Bombing Iran is the only path forward

A reasonable scenario is that the entire operation will be completed in three months


Bombing Iran is the only path forward
by mansours

I am writing this article knowing full well that I am opening a can of worm and that some of my closest associates may never forgive me. But I have stayed silent for too long, and I refuse to see yet another opportunity to free Iran to pass by due to the employment of the wrong tactics by us in the anti-regime opposition (as opposed to the pro-regime opposition).

For too long, the opposition has suffered from low self-esteem. We never felt comfortable taking a direct debate with our opponents, fearing that people wouldn’t side with us, circumstances weren’t right, too early to reveal our end objectives etc.

Though most of us know deep inside that the mullahs will never give up power and that the only way to achieve a democracy in Iran is through military means, the majority in the opposition are fearful of expressing these views. Clearly, these are not easily accepted views, and it takes a lot for a person to say that he or she believes that the homeland must be bombed. Nevertheless, that is the reality and the reluctance of ordinary people to accept this is precisely because the opposition has refused to have this debate. If we had a full debate, more people, perhaps even a majority would come around to this view, in my opinion.

Instead, we in the opposition have done everything we can to avoid having the debate.

This frustrated me immensely during the Bush years. We had a great President back then who not only understood these realities, but who also understood that without American and Israeli backing no Iranian opposition group could topple the mullahs. But instead of taking this issue to the Iranian people and the Iranian-American community, we shied away from it. And those who stood in the way of going all out militarily against the mullahs (such as NIAC and CASMII), we dealt with by attacking and discrediting them.

I was a big opponent of this strategy. Not because I have any fondness for NIAC, but because I believed that their efficiency in preventing our agenda was rooted in our lack of self-esteem and unwillingness to have a debate with them. NIAC beat us numerous times on Capitol Hill, and our response was to discredit them in the Iranian-American community – every time they scored in Washington, we attacked them in LA.

Even we monarchists began systematically spreading the writings of Hassan Daioleslam, in spite of his association with the Mujahedin. Some of us thought we were winning, but were we really? We may have done a lot of damage to NIAC’s image and certainly we succeeded in harming its ability to fundraise, but NIAC managed to make the liberation of Iran through military means (since there is no other way) an evil concept.

Had we taken NIAC on in a debate back in 2006, Iran would have been liberated by 2008. I am confident of this. Both the Bush administration and Israel was fully ready to take out the mullahs. But they couldn’t battle Tehran without the full and unconditional support of Iranian-Americans.

We missed that chance because we didn’t dare to have the debate.

And today, I am writing this because I am fearful that we will miss yet another golden opportunity to liberate our homeland. We are committing the same mistake as we did three years ago – instead of having the inevitable debate, I am receiving email instructions to send around articles attacking Akbar Ganji, NIAC, Hadi Ghaemi, Hamid Dabashi and many others.

We should know by bow that this isn’t the right strategy. Certainly not under these circumstances – when the people of Iran are rising up, when they are shouting death to the Dictator, when they are calling for an Iranian republic, then why let the NIAC folks get off the hook by only spreading petty articles about them? We should take the fight to their territory. We should have the debate, let the best arguments win in the free market of ideas. If not now, then when? When the Basij are killing Iranians indiscriminately, who can defend non-action by the US? When the blood of Neda is still on the streets in Tehran, who can oppose sanctions? When Ahmadinejad has revealed that he was a “petty dictator” all along, who can support Obama’s naïve call for diplomacy?

So let me start the debate with the following proposition.

The events of the last few months have not changed the Islamic Republic, it has revealed the Islamic Republic. It is and has always been a dictatorship. It cannot be reformed, and there is no such thing as moderates there. Deep inside, Moussavi is no different than Ahmadinjead. In fact, what Ahmadinejad is doing today to Moussavi, Moussavi did 30 years ago to others. Now more than ever, the horrific IRGC militia is ruling Iran and they will never give up.

So they must be destroyed. It’s as simple as that.

Gasoline sanctions must be imposed on Iran. Not because sanctions are enough to overthrow the mullahs, but because a significant weakening of the economy is needed prior to a military attack. The weaker Iran is, the shorter the military fight and the smaller the total number of casualties. (Consequently sanctions should not be sold as a solution but rather as a measure to soften the enemy before the final operation).

With massive American aerial attacks for three weeks on the IRGC, Iran will be in turmoil. To avoid a rallying around the flag effect (which unfortunately cannot be completely avoided), the US will keep a low profile politically and let most of the talking be done by Reza Pahlavi, Shahriar Ahy or Hassan Daioleslam. Alternatively, a council of various opposition groups can be assembled.

If the bombings are heavily targeted, and only hit IRGC compounds, then the already sour popular sentiment in Iran can escalate further. In the best case scenario, no American boots on the ground will be needed, but most likely, an invasion of Tehran from air will be necessary to finish off Khamenei´s rule.

A reasonable scenario is that the entire operation will be completed in three months. Even if everything possible goes wrong, and Iran follows the path of Iraq, then it may take up to five years before a stable government is set up. That may sound bad, but the alternative is that the IRGC continues to rule and impoverish Iran for another three decades. And remember, Iranians are ready for democracy far more than the Iraqis ever were, and America has learnt from its mistakes in Iraq – it won’t repeat them in Iran.

Of course, let me be clear: People will die. My own relatives may day. But aren’t they dying already? Aren’t the youth of Iran being tortured, raped and killed in Evin already? And aren’t their deaths a complete waste today? Wouldn’t it be better to die while actually fighting for freedom?

Does it feel good making this recommendation? Not at all. But if Khomeini didn’t have the guts to call people to the streets knowing very well that they would get killed, there would never have been a revolution in 1979.

And if we don’t have the guts to call for the only solution available to us right now – US military strikes and an invasion of Iran – then we won’t have our revolution in 2009. Or possibly for another three decades.

So let’s have this debate.


Recently by mansoursCommentsDate
Standing with Israel
Sep 14, 2009
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1953 all over again is not the answer

by bachenavvab on

Maybe Obama should borrow Clint Eastwood's hat and cigar and paint tehran red while Morghe Sahar is being played in the background and George W runs around the Bazar like the little short townie guy!

I hope you didn't believe their BS about spreading democracy to think the angels of freedom would ride on their F16's and drop blessings of freedom onto our people out of the goodness of their heart.  Whatever happend to the (master-slave) interdependencies between the US and Iran under both, the monarchy and the IRI?  

Let's not hastily issue any such fatwas.


Ahmed from Bahrain

Farhad jan

by Ahmed from Bahrain on

Right on. Shukran means tashakur. By the way, I just turned sixty. Songs of freedom have always been in my song book.

I figured my father put up with dictatorship whilst I could not; so, how could I expect my children to put up with use of force by authorities as a means of solving problems? So, I moved to New Zealand but I do go back to Bahrain as and when I can for the sake of my family and friends.

Timothy. Good point. I have much faith in the Persian race/culture to sort out their own problems. They have been around for a few thousand years. They shall overcome.

Ahmed from Bahrain



by timothyfloyd on


Farhad Kashani

Ahmad from Bahrain

by Farhad Kashani on

Ahmad from Bahrain aziz,


I agree with you aziz. Like I said, Bahrain and other gulf countries host numerous different nationalities and all live in relative peace and harmony. Bahrainis and Kuwaitis and Emiraties and Qataris and Omanis, and even most Saudis, are tolerant and peaceful. The key is that most of their new generation is educated in the West and are very modernized.


Off course they have ways to go. Many laws need to be changed, no doubt about that, and many aspect of the culture and mentality needs to be modernized. But again, you wanna strive to become like free nations, but you wanna compare yourself to others in your level and learn to not to repeat their mistakes. That’s why I compared Bahrain to Iran under this regime.


Ghorbanat aziz, I’m assuming Shokran means thank you since Tashakor means thank you in Turkish and Shukria means thank you in Urdo, correct? If so, Shukran to you too aziz.

Ahmed from Bahrain

Farhad jan

by Ahmed from Bahrain on

Just wanted to add that one must not compare oneself to the worst regimes in the Gulf and then feel privileged to be a little better than those.

We strive for perfection, not settle for comparison with the lowest common denominator.

Shukran ya habibi.

Ahmed from Bahrain

Ahmed from Bahrain

Farhad jan

by Ahmed from Bahrain on

Thanks for your valid comments. Nice to know that some here have personal knowledge about Bahrain.

just to show the openness of most Bahrainis of Persian origin: My own niece, with a name like Shokoofeh, married a Saudi Wahabi. He is very much influenced by our culture now. Another married a female Sunni. Another to a Thai girl. One brother married an Indian girl, another a Scottish and myself a New Zealander; my sister to a Lebanese,

We all grew up in Hussainiah!! At the time many would come for food and a little ghalyoon and a few under the influence of whisky and hashish. No one dared to question them ro throw them out of the Hussainiah.

I totally love that side of Bahrain.

two ways we can break down bariers, first through marriage and second through friendship. Underneath we are all related to the human race.

Qurbanat and I love Iran and Persian culture, as all Bahraini Persians do.

Ahmed from Bahrain

Farhad Kashani

Ahamd jaan,  

by Farhad Kashani on

Ahamd jaan,


Obviously I’m not comparing Bahrain o U.S or Europe; I’m comparing Bahrain to countries in the Arab and Islamic world.


Aziz I’ve been to Bahrain and know some Bahrainis, shite and sunni. The relationship between the sunni and shite communities in Bahrain was much better prior to the 1979 revolution as both lived together in relative peace. However after 1979 revolution and IRIs attempt to export its fundamentalism and some shite Bahraini clerics getting influenced by Khomeini and his regime, the relationship worsened. King Issa was himself a big fan of Iran and its culture. That doesn’t mean he didn’t want to be independent, but the relationships were much better.


Bahrain recently eliminated the Sponsorship law, that’s first in the Gulf, and Bahrainis enjoy relative social freedoms. So again, Bahrain is doing way better than Iran is doing, and like you said, that goes back to its peaceful culture.




by IranAzizam on

Mr. Mansour YOU ARE A CRAZY WAR MONGERING IRRESPOSIBLE AIPPAC MEMBER FREAK! You are an Israeli Agent, Mossad Member Killer! You are willing to sell your own mother, and kill 70,000,000 Iranians so that you can take your LASH of a worthless body to Iran! To you and all of those CRAZY MONSTERS who support this A...H... you all too go to where you deserve to go! I AM LIVID OF THE AUDACITY OF THIS HITLER TO EVEN MAKE SUCH SUGGESTIONS! 3 months it will take?!! That is what Bush said about Iraq and Afghanistan. So what happened? I am glad that you and your kind of bipolar, Schizophrenic, CERTIFIABLY CRAZY LUNATIC, are not in Iran. Take this dream to your death, you will not place your filthy feet on the ground of Tehran Airport! The soil of Iran belongs to all those who LOVE IT, CHERISH IT, WILL FIGHT TO ENSURE IT IS IN ONE PIECE, WILL FIGHT TO ENSURE ITS INDEPENDENCE, WILL LOVE ITS PEOPLE, WILL WORK FOR THE SAFETY OF ITS PEOPLE, AND WILL LOVE IT MORE THAN THEMSELVES. YOU ARE A TRAITER WHO HAS EASILY MADE A DEAL WITH THE DEVIL! YOU MUST BE A MOJAHED, SUPPORTING MARYAM RAKHSHOOR AND  RAJAVI TERRORIST! You have been raised to kill and kill, and shed blood to reach your objectives! It is shameful to wish people this much harm. I HOPE THEY BOMB YOU FIRST, so that you can get a feel for the despair, danger and pain of war. And to desire it for your own, is nothing short of a monster's dream!

Ahmed from Bahrain

Agha Farhad

by Ahmed from Bahrain on

Granted Iran has a vile regime and it is upto Iranians to change that - sarneveshte har melti be dast mardomash ast -They have spilled their ways into Gulf states but that is another story.

We have never had any form of democracy and many of us since the 50's until now have been put in prison and a many tortured and killed in prison. For its population at one time it had the highest political prisoners. Many of those minions still have major positions in government, including four of my own cousins.

The democracy in Bahrain is a show for the Western consumption. One of the worst form of vile attack on the people is of this current government importing over 100.000 Bedouins from Syria and Iraq and giving them nationalities, homes and jobs in the security,police and military. This is at a time where the youth of Bahrain are desperate for jobs.

What does it tell you about a government whose police and army are manned by Pakistanis, ex Bathists from Syria and Iraq.

This is to shift the demography of the country from a majority Shiite to Sunnie government supporters. Even our Sunni local friends have attacked this policy since these "new" Bahrainis have no respect for the locals as they know the government stands behind them. Thus rapes and vile attacks against the locals have gone unanswered.

Naturally people group up under religious or other beliefs to defend themselves. One good thing about majority of Bahrainis is that they are peaceful by nature. Resorting to guns and suicide crap is not our way. Many have taken to peaceful demonstrations and have been attacked. none of this is reported in the media, perhaps because we don't do suicide bombings!

In the end no form of government lasts if it does not serve its citizens. IRI is heading for its downfall and I hope we too can one day move towards a more inclusive form of government. 

Ahmed from Bahrain


Back in 1979....

by Khar on

The word was the only way to freedom is armed/violent revolution. Your blog reminds me of that but in a bigger sense of the word, violent.  Look what that armed/violent revolution got us today. Today the winds of change have blown all over Iran already, and thanks but no thanks, the end to Iran's misery doesn't require Bombing of its oppressed but proud people. 

I agree with you on one thing though: ALL and I mean ALL Iranian opposition groups have done nothing except CRAP and MENTAL MASTURBATIONS in the last 30 years. 


Farhad Kashani

Iraneh Azad,   Thanks

by Farhad Kashani on

Iraneh Azad,  

Thanks aziz and I agree with you.


Unfortunately, this regime has frustrated large numbers of Iranians enough for them to seek any possible way out, and that’s very dangerous because lot of those pure hearted and patriot but simple and frustrated Iranians ask for military attack.

 Ahmaed from Bahrain,  

Salaam aziz. Good to see our Gulf brothers on here. And I appreciate your rejection of the IRI regime and your stance with the people of Iran.


Just one thing, as you know, IRI regime is the biggest threat to all moderate nations specially the Gulf ones. Bahrain has suffered a lot by the hands of IRI with its meddling and promoting fundamentalist shite and supporting anti government activity. It is a threat to your peaceful and tolerant society which is on its way to become a relatively democratic society. Bahrain has taken huge steps to install human right principles.


Ahmed from Bahrain


by Ahmed from Bahrain on

Qurbanat for echoing such balanced opinion. I too love those brave young men and women who will achieve what no one like us behind our laptops will achieve.

Right now I drink to their bravery, for that will change the future for Iran, for the better.

Ahmed from Bahrain

Ahmed from Bahrain

Mansours remind me of

by Ahmed from Bahrain on

Ahmed Chalabi, who spent most of his life in the arms of the Americans. now he needs a Richard Perle who can push his barrow.

Stuff the consequences. We can say what perle siad; that most Iranians will greet you and your American boots with folowers.

It would be a "piece of cake".

Dream on but I pray that no one acts on this maniac proposition from laptop dreamers.

I am not Iranians but I would not spell the blood of one Iranian for an alliance with Americans. Go to Iran and change it from within as many are doing. Support them with peaceful ways.

Violence begets more violence.

I love you despite all that.

Ahmed from Bahrain

Iraneh Azad


by Iraneh Azad on

You are correct. Your approach is much better. No bombing of our country under any circumstance! It is moronic.

Farhad Kashani

Help Iranians remove the IRI regime, but don't bomb Iran!

by Farhad Kashani on

I have always said that I absolutely understand the frustration of many Iranians, especially inside of Iran, and their request for a foreign military intervention to liberate Iran. The IRI regime is butchering our country and our people and many feel there is no way out but direct military intervention, especially by the U.S, like it did liberating Iraq and Afghanistan. For different reasons however, military intervention should not be a solution for Iran.


The first obvious reasons is that a military intervention will result in the death of innocent Iranians already suffering enough under this regime. Second, the question of the legality of the military move. Third, is that the regime would welcome a war with a foreign country to strengthen its authority and butcher any descent, exactly like they did during the Iraq Iran war. So anyone concerned about the cause of democracy in Iran and removing of the IRI regime should be careful asking for a direct military intervention. It will eventually help out the regime. We will not get into the economic and geo political ramifications in Iran, Middle East and the world of a war between US and Iran. That’s a whole another story in itself.


I have always said that the International community not only should, but it is absolutely OBLIGED, to assist the Iranian people liberate their country from this tyrannical regime as the Iranian people under this regime are no different, are in fact even worse, than the Afghanis during Taliban and Iraqis during Saddam or Palestinians under Israel or Myanmarians under the Junta or Zimbabweans under Mugabe or Cubans under Castro or Koreans in the North or Bosnians under Serb. These people are all oppressed people and all need International help, and they SHOULD get it. That assistance can range everything from economic support to logistical support for Iranian freedom movements to help overthrow the regime. The best thing the powers can do is to help Iranians execute sabotage operations against regime officials including assassinations. This regime has killed any chance of reform. off course it should be Iranians asking for the help, not foreigners intervening and then saying “Iranians asked us” without the actual request being there, cause if they did that would be unacceptable, but if Iranians asked and U.S and EU and others did help, that’s assistance, and Iranians should take the blame and responsibility for it not foreigners. Just like the 1953 coup where since it was Shah’s coup asking for U.S help, that makes it an Iranian coup, not like Left’s claim of it being a “CIA coup”. If CIA would’ve intervened without the consent of Shah or others, that would’ve made it an “American coup”.


So, bottom line is we need International support badly, but we don’t need to be bombed.


Let’s not let our emotions take over. I understand the frustration, but let’s think clearly here.


Iran is not IRAQ

by MKNED on



I am sorry to say that I have not read the whole article. You began good, but I could guess what the solution would be from the title.

As many others, I think you know the problem (mullas giving not up) but the solution was absolutely BAD.Gand zadi.

I am an Iranian and I know Iranians they are not like others. Remember the Iranian revolution 1979 and immediately after that 8 years Iran-Iraq war which was just to DAMAGE Iran because Shah was getting too strong in middle East. And now after 30 years AGIAN.

Besides the world has seen what the West and of course the POLICE US have done to Iran and to the rest of the East. Remember Vietnam, Hiroshima, Iraq and Afghanistan. If those IDIOTS, have not learned a LESSEN.

DON'T GET ME WRONG. I am AGAINST  terror and don't approve the 9/11 but they MUST watch the videos of 9/11 one more time.

These are just the recent that everybody should know who is writing bolg  or comment.

My advice would be, please get some books and read the history

Maybe there are people who have learned another language to understand the poetry of that conutry, but I know people who did JUST because of Hafez. I hope you can read Farsi because the English translation of this poetry is nothing. 


سه محمود بر خاک ما تاختند، به تخریب این ملک
یکی‌ بود از قزن ترکی‌ عجیب، که داد او خدای سخن را فریب،
دوم بود
محمود افغان تبار، که سر ما بریده بکردش منار،
سوم شخص محمودی از گرمسار، که از
حرف و کارش شدم شرمسار. 



P.S. Sorry because of poor Engish. I live in Holland and speak Dutch much better.


Another idiotic idea by a complete.......

by UnitedIran on

This is another idiotic idea by a complete IDIOT, calling himself.........Sir it is not enough to "sar ghod beshin, lenghesh kon!" If you had the BALLS which I don't think you have, you would have gone to Iran the last three months and shown your efforts and support for a regime change. It is easy to open your "gutless mouth" from thousands of miles away, and come up with stupid ideas. This not called debate, you can only have a debate with someone with an miligram of intellegence, and not with a TABLE!


To Parviz

by mehdi2009 on

Dear Parviz,

 Thank you for your response, and expressing your opnion. I appreciate to hear opposing point of views. However, I must point out that the Mullahs in Iran are not as fatalistic as they want somepeople to believe. As long as someone else, or some body else's son or daughther becomes Martyr they are OK with that, however they would never endanger their own lives or the lives of their own next of kin. These guys are just corrupt to the Core (funny that they call everybody else that), and all they had in their minds was how to grab as much money as their miserable lives afford them to do.

Going back to what you said about dropping a nuclear weapon on the neighbors which is not only against their self interest, but also prevents them from further stealing the wealth of the country.

During the Cold war there were insane people (both from USA and USSR) who thought that a Nuclear War was winnable (i.e. SAC Commanding General Curtis LeMay, Khrushchev to name a few during Cuban Missile Crisis), however there were others who understood that the only result of a Nuclear attack is Mutual Destruction and prevented a Nuclear Holocaust.

Therefore my dear Parviz, the Mullahs in Iran are Devious, Corrupt, Scum, incompetent, Criminal, thieves and liars, however their own self preservation is more important to them than anything else.

As I said in the previous post their time has slowly but surely come to an end, and they are looking for ways to some how survive in a situation that is a no win situation for them. For now they put on their own version of Stalinist Monkey Trials which nobody either in Iran or elsewhere is buying, and even their own apologists are looking to retract their previous statements and places to hide.

The end is near my friends.

Salutations to Sons and Daughters of Iran.



Bomb Bomb Bomb Bom Bomb Iran........

by RezaKnowsAcu on

Instead of wasting my time by writting a long comment, regarding your bizarre and absurd suggestion, all I can think of right now, this very minute is how in the world can you come up with such an asinine proposition and have the audacity to publish it online??? I am completely stupefied! You can not be iranian nor can you call yourself one Mr. Mansours. God help you.



There is no debate mansours

by Q on

And if we don’t have the guts to call for the only solution available to us right now – US military strikes and an invasion of Iran – then we won’t have our revolution in 2009. Or possibly for another three decades.

So let’s have this debate.

There is about as much real debate on this issue as there is on Global Warming. The debate is over. The answer is NO. Iranians, Americans and Iranian-Americans agree: no to war with Iran. You are in an extremist minority just like that lying traitor Ahmad Chalabi. Except you don't have the luxury of 9/11, and an idiot President in the White House.

I'm really impressed in the selfless, patriotic way in which you offer up other people's lives so that what you have judged to be "the only solution" can work.

Sorry, this strategy is a clear failure. What you must do now, is get yourself a new account and work the Fred/AIPAC strategy which is a little more promising.

That strategy, which was adopted by Bush and Cheney before (remember that even they said they didn't want war) goes like this:

"hey man, I'm against War! But I will work to defeat any other mutual solution and slander any peacemaker in the faint hopes that War becomes the only option which I will "reluctantly" support later. But I'm saying I'm against war! I just work to destroy all peaceful alternatives."



by PArviz on

I read your reply and I agree with it wholeheartedly except for the part about nuclear weapons.

I am too of the opinion that acquiring the bomb by this regime makes their removal very difficult and dangerous. Here is my logic:

In the soviet union you were not dealing with a bunch of crazy zealots who thought they were the hands of god on earth. The IRI criminals will not hesitate to use the bomb as their last resort. Just imagine a scenario where IRI possessed the bomb, they would have the capability of dropping a few warheads on Saudi, Iraqi, Kuwaiti.. oil fields and make them unusable for hundreds of years to come. These oli fields are well within their reach. That would destroy the world economy since without oil from that part of the world, great many things would come to a halt. If they felt their downfall was inevitable and they were going down, I wouldn't put it past them to use the bomb as revenge and cause a great amount of damage as their final act.

And that is why the West is so worried about the Iranian regime acquiring nuclear capabilities. They are not worried about Israel's safety since Israel can take care of herself. If the Iranian regime were to fire a couple of warheads towards Israel, Israel is capable of answering with tens if not hundreds of much more powerful warheads of its own.

Down with the Islamic Republic!



by ham1328 on

I agree with you  100% that NIAC (which I made a donation to one time) is a lobby group for the IRI. We as Iranian Americans have a duty to expose these groups, so no more Iranian Americans fall for there traitors. Thank you for bringing this up that remind me to post this. I personally wrote to Dr. Parsi and let him know what I think of him.


Alternative Solution...from Inside Iran...


never mind

gitdoun ver.2.0

excellent post by mehdi2009

by gitdoun ver.2.0 on

this guy's post was spot on !!! mansour please read and re-read what he wrote !!! well said mehdi !!

ebi amirhosseini

Samsam jaan you said it...

by ebi amirhosseini on

به قول ناپلئون:

تنها چیزی که حد و مرز نداره؛حماقت است!!.

Ebi aka Haaji


Moral Porn

by میرزاقشمشم on

منصوری، بلا خورده، ببین چه شلوغش کردی. صفحۀ تو، از صفحۀ چند روز قبل اون جنده خوشگلۀ رو تختخواب هم شلوغتر شده.حالا ایشالا،یواش یواش خجالتتم میریزه و دفه بعد عکستم بزار.

And don't rush to flag it as "abusive"; get my drift, instead.


Are you sure it is the only path?

by bmoattari on

Agha Mansour,

It seems like you have already picked the type of artiliary and aircraft to get the job done.

Anyway, I tried to be very patient and open-minded while reading your article. I am a firm believer that the best way for Iranians to evolve as a nation is through open communication, tolerance, and respect. As such, you are entitled to your views and opinion.

However, once I reached the fifth paragraph which reads "We had a great President back ..." I just couldn't continue any more. My suggestion to you is that before you making such statement, you should do some research. Don't be easily influenced by what you see and hear in the media. Has history taught us anything at all? Instead of pondering about military action as a solution to Iran's problem, act and be a player/contributer/patriot in the victory of your people and your Motherland. It may seem like an impossible task to change  the situation in Iran, but if each of us do our little part, you'd be surprised what we can achieve.




Insane idea from someone who has not been to Iran Lately

by mehdi2009 on

Mr. Mansours,

With all due respect to your insane idea, your article has just demonstrated how out of touch you are with the current situation in Iran. I read your article very carefully as to understand your mind set, and I can sincerely tell you that you don't have a clue of the happenings in Iran. The country is so diffrent from even one year ego, let alone your fantasies of pre-1979.

The Young people of Iran are brilliant, viberant, articulate, intelligent and quite knowledgeable. Why do you think the Mullahs and their hechmen (The IRGC and Bassij) are wetting their pants and therefore killing them. This has to do with the fact that they know their gig is up, no longer has any buyers, and the people are not afraid any more. To even suggest that the bombing will finish this regime in 3 months is not only laughable (i.e. Iraq and Afghanistan) but also shows a complete lack of military as well as logistical knowledge.

This is not a video game which you might be playing on your computer or X-Box. The only way to get rid of this regime is through grass root opposition which is happening in the country as we speak. As the regime is close to financial banktrupcy, then their henchmen start to kill each other, which also slowly but surely has started.

The Iranian revolution is going through its second phase of evolution (i.e. . French and Russian Revolutions), and is in the process of self decaying and eliminating the second row of its originators the same way the French and Russians did to their own revolutionaries.

You also mentioned that if these guys get the Atomic Bomb, then they can't be removed. I beg to differ on that count as well. Just as USSR tyrants with 6,000 to 10,000 nuclear warheads were removed, so will the IRI tyrants be removed from the pages of history.

Salutations to the sons and daughters of Iran.




by AK69 on

- Inquiring minds whant to know?


Bar Labe Goore Man, Avaz Bekhan



by ThePope on

If there's any bombing to do, why not blowing up IRI's lobby groups in the West,,, starting by NIAC's headquarter...

Hein! What you think, mansours(!) ?