دوازده چمدان شاه

چه دوست داشته باشین چه بدتون بیاد تنها در دوران پهلوی بود که این مملکت برای مدتی رنگ آسایش و پیشرفت و رفاه رو به خودش دید


دوازده چمدان شاه


با همه مشکلاتی که با جمهوری اسلامی دارم اما یه حرفشونو باید با طلا نوشت و به همه در و دیوار های شهر ها و آبادی های ایران آویزون کرد. اونم منافق خوندن دار و دسته مسعود و مریم رجویه. چقدر لجم میگیره وقتی می بینم این زنک لچک بسر با اون کت و دامن های مسخره نارنجی و سبز و بنفش که از پارچه های رومبلی و پرده ای دوخته شده بتونه خودشو بعنوان دموکرات و آزاد منش جا بزنه و با قدم زدن روی خون هزاران هزار بچه های بیگناهی که فریب دادند و به جوخه های اعدام کشوندن تازه توسط اتحادیه اروپا هم به رسمیت شناخته بیشن. یه گاف بزرگ برای اتحادیه اروپا و یه بیلاخ بزرگ برای آزادی و دموکراسی به سبک غرب.

موقعی که این انقلاب منحوس داشت شکل می گرفت من بخت برگشته 13 ساله بودم. در سال های اول دبیرستان بود که منافقین خیلی بین ما فعالیت داشتند و روی مخ بچه ها کار می کردن. تو همون روز ها بود که بهترین دوستم "رامین" که شاگرد اول مدرسه هم بود به دام این کثافت ها افتاد. باهاشون به کوهستان میرفت و ورق پاره های اینها به نام مجاهد رو می فروخت. رامین در اسفند ماه سال 1360 بازداشت شد و دیگه خبری ازش نشنیدم . پنج ماه بعد در اوین اعدام شد در حالی که 16 سال بیشتر نداشت. گورش رو هم کسی هرگز ندید. چند سال پیش پدرش رو دیدم. بی نهایت در هم شکسته و داغون. مادر رامین سه سال بعد از اعدامش سکته کرد و مرد. پدر رامین برام می گفت منافقین نه تنها رامین رو ازم گرفتن بلکه کل خانواده رو نابود کردن.

آخ که چقدر برام سخته روزی که این ها بخوان روی کار بیان. اصلا فکرش رو هم نمی تونیم بکنیم چون من یکی که بسیجی میشم و با سربند های الله اکبر آخوندا میرم جلوی تانکشون. بدلیل وجود همین تفاله هاست که ملت بد بخت ما شاید هرگز رنگ آسایش و آزادی رو به خودش نبینه. گروه خشونت طلب خود خواه و خون ریزی که برای بدست گرفتن قدرت از هیچ جنایتی ابایی نداره.

البته ما در این میونه یه شانس بزرگ آوردیم:

اینکه همه اینها در سنین بالای 50 سال هستند و دیگه حتی نا و توانی براشون نمونده که بچسن چه برسه به برانداژی . مسعود جون که در این 23 سال حسابی گنده شده و شکمش به گورستون مرغ و جوجه های عراقی تبدیل شده. تازه هر دو هفته یه بار باید سرشو رنگ بکنه و هر روز دو بار بده کاکلشو سشوار بکشن , روزی دوبار هم خودشو پای بشاط منقل و بافور بشاژه . دیگه وقتی برای مبارزه نمی مونه. البته خیلی سعی میکنه با اون ابرو های کمونی آخرین مدل انجلینا جولی و با اون صدای شهوتی اوا خاک برسری کلی بین جوون ها هیجان ایجاد کنه. ولی متاسفانه بدلیل سالها نوکری برای دشمن بی چون و چرای این ملت یعنی صدام جون جون دیگه حناش رنگی نداره و به جز چند تا فسیل نماینده مجلس اعیان انگلیس و چند تا خرفت در پارلمان اروپا کسی گولشو نمی خوره.

مریم جون هم ارواح خاک عمه ش تو پاریس همه اش در حال مبارزه س. طفلک داره گداهای سازمان رو میفرسته تو خیابون های شهر های اروپا براش گدایی کنن و از اون طرف هم با دیدن دم عربستان سعودی و اردن و مصر حساب های بانکی شو چاق تر کنه.بمیرم برای مبارزه تون. کاشکی ننه تون دو سه تا از شما ها زائیده بود تا اثر مبارزاتتون f چند برابر می شد.

این روزها سالگرد انقلاب ننگین خمینی-رجوی-کیانوریه. همون اتحاد نامقدس سرخ وسیاه که اون خدابیامرز اون هشدارشو میداد. درست در همین روزها در 30 سال پیش این شورش بزرگ در جریان بود و ملت ایران به خودکشی بزرگ تاریخی خودش اقدام کرد. از میون اون سه تا دو تاشون تا الان گوربگور شدن ولی مسعود جون زنده س و با اینکه سن خر پیره رو هم داره به این زودی ها خیال نداره گوزو بده و قبضو بگیره. ولی طرفداران این سه گروه هیچ وقت نمی تونن نقش بزرگی که در انحراف یک ملت و نابودی ایران داشتن رو نادیده بگیرن.

چه دوست داشته باشین چه بدتون بیاد تنها در دوران پهلوی بود که این مملکت برای مدتی رنگ آسایش و پیشرفت و رفاه رو به خودش دید. میگن شاه وقتی از ایران میرفت 12 تا چمدون داشت. من میتونم محتوای این چمدون ها رو براتون بگم.

در چمدان اول آسایش رو قرار داده بود که با خودش برد و این ملت بخت برگشته دیگه هیچ وقت راحت و بدون دغدغه نبود. در چمدون دوم امنیت رو جاسازی کرده بود چون فقط نگاهی به صفحه حوادث روزنامه ها به ما نشون میده در چه جنگلی زندگی می کنیم.

چمدون سوم حاوی رفاه بود. ملتی که روزی یه شیفت باید کار کنه و گوشت کیلویی 13 هزار تومن بخره و اجاره خونه های 700 هزار تومنی بده که رفاه نداره.

در چمدون چهارم آزادی رو جاسازی کرده بود چون دیگه کسی جرات نکرد یه عروسی و مهمونی بی دغدغه داشته باشه. چمدون پنجم شاه حاوی عزت ملی بود چون دیگه حتی شیخک های عرب نشین های خلیج فارس هم مسافرای ایرانی و لخت می کنند و داخل مقعدو آلت تناسلی شونو بازرسی می کنند.

تو چمدون ششم تمامیت ارضی رو چپونده بود چون علاوه بر از دست دادن سهم مون در دریای خزر کلی هم به عراق ودبی وبدهکاری ارضی پیدا کردیم.

در چمدون هفتم هم ناموس ایرانی رو با خودش برد تا دخترای ما در پاکستان و دبی حراج بشن یا اینکه تو خیابونا زیر چراغ وایسن.

در چمدون هشتم خوشنامی ملی رو جا داده بود تا از اون به بعد در فرود گاه های جهان با دیدن پاسپورت ایرانی یه دفه رم کنن و ما بخت برگشته ها رو ببرن یه گوشه ای سین جیم مون کنن. دیگه سرتوند درد نمی آرم.

بقیه چمدون ها هم شامل این موارد بودند.سازندگی - پیشرفت – اقتدار و انسانیت

خلاصه رجوی و دار و دسته شون نمی تونن نقش خودشونو در تمام این بدبختی های مدرم ایران نادیده بگیرن. همون بهتر که مسعود جون مراقب زیر ابرو هاش باشه که یه وقت از فرم نیفته. رهبر شدن پیشکشش. مریم جون هم بگرده تو مغازه ها آخرین مدل پارچه های رومبلی رو دست کنه . شاید بتونه کت دامن های خر در چمن رو یه جوری مد کنه و یه سبکی از خودش بجا بذاره.


mash mandali

پونصد خان، اول کاسه ماست رو بزار زمین!

mash mandali


دوست عزیز..............یه روز یه آقای بعض شما نباشه خیلی خیالباف و «اوومپا لوومپا» که تصادفاً از نعمت بینایی هم بی بهره بود داشت یه کاسه ماست میبرد شنبه بازار بفروشه..........
آقایی که شما باشین از راه ر فتن خسته که شده بود یه جا کنار جاده رو یه تخته سنگ نشست که خستگی در کنه، یکی از بغلش رد شد که داشت چند تا مرغ و خروس میبرد بازار ، صدای قد قد مرغا این رفیقمون « آقای کور خیالباف » رو برد تو هپروت..........................................

- خستگیم که در رفت پامیشم میرم بازار ، این کاسه ماست رو میفروشم با پولش یه جوجه مرغ میخرم ، جوجه هه مرغ که شد شروع میکنم تخم هاشو جمع کردن ، زیادکه شد میذارم زیر خودش تا جوجه بشن ، اگ خدا بخواد سر یکی دو سال سی چل تا مرغ و خروس دارم ، دو سال دیگه چند تاشون رو میارم شنبه بازار  به جاشون یه بره میگیرم.......چش بهم بزنی بعد از چند سال چند تا از بره هام رو میام اینجا یه گوساله میخرم و..........اگه خدا بخواد  تا چندین سال دیگه........گله که دارم، زمین هم که تا اونموقع حتماً خریده ام............. بعد میرم خواستگاری دختر کدخدا ........و........
همین جور که تو عوالم خودش زفاف با دختر کدخدا رو مجسم میکرد.........کم کم «بختش» بلند شد و زد کاسه ماست رو چپ کرد رو زمین !!

این بود حکایت (حسابایی که کوره با ......ش میکرد).

حالا پونصدی.........حواست باشه داداش، اول کاسه ماست رو بزار زمین بعداً خواب مریم جون رو تو فرودگاه مهر آباد ببین!

« بختت » کار دستت میده ها!!   از ما گفتن.


چه دوست داشته باشین چه بدتون بیاد تنها در دوران پهلوی بود که این

Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified)

چه دوست داشته باشین چه بدتون بیاد تنها در دوران پهلوی بود که این مملکت برای مدتی رنگ آسایش و پیشرفت و رفاه رو به خودش دید
This, so I think, can not be the question. And if then how about the following question: WHY 30 MILLIONS IRANIANS DID NOT FEEL THE COMFORT, PROGRESS AND the SOCIAL WELLfair and felt soo uncomfortable that they throw - by sacrificing Blood and Life - the devils out of their home? ALL THOSE HONORAQBLES WERE NOT INTELIGENT ENOUGH? AND ONLY THE DESERTERS UNDERSTAND HOW GOOD THOSE DAYS WERE? AND THAT AFTER 30 YEARS? as his majesty left - on order of a peanut merchant named carter - who asked him to stay for while longer? I did not.
However a good purpose serves the video and its itle anyway. IT LIVES UP THE COMMERCE of "IRANIAN". look at the numberless comments. Each one brings money. Just yesterday i watched the film EKHRAJIHA in Irantv. Hier awise word from that film:


Good points Behrooz

by Anonymousx (not verified) on

We need to learn about the past. Once emotional ties to a period dissipate, we are in a better position to analyze and ponder about events carefully in order not to repeat them.

It is instructive that any invasion and defeat of iran, from Alexander the Little to Khomeini the Emam, had a reason AND internal collaborators who betrayed the country for personal gains and self-serving agenda FOLLOWED BY an active propaganda machine and demonization of the regime that they replaced. But at the end none have escaped the fair judgment of history in the hindsight.

A peasant showed Alexander a short-cut to Persepolis thru mountains to avoid confrontation with Persian army; Salman-e Farsi showed arabs techniques of Persian army and ways of defeating Persians; Changiz-e Mongol...; Taymour-e Lang...; Mahmoud-e Afghan...; Saddam had MKO to collaborate with him and spy for him in his aggression against iran; and Khomeini had islamists, leftists, and fake intellectuals, without whom he would not have been able to trick and defeat iranians and ride on their backs for 30 years.

We need to know why, not as spread for propaganda, but the impartial fact, we need to know the collaborators, and to distinguish between propaganda and realism.


Another New Item for Mash Mandali!

by Anonymous500 (not verified) on

:-)) Dear mashdi mandali, bar vanz-e Aspiral Ghand Ali of Sarkar Ostowar, I have another very disturbing news for you and your buddies that you could read and come back and entertain all of us with your "Tanz-e" Aspiral Ghand Ali. Enjoy it buddy. Here is the news (this is in continuation of Dr. Alejo's remarks):

استراون استيونسون، نايب رئيس گروه احزاب مردم و احزاب دموكرات مسيحي، بزرگترين گروه پارلمان اروپا، طي سخناني گفت:
خوشحالم كه براي جشن پيروزي جمع شده ايم. من به ياد مي آورم كه جلسات زيادي داشتيم، سخنرانيهاي متعدد در تظاهرات ايرانيان داشتيم. فراز و نشيبهاي زيادي داشتيم. به ياد مي آورم كه در هنگام اين جلسات تلفنهاي برخي نخست وزيران و وزراي خارجه يا تلفن آقاي سولانا از تهران مي خواستند ما را منع كنند. به ياد مي آورم كه براي سخنراني در تظاهرات ايرانيان به برلين آمده بودم و تظاهرات ممنوع شده بود و من به پليس گفتم كه شما نميتوانيد مانع صحبت من براي جمعيت بشويد و در همان خيابان شروع به صحبت كردم. ساعتي بعد دادگاه ممنوعيت تظاهرات را لغو كرد و ما در ميدان براندنبورگ، دوباره سخنراني كرديم. . . از اين فراز و نشيبها زياد بود ولي سرانجام ما موفق شديم كه عدالت وحاكميت قانون را به پيروزي برسانيم و تلاش مي كنيم كه در آمريكا هم همين كار صورت بگيرد.

آقاي استيونسون از خانم رجوي و از تمامي نمايندگان شركت كننده در اين ديدار پارلماني تشكر كرد.


Past or future

by Behrooz (not verified) on

Dear DJ

I am afraid there is a fundamental flaw in your over simplistic argument. No nation or individual could afford to forget or get over their past unless it is carefully analysed, the mistakes are identified and lessons are drawn. As well as identifying their points of strength and build upon them.

However in order to achieve this goal this revision should more for the sake of future and trying to prevent future disasters by learning from our past mistakes, rather than trying to score points with our opponents.

In order to do this in an effective manner we as a nation need to learn to be mutual, transparent and honest with ourselves. We need to put aside our political agenda and evaluate events and people for what and who they were and not what we want them to be.

There is a very distinct difference between analysing and learning from your past experiences and on the other hand being stuck in the past.Unfortunately for most of us Iranians from both sides of spectrum we are more stuck in the past with a flawed agenda rather that trying to evaluate and draw the lessons of history. The problem with most or us is that we only see the world as either black or white. Once we have made our mind about one person being or event we will then close it completely to all other possibilities and arguments and anybody who does not agree with us or questions our judgment is either a traitor poppet of foreigner or stupid and politically illiterate.

This is why those who very rightfully support Dr Mosadegh for his achievements and nationalization of oil industry still have a hard time with accepting his fatal error of judgment when he decided to exceed his constitutional power. An error which let to his downfall and even more importantly this is why they still have a hard time accepting the error of judgment in the part of Iranian people who took to the streets and protested against his government. That is why it is always easier to tie the mater to a foreign conspiracy and an “unpopular coup de ta”. This is while even in his own book of khaterat va taallomaat Mosaddegh is trying to down play and excuse this error while accepting them is principal

On the other hand the same thing could be said about the supporters of Shah, who still refuse to see his weaknesses in dealing effectively with the problem of mullahs and especially in managing crisis and public anarchy which in more than one occasion let him to abandon his duties as a king and runaway when things got tough. If Shah stood up to Mosadegh instead of running away and tried to strike a deal with him, the disasters of 1332 would have never accoutred and would not have paved the way for the bigger disaster of 1357. A mistake that even he himself admits to in his famous book “answer to history”.

This is why we need to first make sense of these past events and draw lessons from them and then as you said rightfully move on. However in order to do this we first need to wake up and open our mind however the main the issue here is:
One can always awaken he who is in deepest sleep. However one can never awaken he who pretends to be sleeping


Get over it

by Djahangir on

I just don't understand why we can't get over the past and look towards the future.  The past is just that, it's the PAST.  Live now and try to make what we have better or just live. I lived a very good life in Iran as a kid and life was grand for few but majority of people were in desparate poverty.  These people had a revolution.  End of story.



Come on Anonymous500

by Behrooz (not verified) on

I mean seriously! What are you taking us for?

Do you think we have forgotten the MKO's unconditional support for mullahs during the mayhem of 1979? Don’t you think that we still have the videos and photos of Masood khan kissing Khomeini’s hand to get his approval for the candidacy of first round of presidential election? Have you recently listened to the previous speeches by Masood in praise of Khomeini and his leadership during 1357-58?

Are you really naïve enough to think we have forgotten your popular anthem at the time of revolution?

Khomeini ey emaam, Khomeini ey emaam
Ey mojahed ey mazhare sharaf
Ey gozashte ze jaan dar rahe alaf (eh bebekhshid hadaf) :-))

And so on ……


Do you really think we have forgotten your collaboration with Khomeini’s regime to murder of best army’s general and leave the door wide open for Saddam to attack Iran and even your collaboration to silence all other opposition voices? Now that the mullahs have used and betrayed you as well you do not seem to like it and comeback to us crying faul. Well, aint that though :-))

Do you really think we have forgotten your siding with Saddam while the Ba-as army were raping the women of Khoram-Shahr, bombing our cities and using chemical weapons against our boys in the war?

Do really think we not do know about the dictatorship and fear that rules the MKO cult and the sever punishment that awaits those who even think about leaving it?

If any body is shedding crocodile tears about Iranian people and those poor soles who were betrayed by both sides and murdered in IRI’s dungeons it is you and not us, as it was us who had to pick up the peaces and help bereaved families to berry their loved ones and come in terms with their loss, while you and you like where hiding in Europe or colaborating with saddamin Iraq.

Do you think we do not know that even in IRI's prison how you treated each other and members of other opposition groups?

For those who want to know more please go to this site


and read the book

Zir e boote-ye laleh abbasi

By Nasrin Parvas

She is a lefty communist and I disagree with many of her views with regards to how should the Iranian society be governd or the legacy of the late Shah and Reza Shah-e Kabir. However as an open minded person I read her book which revealed a lot about the left movement in Iran their flaws and specially the nature of MKO and its members.

I have no problem with any opposition group or political party’s activities against IRI or their stake in the future of Iran as a citizen of this country. However before anything the leaders and members of these groups need to be honest and transparent and come clean about their past flaws. They have to acknowledge their mistakes of the past and if necessary even pay for it with their political career and reputation or in case of criminal activity and treason with their liberty.

But most of all they need to respect the will of Iranian people and definitely should not go about appointing a government and president for us without our smallest consent, otherwise they risk becoming no different to the mullahs and we certainly do not need another version of the IRI


Yes, it was Popular mistake induced by other powers

by sickofiri (not verified) on

Popular?? So What? Madoff poniz scheme was very poular. Many intelligent and wise individual were deceived and lied to by Madoff. Everyone was jumping on the bandwagon to invest with Madoff.

He was the most popular broker for over 30 years. Being popular is a vacuous statement. It does not mean anything. People are easily manipulated by lies and systematic brainwashing and misinformation to follow a leader or a movement. The Nazi were popular too.

Popularity does not automatically translate into legitimacy or authencicity.


mash mandali

آخرین خبر.........

mash mandali



امروز آقای دکتر آلخوویدال کوادراس ( معروف به نه سر پیاز نه کون پیاز) صدر هیئت رئیسه پارلمان قارپوز آباد علیا اظهار داشت :

سرکار علیه مریم  خانوم جون، رئیس جمهور ورگوزیده و متکی به رأی ١٩٩% مردم داخل ایران ، تو رو حضرت عباس یه وقت غصه نخوری که مردم شما رو به تخم مرغشون هم حساب نمیکنن ها! عوضش تو هم با کمال پررویی بهشون پیغام بده و بگو :
« تا پس فردا میبینمتون تو فرودگاه مهر آباد....فعلاً بای بای....»

ضمناً رئیس جمهور جون ، منزلمون « بی بی کوادراس » سلام رسوندن و گفتن به مسعود جون بگین ورپریده.... اون مو چین رو که قرض گرفته بودی واسه تمیز کردن زیر ابروت چرا پس نمیاری ؟ در ضمن گفتن که بنظر من مسعود جون بهتره یه گِن ببنده ،  برای مقام رهبری آینده ایران شیکمه یه خورده زیاتی گٌنده شده، خوبیت نداره!

خب رئیس جمهور آینده ( وای خداجون..... ته دلم قیلی ویلی میره هر وقت شما رو به این اسم صدا میکنم ).....دیدار ما در تهران !

........« یا ابوالفضل......یعنی میشه؟»

ارادتمند شما و مسعود جونی.... دکتر آلخویدال کوادراس ، قارپوز آباد علیا 


Deny the truth when it is bitter to hear

by A Dose of Reality (not verified) on

Iranian holocaust of 1979 was not about or for iran or iranians. It was all about massive lying and deception to gain power and control of nation's wealth.

Islamists, leftists, and revolutionary intellectuals did not give a damn about iran or iranians, the leaders knowingly, and the followers unknowingly.

It was all about greed, jealousy, arrogance, ambitions for power and wealth, and discomfort for the fast pace of shah's progressive agendas.

How many times have we heard on this web site from the same crowd that "that kachal-e dehati" referring to reza shah the great. All wanted to be the shah and asking what does he have that I do not have to be the shah and rule and embezzle as he allegedly does.

The devastation of 1979 was nothing but a massive fraud, a Ponzi scheme of lies and deceits, about the past and about the future. If it were a revolution, it should have accomplished at least some of its stated objectives. The revolutionaries, ALL alike, did the exact opposite as soon as they took power. They bitched about savak, yet they killed more in their first month in power than shah did in his entire regime. They bitched about thievery, yet they shipped loads and loads of iranian assets (arms) to lebanon in their fist month in power. They bitched about lack of free speech, yet they ransacked the first newspaper few months after the revolution and hanged the first newspaper editor few months later.

Emam Khomeini openly attested to the fraud that he was with expressions like: I lied ("khod'eh kardam"), I must kill ("bayad kosht"), I am moslim first then iranian, if only one [iranian] remains that is good enough for islam, etc.

And when MKO realized that they could not rule, they joined the criminal saddam regime in chemical warfare against iranians.

With friends like islamists and leftists and intellectuals, who needs enemies.

Alas that the aging run-away revolutionaries have neither the honesty to admit error, nor the courage to go back and live in the regime that they helped to bring to power; they can only repeat the same old disgusting venomous slogans: dictator, savak, zionist, imperialist, ...; still with no shred of evidence against the best days that iran had in recent history under the late shah despite all his imperfections, and despite knowing that neither the aging fools nor their children will find an iran worth living in as a direct result of their mistakes in 1979. They will simply vanish in dust of history in various foreign lands as a direct result of their foolish treason of 1979.

Payandeh Iran.


It Was Really Popular, it Was not Coup!!!

by Anonymous500 (not verified) on

Read the following paragraph from Dr. Afkhami's "ground-braking" book about the late Shah Mohammad Reza Phalavi and get an idea bout the scholarly merits of this book.

"As Afkhami explains, it was not until Mossadeq accorded himself unconstitutional emergency powers (suspending the Majlis, etc.) and began to speak openly against the crown that the Shah turned against him. The events that followed have gained mythical status among opponents of the Shah. But as Afkhami shows, the coup against Mossadeq was largely homemade and enjoyed solid support among broad segments of Iranian society. Crucially, the primary push behind the coup was provided by the Imperial armed forces who, since the time of Reza Shah, had developed a special relationship with the crown, one marked by profound loyalty to and affinity for the person of the Shah who represented the sovereignty, power, and will of the Iranian nation."

You got to be kidding if you believe that any educated Iranian with a gram of brain will buy this comical argument that the "Imperial Guard" could cary out that NANGIN and criminal coup d etat against the late Dr. Mosaddeq had it not been for the direct and illigal intervntion of the US and Bitain in organizing, financing, and directing it. Yeah!! it was people and Imperial Guard who overthrow Dr. Mosaddeq and not the Seven Sisters!!

If Dr. Afkhami wants to make a clown out of himself by writing this type of gabildigook in the name of historical research, he has every right of doing so as it is a free country and one could commit scholalry suicide by these type of attempts to re-inventing the wheel. What is certain, no one will believe this mantra other than a bunch of necrophilics of the past.

I think the author should consult some of the writings of Dr. Shojaeddin Shafa as he was the first one who tried to sell this comical argument that 28 Mordad was not a coup but a legal act by the Shah as he had the power to remove Mosaddeq because the Constitution had authorized the monarch to do so, but like all good ex-Darbaries, Shafa does not tell his reader the rest of the story about the illegal and criminal role that the Shah and Darbar had played during Mosaddeq's sojurn.

Ironically Dr. Mosaddeq has given a tooth-samshing reponse to these type of arguments in his "Khaterat and Talomat" that was publishe posthumously in 1980s and I am sure that most students of Iran's modern history have read that. But of course, Dr. Afkhami is doing a "ground-breaking" research and he perhaps did not have time to counsult Mosaddeq's "Khaterat."
As the Shykh is sinking, the supporters of the Shah are getting delusional that it is now the turn of the Shah; a kind of vicious circle that should go on and on and on. Not this time. We have the Democratic Alternative, and this time there is no jumping on the back of the people for another round of Shahi-Sheykhi collaboration to loot the country and flee wehn push comes to shove. Remember His Imperial majesity putting all his belonging in 12 "chameddon" and fleeing the country?


Corcodilian Tears for the PMOI!!

by Anonymous500 (not verified) on

As you are mourning the "mordeha" of the PMOI pouring your corcodile tears for them, also read this news item and enjoy it Mr. or Ms. Nadish:

دركنفرانس مطبوعاتی بروكسل‌ ، دكترآلخوویدال كوادراس نایب رئیس پارلمان اروپا ورئیس كمیته اروپایی درجستجوی عدالت طی سخنانی از جمله گفت: این یك پیروزی بزرگ بود و ما درسهای بزرگی آموختیم. یكی از درسها این بود كه وقتی مقاومت بكنید قطعا پیروز میشوید و ما سالها مقاومت كردیم و پیروز شدیم. حكومت قانون پیروز شد…
خانم رجوی‌ ، این پیروزی را به شما تبریك میگویم‌ ، ولی باید اضافه كنم كه یك عامل اصلی این پیروزی رهبری شما بود… وقتی چند سال قبل وارد این كارزار شدم كسان دیگری پیش از من بودند كه شما را همراهی میكردند ولی من وقتی تصمیم گرفتم واقعا وارد قضیه شوم كه با شما ملاقات كردم. وقتی با آرمان و اهداف شما آشنا شدم تصمیم گرفتم سنگ خودم را به این بنا بیفزایم.
مراحل بعدی در پیش است و مرحله مهمتر آوردن دموكراسی در ایران است…
حالا باید یك ایران جدید را آغاز كنیم. شما تا كنون دست بسته بودید و كار كردن با دست بسته بسیار دشوار است ولی اكنون دستتان باز شده و حالا یك چیز باقی مانده است و آن اینكه به شما بگوییم دیدار ما در تهران!


Deconstructing the propaganda against the Shah

by al (not verified) on

"The Life and Times of the Shah, a new book:


Review from Iranianfreedom:
"".... common narrative concerning the Shah and the Pahlavi legacy unites much of Iran’s intelligentsia with liberal-left opinion in the West. According to this narrative, Mohammad Reza Shah’s father, Reza Shah, was an absolutist dictator who attempted to modernize Iran at the point of the gun and an entirely unacceptable pace. Meanwhile, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi is depicted as a corrupt stooge and a “westoxicated” lapdog of American imperialism who, by squashing the authentic democratic urges of his people, ultimately empowered the fundamentalist scourge now raging in his homeland.

As the 30th anniversary of the late Shah’s departure from Iran approached, I had the opportunity to read Gholam Reza Afkhami’s magisterial biography of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, The Life and Times of the Shah, a text that goes a long way towards problematizing if not completely debunking this “consensus” narrative. Afkhami, who served as Deputy Minister of Interior before the Revolution, fully acknowledges that his biography goes against the common scholarly grain when it comes to assessments of the legacy of the Shah’s reign. And yet the University of California Press cannot be reproached for publishing Afkhami’s book, which is not only painstakingly researched and meticulously sourced but also draws on a rich, wide range of oral histories provided by key witnesses – members of the royal family, various courtiers, high level public servants, US and UK ex-officials, as well as leftist and Islamist opponents of the Shah’s regime.

The picture of the Shah that emerges from Afkhami’s biography is one of a deeply patriotic man committed to leading his nation to an advanced industrial state in tune with the diverse traditions and historical heritage of his people — what today might be celebrated as an “alternative modernity.” That said, the Pahlavi era was clearly plagued with a number of serious flaws, some of them originating in the monarch’s own character, most the product of the tragic conjuncture the Shah found himself confronting, one which forced him to balance development against the limitations of a mostly illiterate populace, nationalization of oil against dealing with great power antagonisms threatening Iran’s territorial sovereignty, and liberty against security in the age of the “black [fundamentalist] and red [communist] reactions.”

What follows represents what I found to be three key insights gleaned from The Life and Times of the Shah.

1. Reza Shah (Mohammad Reza Shah’s father) made invaluable contributions to the historical progress of Iran towards modern statehood, ones which completely outweigh the criticisms posed by his detractors""...a lot more continue reading by clicking the link below:



هم وطن

Nadiash (not verified)

من شخصا از خواندن این مطلب لذت بردم ولی‌ متاسفانه باز هم متوجه شدم که مشگل ما ایرانیها چیست. دوستان عزیزی که تا اسم شاه به میان میاید تنشون به لرز میفتد لطفا توجه به این مساله داشته باشید که تمام افرادی که در دوران شاه از نبود آزادی بیان شکایت داشتند و مثل دیوانه‌ها ریختند به خیابانها و این مصیبت را برای ایران سوغاتی آوردند، خودشان هیچ وقت مفهوم و معنی‌ آزادی بیان را نفهمیدند. فقط منتظر نشستند تا کسی‌ چیزی بر خلاف میلشان بگوید تا دوباره حمله کنند. عزیزانم وقت است که به خود بقبولانیم که انقلاب اشتباه بزرگی‌ بود. خیانتی بود به تاریخمان و لکه یی ننگین. در مورد رجویها هم دلتان به حال خانوده‌ها بسوزه که مرده دادند نه برای احمق‌های بی‌ مغز نوکر بیگانه.


Velayate- Akhund dar Khatar!

by Anonymous500 (not verified) on

:-)) Got your message Agha Deev and here is my response to your "bandeh tonbooni" poetry:

Akhund-e tonban beh sar!
Rafterh zir-e nazar!

Lompan Deev-e kachal!
Oftadeh beh wang o woong!

Daad mizaneh ahaay khabar!
Velayate Akhund, dar khatar!


مریمه لچک به سر وای وای


مریمه لچک به سر - وای وای
این خبر از من ببر - وای وای
Mojahedin are traitors and can go to hell...


Hajagha is asking for "haal"!!

by Anonymous500 (not verified) on

Now imagine that this Lompan to his core is wondering why no body wants to associate with him in Canada, or why he is not allowed to enter the USA.

Ironically, Hjagah is asking the Mojahed women to give him some "haal" so that he would be enticed to join the PMOI. These are the same Mojahed women who have fought for two decades the Spaah Pasdaran and other murderers and terrorist that the IRI has trained and dispatcehd to Europe, Canda and many Asian countries to terroize the rest of the world.

Hajagha: You keep wrting these type of vulgar and deeply psychotic posts; what you do is exposing the depth of the sub-culture of violence and vuglarity that produces the likes of you dime a dozen on a regular basis under the IRI. However, if the Mojahed woman were to get their hands on you it is very likely that they would send you to a psyciatric ward for treatment and that is all the "haal" that you can count on getting from the Mojahed women.

The more you demonize Democracy and the PMOI, the more we realize the depth of the Khomeini regime's destruction of Iran's social and political culture. One who says "**** to Azadi" is a very good representative of why Khomeini regime and its Lompans hate the PMOI in such a criminal and psychotic manner.


to Anonymous996600

by Behrooz (not verified) on

Well?! You see my friend: this is exactly the problem;

Thirty years on and aftery paying such heafty price, you are still refusing to accept your mistake and do not accept any responsibility for its devastating consequences.

You are still regarding Iranians as little kids who do not have any knowledge of their own past, being Shah’s era or before it, or the foreign conspiracies which lead to the disaster of 1979.

Don’t you think that we too have done our own investigation and read a few books from both side of the divide?

For example I recommend to you to go and read these two books

1- Akharin talash-ha dar akharin rooz-ha
By ebrahim Yazdi who was the architect of the so called revolution

2- The memoirs of general Hauser

The mayhem of 1979 was a foreign conspiracy to bring down the oil price and the members of opposition refused to see the bigger picture as they were too consumed by the notion of power. So that even in forging an alliance with Khomeini & Co they did not even stop for one moment to think whom they are following and where is he taking them.

At least after 30 years of devastation we the ordinary people accepted our mistake and are trying to find the roots behind it. But you so called “visionaries and political elite“ are still stuck in the same old illusions and refusing to acknowledge your mistake

Now, do not get me wrong I am not applying that the Shah’s era was all perfect and there was no short-comes. As this is the case in any other country there were many problems and a lot of room for improvement specially in the attitudes of us as Iranian people

However when I compare a state of country’s infra structure our economy, education, industry, health care and many more between when Reza Shah took over the government in and the way it improved until 1979 when Shah left, there was a lot of achievements and a lot to be grateful for

The bottom line is that we all became greedy and made the biggest mistake of our written history and

One could rectify one’s mistake unless one acknowledges it first

Maryam Hojjat

so true!

by Maryam Hojjat on

Thanks for your blog.  Everything you said was so true and accurate.

Down with Mojahedin

Payandeh IRAN.


MKO to join IDF !

by king david (not verified) on

The Iraqi officials told the news agency that Israel has offered to recruit MKO members for its military.


didnt MKO fight under foreign army to slaughter minorities in that country ?

thas what IDF needs to see on your resume to hire you


Shah's era

by freeiran (not verified) on

It was the best of time in Iran, indeed.


Gary you've got to be kidding me!

by Alireza S. (not verified) on

"... in a way we are mirror images of each other." These are the words of Mr. Gary Sick trying to draw a comparison between hardline elements of the Islamic Republic regime in Iran & the elected officials in Washington. As if the aspiration of the Iranian people means nothing to him specially after he acknowledged the dichotomy of the Iranian people and this regime when it comes to Iran-US relations. If you don't believe me listen to him for yourself. (From 22:00 to 24:00 min)


هزاران ایرانی آزاده در یك گردهمایی بزرگ


افشا گری می کنم موقعه ای که خاتمی آمد نیویورک از ونکور دوست من زنگ زد و گفت بچه ها میروند نیویورک برای تو هم هتل و بلیط بگیرند  برو.... من که نفهمیدم بچه ها کی  هستند و برای دیدن نیویورک و فرار از کانادای بی ناموس گفتم باشه یک گله آدم آمدن تو فرودگاه ونکور که من تازه متوجه شدم برادران مجاهد هستند و خلاصه رفتیم و سه چهار هزار نفری  آمده بودند و نیمی از آنها مانند من برای تفریح کردن..... تو راه پیمائی یک مکزیکی کنار من شعار می داد مرگ بر شاه...ازش پرسیدم شاه چیه یارو آخونده ..گفت من نمی دونم صاحب کار من برای همه ما که براش کار می کنیم بلیط خرید و مارو آورد اینجا ...این هم از راه پیمائی چند هزار نفری ..زندگی من در کانادا از زندگی هر ایرانی بدبخت در ایران بد تره



رئیس جمهور؟؟؟؟؟؟/

sinabahrami (not verified)

زرشک!!! کی این زنیکه رو رئیس جمهور کرده؟ ما که تو این مملکت زندگی می کنیم حتی یه نفرو ندیدیم که از این آشغال ها حمایت کنه. بسیار مطلب جالبی بود و تماما درست


you said it brother

by MRX1 on

lost a good friend of mine to the islamo facist regime (18 year old got killed  hanging out with MKO) but nothing annoys me more than seeing maryam and masoud now, one with colorful lachak, the other one with no tie sineh chak, some one should tell MKO to get over their stupid ideology neither communism or islamism sells well any more, move on to some thing else.


Gary sick is sick.

by sickofgary (not verified) on

Gary sick is sick.



by SALTY on

Very well said.

Dont mind the brainwashed cult followers! ;-)


با سلام به دوست بی نام و با نشان

Anonymous996600 (not verified)

اجازه بدهید، در نهایت اختصار، یک مطلب را یادآوری کنم: شما به حکم سن کم در بحبوحه انقلاب، و به تبع آن، عدم درک صحیح و فراگیر از وضعیت سیاسی،اقتصادی واجتماعی مملکت در زمان شاه، به عقیده من، از ابزار تجربی لازم برای تجزیه و تحلیل چند و چون قضایا برخوردار نیستید.
علت وجودی حکومت «لچک به سر» ها در ایران امروز و در به دری دیگر «لچک به سر» ها، امروز در «عراق» و لابد فردا در «اروپا»، حکومت دیکتاتوری «شاه» و فساد خانواده «پهلوی»، بخصوص «اشرف، خواهر شاه» است.


Get Used to It: The PMOI will Kick IRI to the curb!!

by Anonymous500 (not verified) on

Ladies and gentlemen of this BB: get used to it, the PMOI has been delisted and from now on will expedite the final process of kicking the IRI to the curb in delicing Iran from this decomposing LASHEH! as to the question of whether the PMOI has support inside or outside of Iran or both, please read the following news item and judge for yourself, espeially that one who is doing "jigh-e banafsh" against the PMOI as he or she is so much missing the 12 "chamedoon" that the Shah shipped out of Iran.

گردهمایی عظيم ايرانيان با حضور رئیسجمهور برگزیده مقاومت در مقابل مقر اتحادیه اروپا در بروكسل
11:51:17 AM 1387/11/8
تظاهرات بروكسل


روز سهشنبه 8بهمن، هزاران ایرانی آزاده در یك گردهمایی بزرگ كه با حضور رئیسجمهور برگزیده مقاومت در مقابل مقر اتحادیه اروپا در بروكسل برگزار شد‌ ، پیروزی بزرگ عدالت و مقاومت بر سیاست مماشات و زد و بند وحذف نام سازمان پرافتخار مجاهدین خلق ایران ازلیست تروریستی را جشن گرفتند. این گردهمایی كه مستقیماً از طریق ماهواره پخش میشد‌ ، توسط مجاهدین شهر اشرف و ایرانیان در داخل و خارج كشور همراهی میشد. رئیسجمهور برگزیده مقاومت خانم مریم رجوی پس از برگزاری یك كنفرانس مطبوعاتی در بروكسل به ریاست مشترك دكتر آلخو ویدال كوادراس نایب رئیس پارلمان اروپا و استروان استیونسون نایب رئیس گروه احزاب مردم و احزاب دموكرات مسیحی درپارلمان اروپا و باشركت وسخنرانی شماری از برجستهترین نمایندگان پارلمانها ازكشورهای مختلف اروپایی و حقوقدانان و شخصیتهای سیاسی، در گردهمایی ایرانیان در بروكسل حضور یافت. ‌
پیش از سخنان رئیسجمهور برگزیده مقاومت ایران‌ ، پیام رهبر مقاومت قرائت گردید.


what you did for your country

by hajiagha on

واقعا که کم سواد و عقب افتاده ائید کجا زمان شاه زندگی بهتر بود وقتی بند تنبان ما هم از آمریکاه می آمد چرا آدم با مرضی هستید که اگر انقلاب نمی شد نسل ها جدیدی که در خارج و دا خل بودند حرام زاده یا فاحشه یا گرتی ....واقعا جای تاسف است . پس درس خوانده ائید و کجا بزرگ شده اید آدم تنبل راحت طلب کجا برای مملکت خوش زحمت کشیده به غیر از نق زدن یا پول گرفتن برای وطن فروشی اول میزان برادری خودت را ثابت کن بعد بگو من حقی دارم  خوردن و خوابیدن و عیاشی  و تو کاباره ها تا نصف شب ...اگر کارگر کوره پز خانه بودی بله حق با شماست ...یک چند خط قبل از هر اتقادی لطفا از خودتان بگوئید بعد ادای پیامبری کنید