Vote Malihe! Vote Hillary!

Vote for me and I will fight for Senator Clinton


Vote Malihe! Vote Hillary!
by Malihe Kigasari

Dear 9th Congressional District voters,

I am running for the only female delegate from the 9th Congressional District (Congresswoman Barbara Lee's district in Berkeley, Piedmont, Albany, Oakland and Castro Valley in northern California) to go to the Democratic National Convention in Denver in August. As you may know, our District has been awarded 2 delegates (1 male, 1 female) and 1 alternate (female) to Senator Clinton. I am an Iranian-American who came to the Bay Area from Iran (via England and then Spain) in 1982.

I was a businesswoman for 20 years and have worked hard to help immigrant communities by volunteering at Catholic Charities, American Civil Liberties Union's Immigrant Rights Project, Workers’ Rights Clinic, and Lawyer’s Committee for Civil Rights as a Persian & Spanish interpreter.

After graduating from UC Berkeley, with high honors, I received my paralegal certificate from SFSU and became an immigration paralegal in order to help immigrant communities more directly. I have deep relationships with the Persian, Latino and LGBT communities among many other bay area communities.

I am not a politician, but I have decided to run for this seat as I realize that while Iranian-Americans have been successful in academia and in business, they have not focused on politics. I seek to fill this gap and work towards giving a voice to the Iranian community in the Bay Area.

As a loyal supporter of Senator Clinton, who has traveled to campaign for her
in Nevada, Texas and soon in Pennsylvania, and helped to raise campaign money, I have been a dedicated volunteer in the coordinated effort to elect a Democrat to the White House.

If you're a registered Democrat living in Congresswoman Barbara Lee
congressional district (Berkeley, Piedmont, Albany, Oakland, Castro
Valley), Please invite your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers!
Not a registered Democrat? No problem - caucus attendees can register
at the caucus!

You are not required to stay for the entire caucus! Registration opens
at 2pm and the caucus begins at 3pm. So, you can sign in at 2pm, cast
your vote for Malihe and then leave.

Thanks for helping to send me to Denver to reflect our local
Democratic Party's commitment to diversity and promote visibility for

Malihe Kigasari

Useful links:
* Definition of caucusing
* Q & A about California Democratic Party caucusing
* Map of District 9

Why you should go:
You may have heard the term “caucusing” over and over in the media, come and participate in this historic event and make sure that the delegates awarded to Senator Clinton will cast their vote for her in August at the Democratic Convention in Denver. Also, attend the party on site and get your door prizes.

Sunday, April 13 from 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Mills College Gym
-- 5000 MacArthur Blvd.
Oakland, CA 94613
Directions to Mills College



It is great..

by Anonymous (not verified) on

It is great to see an Iranian woman is active in social/political arena. I also believe Hillary Clinton is a better choice than two other candidates. Unfortunately I am not living in your area but I wish you the best of luck...

Azarin Sadegh

My vote is for Hillary!

by Azarin Sadegh on

Dear Maliheh, I wish I were in your district, so I could vote for you! But I have been a Hillary supporter (and donor too!) and so, I wish you the best of lucks to succeed.

Thanks also for reminding me today to make another donation, that i just did!

I vote for Hillary, because I think she is a more qualified (and  experienced) candidate for these reasons:

1) To fix our economy

2) To fix our health care system

3) To Improve the image of US in the world

4) To end the war with Iraq 

5) Plus the big advantage of having an amazing adviser like Bill Clinton, the strongest of all the US presidents by far, considering the golden times of his presidency, that is not surprising at all. What do you expect from a guy with an IQ higher than 180?



Thank you.

by Feshangi on

Thank you for all you are doing for the Iranians and those others who need help. I wish you and Mrs. Clinton success.  


Kaveh Nouraee

"Why Hillary?" is Right!

by Kaveh Nouraee on

It is still mind-boggling why any Iranian, or anyone else who is comes from an ethnicity or a country where we have come to the United States to put down roots and create something would find anything appealing about Hillary Clinton or the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party's foundation is big government. It is their belief that they know what is best for the citizenry, which is in direct conflict with a government "of the people, by the people and for the people".

In Hillary's case, you have a woman of questionable personal character, who, in an effort to keep herself in the public eye, decided that she was now a "New Yorker" and moved to Westchester County in order to meet residency requirements for the vacant Senate seat, ditching Arkansas entirely after living there for 20 years on the public payroll. Nice. The woman announced her candidacy for the NY Senate seat before she even found a house and moved there!!

If this woman were to be elected, this country will be headed for a a socio-economic and geo-political disaster, the likes of which will make the Great Depression look tame by comparison and would make World War II look like a schoolyard slap.

When you vote for a candidate, you are hiring an employee. I'm wondering; If you own or manage a business, do you perform any kind of background check, or do you accept what the applicant tells you at face value?


Just because Hillary is a woman?

by Mehdi on

So you are going to help her ONLY because she is a woman? How desperate are you? You are willing to ignore that she is just a pathological liar who says anything to get nominated and her stated policies are pro-war with Iran, pro-criminal-Israel, etc only because she is a woman? How low can you go? Are you so insecure as a woman?

Kaveh Nouraee

Quiz Answer

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

He was actually elected to four terms, but died shortly after his fourth term began.

Thank you for the prize, I feel honored. :-)


Why Hillary?

by salim on

It's great we have a strong women candidate and all, but she is the least trusted person in the race. Why are you going to be fighting for HER of all people?

She voted on the Iraq war (so much for 35 years of experience and visiting 80 countries) she voted for the Iran war (yes that's what it was) Bill's library fund is coming from deep pockets in Saudi Arabia. Just to name a few, she'll be the worst president.

And to be honest, Bill wasn't that great of a president either if you really think about it. NAFTA was a huge mistake, we don't feel it in California but rest of US does. The only job it created was in trucking and in walmart. On domestic policy he pushed for the largest domestic spying policy and got it. And when they left office the economy was in down turn and we had started a housing bubble

So, I know your mind is all made up, and good luck as a fellow Iranian, I am still proud of you. But why Hillary?


Salim Madjd

Founder/CEO //

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

I'm not in the district and so far incline to Obama anyway. But in deference to your record of community service I wish you luck.

Also to clarify, do you believe Clinton is a better candidate than Obama as far as Iran is concerned? Or do you support Clinton for other reasons--say healthcare? Either case, your argument for more direct political involvement by Iranian-Americans is welcome.  


Make No Mistake About It

by A. Hassan Danesh, Sociologist (not verified) on

...When campaigning for Hillary you are indeed fighting for Bill Clinton to have his third term as the two are glued togethers as one inseparable...

Quiz: which US president served for three terms (12 years altogether instead of the maximum of two terms 8 years)

Whoever wins this quiz will go to a fine restraunt with a friend ... dine out .. have a good time... and then pay the bills from his or her pocket...


Mrs. Kigasari

by Dariush (not verified) on

One thing is for sure, Hillary is in Jew's pocket and she will do as they wish! I don't know you and if you are with her that is not a good sign. However I wish you luck if indeed you have and going to help needy honest Iranians and others. But Since you know Hillary please ask her not to answer the phone when it rings because all I have seen from her these days is crying and rage. House problems may be solved that way, but world's doesn't. Thank you