
Fred Milani

For Sale: The McWhite House

New York Times: For the past seven years, almost as long as President Bush has been in Washington, an Iranian-American home developer has lived in a scaled-down version of the presidential mansion in suburban Atlanta. But soon enough, change is coming to Fred Milani's replica of the White House, an outsized casualty of the national housing crisis. Mr. Milani sitting on a replica of George W. Bush's desk in his Oval Office beneath the Iranian and American flags. Last month, Mr. Milani placed his White House, located in the North Druid Hills neighborhood, a few miles northeast of downtown, on sale for $9.88 million>>> MORE PHOTOS


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Thank you!

by neighbor (not verified) on

This is a note of appreciation for Mr. Milani from neighbors who have nothing to do with Iran.

Mr. Milani, we would like to thank you for the beautiful Oak grove/Briarcliff neighborhood which, in our opinion, is purely your creation. During the years, you have been rebuilding the area, putting up many distinctive houses of excellent quality. Your creativity has slowly changed the face of the trivial, suburban neighborhood, turning it into special, upscale place to live. And we enjoy living in it!

I hope that you and your family will remain in the neighborhood and in your house! God bless Mr. Milani!


Thank you!

by neighbor (not verified) on

This is a note of appreciation for Mr. Milani from neighbors who has nothing to do with Iran.

Mr. Milani, we would like to thank you for the beautiful Oak grove/Briarcliff neighborhood which, in our opinion, is purely your creation. During the years, you have been rebuilding this area, putting up many distinctive houses of excellent quality. Your creativity has slowly changed the face of the trivial, suburban neighborhood, turning it into special, upscale place to live. And we enjoy living in it!

We hope that you and your family will remain in the neighborhood and in your house! God bless Mr. Milani!


Mr. Fred Milani

by iloveatlanta (not verified) on

I know him. In fact most iranians in atlanta know him. He is a nice person. People I know they all like him and have respect for him. He is warmhearted and sympathetic. Whatever his believes are, he is nice and I met also his daughter, She is very simple and kind. I'm sure God will be with them.


Idiot of The Day!

by eroonman on

At some point in time, we are all going to have to take a hard look at ourselves, and censor these idiots who insist on taking it upon themselves to "vot ees dees?" their way around, embarrassing us all with their half baked, hare-brained schemes, and what they "think" looks cool.

Akheh Ahmagheh be-sho-oor, aslan ki beh to goft mitooni beri vaseyeh khodet real estate developer beshi? Akheh yek cam fahm dasheteh bash keh aberooyeh har chi iroonieh, ro dari ba een kowaiti baziat, mibari! Goh to oon saret! Khak bar sareh har chi iroonieh "mitoonim-mikonim". Khejalat bekesh, keh hamamoon dareem behet mikhandim. Vaghean keh beh harchi Iroonieh fahmideh hast, ridi agha.

In conclusion, I hope that this house does not sell, and that in fact you are forced to tear it down. However, since you are on a hell bent path to idiocy, and to be a continued embarrassment to us all, I am sure you have by now investigated your foreclosure and abandonment options. When that happens (not if) try and keep your mouth shut and please have the sense to stay away from the press.


Mr. Milani is a bizzare self-promoter

by farrad02 on

Looking at these few pictures it is quite evident that this fellow is a bizzare self-promoter! 

Kaveh Nouraee

I toured the White House as a kid

by Kaveh Nouraee on

I don't recall a Persian rug in the Lincoln Bedroom, though  :-)

A convert to Christianity, Milani and his wife opened the house for holiday tours at $15 a head. He gave part of the proceeds to The International Church of God.


باز تو زدی به

شازده دو فر (not verified)

کدیور، باز تو زدی به قاجار؟ مگر طرف بیکاره که مدل کاخ گلستان را بسازه که چی؟ اون کاخ گلستان 90% از آرشیتکت فرانسه پیروی میکنه و بجز از چند تا کاشی و آینه کاری بوئی از طراحی ایرانی نبرده.

اگر طرح ایرانی میخواهی باید به قلعه ها فکر کنی و یا معابد ایرانی....


Iranian ingenuity and patriotism! God bless him! Wonderful work!

by gol-dust on

Iranian of the Month! This is brilliant and beautiful! only $9.8 M? That s cheap in california. $50M?

rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on


Darius Kadivar

He should have Built a Replica of Golestan instead ... ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

IS this the Version of ATLANTA JEALOUSY ( aka a Jealous Tehran Geles in Atlanta )

He Must have Read too many Richie Rich Comics as a kid !