everybody else who lives under the same miserable conditions as they live. Of course, the fascists themselves become the comrades-in-arms of their "own" disenchanted people.

One of the means for the fascists and supremacists to keep their "own" people rally behind them is the revival of their past glories. None of them come short in discovering such glories and their glories are always unique and one of kind. The Assyrians, the Egyptians, the Indians, the Chinese, the Armenians as well as the Iranians, the Jews and the Arabs all have thousands of years of glories. According to fascists these glories do not belong to the entire humanity but rather to their own specific groupings. They engage in never-ending arguments that, in various stages of history, on who had more artists, mathematicians, astronomers, chemists, musicians, etc and who was a savage.

Iranian fascists claim that Cyrus and his human rights cylinder is theirs and they have exclusive rights over it. (By the way for over 2000 years, the Iranians had no idea what was written on that cylinder up until recent times when the writings were decoded by the Europeans. Without those efforts we would have been "doomed" with no "pride".) The Arabs (Iraqis) claim that the Babylonians and Hammurabi Code (one of the most complete and orderly written code of human laws from 4000 years ago) are theirs. One might say that the two people are not the same. The Arabs and Babylonians were both Semites. The Iraqis are direct descendants of the Babylonians. Arabic is as similar to Babylonian (part of Akkadian language) as Farsi is to the language of the Achaemenids (named Old Persian by linguists). It is easier for a Persian to understand Swahili than to understand the language spoken by Cyrus.

Have you ever seen rational people fight over Louis Pasteur? Is there a country in the world where there is no street, institution or some kind of establishment named after him? He belongs to the entire humanity.

The Iranian fascists want us to believe that the cream of the crop of all the physicians, mathematicians, chemists and scientists in the middle ages were Persian and there were not too many Arabs or Jews or other ethnic denominations among them. The pharse "honar zâne Iraniyan ast o bas" ("arts and skills belong exclusively to Persians") has simply no substance and is a tool for Persian fascists to stupefy the masses.

Don't blame the Arabs for the religion presently practised in Iran! The Shia sect with self-flagellations and other ceremonies and far-fetched super-human stories about Ali were basically the creation of the Iranians. Without Iranians, most probably there would have not been the Shia sect (as hundreds of other sects, throughout ages, have disappeared from our history).

What if Iraqi and Lebanese secular Shia youth cuss and blame Iranians for their religion and savage ceremonies of self-flagellations and self-mutilations. They are Iraqis of 4000 years of Babylonian history and culture living in a country designated as the cradle of the civilization bogged down by savage Shia practices created by "fire-worshipping" "Majoos" (supposedly reflected in Charshanbe-Suri) "Ajams" (mute barbarians). You think Arab fascists don't make such references and only Iranian fascists make divisive and ethnocentrist remarks? Have you ever seen such savage Shia practices in Arab countries that are free of Shias? In Iraq, it started only when the Shias, under the guidance of Iranian-born reglious figures (Sistani, Khoyi, et al) came to the power scene in recent years. The overwhelming majority of the Shia leaders in Iraq are either Iranian-born or are of Iranian-descent.

Now, one might want to pick on Iranian Turks and the Safavid dynasty who made Shia the official religion of Iran as a political move to stop the expansion of the Sunni Ottoman Turks. If it wasn't for the Safavids, Iran would have turned into a satellite state of the Ottoman Empire and our modern Persian fascists would have been living in a Turkish country and would have turned into Turkish fascists instead.

The historian Kasravi quotes poetry in old extinct Azari language (supposedly an offshoot of Persian and Tati) written by Sheykh Safi Ardabili, the patriarch of the Safavid dynasty. According to Ibn Bazzaz in a book called "Safwat as-Safa" (dated pre-1500's), Sheykh Safi, was a descendant of a noble Kurdish man named Firuz Shah Zarin-kolah of Sanjan. Well, the mountain-dwelling Kurds are supposedly the descendants of Medes. Their language and blood supposedly have less "impurity" than the ones for the Persians.

Now are Azari Turks off the hook of blame game? Are we going to blame the Kurds or are they one of us? Just imagine one quotation on the ancestors of an individual changes the blame game of an entire people of over 35 million Azari people who live in Iran and the Caucasus. Can Azari and other Turkic-speaking Iranian peasants go back to tending their livestock and tilling their land without being hated by Iranian fascists for supposedly ruling Iran for 900 years?

What if Yazidi (a variation of the word Yazata or Yazdani) Kurds who are a non-Islamic sect would have imposed their religion on Iranians. Would that have made Iran economically more advanced, modern and prosperous? Religion is only strong when backward economic conditions are imposed on people in the third world. As the economic conditions change, old ideas lose ground, backward ideas are put aside and new and modern views gain strength.

The only reason the religious-right does not have much ground in the U.S., is that the economic conditions have changed drastically from what they were couple of hundred years ago. As a result, people's views have changed accordingly. If the economy of a backward country was imposed in the U.S., you would have had Christian courts and tribunals hanging people for blasphemy, immorality, infidelity, adultery and pre-marital sex among other rigid laws.

There are all kinds of savage directives in the Bible (the old and the new testaments) on stoning to death a son who drinks and disobeys his parents and a girl who is discovered not to a be a virgin after she marries a man. The Bible says that, since a slave is the property of his master, a person has the right to beat his slave to the verge of death so long as the slave doesn't die. Moslems only borrowed or copied those directives word by word from the Bible. You can find lot of those directives in the Bible by visiting giivideo (screen name) at youtube.

They still have kept written obsolete laws in some of the states in the U.S. in imprisonment of people who, for instance, commit adultery, that are not carried out in modern times anymore. (In fact, several years ago in one of those states with the adutery laws still kept in their books but not implemented, a woman, who was aware of the written laws, had her estranged husband arrested when she discovered that he was with his mistress in a hotel room.) Why has religious-right lost so much ground? Obviously people owe that to changes in the economic structure of their country and the women's participation in the socio-economic life of their society.



Our Quote

by Hamid (not verified) on

As you all know we have a pretty famous quote which I think is quite racist.


ایرادهای ابراز شده روشن نیستند

شیرین زبان (not verified)

جناب لوسیفر، صحبتهایتان زیاد واضح نیست. اگر ممکن است به فارسی بنویسید تا مشخص شود. منظورتان از پیامهای سرپوشیده و پنهان در این گفتارنامه برای من آشکار نشد. کمی واضحتر سخن خود را بگوئید. با درود فراوان


Do arts and skills belong exclusively to Persians?

by LUCIFEROUS (not verified) on

Sure they do. May be it is foregotten, may be it has been never heared before. But it was, it is and it remains VALID what all the poeple know, what all the poeple say: HONNARR NAZD E IRANIAN ASST O BASS! and please: Do not try to promote hate please..I dont like to see hidden mean messages in this website... I hope I am wrong about our insincere intentions. But i am sure what is written in the "IRANIAN" is not a insincere intention. It is no Intention at all. because it will and it can never mobilise any actions. likewise intentions follow no purposes. Hidden messages can not be found in "IRANIAN" either. Hier is nothing sacred, everything is speaked out all clearly.


Languages Sharing Vocabulary

by Houshang (not verified) on

Everybody knows that Modern Persian and Middle Persian are related to Old Persian. That doesn't mean that a text in Old Persian is understandable by an ordinary Persian.

Having a few hundred words with the same roots in two languages don't make it any easy to recognize each other's speeches. Arabic and Persian have more identical common words (and not just words with similar roots) than the present Persian and the Old Persian. There are tons of words in European languages, as well, that have the same roots as their Persian counterparts.

Some of those words in Persian and English (and Fr.,Ger., Sp., Rus.) that are not readily recognizable are: "do"="two" (deux, zwei, dos, dva,...), "se"="three" (trois, drei, tres, tri,...), "shesh"="six" (six, sechs, seis, shyest,...), "noh"="nine" (neuf, neun, nueve,...), "dah"="ten" (dix, zehn, diez, diyesit,...), "dokhtar"="daughter" (tochtar, doch,...), "pedar"="father" (père, vater, padre,...), "ast"="is" (est, ist, esta, yest,...), "to"="thou" (tu, du, tú, tey,...), "pâ"="paw"/foot (pied, pie,...), "dar"="door" (tür, dvyeri,...)

There are lot of other words in English with Persian roots: bronze (berenj), pilaf (polo), pistachio (peste), rank(rang), shame (sharm), sherry (Shiraz), spinach (esphanâj), sugar (shakar), shawl (shâl), tapestry (tâbidan), tiger (tir, and tigra in O.P., meaning arrow), warm (garm), etc. However the speakers of one language do not understand the other ones.

English and German are both Germanic languages. They have much more similarities than Old Persian has with Modern Persian. Grammatically German and English are very different. Nouns and articles don't have gender in English. There are no cases for nouns in English (as in nominative, accusative, dative and genetive). German is a very complicated language. English speakers cannot understand German and vice versa.

The original Arabs and Jews from the Middle East belonged to the same race (Caucasian). Their languages, Arabic and Hebrew, along with Aramaic, Babylonian and Assyrian belong to Semitic family of languages. According to religious stories, they are the descendants of Abraham (through Ishmael and Issac). They are not identical people, but they are racially and linguistically the same people belonging to the same family. If some people don't want to call them brothers, then at least they are first cousins.


"Arabs and Jews are the same

by Anonymous2030 (not verified) on

"Arabs and Jews are the same people. "

Not really, they are two different groups!

Your figures of 35 million Azeris are not correct.
Do the math:
It comes out closer to 11 million.

As per the Old Persian it is easy:
Adam = Manam , Ad is still used ezem in Kurdish, Talyshi
xshâyath = Shah
Napa= Naveh (Grand-son)
manâ = man (me)(my)

Most of the other words are personal names. Here are some more:
Aspa (پارسی باستان) > asp (پارسی میانه) > اسب (فارسی)

Kāma (پارسی باستان) > Kām (پارسی میانه) > کام (فارسی)

Daiva (پارسی باستان) > dēw (پارسی میانه) > دیو (فارسی)

Drayah (پارسی باستان) > drayā (پارسی میانه) > دریا (فارسی)

Dasta (پارسی باستان) > dast (پارسی میانه) > دست (فارسی)

Bāji (پارسی باستان) > bāj (پارسی میانه) > باج (فارسی)

Brātar (پارسی باستان) > brādar (پارسی میانه) > برادر (فارسی)

Būmi (پارسی باستان) > būm (پارسی میانه) > بوم (فارسی)

Martya (پارسی باستان) > mard (پارسی میانه) > مرد (فارسی)

Māha (پارسی باستان) > māh (پارسی میانه) > ماه (فارسی)

Vāhara (پارسی باستان) > wahār (پارسی میانه) > بهار (فارسی)

Stūnā (پارسی باستان) > stūn (پارسی میانه) > ستون (فارسی)

Šiyāta (پارسی باستان) > šād (پارسی میانه) > شاد (فارسی)

Duruj / drauga (پارسی باستان) > drōgh (پارسی میانه) < دروغ (فارسی)

Also Aryan is another word for Iranian, plain and simple. It was abused by the Germans.

Your message overall is good, but I believe you have a problem with Irans history. Most of the Islamic scientists were Iranians and that is nothing bad to be proud about.


Do not try to promote hate please...

by Shayan (not verified) on

Do not try to promote hate please...

I dont like to see such hidden mean messages in this website... I hope I am wrong about ur insincere intentions.

I like to ask for the attention of the editors of the for the unpleasant message this article with a trick try to circulate...

I dont like to be against the freedom of speech but I do not like to see hateful messages distributing some baseless messages against Iran and Iranians through a website which called IRANIAN.

I am not asking too much but the loyalty to the truth and history.

Talk about unity if you're sincere... we dont need such baseless hateful messages


If I may say so

by R (not verified) on

The message of humanity was good.

The intentional indirect commentaries against the truth (although very carefully twisted & written), and the indirect childish bashing & trashing, wasn't.


RE: There are more Azeris than the figures given here.

by Patriot (not verified) on

What is the point of that comment you posted?!
Well your screen name implies your mindset and it already disqualify you as a person I might like to feel worth of response.

Good bless you bro... I say it for you 600 million if it makes you happy! what are you looking for?
in a world where all countries looking for common points to get merged I still have to confront such expired paradigms reminding us the era of middle age...

I do not like to talk to you like the way you have approached by dividing nations...

I already replied to such expired mindset in my jot...

Iran is a country which has digested all invaded nationality and promoted them tot he next level and we all as Iranians are so proud of it.

W do not sell hates and if youre Iranian youre one of us not against us... Do not look for the differences which has been fabricated and promoted by the outsiders who wouldnt like to see our days of glory to come...

We have to stand together to make a better life for our generation and the one coming so please do not consume your precious energy to construct a virtual war between us...

While we are wasting our times on such already resolved issues in areas like the Europe, they are thinking of finding solution for their tomorrows to make a better life... they already wiped the brothers you might like to construct between us as a nation which has been as far as the memory of the history remember... lets do the best to make a better Iran for all of us where the eligibility would qualify any of us as an equal member of this precious nation to lead... this country belongs to all of us and we all have a portion of it and need to take it to the next level...



by Azari bro (not verified) on

Pan-Turkists figures of the Turkic-speaking population in the world is an exaggeration. The total is close to maybe 200 million people. The total Azaris in various countries is probably close to 35 million.


Aryan Glories In Afghanistan, Is That What Was Missing?

by Sorush (not verified) on

It is interesting to see that the Afghanis who have been living under such a depressed living conditions with unimaginable devastations of their country and their culture have lot of their youth and educated people pre-occupied with Aryan glories. Even their current government airlines is called Ariana Afghan Airlines.

I have seen former Zaher Shah bureaucrats and public servants (sometimes with very dark complexions or even mixed racial backgrounds) talk about their Aryan glories and superiority over Uzbeks and other non-Aryans. Doesn't it look ridiculous when educated people occupy themselves and their people with superficial things than substantive matters.

The destruction caused thoughout ages by Alexander, the Moslems, Genghiz Khan, Tamberlane and Nader Shah combined together is nothing compared to recent destructions. Do Afghani people need to be toyed like this by native and international racist and oppressive ideologues. Having a very diverse ethnic, racial and religious society do they need to be so fragmented by big powers and their operatives.

It would be interesting for the Iranian racists to note that one of the main defenders of the Persian language and Iranian Shiite sect in Afghanistan are the Afghani Hazaras who are not white Caucasian. They have Far East Asiatic features and are the subject of harsh discrimination for their Persian language and their religious sect by the majority Pashtuns.


There are more Azeris than the figures given here.

by Pan-Turkist Homeboy (not verified) on

When you add all the Azeris in the area with the majority being in Iran, it is somewhere over 55 million people. If you add Turks from Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrghyzstan, Crimea, Gagauzia, Chinese East Turkistan (Uyghuristan), Afghani Turkistan, various Russian republics such as Dagestan, Chechen, Tatarstan, Chuvashia, Bashkortostan, Khakassia, Yakutia, Altai, Altai Krai, Tuva, Kabardino Balkaria, Karachay Cherkessia etc. it adds up to be over 450 million Turks in the world. What a nighmare for Mr. Patriot.


Good Old Days! Rest in Peace Cyrus, Anon & Friends Are Awake!

by Direct descendant of Cyrus (not verified) on

I have a challenge for Anon to interpret. I am skipping the original cuneiform version and go to the version in Roman script. It is a very short Old Persian text from a gold tablet found in Hamedan (Ekbatana). I already figured out what Pârsâ, Aurâmazdâ and maybe Haxâmanishah were. The rest is for Anon to figure out (no cheating and no expert help):

1 Ariyâramna : xshyathiya : vazraka : xshâyath

2 iya : xshâyathiyânâm : xshâyathiya : Pârsâ

3 : Cishpaish : xshâyathiyahyâ : puça : Haxâmanishah

4 yâ : napâ : thâtiy : Ariyâramna : xshâyathiya

5 : iyam : dahyâushi : Pârsâ : tya adam : dârayâ

6 miy : hya : uvaspâ : umartiyâ : manâ : baga

7 : vazraka : Auramazdâ frâbara : vashnâ : Au

8 ramazdâha : adam xshâyathiya : iyam da

9 hyâush : amiy : thâtiy : Ariyâramna

10 : xshâyathiya : Auramazdâ : manâ : upastâ

11 m : baratuv


Nationalism vs Fascism/Ethnocentrisim

by Patriot (not verified) on

Thank you for trying to think universal but If you do not mind I do need to stress there is different between appreciating your national heritage and being an Iranian fascist...

I felt you seemed to be one of dear Azari homeboys or I might be wrong...

Any ways, All we as Iranian might intend to accomplish wouldn't seem to be promoting a fascist ideology like you was depicting but trying to appreciate what truly have been the precious contribution of our homeland to the world in order to sustain and intensify the level of our self confidence and respect as a nation currently have a regime not pursuing their best interests...

I do not like to go thru the numbers like 35 million Turkish and more you mentioned but what defines a nation is the territory and we are not diving ours into tribes hence we are all IRANIANS with one History, one Fatherland and the same precious historical heritage we can be inspired by as well as the same ancestors...

I myself can not go over couple of generation before my parents to get to know who their ethnicity recall were and no one could do and should do... this is a nonsense definition of nationality... So please do not talk about Kurds, Azari and Lors or ... we are all iranians and we truly are... Ethnocentrism does not exist among Iranians and we are all the same belonged to our country.

Iran has been sacrificed more than nay other country in the region based on the fascist ideas since the invasion of Arabs, Greeks, Mongols and ... so Accusing Iranians like that has not base.

regardless of that promoting nationalism is truly a healthy way to unify the community of a people in a country to encourage to fight for a better country and a better society thats what the inspiration of the Germans and the Japanese and this has Maginot to do with the concept of fascism and ethnocentrism.

This was you will have a world with a balanced advancing countries otherwise the region you call 3th world will turn to the 4th world and peopel keep searching for a much better places to live WITHOUT CARING OR THINKING OF THEIR FATHERLANDS AND HAVING THEIR NEW RESOURCES BENEFIT THE COUNTRY THEY COME FROM. This is some thing in our blood and thats people like you and me( if we are now odd) no matter what still keep thinking of our fatherland and how we can improve the life and the situation there even while living out of there and this is not beign fascist or ethnocentrist...

Please do not promote an inspiration for splitting off our country... I love to add a fact about Azarbayejan which used to be Azarpayegan but the name morphed due to the Arabic language vocal barriers after the invasion of Arabs... This is a undeniable piece of our dear father land and the lovely people living there are Iranians like the rest of the country... we have precious individual like Zartosht, Babak, Sattar khan and even Kasravi coming from that province and we are all proud of them... as far as the ancient history of the land proves it couldnt be more Iranian than that... and Kurds are the same; yes the are Medes( it is retarded to talk about the ethnicity but as you mentioned i like to say something ) but could it be more Iranian than being even ethnically a MEDE?!
do not obscure the fact...

I do not have doubts about your sincere intentions and as an Iranian proud of your universal view but we have to stand for the values and contributions we have done to the world youre talking about specially when we do not have enough voices out there to stand up for rights... it is that simple.

Youre claim would be baseless unless it refers specifically to an Iranian party promoting this retarded mindset on how their ethnicity background or ideology is better than the others so that they have been trying to impose this wrong mindset... this is the meaning of ethnocentrism.

Bin Laden is a new ethnocentrism as well as the IR... they both believe in a unique better religious ideology and try to impose it to the rest of the world not the poor Iranians who all they want is respect for who they are equal to the rest of citizens of the civil world...

Fortunately in the new era as people of the world gets more educated, the number of race ethnocentrism is getting decreased.


"It is easier for a Persian

by Anon----- (not verified) on

"It is easier for a Persian to understand Swahili than to understand the language spoken by Cyrus."

Speak for yourself, African....


wow,I really enjoyed your article

by Tahirih (not verified) on

Great way of thinking, I wish more people would think like you.